BG770A-GL Firmware Update and GNSS TTFF

Hello together,

I´d like to ask some questions about how to make a firmware update to our BG770A-GL custom board and how to accelerate the TTFF of GNSS.
After sending “AT+QGMR”, i got the current firmware, which is: BG770AGLAAR01A03_01.007.01.007.
The newest one should be BG770A-GL BG770AGLAAR01A05_01.200.01.200 (20. Mar. 2023), is that right?
So, how can i get this and how can i flash it to the modem?

Yesterday i also tried to get location data via GNSS. It worked, but it took much time (about 210 seconds). Today i´am not able to get any fix. How is that possible? Also the data was wrong. About 30 kilometre from my location. So do i need this XTRA file feature to get better results and accelerate fixing a position?
For me the information on Debug UART seems ok:

Or is it just a problem with old firmware?

Maybe good to know: Connecting to network and sending data via MQTT worked directly very well.

Big thanks and kind regard,

Relevant firmware packages and GNSS guidance documents have been sent to you. It should be noted that 01.200 is not a backfallable version and cannot be stationed on the Internet in some regions. You can use 01.004 for debugging if required.