Beginning with FC41D open development

I am exploring the open development platform for FC41D module. While reading Quectel_FC41D_QuecOpen_Quick_Start_Guide_V1.0.0_Preliminary 20220819, I noticed that the current SDK folder structure is very different from the SDK structure in the document. Is there any updated guide for the latest version of SDK.

For flashing, is it possible to burn the all_2M.1220.bin file using QFlash? The guide suggests using Beken WriterV1.61 tool to download the bin file.

Also, in the ql_build directory, a build.bat file is present. So, is it possible to compile on windows instead of ubuntu?

hi Soham
You can use QFlash or Bekenwriter , any of the tools to flash the module.

currently not possible to compile on windows.


Using QFlash, should I flash ā€œall_2M.1220.binā€ file via main UART at 921600 baud?

And for compiling, do I need to only run ā€˜build.shā€™ file located in ql_build directory? If not, then what all steps should I follow to compile the application?

hi Soham
Using QFlash, should I flash ā€œall_2M.1220.binā€ file via main UART at 921600 baud? YES

for compilation , I have shared document on your email address, please check.


Thank you for the help! I have compiled and flashed the demo code. However, I am not getting any logs from debug uart ports.

Is there any reference document for debugging and observing the logs of the module? And is coolwatcher compatible with fc41d?

you can connect the debug uart port on Qcom tool

are there any means to trigger a software reset (something similar to nvic_systemreset() )?

For the latest FC41D module SDK, Iā€™ll suggest you to check the official Quectel website or contact support for an updated guide on folder structure. Stick to using Beken WriterV1.61 for flashing as recommended, as QFlash may not support the suggested ā€œall_2M.1220.binā€ file. While a ā€œbuild.batā€ is present, in my opinion itā€™s advised to compile on Ubuntu, as specified in the documentation, for a more stable process.

Many thanks Ella! That was extremely helpful.

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