BG770 unable to fix GNSS

Hi, I’m having issues with the module BG770. I’m trying to get GNSS working, but it is unable to get a fix. I’m using the BG770A-GL TE-A with UMTS&LTE EVB.
The procedure is to start the module, which is doing automatically and then I set the auto gps, so gnss starts right away aswell. I’ve set the priority for the gnss, so there shouldn’t be a problem.
I’ve also used the BG95 module with the same setup, but it was fixing right.
Is there anything that could help me?

Hi @gizmo

How long have you wait? could you please help collect UART_AUX port log for us? here are steps for collecting log:

  1. AT+QCFGEXT=“debug”,1 //reboot to take effect
  2. Open QserialLog tool
  3. Select UART_AUX port and baudrate is 921600
  4. Open port and start collect log
  5. reproduce this issue

QserialLog tool download here:

Hi, thank you for the support, but I’ve figure it out. I didn’t notice in the main datasheet for the bg770 that it can only use passive antenna, so I’ve been using the active antenna that comes with the evalboard. That’s been the problem but thank you.