BG700L: QWINFO and channel ID definition

A question concerning the definition of ‘Channel ID’ in the response to the AT+OWINFO query. The ‘BG95&BG77&BG600L Series AT Commands Manual’ does not define the term ‘Channel ID’ else that it is of type integer. A logic definition would be that it is the ARFCN.

In a particular example my module responds with:
+QNWINFO: "EDGE","20820","GSM 1800",1014
However, the ARFCN range for GSM1800 is specified as 512-885 so 1014 is not a valid ARFCN.

So what does the channel ID in +QWINFO refer to?


Hello Nornert,

Yes,Chanel ID is ARFCN. but so strange with this invaild ARFCN, could you please help collect a log with QLOG tool if possible.

send command AT+QCFG=“dbgctl”,0
Start collect logs
send command AT+CFUN=0
wait 5s
send command AT+CFUN=1
till registered network
Stop collect logs.

Download Tool here:

Sample Guide for Tool Using here:

Linkin WANG

Hello Linkin,
Thanks for the answer. I will try to capture the issue but this will not be very easy.
I will get back to you with the capture.

Hello Linkin,
My BG600L responds with an error to the debug control command:

I tried giving the command both before and after the CFUN=0 command without success.

The command is not referenced in the QCFG AT command manual but it may be a Quectel-internal one.

I think “dbgctl” is not supported at all:

+QCFG: "nwscanmode",(0,1,3),(0,1)
+QCFG: "servicedomain",(1,2),(0,1)
+QCFG: "nwscanseq",(00-010203),(0,1)
+QCFG: "band",(0-F),(0-0x100002000000000F0E189F),(0-0x10004200000000090E189F),(0,1)
+QCFG: "iotopmode",(0-2),(0,1)
+QCFG: "celevel",(0-2)
+QCFG: "urc/ri/ring",("off","pulse","always","auto","wave"),(1-2000),(1-10000),(1-10000),("off","on"),(1-5)
+QCFG: "urc/ri/smsincoming",("off","pulse","always"),(1-2000),(1-5)
+QCFG: "urc/ri/other",("off","pulse"),(1-2000),(1-5)
+QCFG: "risignaltype",("respective","physical")
+QCFG: "urc/delay",(0,1)
+QCFG: "ledmode",(0,1,3)
+QCFG: "gpio",<mode>,<pin>[,[<dir>,<pull>,<drv>]/[<val>][,<save>]]
+QCFG: "cmux/urcport",(0-4)
+QCFG: "nccconf",(0-1FF)
+QCFG: "psm/enter",(0,1)
+QCFG: "psm/urc",(0,1)
+QCFG: "simeffect",(0,1)
+QCFG: "lapiconf",(0-2),(0,1)
+QCFG: "nasconfig",(0-7FFF)
+QCFG: "apn/display",(0,1)
+QCFG: "irat/timer",(5-300),(5-20)
+QCFG: "nb1/bandprior",<band_priority_seq>
+QCFG: "bip/auth",(0-3)
+QCFG: "timer",(3402)
+QCFG: "cmux/flowctrl",(0,1)
+QCFG: "fast/poweroff",<pin>,(0,1)

The module FW revision is:
Revision: BG600LM3LAR02A03

Any ideas?



Hello Norbert,

If not support, just skip this command and continue :slight_smile: ,
my mistake sorry for that, i dont konw you are using BG600L series module.

Hello Linkin,

No problem, I did not mention the module type.

I logged the registration process as per your instructions. The module responded to ‘AT+QNWINFO’ with:

09:47:43.68  AT+QNWINFO
09:47:43.71  +QNWINFO: "EDGE","20820","GSM 1800",1019

which means that the problem has been captured.

How do you want me to send the binary log file? The forum does not allow me to upload (‘new user’).



Could you share with OneDriver link?

I am sorry, we do not use OneDrive, we use Google instead. For security reasons, we can only give access to individuals (identified by their email address), no global access.

Does Quectel support have no mechanism for sharing files ? That would be rather strange for the support department of a big manufacturer.

If you send an email to the address given in my account, I can send you the file via PM.

Could you pls send to my email?