BG96 AWS Connection fails at AT+QMTPUB?

Hi I’ve been working with a BG96 module recently and I’m trying to connect it to AWS IoT Core Thing Shadow. The problem I’m facing is up till AT+QMTCONN=1,“thignname” everything works fine without any problem.
When I try to publish something using:
I get the response
‘>’ which is waiting for a message
and when I type in the message the module gets stuck and doesn’t respond anything back neither does it exit from that command. It’s completely frozen and only works when I restart the device.

Can anyone please help me with this?

Hi @Harshit_Reddy

When CONNECT print, you need enter you datas then click CTRL & Z in you keyboard.

Thank you so much,
That solved it

:+1: That’s great! :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: