Could you help me retrieve any documentation on AT$QCRFNST command? How to configure and use it properly (fields, steps for each field, etc.). I can’t find information on it at free access
I’ve already sent you the documents
Thanks a lot, Herbert!
Hello Quectel Team,
Can you please guide me to the Manual which explains the QCRFNST command?
Best Regards,
This command is used for BC660K FTM Test for FTM (Factory Test Mode)
When I am searching for FTM application not for BC660K, i am not able to get any manual in Download Zone | Quectel webiste? can you please confirm the exact name of the document to refer for BC660K FTM Application Note/Manual?
I have sent it by email
Received the manual, Thanks for quick response!!
I have sent it to you by email
Received, thank you very much!!
I have sent it to you by email,pls check,and I hope you can click the for me,thx
please send me documnet as well…
I have sent it to you by email,pls check,and I hope you can click the for me,thx