BC660K GL - QNTP returns code 550 (unknown error)

using BC660K module I can register with the network (+CEREG: 5). Now I try to use QNTP command, but receiving response code 550. This happens always in home network of the operator. When roaming in foreign network I can receive QNTP response with correct time.
Below IP address is working NTP server address. The same result is with any other NTP server.
Any suggestions what’s wrong with network?

Below is the sequence of commands:

00> RING at Thu Jan 1 00:00:06 1970
00> >> +CEREG: 5
00> Registration successfull
00> sendCommand << AT+QNTP=0,“”
00> >> OK
00> >> +CSCON: 0
00> sendCommand << AT+CSQ
00> >> +CSQ: 17,0
00> SS: -79, BER: 0
00> >> OK
00> RING at Thu Jan 1 00:00:22 1970
00> >> +CSCON: 1
00> RING at Thu Jan 1 00:00:34 1970
00> >> +CSCON: 0
00> sendCommand << AT+CSQ
00> >> +CSQ: 16,0
00> SS: -81, BER: 0
00> >> OK
00> RING at Thu Jan 1 00:00:37 1970
00> >> +CSCON: 1
00> RING at Thu Jan 1 00:00:49 1970
00> >> +CSCON: 0
00> sendCommand << AT+CSQ
00> >> +CSQ: 15,0
00> SS: -83, BER: 0
00> >> OK
00> RING at Thu Jan 1 00:00:52 1970
00> >> +QNTP: 550

If you need not ultra-precise time: get it from your Internet server, e.g somewhere in an UDP packet as UNIX uint32_t Timestamp. Normally server time is +/- 1 sec precise, so you only have the UDP delay as error.

Unfortunately no success. IP address is present but still - it does not even resolve the ntp server host name:

00> QuectelModem::init()
00> QuectelModem::RX=4, TX=3, RI=2, PSM_INT=11
00> RING at Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1970
00> >> RDY
00> Ready
00> >> +CFUN: 1
00> Requesting IMEI…
00> RING at Thu Jan 1 00:00:01 1970
00> << AT+CGSN=1
00> >> +CPIN: READY
00> PIN
00> >> +CEREG: 2
00> Registering network
00> >> +CGSN: 866207050054422
00> IMEI number: 16 3B 85 8B CF 13 03 00
00> >> OK
00> << AT+CIMI
00> >> 901405720014209
00> Unhandled: 901405720014209
00> >> OK
00> << AT+CSCON=1
00> >> OK
00> << AT+QCGDEFCONT=“IP”,“nbiot.telekom.sk”
00> >> OK
00> << AT+QIDNSCFG=0,,
00> >> OK
00> << AT+QICFG=“dataformat”,1,1
00> >> OK
00> RING at Thu Jan 1 00:00:02 1970
00> >> +CSCON: 1
00> RING at Thu Jan 1 00:00:04 1970
00> >> +CEREG: 5
00> Registration successfull
00> Ready
00> << AT+CGPADDR?
00> >> +CGPADDR: 0,“”
00> Unhandled: +CGPADDR: 0,“”
00> >> OK
00> << AT+QNTP=0,ntp.sjtu.edu.cn
00> >> OK
00> RING at Thu Jan 1 00:00:39 1970
00> >> +QNTP: 565
00> RING at Thu Jan 1 00:00:42 1970
00> >> +CSCON: 0
00> << AT+CSQ
00> >> +CSQ: 13,0
00> SS: -87, BER: 0
00> >> OK

When using numeric IP address your NTP server, modem attempts 3x to get the time (establishing connection and drop back) and then give up:

