11-30 21:06:28.674 D/RILD ( 974): **RIL Daemon Started** 11-30 21:06:28.674 D/RILD ( 974): **RILd param count=3** 11-30 21:06:28.682 D/RILD ( 974): RIL_Init argc = 3 clientId = 0 11-30 21:06:28.682 D/RILC ( 974): Quectel RIL Version: Quectel_Android_RIL_Driver_V3.5.66 11-30 21:06:28.682 D/RILC ( 974): Compiled date: Apr 28 2023 time: 09:48:07 11-30 21:06:28.683 D/NDK ( 974): Default libnetutils.so path:/system/lib64/libnetutils.so 11-30 21:06:28.683 E/NDK ( 974): Cannot open directory:/apex/ 11-30 21:06:28.684 D/NDK ( 974): Default libcutils.so path:/system/lib64/libcutils.so 11-30 21:06:28.684 E/NDK ( 974): Cannot open directory:/apex/ 11-30 21:06:28.684 D/RILC ( 974): [ro.build.version.release]: [9] 11-30 21:06:28.684 D/RILC ( 974): Android Version: 90, RIL_VERSION: 12 / 12 11-30 21:06:28.684 E/RILC ( 974): '/vendor/manifest.xml' not exist. 11-30 21:06:28.684 D/RILC ( 974): ro.boot.product.hardware.sku: 341 11-30 21:06:28.684 E/RILC ( 974): '/odm/etc/vintf/manifest_341.xml' not exist. 11-30 21:06:28.684 D/RILC ( 974): since '/odm/etc/vintf/manifest_341.xml' doesn't exsits using '/odm/etc/manifest_341.xml' but it still doesn't exsits program panic here! 11-30 21:06:28.684 D/RILC ( 974): 1.0 11-30 21:06:28.684 D/RILC ( 974): __getIRadioVersion:662 IRadioVersion:1 11-30 21:06:28.684 D/RILC ( 974): [ro.build.description]: [sdm845-userdebug 9 PKQ1.190127.001 eng.vecio.20231126.062425 test-keys] 11-30 21:06:28.684 D/RILC ( 974): [ro.hardware]: [qcom] 11-30 21:06:28.704 D/RILC ( 974): selinux maybe set Enforcing mode, use command getenforce to check 11-30 21:06:28.704 D/RILC ( 974): selinux maybe set Enforcing mode, use command "setenforce 0" to disable 11-30 21:06:28.704 I/RILC ( 974): clientID = 0 11-30 21:06:28.704 D/RILD ( 974): RIL_Init rilInit completed 11-30 21:06:28.704 I/RILC ( 974): SIM_COUNT: 1 11-30 21:06:28.704 E/RILC ( 974): RIL_register: RIL version 12 11-30 21:06:28.704 I/RILC ( 974): s_registerCalled flag set, 1 11-30 21:06:28.704 D/RILC ( 974): registerService: starting android::hardware::radio::V1_1::IRadio slot1 11-30 21:06:28.730 I/RILC ( 974): RILHIDL called registerService 11-30 21:06:28.730 D/RILD ( 974): RIL_Init RIL_register completed 11-30 21:06:28.730 D/RILD ( 974): RIL_register_socket started 11-30 21:06:28.730 D/RIL_UIM_SOCKET( 974): Adding socket with id: 0 11-30 21:06:28.730 I/RILC ( 974): RIL_register_socket: calling registerService 11-30 21:06:28.730 D/RIL_SAP ( 974): registerService: starting ISap slot1 for slotId 0 11-30 21:06:28.731 D/RIL_SAP ( 974): registerService: started ISap slot1 status 0 11-30 21:06:28.731 D/RILD ( 974): RIL_register_socket completed 11-30 21:06:28.754 I/RILC ( 974): mainLoop Start 11-30 21:06:28.754 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:06:28.754 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:06:28.754 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:06:29.596 D/TelephonyManager( 901): No /proc/cmdline exception=java.io.FileNotFoundException: /proc/cmdline (Permission denied) 11-30 21:06:29.596 D/TelephonyManager( 901): /proc/cmdline= 11-30 21:06:30.763 D/TelephonyManager( 910): No /proc/cmdline exception=java.io.FileNotFoundException: /proc/cmdline (Permission denied) 11-30 21:06:30.763 D/TelephonyManager( 910): /proc/cmdline= 11-30 21:06:31.755 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:06:31.755 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:06:31.755 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:06:34.755 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:06:34.755 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:06:34.755 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:06:36.502 E/TelephonyManager( 1213): IMSI error: Subscriber Info is null 11-30 21:06:36.825 D/TelephonyRegistry( 1213): listen oscl: hasNotifySubscriptionInfoChangedOccurred==false no callback 11-30 21:06:36.834 D/TelephonyRegistry( 1213): listen oscl: hasNotifySubscriptionInfoChangedOccurred==false no callback 11-30 21:06:36.850 D/TelephonyRegistry( 1213): systemRunning register for intents 11-30 21:06:36.858 D/TelephonyRegistry( 1213): listen oscl: hasNotifySubscriptionInfoChangedOccurred==false no callback 11-30 21:06:37.002 D/TelephonyRegistry( 1213): listen oscl: hasNotifySubscriptionInfoChangedOccurred==false no callback 11-30 21:06:37.068 D/TelephonyRegistry( 1213): listen oscl: hasNotifySubscriptionInfoChangedOccurred==false no callback 11-30 21:06:37.089 D/TelephonyRegistry( 1213): listen oscl: hasNotifySubscriptionInfoChangedOccurred==false no callback 11-30 21:06:37.152 D/TelephonyRegistry( 1213): notifyCellLocationForSubscriber: subId=0 cellLocation=Bundle[{cid=-1, lac=-1, psc=-1}] 11-30 21:06:37.152 D/TelephonyRegistry( 1213): notifyCellLocationForSubscriber: subId=1 cellLocation=Bundle[{cid=-1, lac=-1, psc=-1}] 11-30 21:06:37.179 W/CarrierConfigManager( 1412): Error getting config for subId -1 ICarrierConfigLoader is null 11-30 21:06:37.179 D/TDC ( 1573): updateOrInsert: inserting: Modem { uuid=modem, state=0, rilModel=0, rat={}, maxActiveVoiceCall=1, maxActiveDataCall=1, maxStandby=1 } 11-30 21:06:37.179 D/TDC ( 1573): updateOrInsert: inserting: Sim { uuid=sim, modemUuid=modem, state=0 } 11-30 21:06:37.184 D/TelephonyComponentFactory( 1573): classLoader = dalvik.system.PathClassLoader[DexPathList[[zip file "/system/framework/qti-telephony-common.jar"],nativeLibraryDirectories=[/system/lib64]]] 11-30 21:06:37.185 D/TelephonyComponentFactory( 1573): cls = class com.qualcomm.qti.internal.telephony.QtiTelephonyComponentFactory 11-30 21:06:37.185 D/TelephonyComponentFactory( 1573): constructor method = public com.qualcomm.qti.internal.telephony.QtiTelephonyComponentFactory() 11-30 21:06:37.186 D/CdmaSSM ( 1573): subscriptionSource from settings: 0 11-30 21:06:37.186 I/PhoneFactory( 1573): Cdma Subscription set to 0 11-30 21:06:37.186 D/TelephonyRegistry( 1213): listen oscl: hasNotifySubscriptionInfoChangedOccurred==false no callback 11-30 21:06:37.186 I/PhoneFactory( 1573): ImsResolver: defaultImsPackage: org.codeaurora.ims 11-30 21:06:37.187 I/PhoneFactory( 1573): Network Mode set to 22 11-30 21:06:37.187 D/QtiTelephonyComponentFactory( 1573): makeQtiRIL 11-30 21:06:37.187 D/RILJ ( 1573): RIL: init preferredNetworkType=22 cdmaSubscription=0) 11-30 21:06:37.189 D/RILC ( 974): setResponseFunctions 11-30 21:06:37.190 D/RILC ( 974): rilConnectedInd 11-30 21:06:37.190 D/RILC ( 974): radioStateChangedInd: radioState 1 11-30 21:06:37.190 I/RILC ( 974): RIL Daemon version: Quectel_Android_RIL_Driver_V3.5.66 11-30 21:06:37.190 D/RILJ ( 1573): [UNSL]< UNSOL_RIL_CONNECTED [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:37.191 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3648]> GET_HARDWARE_CONFIG [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:37.191 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest: GET_HARDWARE_CONFIG 11-30 21:06:37.191 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest,7662 g_is_scan_ing = 0 11-30 21:06:37.192 E/RILJ ( 1573): OemHookProxy getService/setResponseFunctions: java.util.NoSuchElementException [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:37.192 D/QTIRILJ ( 1573): QtiRIL 11-30 21:06:37.193 I/PhoneFactory( 1573): Network Mode set to 22 11-30 21:06:37.193 D/QtiTelephonyComponentFactory( 1573): makeQtiRIL 11-30 21:06:37.193 D/RILJ ( 1573): RIL: init preferredNetworkType=22 cdmaSubscription=0) 11-30 21:06:37.194 E/RILJ ( 1573): RadioProxy getService/setResponseFunctions: java.util.NoSuchElementException [SUB1] 11-30 21:06:37.194 E/RILJ ( 1573): getRadioProxy: mRadioProxy == null [SUB1] 11-30 21:06:37.194 E/RILJ ( 1573): RadioProxy getService/setResponseFunctions: java.util.NoSuchElementException [SUB1] 11-30 21:06:37.194 E/RILJ ( 1573): getRadioProxy: mRadioProxy == null [SUB1] 11-30 21:06:37.194 E/RILJ ( 1573): OemHookProxy getService/setResponseFunctions: java.util.NoSuchElementException [SUB1] 11-30 21:06:37.194 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3649]> RADIO_POWER on = false [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:37.194 D/QTIRILJ ( 1573): QtiRIL 11-30 21:06:37.195 D/RILC ( 974): setRadioPower: serial 1 on 0 11-30 21:06:37.195 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest: RADIO_POWER datalen=4 11-30 21:06:37.195 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest,7662 g_is_scan_ing = 0 11-30 21:06:37.195 D/RILC ( 974): setRadioPowerResponse: serial 1 11-30 21:06:37.195 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3650]> RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_SET_SUBSCRIPTION_SOURCE cdmaSubscription = 0 [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:37.195 I/PhoneFactory( 1573): Creating SubscriptionController 11-30 21:06:37.195 D/QtiTelephonyComponentFactory( 1573): initSubscriptionController 11-30 21:06:37.195 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest: CDMA_SET_SUBSCRIPTION_SOURCE datalen=4 11-30 21:06:37.195 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest,7662 g_is_scan_ing = 0 11-30 21:06:37.196 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [SubscriptionController] init by Context 11-30 21:06:37.196 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getAllSubInfoList]+ 11-30 21:06:37.197 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3651]> RIL_REQUEST_SET_CELL_INFO_LIST_RATE rateInMillis = 2147483647 [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:37.197 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest: SET_UNSOL_CELL_INFO_LIST_RATE datalen=4 11-30 21:06:37.197 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest,7662 g_is_scan_ing = 0 11-30 21:06:37.198 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3648]< GET_HARDWARE_CONFIG error 6 [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:37.198 D/RilRequest( 1573): [3648]< GET_HARDWARE_CONFIG error: com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: REQUEST_NOT_SUPPORTED ret= [Modem { uuid=www.quectel.com, state=0, rilModel=1919184481, rat={0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30}, maxActiveVoiceCall=1, maxActiveDataCall=1, maxStandby=0 }] 11-30 