Hi, I using MC60 based GSM/GPRS/GNSS HAT (SmartElex) module to interface with Arduino Nano board. After sending the AT+QHTTPPOST, CONNECT response is received but when the data is sent just after it SOCKET CLOSE error is received. The recorded response in Hyper Terminal from MC60 is shown in image. The server to which I try to upload data is : http://crm.zeusmobility.com:5100/api/consumer/batteryLog.
I am using Airtel SIM in the module. What should be the APN, username and password ?
I have been successful to send the dummy data and within one-two days expect will be able to send json format. Then, I shall upload the working code to forum.
Update on HTTP:
As i was trying to send data to the server always it was showing me http socket close whereas I checked my socket through Advanced Port Scanner there it was showing socket is open.
Update on HTTPs:
Here the request was automatically sent as a GET request even after using the command AT+QHTTPPOST donтАЩt know why. Also after setting the AT+QHTTPCFG=тАЬrequestheaderтАЭ,1 it was not working. whatever i was doing the request was HTTP GET request onlyтАж