00> >> RDY
00> Ready
00> >> +CFUN: 1
00> Requesting IMEI…
00> RING at Thu Jan 1 00:00:01 1970
00> << AT+CGSN=1
00> >> +CPIN: READY
00> PIN
00> >> +CEREG: 2
00> Registering network
00> >> +CGSN: 866207050054422
00> IMEI number: 16 3B 85 8B CF 13 03 00
00> >> OK
00> << AT+CIMI
00> >> 901405720014209
00> Unhandled: 901405720014209
00> >> OK
00> << AT+CSCON=1
00> >> OK
00> << AT+QCGDEFCONT=“IP”,“nbiot.telekom.sk”
00> >> OK
00> << AT+QIDNSCFG=0,,
00> >> OK
00> << AT+QICFG=“dataformat”,1,1
00> >> OK
00> RING at Thu Jan 1 00:00:05 1970
00> >> +CSCON: 1
00> RING at Thu Jan 1 00:00:06 1970
00> >> +CEREG: 5
00> Registration successfull
00> Ready
00> << AT+CGPADDR?
00> >> +CGPADDR: 0,“”
00> Unhandled: +CGPADDR: 0,“”
00> >> OK
00> << AT+QNTP=0,
00> >> OK
00> RING at Thu Jan 1 00:00:17 1970
00> >> +CSCON: 0
00> << AT+CSQ
00> >> +CSQ: 11,0
00> SS: -91, BER: 0
00> >> OK
00> RING at Thu Jan 1 00:00:22 1970
00> >> +CSCON: 1
00> RING at Thu Jan 1 00:00:34 1970
00> >> +CSCON: 0
00> << AT+CSQ
00> >> +CSQ: 12,0
00> SS: -89, BER: 0
00> >> OK
00> RING at Thu Jan 1 00:00:37 1970
00> >> +CSCON: 1
00> RING at Thu Jan 1 00:00:50 1970
00> >> +CSCON: 0
00> << AT+CSQ
00> >> +CSQ: 10,0
00> SS: -93, BER: 0
00> >> OK
00> RING at Thu Jan 1 00:00:52 1970
00> >> +QNTP: 550

I suggest you use another NTP server (domain name) and try again, do not use IP

Hi Herbert,
unfortunately no success - see command sequence below.

00> QuectelModem::init()
00> QuectelModem::RX=4, TX=3, RI=2, PSM_INT=11
00> RING at Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1970
00> >> RDY
00> Ready
00> >> +CFUN: 1
00> Requesting IMEI…
00> RING at Thu Jan 1 00:00:01 1970
00> << AT+CGSN=1
00> >> +CPIN: READY
00> PIN
00> >> +CEREG: 2
00> Registering network
00> >> +CGSN: 866207050054422
00> IMEI number: 16 3B 85 8B CF 13 03 00
00> >> OK
00> << AT+CIMI
00> >> 901405720014209
00> Unhandled: 901405720014209
00> >> OK
00> << AT+CSCON=1
00> >> OK
00> << AT+QCGDEFCONT=“IP”,“nbiot.telekom.sk”
00> >> OK
00> << AT+QIDNSCFG=0,,
00> >> OK
00> << AT+QICFG=“dataformat”,1,1
00> >> OK
00> RING at Thu Jan 1 00:00:02 1970
00> >> +CSCON: 1
00> RING at Thu Jan 1 00:00:04 1970
00> >> +CEREG: 5
00> Registration successfull
00> Ready
00> << AT+CGPADDR?
00> >> +CGPADDR: 0,“”
00> Unhandled: +CGPADDR: 0,“”
00> >> OK
00> << AT+QNTP=0,ntp.sjtu.edu.cn
00> >> OK
00> RING at Thu Jan 1 00:00:39 1970
00> >> +QNTP: 565
00> RING at Thu Jan 1 00:00:42 1970
00> >> +CSCON: 0
00> << AT+CSQ
00> >> +CSQ: 13,0
00> SS: -87, BER: 0
00> >> OK

Please output the current BC660K firmware version


<< ATI

Revision: BC660KGLAAR01A04



[2022-06-13_17:39:09:100]+QNTP: 0,“2022/06/13,09:39:08”

[2022-06-13_17:39:53:192]+QNTP: 0,“2022/06/13,09:39:52”

[2022-06-13_17:40:03:284]+QNTP: 0,“2022/06/13,09:40:02”

[2022-06-13_17:40:12:246]+QNTP: 0,“2022/06/13,09:40:11”

[2022-06-13_17:41:07:068]+QNTP: 550

[2022-06-13_17:41:12:606]+QNTP: 565

[2022-06-13_17:42:11:089]+QNTP: 550

[2022-06-13_17:42:12:536]Revision: BC660KGLAAR01A05_BETA0425


Thank you Herbert,
all of the NTP server responds 565. This is DNS issue - none of hostnames of time server is resolved. I believe this is network issue with incomming UDP traffic.
Checked with other SIM cards (Vodafone, TMobile NL) and all NTP severs get the time correctly.
Any suggestions what could be wrong with their network (TCom SK) ?

I personally infer that the core network of the radio network may have limited access to some NTP servers

Well, to me, it looks like issue down to inbound IP traffic. AT+QIDNSGIP=“www.google.com” results in 565 - no matter if I set AT+QIDNSCFG=0,