I have a BG77 modem in a RAK5860 Wisblock module from RakWireless.
I´m trying to upload the SSL certs for AWS IoT Core to the file system, first I delete everything inside the file system (AT+QFDEL=“*”), then I list the files inside the module which gives me:
21:11:24.342 > Sending: AT+QFLST="UFS:*"
21:11:27.352 > Response:
21:11:27.352 > +QFLST: "security/",2
As far as I´m concerned, the security file that shows there is not being removed by the delete command and it doesn´t represent any harm (link to post).
After listing the files, I start to upload each of the certs, starting by the client cert:
21:11:38.371 > Sending: AT+QFUPL="cert.pem",1221,10
21:11:40.383 > Response:
21:11:40.384 > CONNECT
21:11:40.384 >
21:11:40.384 > Sending:
21:11:40.384 > -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
(content of the cert)
21:11:40.384 > -----END CERTIFICATE-----
21:11:40.384 >
21:11:50.499 > Response: +QFUPL: 1221,f57
21:11:50.499 >
21:11:50.499 > OK
After uploading the first cert i list again all the files getting this:
21:11:53.498 > Sending: AT+QFLST
21:11:58.508 > Response:
21:11:58.508 > +QFLST: "cert.pem",1221
21:11:58.508 > +QFLST: "security/",2
21:11:58.508 >
21:11:58.508 > OK
21:11:58.508 >
Which is okay, after that I start the second uploading which is the ca authority cert:
21:12:03.518 > Sending: AT+QFUPL="ca.pem",1189,10
21:12:05.530 > Response:
21:12:05.530 > CONNECT
21:12:05.530 >
21:12:05.530 > Sending:
21:12:05.530 > -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
(content of the cert)
21:12:05.530 > -----END CERTIFICATE-----
21:12:05.530 >
21:12:15.640 > Response: +QFUPL: 1189,192d
21:12:15.640 >
21:12:15.640 > OK
21:12:15.640 >
Now I list again the files and here is where things starts getting weird as this is the output:
21:12:18.640 > Sending: AT+QFLST
21:12:26.650 > Response:
21:12:26.650 > +QFLST: "ca.pem",1189
21:12:26.650 > +QFLST: "cert.pem",1221
21:12:26.650 > +QFLST: "secu
As you can see the output from the modem doesn´t finish to list the files (I gave it 20 seconds of timeout listening to the module output before I print this) and it seems to stop at the “security/” file.
Then I start to upload the third and last cert which is the clients key cert:
21:12:34.659 > Sending: AT+QFUPL="key.pem",1680,10
21:12:36.674 > Response:
21:12:36.674 > CONNECT
21:12:36.674 >
21:12:36.674 > Sending:
21:12:36.674 > -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
(content of the cer)
21:12:36.674 > -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
21:12:36.674 >
21:12:46.828 > Response: +QFUPL: 1680,7945
21:12:46.828 >
21:12:46.828 > OK
21:12:46.828 >
And list the files again:
21:13:05.847 > Sending: AT+QFLST="UFS:*"
21:13:13.859 > Response:
21:13:13.859 > +QFLST: "ca.pem",1189
21:13:13.859 > +QFLST: "cert.pem",1221
21:13:13.859 > +QFLST: "key.K
21:13:13.859 >
as you can see it sems that the key.pem file is not saved or something happened. Also it doesn´t print the “security/” file or anything else.
Finally, inside my main loop function I start to list the files periodically on the modem getting this:
21:36:48.604 > ========================================
21:36:48.604 >
21:36:48.604 > Sending: AT+QFLST="UFS:*"
21:36:56.615 > Response:
21:36:56.616 > +QFLST: "ca.pem",1189
21:36:56.616 > +QFLST: "cert.pem",1221
21:36:56.616 > +QFLST: "key.2
21:37:01.625 >
21:37:01.625 > ========================================
21:37:01.625 >
21:37:01.625 > Sending: AT+QFLST="UFS:*"
21:37:09.634 > Response:
21:37:09.634 > +QFLST: "ca.pem",1189
21:37:09.634 > +QFLST: "cert.pem",1221
21:37:09.634 > +QFLST: "key.
21:37:09.634 > +QFLST: "security/",2
21:37:14.645 >
21:37:14.645 > ========================================
21:37:14.645 >
21:37:14.645 > Sending: AT+QFLST="UFS:*"
21:37:22.653 > Response:
21:37:22.654 > +QFLST: "ca.pem",1189
21:37:22.654 > +QFLST: "cert.pem",1221
21:37:22.654 > +QFLST: "key.
21:37:22.654 > +QFLST: "security/",2
21:37:27.663 >
21:37:27.663 > ========================================
21:37:27.663 >
21:37:27.663 > Sending: AT+QFLST="UFS:*"
21:37:35.675 > Response:
21:37:35.675 > +QFLST: "ca.pem",1189
21:37:35.675 > +QFLST: "cert.pem",1221
21:37:35.675 > +QFLST: "key.2
21:37:40.685 >
21:37:40.685 > ========================================
21:37:40.685 >
21:37:40.685 > Sending: AT+QFLST="UFS:*"
21:37:48.694 > Response:
21:37:48.694 > +QFLST: "ca.pem",1189
21:37:48.694 > +QFLST: "cert.pem",1221
21:37:48.694 > +QFLST: "key.
21:37:48.694 > +QFLST: "security/",2
21:37:53.704 >
21:37:53.704 > ========================================
as you can see is not even consistent every time I list the files. I´m starting to think it is a firmware issue, can you give me the latest firmware version for the modem?
it is the Revision: BG77LAR02A04.
Also, if I need to use some kind of software or something to do the upgrade, can you give it to me? Thanks in advance!!