A question about "AT+QGPSXTRATIME"

Hi Kyson
I need some help.
I have an EC20F module, th revision is EC20CEFAGR06A04M4G.

I have a problem about Injecting gpsOneXTRA.

I send “AT+QGPSXTRADATA?” to AT Port and it always return "+QGPSXTRADATA: 0,“1980/01/05,19:00:00”
even though I’ve send “AT+QGPSXTRATIME=0,“2019/12/04,15:19:30”,1,1,5” with return OK.

like this:



+QGPSXTRADATA: 0,“1980/01/05,19:00:00”

Did I miss any steps?


Dear Genven,
Whether you have follow up the following steps to inject the data and time ? If not, please correct it and test again. If yes, please help to provide your whole test AT log, then i can help to check the root reason. Thanks!

Hi Kyson

Many thanks for your help!

I refer to this manual:Quectel_EC20_GNSS_AT_Commands_Manual_V1.1.pdf

My code is follow these steps:

All AT command is end with “\r\n”.

  1. Query the gpsOneXTRA data is invalid?

  2. Download XTRA file to PC from this URL http://xtra2.gpsonextra.net/xtra2.bin
    and Save it on my embedded device (Linux 4.4.167).

  3. Send XTRA file to EC20 module.

  4. Wait for “CONNECT”

  5. Send XTRA file data
    1K each time and sleep 300 milliseconds.

  6. AT+QGPSXTRATIME=0,“2019/12/06,09:49:49”,1,1,5
    The invalid time is after 24 hours.

  7. AT+QGPSXTRADATA=“RAM:xtra.bin”

  8. AT+QGPS=1

My log as follow:

I got failed when try this:


Dear Genven,
The file you used is a little old, may need to update. Please check the following information:

  1. download the XTRA data from the following link according to your application;

  2. upload the xtra data to module UFS not RAM.
  3. after finished the above two steps, test it follow up the steps that i have provided to you.

Hi Kyson

Thank you for the response.

According to your instructions:

  1. Download the XTRA data from the this url:http://xtrapath1.izatcloud.net/xtra2.bin

  2. Upload the xtra data to module UFS.

I tested the follow up the steps,but failed.

My log is as follows:

I look forward to your help.


Dear Genven,
I am sorry that there may have some little error information in our document, i test it follow up your steps in my side, it also have the error information. So it may need to correct the steps, please check the following test steps in my side. Hopefully it is useful to you. Thanks!
Please pay attention to that the following 32232 is the file size of the xtra2.bin, must be use the correct value. Thanks!

Hi Kyson

Thank you very much for your kindness, Kyson.

It works for me.

Thanks and regards.

Hi Kyson

I have one more question:

After Injecting the gpsOneXTRA.I sent “AT+QGPSXTRADATA?”, but I got old date like 20 years ago.

just like this:


Is that ok?


Dear Genven,
It is OK, you can go on your test. If still have any issue, you can contact me. Thanks!

Thank you very much, Kyson

@Kyson , how is that OK ?