AT+QCAINFO pcell value equals 5

I need to use AT+QCAINFO on my RM502Q-AE for a project. The fifth value should be 0/1 for registerd/not registerd but instead I get 5 as a value.

I don’t know the meaning of this 5-value and if it’s a problem to get this instead of a 1 or a 0 ?
Could you help me ?


Dear @Tom1
Which firmware did you use?
I cheked the latest document which didn’t official released, it shows as below:

If just want to check the register status, you can try AT+C5GREG?

Hello Silvia : my firmware is the following : RM502QAEAAR11A04M4G
I changed simcard so I don’t have this problem anymore. But the previous simcard was in roaming so it should be the answer

thank you for the answer