Antenna selection for L76-L

Hello everyone,

I am planning to use GNSS L76-L module. To my knowledge this module requires external antenna to function. The antenna will be designed on a pcb later, but my question is how to choose an antenna for this module in order to build a simulation circuit with the MCU. What are the possible solutions without getting L76-L development board?

Hi Jonas,

Please refer to antenna design. I will send you related documents via mesaage.

Best regards.

Thank you for quick response. I have read the whole hardware design document and looked into L76 series EVB User Guide. It seems that I would need to re-create Evaluation board configuration and add a MCU to get NMEA messages but I am not sure. Feel free to correct my approach.

Hi Jonas,

You can send your schematic design to me via email. Please add your company and project information. We will provide you a hardware review service for free.

My email

Best regards.