Hi guys, I need help regarding the android firmware for the SC20. I can’t find new quectel documentation for the image creation process and apparently they have moved the repo to another place. If anyone can help me with this issue I would appreciate it or at least provide me the latest documentation so I can follow the steps.
Revision: SC20ASAR06A07_BP31.008_Linux3.
I already sent an email but I didn’t get a response.
can someone help me? Latam support is very deplorable
Android or Linux?
If for Android, what’s the Android version you want?
Please also provide your email.
Hi Zheng
I need the most updated android for the sc20. which one would it be?
Yes, my email is
The firmware is sent, please check the email.
Excellent, I downloaded it. I am looking to modify the kernel, so I need to compile the image again.
Hi [Great.Zheng-Q]
I also need latest available Android version for SC20-E Q1-A2893 SC20ESC-8GB-UGND
My email is marko.zuzic.bj@gmail.com
Thank you very much
Hi Zheng, i send you an email again. Please can you send me again the link of android8.1
The new link is sent, please check your email.
If you need SDK, please contact local sales and apply for it.