BG96 Mini pcie Network registration not registered

We are working with a BG96 Mini PCIe module through a Mini PCIe to USB converter. When the module is connected to the 2G network, we can see that the network registration always shows as not registered, and the GPRS network status shows as registered. However, it does not allow sending SMS messages or making calls. When connected to the 4G network, the GPRS network status is unknown, and the network registration is not registered. Could you please tell us why this behavior is occurring and why the network registration state never changes?


Could you please send us your instruction flow so that we can find the problem easily?

We are performing automatic configuration through the Qnavigator tool and have set up the band and frequency scanning as follows:


Can you execute these instructions to see the return value, and what network format do you expect to use, CATM? , NB? GSM?

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We want to connect to the CAT-M1 frequency. I’m sharing the output of the requested commands with you.

Postscript: We were able to successfully register on the 2G network.

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Just to confirm a few things,

  1. Whether your sim card supports CATM.

  2. Whether the sim card is overdue.

  3. Whether the sim card is bound.

I will answer your questions below:

  1. Yes

  1. Yes

If the sim card has the limitation of binding between the device and the card, if the card has been used on other devices before, it will not be able to stay in the network normally on the current device. You need to find the operator or the card provider to unbind it before normal use.