BG950A failed to upgrade FW via CLI UART

Hi , I tried to upgrade FW via CLI UART , baudrate 921600 , no CTS and RTS because in our custom PCB we do no have pin 25 and pin 26.
QFlash always show error at 500-ish second.
Now the module is not working (can’t comunicate via AT commands, PSM-IND not lit , NET-STT not lit)
I tried many time to enter recovery mode and upgrade FW via CLI UART , but always show error as I describe above.
Qflash can run to this step then show error , please have a look at 2 pic I attached below. I think we can modify the Qflash time out to upgrade FW via CLI UART baudrate 921600 ?
Khoa Tran.

Hi @khoa.trandaviteq

Is there no flow control on you device? we suggest to use 3000000 baudrate to upgrade.

Yes there is no flow control on our custom PCB.
“we suggest to use 3000000 baudrate to upgrade.”
=> I use 921600 because no flow control.

Please change the timeout to 5000 which save in Mainconfig.ini, and then try again.


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Thank you. Let me try.
Khoa Tran.

I upgraded Bg950A success.
Thanks for your help.
Khoa Tran.