As a beginner, how to program EC25-AFX?

I am new to Quectel and IoT in general.
I have bought a smart locker, with which I received 3 EC25-AFX as DTUs, 1 locker control unit to which multiple DTUs can connect to, and 3 locker modules.

I want to achieve the following -

  1. Connect the EC25-AFX to a remote server
  2. When server sends an “unlock” command to EC25-AFX, the locker connected to the DTU should unlock
  3. The DTU should keep sending locker status to the server every few seconds.

I am struggling to understand how program EC25-AFX to achieve these.
How to send commands from server to EC25-AFX and from EC25-AFX to server?
What tools to use to program EC25-AFX?

Please help me.
Thanks in advance.

You can do this using the TCP IP instruction of EC25.
All three EC25s establish tcp connections with the server. The server can send TCP packets to the EC25.