BG95-TCP/IP: clarification on TCP fragmentation


I’m using the Quectel BG95 running modem/application version BG95M3LAR02A03_01.200.01.200, and I’m connecting to a TCP echo server that echoes back the data I send.

The server is written in python (using simple socket) runs on my PC (Windows 11) . I attached it if you want try it.
The bg95 is using NB-IoT connection.

When I send a packet with a maximum allowed size of 1460 bytes in buffer access mode using the AT+QISEND command, I observe that the data is received fragmented in my server logs as follows:

  • TCP Received data 1420 bytes from ip-address of bg95
  • TCP Received data 40 bytes from ip-address of bg95

Is the modem determining this fragmentation, or could it be the network? Are there AT commands available to control packet fragmentation, or is this something set by the server?

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.

Alessandro (2.2 KB)

Hi @longo92
This is depend on network.