BG95M3LAR02A03 Firmware update

So sorry to bother you. Unfortunately, the result is the same. Is the Baud rate problem, for you? I’ve tested 9600,115200,921600. But in all cases, the result does not change.
QFlash is in another folder. It is on C disk

Please try reboot laptop and change usb port which connect on laptop.

Hello. We found the problem. The problem is with the rawprogram in the following picture.

Please, send me correct BG95M3LAR04A03_01.201.01.201 firmware.
We downloaded BG95M3LAR02A03_01.014.01.014 version, everything was OK. But when we downloaded BG95M3LAR04A03_01.201.01.201 what Quectel has sent to us, that error you’ve noticed happens. Please send us version, because in that version voice related issues has been resolved.