AGPS features for EG915N-EU

Hello. I have the EG915N-EU module. Software version EG915NEUAGR03A07M16. I need help to improve the accuracy of location information and get faster response on cold start.

My first question is, what are the AGPS and similar features supported by my module?

I found the AT+QLBSCFG and AT+QLBS commands in the “Quectel_EC200x&EG912Y&EG915N_Series_QuecLocator_Application_Note_V1.1.pdf” document, but I cannot use them because it requires tokens and I could not find the source where I can buy tokens. One source says that tokens can be purchased from the global-iot.quectel website, but there is no registration button, only a login button.

AT+QAGPS=1 command is given in this topic. My module accepts it, but I don’t know how it works. I couldn’t find any information about this.

Can you give me information about AGPS tools that I can use, free or paid, such as QuecLocator, gpsOneXTRA and similar? Which one would you recommend me to use? And how can I configure my module to use these tools? (at commands to use, documentation, getting tokens, supl servers, etc.).

Thank you.