BC660K-GL QuecOpen


Please can you give me the download link for the latest version of the QuecOpen(OpenCpu) SDK for the BC660K-GL, also the latest firmware.

I also have a question, does the module support CoAP?


BC660K is not supported. You are advised to use other application protocols


Can you send me the QuecOpen BC660K-GL SDK link please.

But in Quectel_BC660K-GL_NB-IoT_Module_Introduction_V1.9. it tells me that CoAP should already be implemented in the module.

I have sent it to your email,pls check

Thank you. It does not include code examples. Where can I find them?

BC660K should not currently support CoAP

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There are examples for the QuecOpen SDK BC660K-GL?

For the MC60 there were well documented examples.

I suggest you implement your business needs through other application protocols

Hello @herbert.pan-Q
Can you please send me the SDK for the BC660K-GL?
Thanks in advance

I have sent it to your email,pls check