21:06:37.199 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getAllSubInfoList]- no info return 11-30 21:06:37.199 D/RILJ ( 1573): [UNSL]< UNSOL_RESPONSE_RADIO_STATE_CHANGED radioStateChanged: RADIO_UNAVAILABLE [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:37.199 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3649]< RADIO_POWER [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:37.199 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3650]< RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_SET_SUBSCRIPTION_SOURCE [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:37.199 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3651]< RIL_REQUEST_SET_CELL_INFO_LIST_RATE [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:37.199 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): init by Context 11-30 21:06:37.199 D/UiccController( 1573): Creating UiccController 11-30 21:06:37.199 D/UiccController( 1573): config_num_physical_slots = 1 11-30 21:06:37.201 D/QtiTelephonyComponentFactory( 1573): makePhone 11-30 21:06:37.201 D/TelephonyTester( 1573): register for intent action=com.qualcomm.qti.internal.telephony.action_detached 11-30 21:06:37.201 D/TelephonyTester( 1573): register for intent action=com.qualcomm.qti.internal.telephony.action_attached 11-30 21:06:37.201 D/TelephonyTester( 1573): register for intent action=com.android.internal.telephony.TestServiceState 11-30 21:06:37.204 D/Phone ( 1573): mDoesRilSendMultipleCallRing=false 11-30 21:06:37.204 D/Phone ( 1573): mCallRingDelay=3000 11-30 21:06:37.204 D/QtiTelephonyComponentFactory( 1573): makeSmsStorageMonitor 11-30 21:06:37.204 D/TelephonyComponentFactory( 1573): makeSmsStorageMonitor 11-30 21:06:37.205 D/QtiTelephonyComponentFactory( 1573): makeSmsUsageMonitor 11-30 21:06:37.205 D/TelephonyComponentFactory( 1573): makeSmsUsageMonitor 11-30 21:06:37.207 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3652]> RIL_REQUEST_START_LCE reportIntervalMs = 200 pullMode = true [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:37.207 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest: START_LCE datalen=8 11-30 21:06:37.207 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest,7662 g_is_scan_ing = 0 11-30 21:06:37.208 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3652]< RIL_REQUEST_START_LCE [255, 0] [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:37.208 D/QtiTelephonyComponentFactory( 1573): makeGsmCdmaCallTracker 11-30 21:06:37.208 D/TelephonyComponentFactory( 1573): makeGsmCdmaCallTracker 11-30 21:06:37.208 D/QtiTelephonyComponentFactory( 1573): makeQtiIccPhoneBookInterfaceManager 11-30 21:06:37.209 D/QtiRilInterface( 1573): in constructor 11-30 21:06:37.209 D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC_RIL_OEM_HOOK( 1573): Starting QcrilMsgTunnel Service 11-30 21:06:37.210 D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC_RIL_OEM_HOOK( 1573): Attempt to bind service returned with: true 11-30 21:06:37.211 D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC_RIL_OEM_HOOK( 1573): Registering for intent ACTION_UNSOL_RESPONSE_OEM_HOOK_RAW 11-30 21:06:37.212 D/QtiTelephonyComponentFactory( 1573): makeIccSmsInterfaceManager 11-30 21:06:37.212 D/TelephonyComponentFactory( 1573): makeIccSmsInterfaceManager 11-30 21:06:37.212 D/SmsDispatchersController( 1573): SmsDispatchersController created 11-30 21:06:37.212 I/ImsManager( 1573): Creating ImsService 11-30 21:06:37.213 W/MmTelFeatureConnection( 1573): create: binder is null! Slot Id: 0 11-30 21:06:37.213 E/ImsSmsDispacher( 1573): Failed to get sms format. Error: getSmsFormat() 11-30 21:06:37.213 D/SMSDispatcher( 1573): SMSDispatcher: ctor mSmsCapable=true format=unknown mSmsSendDisabled=false 11-30 21:06:37.213 D/SMSDispatcher( 1573): SMSDispatcher: ctor mSmsCapable=true format=3gpp2 mSmsSendDisabled=false 11-30 21:06:37.213 D/CdmaSMSDispatcher( 1573): CdmaSMSDispatcher created 11-30 21:06:37.216 D/QtiTelephonyComponentFactory( 1573): getIDeviceIdleController 11-30 21:06:37.216 D/TelephonyComponentFactory( 1573): getIDeviceIdleController 11-30 21:06:37.218 D/QtiTelephonyComponentFactory( 1573): getIDeviceIdleController 11-30 21:06:37.218 D/TelephonyComponentFactory( 1573): getIDeviceIdleController 11-30 21:06:37.218 D/GsmInboundSmsHandler( 1573): created InboundSmsHandler 11-30 21:06:37.219 D/GsmInboundSmsHandler( 1573): entering Startup state 11-30 21:06:37.220 D/QtiTelephonyComponentFactory( 1573): getIDeviceIdleController 11-30 21:06:37.220 D/TelephonyComponentFactory( 1573): getIDeviceIdleController 11-30 21:06:37.221 D/QtiTelephonyComponentFactory( 1573): getIDeviceIdleController 11-30 21:06:37.221 D/TelephonyComponentFactory( 1573): getIDeviceIdleController 11-30 21:06:37.221 D/CdmaInboundSmsHandler( 1573): created InboundSmsHandler 11-30 21:06:37.222 D/CdmaInboundSmsHandler( 1573): entering Startup state 11-30 21:06:37.223 D/SMSDispatcher( 1573): SMSDispatcher: ctor mSmsCapable=true format=3gpp mSmsSendDisabled=false 11-30 21:06:37.223 D/GsmSMSDispatcher( 1573): GsmSMSDispatcher created 11-30 