5G-SA slicing with srsRAN/Open5gscore

I am testing slicing for following device,

Revision: RM500QAEAAR11A02M4G

but it doesn’t show me results according to log files,so slices doesn’t work simultaneously.

jamjad@CPU00281U:~/Ubuntu22/quectel-CM/out$ sudo ./quectel-qmi-proxy
[04-05_10:36:19:161] Will use cdc-wdm=‘/dev/cdc-wdm0’, proxy=‘quectel-qmi-proxy0’
[04-05_10:36:19:161] qmi_proxy_init enter
[04-05_10:36:19:161] qmi_proxy_loop enter thread_id 0x7db3f1bff640
[04-05_10:36:20:161] qmi_proxy_init succful
[04-05_10:36:20:161] local server: quectel-qmi-proxy0 sockfd = 4
[04-05_10:36:20:162] qmi_proxy_server_fd = 4

any idea what i am missing?

Dear @Jamshaid_Amjad
Please query your current firmware vai AT+QGMR.
Please share your test step about slice.

Hi @silvia thankyou for your response,
My firmware version is:RM500QAEAAR11A02M4G_01.005.01.005
Core: Open5gs v2.4

Configured APN:
+CGDCONT: 1,“IP”,“oai”,“”,0,0,0,0,“”,0
+CGDCONT: 2,“IP”,“oai2_EMBB000002”,“”,0,0,0,0,1,"01.0

on core side:
sst:1 sd:000002
I configured same APN “oai2_EMBB000002” in core side accordingly but when i run first apn it connects normally as below:

but for second it doesn’t connect and even terminate first:

also i don’t see any logs on core side when i connect second APM.

@silvia do you think i am missing something here?is it related to hardware or configuration?

Dear @Jamshaid_Amjad
It seems you just want to use multiple data-call, not slice.
And your current firmware is too old.

@silvia thankyou for your feedback,

so i think the problem is here,i need to increase qmap_mode to run multiple slices but i get this response.I don’t know where is the issue in installation?
any idea?