BC660K-GL Does not enter deep sleep

I have a BC660K which enters PSM sleep but does not enter deep sleep and continues drawing 110uA
Have confirmed +QSCLK: 1

We had a couple of those modules with a similar issue. Upgrading the firmware to R01A05_01.002.01.002 resolved that (maybe there are newer releases since that one though).

N.B. I assume you already set AT+QCFG=“dsevent”, so that at least you get to see the DEEPSLEEP event URC?

N.B. 2 And bear in mind that any devices that are attached to the PCB e.g. a programmer might also influence the current consumption that is shown.

Please confirm that the PSM_EINT pin conforms to the reference design we provided

Thanks for your reply
I am testing on the BC660K-GL-TE-B development board.
The PSM_EINT pin appears to be floating at 1.25V. Pulling it to 3.3V makes no difference
+QCFG: “dsevent”,1 is set. I have not seen any DEEPSLEEP event URC
Current firmware revision is BC660KGLAAR01A04. May I have the latest firmware to see if that fixes the issue?

you run


You see if it can go to deepsleep?

AT+CFUN=0 allowed it to enter deep sleep
but this disconnects from the network. Is it not possible to deep sleep and stay connected?

Quectel_EPAT操作指导与参考(CN&EN)_BC260Y&BC660K&BC28F&BC95GF&BC300Y.pdf (2.1 MB)
If conditions permit, please provide debug log for analysis in networking conditions

Yes that is possible.

For firmware, it might be quicker to send an email to support@quectel.com

The forum does not let me upload log file attachment. Where should I email it?
“Sorry, new users can not upload attachments.”

pls send it to my email,herbert.pan@quectel.com

I have received your Log, can you provide the picture of your debug board?

Please remove the connected DuPont cable and debug via USB only

Sent email with log with cables removed, same issue

Is the tx/rx of the module controlled by the mcu? If so, disconnect the mcu first and manually send AT Commands to debug and try

When you asked I disconnected all cables and set TX/RX and power back to USB.

Have you added welding operations to TE-B?

Yes, at one point I removed R112 R113 because I wanted to connect UART direct from MCU to BC660K and thought the voltage level translator might interfere. Afterwards I reconnected them.
I have another BC660K-GL-TE-B with no modifications and it has the same sleep issue.

pls Use the new TE-B to grab the Log again

Can you provide picture of your new TE-B?