21:06:37.223 D/GsmInboundSmsHandler( 1573): StartupState.processMessage:6 11-30 21:06:37.223 D/GsmInboundSmsHandler( 1573): entering Idle state 11-30 21:06:37.224 D/GsmInboundSmsHandler( 1573): IdleState.processMessage:5 11-30 21:06:37.224 D/GsmInboundSmsHandler( 1573): Idle state processing message type 5 11-30 21:06:37.224 D/CdmaInboundSmsHandler( 1573): StartupState.processMessage:6 11-30 21:06:37.224 D/CdmaInboundSmsHandler( 1573): entering Idle state 11-30 21:06:37.224 D/CdmaInboundSmsHandler( 1573): IdleState.processMessage:5 11-30 21:06:37.224 D/CdmaInboundSmsHandler( 1573): Idle state processing message type 5 11-30 21:06:37.224 D/QtiTelephonyComponentFactory( 1573): getCdmaSubscriptionSourceManagerInstance 11-30 21:06:37.224 D/TelephonyComponentFactory( 1573): getCdmaSubscriptionSourceManagerInstance 11-30 21:06:37.224 D/CdmaSSM ( 1573): subscriptionSource from settings: 0 11-30 21:06:37.224 D/CdmaSSM ( 1573): cdmaSSM constructor: 0 11-30 21:06:37.224 D/QtiTelephonyComponentFactory( 1573): makeEriManager 11-30 21:06:37.224 D/TelephonyComponentFactory( 1573): makeEriManager 11-30 21:06:37.224 D/CdmaInboundSmsHandler( 1573): mWakeLock released 11-30 21:06:37.224 D/GsmInboundSmsHandler( 1573): mWakeLock released 11-30 21:06:37.225 D/GsmCdmaPhone( 1573): [0] Precise phone type 1 11-30 21:06:37.225 D/RILJ ( 1573): setPhoneType=1 old value=0 [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:37.226 D/CarrierActionAgent( 1573): [0]Creating CarrierActionAgent 11-30 21:06:37.226 W/CarrierConfigManager( 1573): Error getting config for subId 2147483643 ICarrierConfigLoader is null 11-30 21:06:37.226 D/QtiTelephonyComponentFactory( 1573): makeQtiServiceStateTracker 11-30 21:06:37.227 W/CarrierConfigManager( 1573): Error getting config for subId 2147483643 ICarrierConfigLoader is null 11-30 21:06:37.228 D/TelephonyRegistry( 1213): listen oscl: hasNotifySubscriptionInfoChangedOccurred==false no callback 11-30 21:06:37.228 W/CarrierConfigManager( 1573): Error getting config for subId 2147483643 ICarrierConfigLoader is null 11-30 21:06:37.228 D/NetworkRegistrationManager( 1573): Binding to packageName com.android.phone for transport type1 11-30 21:06:37.229 D/NetworkRegistrationManager( 1573): registerForNetworkRegistrationStateChanged 11-30 21:06:37.234 D/SST ( 1573): handleNetworkUnavailable 11-30 21:06:37.235 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3653]> SIGNAL_STRENGTH [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:37.235 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest: SIGNAL_STRENGTH 11-30 21:06:37.235 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest,7662 g_is_scan_ing = 0 11-30 21:06:37.235 D/SIGNAL_STRENGTH( 974): requestSignalStrength:720 iradio_version = 4 11-30 21:06:37.235 D/RILC ( 974): Due to at channel disconnected we will return 0 11-30 21:06:37.235 I/chatty ( 974): uid=0(root) /vendor/bin/hw/rild identical 18 lines 11-30 21:06:37.235 D/RILC ( 974): Due to at channel disconnected we will return 0 11-30 21:06:37.235 E/RILC ( 974): getSignalStrengthResponse: Invalid response 11-30 21:06:37.235 D/SST ( 1573): [0] notifyDataRegStateRilRadioTechnologyChanged: drs=1 rat=0 11-30 21:06:37.236 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3653]< SIGNAL_STRENGTH error 66 [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:37.236 D/RilRequest( 1573): [3653]< SIGNAL_STRENGTH error: com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: INVALID_RESPONSE ret=SignalStrength: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 255 99 2147483647 2147483527 gsm|lte use_rsrp_and_rssnr_for_lte_level [-128, -118, -108, -98] [-115, -105, -95, -85] 11-30 21:06:37.238 D/TelephonyRegistry( 1213): listen oscl: hasNotifySubscriptionInfoChangedOccurred==false no callback 11-30 21:06:37.238 D/QtiTelephonyComponentFactory( 1573): makeQtiDcTracker 11-30 21:06:37.239 D/ ( 1573): [0]DCT.constructor 11-30 21:06:37.239 W/CarrierConfigManager( 1573): Error getting config for subId 2147483643 ICarrierConfigLoader is null 11-30 21:06:37.239 I/chatty ( 1573): uid=1001(radio) com.android.phone identical 1 line 11-30 21:06:37.240 W/CarrierConfigManager( 1573): Error getting config for subId 2147483643 ICarrierConfigLoader is null 11-30 21:06:37.241 D/TelephonyRegistry( 1213): listen oscl: hasNotifySubscriptionInfoChangedOccurred==false no callback 11-30 21:06:37.242 D/Dcc ( 1573): E ctor 11-30 21:06:37.242 D/Dcc ( 1573): X ctor 11-30 21:06:37.244 D/DcTesterDeacativateAll( 1573): register for intent action=com.android.internal.telephony.dataconnection.action_deactivate_all 11-30 21:06:37.244 D/DcTesterDeacativateAll( 1573): register for intent action=com.qualcomm.qti.internal.telephony.action_detached 11-30 21:06:37.245 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getPhoneId] asked for default subId=2147483643 11-30 21:06:37.245 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:37.246 D/DcTesterFailBrinupAll( 1573): register for intent action=com.android.internal.telephony.dataconnection.action_fail_bringup 11-30 21:06:37.246 