BG95-M3 Peripherals usage

How can I interface with the BG95-M3 Peripherals?

  • I’ve tried to control the GPIOS 1-9 via the AT+QCFG: "gpio",<mode>,<pin>[,[<dir>,<pull>,<drv>]/[<val>][,< save>]], but it doesn’t seems to apply any effect at all. Also, when I tried to issue the AT+QCFG="gpio" command with the GPIOs 1, 2, 3, 8 and 9, I got a ERROR message.

  • How can I use the ADC and I2C interfaces? Using QuecPython only? Or there’s a way to use QuecOpen?

Where can I find more documentations on using the BG95-M3 as a standalone MCU, without the needing of an external processor?


BG95M3 support Quecpython .

Here is the python website, please refer to it
Download (including materials and tools)

wiki(QuecPython API Reference Manual)


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