BC68 power consumption measurements

I would like to do some power consumtion analysis with my BC68. I found this youtube video of the BC68 power consumption testing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OlTmHUvfA50

Can you let me know what kind of modifcations for the board was made before that video so I could do the same for my board? I also have keysight NC67xx DC power analyzer available for my testing.

Hi Niko
You can power the single module VBAT and connect to the keysight NC67xx DC power analyzer available for you testing.

Hi Abner,
Shouldn’t I somehow block USB power from the module when using DC power analyzer. I mean I would like to power only the BC68 module by power analyzer and measure current consumption that way. USB should be used to give AT commands and for powering the rest of the board.

I can’t just supply 3.6V to the J201 without doing any other modifications, can I? If I do, current results are negative. I think this is becouse most of the power is drawn from the USB power supply. I think some modifications are needed to be able to measure modules current consumption…

Hi Niko
You can remove R201 and power directly on J201.
USB can communicate normally.

Hi Abner,

Thanks! That worked and I am now getting similar results as in the video.