D/DcTesterFailBrinupAll( 1573): register for intent action=com.qualcomm.qti.internal.telephony.action_detached 11-30 21:06:37.246 D/DcTesterFailBrinupAll( 1573): register for intent action=com.qualcomm.qti.internal.telephony.action_attached 11-30 21:06:37.246 D/SST ( 1573): [0] notifyDataRegStateRilRadioTechnologyChanged: drs=1 rat=0 11-30 21:06:37.248 D/ ( 1573): [0]update sub = 2147483643 11-30 21:06:37.248 D/ ( 1573): [0]update(): Active DDS, register for all events now! 11-30 21:06:37.248 D/GsmCdmaPhone( 1573): [0] updateCurrentCarrierInProvider: mSubId = 2147483643 currentDds = -1 operatorNumeric = null 11-30 21:06:37.249 D/ ( 1573): [0]initApnContexts: E 11-30 21:06:37.249 D/ ( 1573): [0]initApnContexts: skipping unknown type=1 11-30 21:06:37.249 D/ ( 1573): [0]initApnContexts: apnContext={mApnType=default mState=IDLE mWaitingApns={null} mApnSetting={null} mReason=dataEnabled mDataEnabled=false mDependencyMet=true} 11-30 21:06:37.249 D/ ( 1573): [0]initApnContexts: apnContext={mApnType=mms mState=IDLE mWaitingApns={null} mApnSetting={null} mReason=dataEnabled mDataEnabled=false mDependencyMet=true} 11-30 21:06:37.249 D/ ( 1573): [0]initApnContexts: apnContext={mApnType=supl mState=IDLE mWaitingApns={null} mApnSetting={null} mReason=dataEnabled mDataEnabled=false mDependencyMet=true} 11-30 21:06:37.249 D/ ( 1573): [0]initApnContexts: apnContext={mApnType=dun mState=IDLE mWaitingApns={null} mApnSetting={null} mReason=dataEnabled mDataEnabled=false mDependencyMet=true} 11-30 21:06:37.249 D/ ( 1573): [0]initApnContexts: apnContext={mApnType=hipri mState=IDLE mWaitingApns={null} mApnSetting={null} mReason=dataEnabled mDataEnabled=false mDependencyMet=true} 11-30 21:06:37.249 D/ ( 1573): [0]initApnContexts: apnContext={mApnType=fota mState=IDLE mWaitingApns={null} mApnSetting={null} mReason=dataEnabled mDataEnabled=false mDependencyMet=true} 11-30 21:06:37.249 D/ ( 1573): [0]initApnContexts: apnContext={mApnType=ims mState=IDLE mWaitingApns={null} mApnSetting={null} mReason=dataEnabled mDataEnabled=false mDependencyMet=true} 11-30 21:06:37.249 D/ ( 1573): [0]initApnContexts: apnContext={mApnType=cbs mState=IDLE mWaitingApns={null} mApnSetting={null} mReason=dataEnabled mDataEnabled=false mDependencyMet=true} 11-30 21:06:37.249 D/ ( 1573): [0]initApnContexts: skipping unknown type=7 11-30 21:06:37.249 D/ ( 1573): [0]initApnContexts: apnContext={mApnType=emergency mState=IDLE mWaitingApns={null} mApnSetting={null} mReason=dataEnabled mDataEnabled=false mDependencyMet=true} 11-30 21:06:37.259 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [0]QtiDCT.constructor 11-30 21:06:37.259 D/CarrierIdentifier( 1573): Creating CarrierIdentifier[0] 11-30 21:06:37.259 D/TelephonyRegistry( 1213): listen oscl: hasNotifySubscriptionInfoChangedOccurred==false no callback 11-30 21:06:37.261 D/GsmCdmaPhone( 1573): [0] GsmCdmaPhone: constructor: sub = 0 11-30 21:06:37.261 D/QtiGsmCdmaPhone( 1573): Constructor 11-30 21:06:37.261 I/PhoneFactory( 1573): Creating Phone with type = 1 sub = 0 11-30 21:06:37.261 D/QtiTelephonyComponentFactory( 1573): makePhone 11-30 21:06:37.261 D/TelephonyTester( 1573): register for intent action=com.qualcomm.qti.internal.telephony.action_detached 11-30 21:06:37.261 D/TelephonyTester( 1573): register for intent action=com.qualcomm.qti.internal.telephony.action_attached 11-30 21:06:37.261 D/TelephonyTester( 1573): register for intent action=com.android.internal.telephony.TestServiceState 11-30 21:06:37.262 D/Phone ( 1573): mDoesRilSendMultipleCallRing=false 11-30 21:06:37.262 D/Phone ( 1573): mCallRingDelay=3000 11-30 21:06:37.262 D/QtiTelephonyComponentFactory( 1573): makeSmsStorageMonitor 11-30 21:06:37.262 D/TelephonyComponentFactory( 1573): makeSmsStorageMonitor 11-30 21:06:37.262 D/QtiTelephonyComponentFactory( 1573): makeSmsUsageMonitor 11-30 21:06:37.262 D/TelephonyComponentFactory( 1573): makeSmsUsageMonitor 11-30 21:06:37.263 E/RILJ ( 1573): RadioProxy getService/setResponseFunctions: java.util.NoSuchElementException [SUB1] 11-30 21:06:37.263 E/RILJ ( 1573): getRadioProxy: mRadioProxy == null [SUB1] 11-30 21:06:37.263 D/QtiTelephonyComponentFactory( 1573): makeGsmCdmaCallTracker 11-30 21:06:37.263 D/TelephonyComponentFactory( 1573): makeGsmCdmaCallTracker 11-30 21:06:37.264 D/QtiTelephonyComponentFactory( 1573): makeQtiIccPhoneBookInterfaceManager 11-30 21:06:37.264 D/QtiTelephonyComponentFactory( 1573): makeIccSmsInterfaceManager 11-30 21:06:37.264 D/TelephonyComponentFactory( 1573): makeIccSmsInterfaceManager 11-30 21:06:37.264 D/SmsDispatchersController( 1573): SmsDispatchersController created 11-30 21:06:37.265 I/ImsManager( 1573): Creating ImsService 11-30 21:06:37.265 W/MmTelFeatureConnection( 1573): create: binder is null! Slot Id: 1 11-30 21:06:37.265 E/ImsSmsDispacher( 1573): Failed to get sms format. Error: getSmsFormat() 11-30 21:06:37.265 D/SMSDispatcher( 1573): SMSDispatcher: ctor mSmsCapable=true format=unknown mSmsSendDisabled=false 11-30 21:06:37.265 D/SMSDispatcher( 1573): SMSDispatcher: ctor mSmsCapable=true format=3gpp2 mSmsSendDisabled=false 