BG95 M5 Timer not accurate working in USEC

I want to use 416 us timer in BG95 M5 module but it is not working, I set Configuration as below.
I attached GPIO pin High low in timer call back function waveform.
How can i set accurate timer of it?

Timer configuration :
{//main task body
qapi_TIMER_handle_t timer_handle;
qapi_TIMER_define_attr_t timer_def_attr;
qapi_TIMER_set_attr_t timer_set_attr;
memset(&timer_def_attr, 0, sizeof(timer_def_attr));
timer_def_attr.deferrable = true;//false;
timer_def_attr.cb_type = QAPI_TIMER_FUNC1_CB_TYPE;
timer_def_attr.sigs_func_ptr =cb_timer;
timer_def_attr.sigs_mask_data = NULL;
memset(&timer_set_attr, 0, sizeof(timer_set_attr));
timer_set_attr.reload = 416;
timer_set_attr.time = 416;
timer_set_attr.unit = QAPI_TIMER_UNIT_USEC;
qapi_Status = timer_init(&timer_def_attr, &timer_handle);
if(QAPI_OK == qapi_Status)
qapi_Status = timer_start(timer_handle, &timer_set_attr);
if(QAPI_OK == qapi_Status)
qt_uart_dbg(uart_conf.hdlr,“[main] : timer_start success”);
Is_timer_init_success = 1;
qt_uart_dbg(uart_conf.hdlr,“[main] : timer_start failed status(%d)”, qapi_Status);
qt_uart_dbg(uart_conf.hdlr,“[main] : timer_init failed status(%d)”, qapi_Status);

timer_set_attr.time API is the first time to expiration of the timer, timer_set_attr.reload API is the every time of expiration time after the first time, if set to 0, then the timer will only run once time.

As i write it is reload but not accurate and i am not set it 0 it is 416 micro second as below

timer_set_attr.reload = 416;
timer_set_attr.time = 416;

As shown in image it reload and it change state of GPIO pin but the time is not fixed or accurate. so my query is hot to i got accurate time in microsecond timer.

Hi Shreyans,
This timer is accurate to the millisecond, might be not fixed or accurate if setted as microsecond.

but in time selection is shown in api manual.

Yes, support microsecond but not very precise for this API, does millisecond is not suitable for you?

No we need 416us with ±10 % accuracy for making pulse train