BG77: Ferrite Bead Selection

I’m trying to follow the BG77 hardware design V1_3 guidelines for a power supply ferrite bead. The recommendations are:
Current Rating ≥ 600 mA and low DC resistance to avoid voltage drop during instantaneous high power-consumption;
≥ 800 Ω impedance @ 700–960 MHz.
I can’t find a ferrite bead that meets these requirements. If the FB has 800 impedance in the right frequency range, its current rating is less than 300mA and vice versa. I looked back at BG77 Hardware design V1_2 and found that there was no recommendation for a ferrite bead at that time.
Is there a recommened FB that meets these criteria, or am I safe to no place it at all?

Hi this is the FB I recommend to you.