BG95 PSM and RAI


I try to use BG95-M3 with PSM mode, what is basically working, but I’ve a few issues.

  1. After waking up the module with PON_TRIG gpio, what is the recommended way to wait for the modem to fully wake up? I currently waiting for the PSM_IND GPIO to become HIGH AND until I get the APP_RDY unsolicited code.

  2. I try to use the AT+QISENDEX command, becouse according to docs, only it has RAI flag, the AT+QISEND hasn’t.
    When I restart the module and set everything up, after the first PSM enter this work well. I have a full AT log with timing info and +QCSCON info here 1. At 9.4 sec I send my last data with RAI flag 1, 9.6 sec I close the socket, and after that the modem goes to PSM in 1 sec. Nice. Next wakeup at ~37 sec, setup, send/receive, and at ~47 sec I send my last packet with RAI flag 1, but the modem goes to PSM after 22 sec. And after the first PSM enter all the PSM entering takes ~20 sec.

What I miss here? My first init after powerup and waking up from PSM is of course not the same, but I don’t know what setting the modem keeps after waking up from sleep mode.


Regarding my 2-nd question, it seems like AT+QCFG=“rrcabort”,1 do exactly what I want, so I use that instead of the RAI flags.

Hi @szemzoa

When APP RDY report, the module fully wake up .

Thank you for clarifying it!