AT+QIDNSCFG Configure Address of DNS Server command

I issue the following command to the BG-95 modem:

I get the following response:
When I run AT+QIDNSCFG=?, I get the following response:
+QIDNSCFG: (1-16),,

Is that the correct response?

With few exceptions, a command ending in “=?” is the test syntax. This shows whether a command is implemented (returns “ERROR” if not), and what the range of permissible values is for supported commands.

In your case, the context range is 1 through 16.

Drop the “=” from the command for the read syntax. This should show the current setting.

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Thank you for your answer. I did try AT+QIDNSCFG? and got an error in response.

Please always refer to the manuals. Try AT+QIDNSCFG=1

It works, thank you.