BG95-M3 not responding to main UART and shutdown after plug USB-TTL

Hi guys! Recently, I bought a BG95-M3 like this one attached below. Uart can work perfectly when I use USB-C connection in Windows, I can send and receive AT commands via QCom, but, when I try to plug my USB-TTL converter directly into the board it instantly turns off. I already tried to use a logic converter 1.8v to 5v, because my USB-TTL works with 5v and the board works with 1.8v, if I’m not wrong, but when I try the logic converter I can’t get nothing as well, the board can’t respond to anything. Actually, when I plug the logic converter nothing happens and the board keeps alive, unlike putting USB-TTL direcly into the 29, 30 pins were the board dies, I mean, the NET light stops and the PWR stills. Anyway, I can’t get a response from the board via UART. I’ll be glad if someone could help me with this issue as I’m trying to connect this board to ESP32.

I’m using a dedicated adjustable power source that is sourcing fixed 5v, so it is impossible to be an electrical problem!

When I press the RESET button the board starts to boot but It turns off 1 second after. The only way that the board start is If I remove the USB-TTL ground pin. It does not happen when I use the logic converter.

Hi, @Parrot02

You need to check with merchants because this is re-designed.

Hi @Parrot02 did you figure the problem?