5G EVB kit recommendation

I am searching for an EVB kit for Quectel 5G modules.
I can see on Quectel website the available 5G modules in BGA, M2, PCIe interfaces.
However, I don’t see an EVB kit for the 5G modules.
I found this 5G EVB kit online below. However, I didn’t find the datasheet for it.


Could you please recommend an EVB kit for any of the Quectel 5G modules?
I don’t have requirements for the 5G module interface, but the general requirement is that it is based on Qualcomm chipsets and the Qualcomm diagnostic ports drivers are available.
In my understanding, if I purchase the 5G EVB in the above link, I will also need to purchase one of the 5G modules to plug into the EVB in order to use it. Is my understanding correct?
If so, which 5G module would fit to the EVB in the above link?

Dear @jonwh
I think we had discuss in another topic, could we ignore this topic?

Silvia, that’s right.
Sorry for that.