Android Drivers for EG25-G

Am looking for the Android Drivers for the EG25-G mini PCIe.
I have a snapdragon 845 dev board that runs Android 10 and I want to integrate the EG25-G module using PCIe interface. the module came with a USB stick that contains all the documentation on how to integrate the driver with the Android OS build but the driver is self is not included. from where I can get access to it

Hi there,
I have send it via email, please check your email, thanks.

Hi Duncan
Thanks for your help.

Hi Duncan, hope you are doing well.
Can you please me get me driver for Android 11?

Hi @Support-team ,

I need Android (ril) driver for EG25-G, too.
Can you share it with me?

Hi, @Duncan.Xu-Q
I have a Pinephone using the EG25-G over USB,
I was hoping for either source code or prebuilt package for Android RIL and GNSS. If you could provide those I would be most pleased.

Am looking for the Android Drivers for the EG25-G mini PCIe too. But on android 5.1.

Hello Duncan
Can you share Android 12 RIL with me?


Could you please provide eg25-G Android driver for Android12 x86_64 architecture.


@Duncan.Xu-Q could you send me Android RIL and GNSS drivers with a documentation about their system integration as well?

hi guys i have the same problem
EG25-G on mini PCIe/USB C dongle
try to make it work on android 12 Android-car
but i can’t figure out can someone provide me driver or help to do it?

the dongle on pc (win10) work fine
@Duncan.Xu-Q can u send me what i need to make it work
i’ll appreciate it, thank u so much.

I have di version of fw is the latest or not?


Please I’m trying to get the module EG25-G working on a RK3568. All seems to be ok, you can see the log here

When executing getprop | grep ril it give me some results:
[]: [running]
[]: [running]
[]: [344]
[]: [384]
[ril.function.dataonly]: [1]
[ro.boot.noril]: [false]
[]: [8657120667]
[]: [9261697311]
[]: [112,911]

but, when doing with gsm no results. I think the problem is related to the driver files like these:


but I don’t have it… can you help me please… many days with that without result.
