AG15 Air-to-Network proxy mode of acme tool

I want to test the air-to-Network proxy mode of the acme tool. Therefore I execute on the transmitting AG15 the command ‘acme -i rmnet_data1 -d’ and on the receiving AG15 ‘acme -Rd -x rmnet_data1 -Y 2499’. How can I test the PC5 UDP forwarding (iMX6 is connected via SSH to a linux PC)? I tried to listen on port 2499, but that didn’t work.

Thanks in advance !
Best regards

Hi Quectel Team,
please respond the above query.

  1. Run -i rmnet_data0 to specify the rmnet_data0 interface for IP traffic.
  2. Use -D to change the destination IPV6 address.
    Make sure to set up an iPV6 route, if using something other than broadcast or link local.
  3. Set Source/Destination Port# using one of the following:
    -t, to specify an event flow source port
    -s, for SPS flow port
    Disregard -C config file.
    For example, on the Tx side:
    acme -i rmnet_data0 -s 9001 -U 2 -D 80f8:f80:f80f:80f8:c873:bebb:3b24:c68d
    On the Rx side:
    acme -RV -i rmnet_data0 -p 9001