BC66, OpenCPU and updating application

Hi Abner,

I’ve activated the debug mode with this define: RIL_DFOTA_DEBUG_ENABLE in the file ril_dfota.c

I’ve tried several times (10 times). And it didn’t work. I’ve got always the same error: DFOTA_FAILED.

These are the messages printed:

← Send AT:AT+QFOTADL=“http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/fw/update.delta”,ret=(0) →
← DFota start–>
<–DFota failed(12)!!–>

Does anyone have any suggestion?

Best regards.

Hi everyone,

It seems to be that it is an issue related to the server where the delta file is placed.

If tried from another different server an it works.

Does the server, where I host the delta file, have to be configured with something special?

I can access to the file using a web browser or the command wget, but in one of them, DFOTA fails with the error 12. It seems to be something related to the configuration of the server…

Best regards.

Hello, have you found out something? I am looking forward to this too. :slight_smile:

Hi Andras,

I am sorry for answering you so late. But I couldn’t answer before.

You should have to ask your FAE, because it seems to be that there is some extra documentation where it is explained how to do it. It is not rock science, but without this document is impossible.

I can’t send this document to you because of a confidentiality issue, you know.

Best regards.