11-30 21:06:37.265 D/CdmaSMSDispatcher( 1573): CdmaSMSDispatcher created 11-30 21:06:37.266 D/QtiTelephonyComponentFactory( 1573): getIDeviceIdleController 11-30 21:06:37.266 D/TelephonyComponentFactory( 1573): getIDeviceIdleController 11-30 21:06:37.267 D/QtiTelephonyComponentFactory( 1573): getIDeviceIdleController 11-30 21:06:37.267 D/TelephonyComponentFactory( 1573): getIDeviceIdleController 11-30 21:06:37.267 D/GsmInboundSmsHandler( 1573): created InboundSmsHandler 11-30 21:06:37.268 D/GsmInboundSmsHandler( 1573): entering Startup state 11-30 21:06:37.269 D/QtiTelephonyComponentFactory( 1573): getIDeviceIdleController 11-30 21:06:37.269 D/TelephonyComponentFactory( 1573): getIDeviceIdleController 11-30 21:06:37.270 D/QtiTelephonyComponentFactory( 1573): getIDeviceIdleController 11-30 21:06:37.270 D/TelephonyComponentFactory( 1573): getIDeviceIdleController 11-30 21:06:37.270 D/CdmaInboundSmsHandler( 1573): created InboundSmsHandler 11-30 21:06:37.271 D/CdmaInboundSmsHandler( 1573): entering Startup state 11-30 21:06:37.271 D/SMSDispatcher( 1573): SMSDispatcher: ctor mSmsCapable=true format=3gpp mSmsSendDisabled=false 11-30 21:06:37.271 D/GsmSMSDispatcher( 1573): GsmSMSDispatcher created 11-30 21:06:37.271 D/QtiTelephonyComponentFactory( 1573): getCdmaSubscriptionSourceManagerInstance 11-30 21:06:37.271 D/TelephonyComponentFactory( 1573): getCdmaSubscriptionSourceManagerInstance 11-30 21:06:37.271 D/QtiTelephonyComponentFactory( 1573): makeEriManager 11-30 21:06:37.271 D/TelephonyComponentFactory( 1573): makeEriManager 11-30 21:06:37.271 D/GsmInboundSmsHandler( 1573): StartupState.processMessage:6 11-30 21:06:37.271 D/GsmInboundSmsHandler( 1573): entering Idle state 11-30 21:06:37.271 D/GsmInboundSmsHandler( 1573): IdleState.processMessage:5 11-30 21:06:37.271 D/GsmInboundSmsHandler( 1573): Idle state processing message type 5 11-30 21:06:37.272 D/GsmInboundSmsHandler( 1573): mWakeLock released 11-30 21:06:37.272 D/GsmCdmaPhone( 1573): [1] Precise phone type 1 11-30 21:06:37.272 D/RILJ ( 1573): setPhoneType=1 old value=0 [SUB1] 11-30 21:06:37.272 D/CdmaInboundSmsHandler( 1573): StartupState.processMessage:6 11-30 21:06:37.272 D/CdmaInboundSmsHandler( 1573): entering Idle state 11-30 21:06:37.272 D/CdmaInboundSmsHandler( 1573): IdleState.processMessage:5 11-30 21:06:37.272 D/CdmaInboundSmsHandler( 1573): Idle state processing message type 5 11-30 21:06:37.272 D/CdmaInboundSmsHandler( 1573): mWakeLock released 11-30 21:06:37.273 D/CarrierActionAgent( 1573): [1]Creating CarrierActionAgent 11-30 21:06:37.273 W/CarrierConfigManager( 1573): Error getting config for subId 2147483643 ICarrierConfigLoader is null 11-30 21:06:37.273 D/QtiTelephonyComponentFactory( 1573): makeQtiServiceStateTracker 11-30 21:06:37.274 W/CarrierConfigManager( 1573): Error getting config for subId 2147483643 ICarrierConfigLoader is null 11-30 21:06:37.274 D/TelephonyRegistry( 1213): listen oscl: hasNotifySubscriptionInfoChangedOccurred==false no callback 11-30 21:06:37.274 W/CarrierConfigManager( 1573): Error getting config for subId 2147483644 ICarrierConfigLoader is null 11-30 21:06:37.274 D/NetworkRegistrationManager( 1573): Binding to packageName com.android.phone for transport type1 11-30 21:06:37.275 D/NetworkRegistrationManager( 1573): registerForNetworkRegistrationStateChanged 11-30 21:06:37.276 D/SST ( 1573): handleNetworkUnavailable 11-30 21:06:37.277 E/RILJ ( 1573): RadioProxy getService/setResponseFunctions: java.util.NoSuchElementException [SUB1] 11-30 21:06:37.277 E/RILJ ( 1573): getRadioProxy: mRadioProxy == null [SUB1] 11-30 21:06:37.277 D/SST ( 1573): [1] notifyDataRegStateRilRadioTechnologyChanged: drs=1 rat=0 11-30 21:06:37.278 D/TelephonyRegistry( 1213): listen oscl: hasNotifySubscriptionInfoChangedOccurred==false no callback 11-30 21:06:37.279 D/QtiTelephonyComponentFactory( 1573): makeQtiDcTracker 11-30 21:06:37.279 D/ ( 1573): [1]DCT.constructor 11-30 21:06:37.279 W/CarrierConfigManager( 1573): Error getting config for subId 2147483644 ICarrierConfigLoader is null 11-30 21:06:37.279 I/chatty ( 1573): uid=1001(radio) com.android.phone identical 1 line 11-30 21:06:37.280 W/CarrierConfigManager( 1573): Error getting config for subId 2147483644 ICarrierConfigLoader is null 11-30 21:06:37.281 D/TelephonyRegistry( 1213): listen oscl: hasNotifySubscriptionInfoChangedOccurred==false no callback 11-30 21:06:37.281 D/Dcc ( 1573): E ctor 11-30 21:06:37.281 D/Dcc ( 1573): X ctor 11-30 21:06:37.281 D/DcTesterDeacativateAll( 1573): register for intent action=com.android.internal.telephony.dataconnection.action_deactivate_all 11-30 21:06:37.281 D/DcTesterDeacativateAll( 1573): register for intent action=com.qualcomm.qti.internal.telephony.action_detached 11-30 21:06:37.282 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getPhoneId] asked for default subId=2147483643 11-30 21:06:37.282 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:37.282 D/DcTesterFailBrinupAll( 1573): register for intent action=com.android.internal.telephony.dataconnection.action_fail_bringup 11-30 