AT commands to set custom HTTP header

Hi all,
Is there any manual for sending AT commands for HTTP requests, especially GET, POST with custom headers? The Quectel_RG50xQ_RM5xxQ_Series_AT_Commands_Manual_V1.2.pdf provided on the documentation of the product does not include commands for HTTP communication. I have found Quectel_LTE_Standard_HTTPS_Application_Note_V1.1.pdf and some other materials but I am having some issues with setting the header. I want to send a GET request to a server that requires an api key authentication. I have been trying to set it using the following command but it does not prompt me to set a value it just gives OK as response:
Is there any other command to try?

If you need to customize header information, you need to use the command AT+QHTTPCFG=“requestheader”,1. Please give me the module information and I will send you a document about http.

Hello, yes I have used the command suggested, but it does not let me input a value. It is Quectel RM502Q-AE for 5G development. This is the firmware it currently has: RM502QAEAAR11A04M4G_01.004.01.004