BC66 NA not working with HTTP and HTTPS

I am trying to perform HTTP Get and POST requests from BC66-NA.

I am currently following Quectel_BC66&BC66-NA_HTTP(S)_Application_Note_V1.0 for reference with AT commands.

I tried to perform almost all the commands from the documentation referred above but only response I am getting is ERROR.

Here are some of the logs.


11:56:49.781 -> AT+QHTTPURL=?

11:56:49.781 -> ERROR
11:56:56.397 -> AT+QHTTPURL?

11:56:56.397 -> ERROR
11:57:53.550 -> AT+QHTTPURL=16

11:57:53.550 -> ERROR
11:58:08.245 -> AT+QHTTPGET=?

11:58:08.245 -> ERROR
11:58:43.249 -> AT+QHTTPPOST=?

11:58:43.249 -> ERROR

Can someone help and let me know if I am doing it right or I have to do any pre-configurations before I use HTTP.

Currently I am using the latest firmware BC66NADAR02A01.

Thanks in advance for helping.

Hello can I have response for this issue??

Please upgrade to BC66NADAR02A01_01.002.01.002, it can be realized in my test
BC66NADAR02A01_01.002.01.002.zip (2.6 MB)

Hi @herbert.pan-Q ,

I updated my BC66 from:

2019/12/12 20:45:37 GMT +08:00

To this version. But All my command return error except “AT”:

14-Aug-23 16:11:31.599 [TX] - AT+IPR?<CR><LF>

14-Aug-23 16:11:31.612 [RX] - AT+IPR?<CR>

14-Aug-23 16:11:32.850 [TX] - AT+CPIN?<CR><LF>

14-Aug-23 16:11:32.864 [RX] - AT+CPIN?<CR>

14-Aug-23 16:11:33.848 [TX] - AT+CVERSION<CR><LF>

14-Aug-23 16:11:33.854 [RX] - AT+CVERSION<CR>

Do you know why it is so?

Best Regards,

I think the baud rate has changed, please try another baud rate