Android 12 on SC60 (on EVB G2 kit)

Hello support,

I am beginner, and I want to learn more so excuse me if I take you too much time.
I need Android 12 and kernel for my SC60. Currently I have Android 11 installed but for my application it has to be Android 12. I need that Android to make some launcher modifications and to run in headless mode, without any GUI, so I have to build my own Android/Kernel. Please provide me SDK and Android 12 sources necessary for build.

Also it would be great if I could get Android 12 prebuilt as well, doesn’t need to be headless versions, so I can flash it using QFIL.

Thank you so much in advance!

We don’t have Android12 version for SC60.
If you want to use Android12, you need to use a new module.

Thank you, Zheng. May I get SDK and Android 11 sources, a prebuilt version and a build guide for it?
Also it would be great if there are some patches for headless Android, I want to run some services on my device that perform some calculations and statistics.

We also don’ have Android11 for SC60.
We have Android9 and 10.

Thank you again,
Please provide me that for Android 10. So I need SDK for app development, Android so I can change launcher and build it and flash tools and patches for headless Android (patch to remove statusbar & navigationbar, patch to remove the tip or even whole GUI removed patch).

Do you work for a company?
If you want SDK from quectel, you need to fill in SDK questionnaire(we can provide excel file to you) and provide NDA file(signed with quectel)