BG77 QEFS Explorer

I am using the Quectel BG77 module. I can see the DM port in the device manager but could not find it in QEFS.

QCOM_V1.6 can communicate via AT commands. And the “ATI” command response is:
Revision: BG77LAR02A02.

I am using the SDK provided for BG96.

Could someone guide me on:

  1. The SDK for BG77
  2. Do I have to update firmware for BG77?
  3. Additional drivers needed for DM port detection on QEFS Explorer?


Hi Ayesha ,

you cant use the BG96 SDK for BG77 module as both are having different baseline .

you also do need new QFIL tool for BG77.

Please do contact , local FAE in India for more support on it .

Thank you

Dear Ayesha ,

For QEFS for BG77 pls kindly download from the below link :
pls using the tools marked by red circle