BC660: Reset non-volatile configuration to factory defaults

How to reset non-volatile configuration to factory defaults on BC660?
Not sure why my BC660K-GL Module doesn’t get an operator connection anymore. Thus I wan’t to reset everything to factory defaults, to check basic functionality.

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I recommend you restore the factory Settings by refreshing the firmware version

No other possibility?

Is there ready to use Firmware available for update?

Do you set the operator manual or in automatic mode?
I see a problem with the automatic mode, this doesn’t work when you had ones the manual mode.

The latest firmware version has been sent to you by email

I’didn’t change the operator mode, Thus it was still in automatic. And exactly this was the problem. The automatically selected operator (Telefonica O2) didn’t work. By setting manual operator (German Telekom) communication was possible. Thats strange, becaus both operators can be used with the provider (emnify).

Using Telefonica O2 found GPRS location info,only. But no PDP context was generated.
With German Telekom both worked.

Tried to update with the received zip File via HTTP Download. Unfortunately I get Download Error 101 (Flash not enough).

The zip file contains multiple files, including a .pdf with release notes!

Which files are required?
Is it correct to download the entire zip file?


The Bootloader bin file, only?
download as zip or bin?

Do you plan to upgrade in DFOTA mode?

Yes via “AT+QFOTADL”
Do I have to generate the diff file by myself?

Current revision of my devices is: BC660KGLAAR01A04


You can make differential upgrade packages by this website