Bg77 no ACT answer


I am trying to send data on an udp socket, I am able to see connection on the web service of my cellular provider. First problem, I dont receive answer of AT+QIACT? then in buffer send mode, I receive the >, I write correctly the data, but I never receive the SEND OK. Is there something wrong in the following sequences ?
Thanks in advance

00> [00:00:08.671,813]OK
00> [00:00:08.672,454] AT+CMEE= 1
00> [00:00:08.913,696] +CFUN: 1
00> [00:00:09.184,783]OK
00> [00:00:09.185,455] +CPIN: R EADY
00> [00:00:09.235,992] AT+CEREG =4
00> [00:00:09.239,654] OK
00> [00:00:09.240,325] AT+QCFG= “band”,0,0x80000 ,0,1
00> [00:00:09.341,949] OK
00> [00:00:09.342,620] AT+CGDCO NT=1,“IP”,“bicsa pn”
00> [00:00:09.398,956] OK
00> [00:00:09.399,597] +QUSIM: 1
00> [00:00:09.450,164] AT+CGMI
00> [00:00:09.452,941] APP RDY
00> [00:00:09.686,309] AT+QCCID
00> [00:00:09.742,340] +QCCID: 8932042000000392 4857
00> [00:00:09.743,957] OK
00> [00:00:09.745,330] +CEREG: 0
00> [00:00:12.058,685] +CEREG: 2
00> [00:00:14.745,819] AT+QPSMS =0
00> [00:00:17.819,061] OK
00> [00:00:17.819,732] AT+QIACT =1
00> [00:00:17.835,784] OK
00> [00:00:17.836,456] AT+QIACT?
00> [00:00:17.841,247] +CEREG: 5,“3000”,“00EAE5 06”,8
00> [00:00:27.838,745] AT+QIOPEN=1,0,“UDP”,“”,123,0, 0
00> [00:00:27.886,474] OK
00> [00:00:27.887,115] +QIOPEN: 0,0
00> [00:00:27.894,714] AT+QISEND=0,48

Update of behaviour,

When I use AT+CGACT=1,1 and check with AT+CGACT?, I am able to receive +CGACT: 1,1, and also +CGACT for all context until 16.
The Socket open is still ok, but still no answer from modem for data I sent after received the ‘<’.

Hello there,

I have to test but I think that the AT+QICFG=dataformat should help me ! I will try tomorrow and let you know !

Unfortunately … I have also no answer from the module when I send this AT command, I tried an AT+QICFG?, same result, no answer … Please help me …

Update, I tried a QPING and network answered me OK, my last blocking point is QICFG that doesnt answer me now !

For informations, QICFG=dataformat passes when I send it just after QCFG=band …
Now my last problem is the non answer of hex send when I ask for QISEND=0,48

00> [00:00:45.841,949]+CGACT: 1,1
00> [00:00:45.842,956] +CGACT: 2,0
00> [00:00:45.844,573] +CGACT: 3,0
00> [00:00:45.845,611] +CGACT: 4,0
00> [00:00:45.846,649] +CGACT: 5,0
00> [00:00:45.847,656] +CGACT: 6,0
00> [00:00:45.848,724] +CGACT: 7,0
00> [00:00:45.849,853] +CGACT: 8,0
00> [00:00:45.850,982] +CGACT: 9,0
00> [00:00:45.852,203] +CGACT: 10,0
00> [00:00:45.853,393] +CGACT: 11,0
00> [00:00:45.854,614] +CGACT: 12,0
00> [00:00:45.855,834] +CGACT: 13,0
00> [00:00:45.857,055] +CGACT: 14,0
00> [00:00:45.858,276] +CGACT: 15,0
00> [00:00:45.859,283] AT+QPING =1,“”
00> [00:00:50.868,347] +QPING: 0,“”,32,1 374,59
00> [00:00:52.529,663] +QPING: 0,“”,32,1 19,59
00> [00:00:52.774,505] +QPING: 0,“”,32,1 37,59
00> [00:00:53.019,531] +QPING: 0,“”,32,1 36,59
00> [00:00:53.268,768] +QPING: 0,4,4,0,119,1374 ,441
00> [00:01:02.010,192] AT+COPS?
00> [00:01:07.974,609] +COPS: 0 ,0,“BICS”,7
00> [00:01:07.976,104] AT+CGDCO NT?
00> [00:01:07.981,994] +CGDCONT : 1,“IP”,“bicsap n”,0,0,|,0, ,
00> [00:01:07.989,898] +CGDCONT : 2,“IPV4V6”,0 ,0,0,0,0|,0,
00> [00:01:07.993,530] +CGDCONT : 3,“IPV4V6”,0 ,0,0,0,0,0,
00> [00:01:07.997,192] +CGDCONT : 4,“IPV4V6”,0 ,0,0,0,0,0,
00> [00:01:08.000,823] +CGDCONT : 5,“IPV4V6”,0 ,0,0,0,0,0,
00> [00:01:08.003,082] OK

Hello !

My last problem was due to bad format of data I sent, its hex string … so its hex string and not hex.
For others if it can be usefull !