21:06:37.282 D/DcTesterFailBrinupAll( 1573): register for intent action=com.qualcomm.qti.internal.telephony.action_detached 11-30 21:06:37.282 D/DcTesterFailBrinupAll( 1573): register for intent action=com.qualcomm.qti.internal.telephony.action_attached 11-30 21:06:37.283 D/SST ( 1573): [1] notifyDataRegStateRilRadioTechnologyChanged: drs=1 rat=0 11-30 21:06:37.283 D/ ( 1573): [1]update sub = 2147483644 11-30 21:06:37.283 D/ ( 1573): [1]update(): Active DDS, register for all events now! 11-30 21:06:37.283 D/GsmCdmaPhone( 1573): [1] updateCurrentCarrierInProvider: mSubId = 2147483644 currentDds = -1 operatorNumeric = null 11-30 21:06:37.283 D/ ( 1573): [1]initApnContexts: E 11-30 21:06:37.284 D/ ( 1573): [1]initApnContexts: skipping unknown type=1 11-30 21:06:37.284 D/ ( 1573): [1]initApnContexts: apnContext={mApnType=default mState=IDLE mWaitingApns={null} mApnSetting={null} mReason=dataEnabled mDataEnabled=false mDependencyMet=true} 11-30 21:06:37.284 D/ ( 1573): [1]initApnContexts: apnContext={mApnType=mms mState=IDLE mWaitingApns={null} mApnSetting={null} mReason=dataEnabled mDataEnabled=false mDependencyMet=true} 11-30 21:06:37.284 D/ ( 1573): [1]initApnContexts: apnContext={mApnType=supl mState=IDLE mWaitingApns={null} mApnSetting={null} mReason=dataEnabled mDataEnabled=false mDependencyMet=true} 11-30 21:06:37.284 D/ ( 1573): [1]initApnContexts: apnContext={mApnType=dun mState=IDLE mWaitingApns={null} mApnSetting={null} mReason=dataEnabled mDataEnabled=false mDependencyMet=true} 11-30 21:06:37.284 D/ ( 1573): [1]initApnContexts: apnContext={mApnType=hipri mState=IDLE mWaitingApns={null} mApnSetting={null} mReason=dataEnabled mDataEnabled=false mDependencyMet=true} 11-30 21:06:37.284 D/ ( 1573): [1]initApnContexts: apnContext={mApnType=fota mState=IDLE mWaitingApns={null} mApnSetting={null} mReason=dataEnabled mDataEnabled=false mDependencyMet=true} 11-30 21:06:37.284 D/ ( 1573): [1]initApnContexts: apnContext={mApnType=ims mState=IDLE mWaitingApns={null} mApnSetting={null} mReason=dataEnabled mDataEnabled=false mDependencyMet=true} 11-30 21:06:37.284 D/ ( 1573): [1]initApnContexts: apnContext={mApnType=cbs mState=IDLE mWaitingApns={null} mApnSetting={null} mReason=dataEnabled mDataEnabled=false mDependencyMet=true} 11-30 21:06:37.284 D/ ( 1573): [1]initApnContexts: skipping unknown type=7 11-30 21:06:37.284 D/ ( 1573): [1]initApnContexts: apnContext={mApnType=emergency mState=IDLE mWaitingApns={null} mApnSetting={null} mReason=dataEnabled mDataEnabled=false mDependencyMet=true} 11-30 21:06:37.289 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [1]QtiDCT.constructor 11-30 21:06:37.289 D/CarrierIdentifier( 1573): Creating CarrierIdentifier[1] 11-30 21:06:37.289 D/TelephonyRegistry( 1213): listen oscl: hasNotifySubscriptionInfoChangedOccurred==false no callback 11-30 21:06:37.290 D/GsmCdmaPhone( 1573): [1] GsmCdmaPhone: constructor: sub = 1 11-30 21:06:37.290 D/QtiGsmCdmaPhone( 1573): Constructor 11-30 21:06:37.290 I/PhoneFactory( 1573): Creating Phone with type = 1 sub = 1 11-30 21:06:37.295 I/PhoneFactory( 1573): defaultSmsApplication: NONE 11-30 21:06:37.296 I/PhoneFactory( 1573): Creating SubInfoRecordUpdater 11-30 21:06:37.296 D/QtiTelephonyComponentFactory( 1573): makeSubscriptionInfoUpdater 11-30 21:06:37.297 D/SubscriptionInfoUpdater( 1573): Constructor invoked 11-30 21:06:37.311 I/ImsManager( 1573): Creating ImsService 11-30 21:06:37.311 W/MmTelFeatureConnection( 1573): create: binder is null! Slot Id: 0 11-30 21:06:37.312 D/Phone ( 1573): updateImsPhone mImsServiceReady=true 11-30 21:06:37.313 D/TelephonyTester( 1573): register for intent action=com.android.internal.telephony.imsphone.action_detached 11-30 21:06:37.313 D/TelephonyTester( 1573): register for intent action=com.android.internal.telephony.imsphone.action_attached 11-30 21:06:37.313 D/TelephonyTester( 1573): register for intent action=com.android.internal.telephony.TestConferenceEventPackage 11-30 21:06:37.315 D/Phone ( 1573): mDoesRilSendMultipleCallRing=false 11-30 21:06:37.315 D/Phone ( 1573): mCallRingDelay=3000 11-30 21:06:37.315 D/QtiTelephonyComponentFactory( 1573): makeImsPhoneCallTracker 11-30 21:06:37.315 D/TelephonyComponentFactory( 1573): makeImsPhoneCallTracker 11-30 21:06:37.317 E/ImsPhoneCallTracker( 1573): [0] cacheCarrierConfiguration: No carrier config service found or not active subId = 2147483643 11-30 21:06:37.318 D/SST ( 1573): [0] notifyDataRegStateRilRadioTechnologyChanged: drs=1 rat=0 11-30 21:06:37.320 D/ImsPhone( 1573): [0] updateDataServiceState: defSs = {mVoiceRegState=1(OUT_OF_SERVICE), mDataRegState=1(OUT_OF_SERVICE), mChannelNumber=-1, duplexMode()=0, mCellBandwidths=[], mVoiceRoamingType=home, mDataRoamingType=home, mVoiceOperatorAlphaLong=null, mVoiceOperatorAlphaShort=null, mDataOperatorAlphaLong=null, mDataOperatorAlphaShort=null, isManualNetworkSelection=false(automatic), mRilVoiceRadioTechnology=0(Unknown), mRilDataRadioTechnology=0(Unknown), mCssIndicator=unsupported, mNetworkId=-1, mSystemId=-1, mCdmaRoamingIndicator=-1, mCdmaDefaultRoamingIndicator=-1, mIsEmergencyOnly=false, mIsDataRoamingFromRegistration=false, mIsUsingCarrierAggregation=false, mLteEarfcnRsrpBoost=0, mNetworkRegistrationStates=[]} imsSs = {mVoiceRegState=1(OUT_OF_SERVICE), mDataRegState=1(OUT_OF_SERVICE), mChannelNumber=-1, duplexMode()=0, mCellBandwidths=[], mVoiceRoamingType=home, mDataRoamingType=home, mVoiceOperatorAlphaLong=null, mVoiceOperatorAlphaShort=null, mDataOperatorAlphaLong=null, mDataOperatorAlphaShort=null, isManualNetworkSelection=false(automatic), mRilVoiceRadioTechnology=0(Unknown), mRilDataRadioTechnology=0(Unknown), mCssIndicator=unsupported, mNetworkId=-1, mSystemId=-1, mCdmaRoamingIndicator=-1, mCdmaDefaultRoamingIndicator=-1, mIsEmergencyOnly=false, mIsDataRoamingFromRegistration=false, mIsUsingCarrierAggregation=false, mLteEarfcnRsrpBoost=0, mNetworkRegistrationStates=[]} 11-30 21:06:37.320 D/CallManager( 1573): registerPhone(ImsPhone Handler (com.android.internal.telephony.imsphone.ImsPhone) {2d38031}) 11-30 21:06:37.320 I/ImsManager( 1573): Creating ImsService 11-30 21:06:37.320 W/MmTelFeatureConnection( 1573): create: binder is null! Slot Id: 1 11-30 21:06:37.321 D/Phone ( 1573): updateImsPhone mImsServiceReady=true 11-30 21:06:37.321 D/TelephonyTester( 1573): register for intent action=com.android.internal.telephony.imsphone.action_detached 11-30 21:06:37.321 D/TelephonyTester( 1573): register for intent action=com.android.internal.telephony.imsphone.action_attached 11-30 21:06:37.321 D/TelephonyTester( 1573): register for intent action=com.android.internal.telephony.TestConferenceEventPackage 11-30 21:06:37.322 D/Phone ( 1573): mDoesRilSendMultipleCallRing=false 11-30 21:06:37.322 D/Phone ( 1573): mCallRingDelay=3000 11-30 21:06:37.322 D/QtiTelephonyComponentFactory( 1573): makeImsPhoneCallTracker 11-30 21:06:37.322 D/TelephonyComponentFactory( 1573): makeImsPhoneCallTracker 11-30 21:06:37.322 E/ImsPhoneCallTracker( 1573): [1] cacheCarrierConfiguration: No carrier config service found or not active subId = 2147483644 11-30 21:06:37.323 D/SST ( 1573): [1] notifyDataRegStateRilRadioTechnologyChanged: drs=1 rat=0 11-30 21:06:37.324 D/ImsPhone( 1573): [1] updateDataServiceState: defSs = {mVoiceRegState=1(OUT_OF_SERVICE), mDataRegState=1(OUT_OF_SERVICE), mChannelNumber=-1, duplexMode()=0, mCellBandwidths=[], mVoiceRoamingType=home, mDataRoamingType=home, mVoiceOperatorAlphaLong=null, mVoiceOperatorAlphaShort=null, mDataOperatorAlphaLong=null, mDataOperatorAlphaShort=null, isManualNetworkSelection=false(automatic), mRilVoiceRadioTechnology=0(Unknown), mRilDataRadioTechnology=0(Unknown), mCssIndicator=unsupported, mNetworkId=-1, mSystemId=-1, mCdmaRoamingIndicator=-1, mCdmaDefaultRoamingIndicator=-1, mIsEmergencyOnly=false, mIsDataRoamingFromRegistration=false, mIsUsingCarrierAggregation=false, mLteEarfcnRsrpBoost=0, mNetworkRegistrationStates=[]} imsSs = {mVoiceRegState=1(OUT_OF_SERVICE), mDataRegState=1(OUT_OF_SERVICE), mChannelNumber=-1, duplexMode()=0, mCellBandwidths=[], mVoiceRoamingType=home, mDataRoamingType=home, mVoiceOperatorAlphaLong=null, mVoiceOperatorAlphaShort=null, mDataOperatorAlphaLong=null, mDataOperatorAlphaShort=null, isManualNetworkSelection=false(automatic), mRilVoiceRadioTechnology=0(Unknown), mRilDataRadioTechnology=0(Unknown), mCssIndicator=unsupported, mNetworkId=-1, mSystemId=-1, mCdmaRoamingIndicator=-1, mCdmaDefaultRoamingIndicator=-1, mIsEmergencyOnly=false, mIsDataRoamingFromRegistration=false, mIsUsingCarrierAggregation=false, mLteEarfcnRsrpBoost=0, mNetworkRegistrationStates=[]} 11-30 21:06:37.324 D/CallManager( 1573): registerPhone(ImsPhone Handler (com.android.internal.telephony.imsphone.ImsPhone) {feeeaa2}) 11-30 21:06:37.324 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getPhoneId]- invalid subId return=-1 11-30 21:06:37.325 D/TelephonyRegistry( 1213): listen oscl: hasNotifySubscriptionInfoChangedOccurred==false no callback 11-30 21:06:37.325 D/QtiTelephonyComponentFactory( 1573): makeQtiPhoneSwitcher 11-30 21:06:37.325 D/TelephonyRegistry( 1213): listen oscl: hasNotifySubscriptionInfoChangedOccurred==false no callback 11-30 21:06:37.326 D/PhoneSwitcher( 1573): PhoneSwitcher started 11-30 21:06:37.326 D/ProxyController( 1573): Constructor - Enter 11-30 21:06:37.327 D/ProxyController( 1573): clearTransaction 11-30 21:06:37.327 D/ProxyController( 1573): clearTransaction: phoneId=0 status=IDLE 11-30 21:06:37.327 D/ProxyController( 1573): clearTransaction: phoneId=1 status=IDLE 11-30 21:06:37.327 D/ProxyController( 1573): Constructor - Exit 11-30 21:06:37.330 D/TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]( 1573): Registering NetworkFactory 11-30 21:06:37.330 D/TelephonyNetworkFactory[1]( 1573): Registering NetworkFactory 11-30 21:06:37.330 D/QtiTelephonyComponentFactory( 1573): makeExtTelephonyClasses 11-30 21:06:37.330 D/QtiUiccCardProvisioner( 1573): Invoking constructor, no of phones = 2 11-30 21:06:37.331 D/QtiRadioCapabilityController( 1573): getInstance 11-30 21:06:37.331 D/QtiRadioCapabilityController( 1573): Constructor - Exit 11-30 21:06:37.332 D/ExtTelephonyServiceImpl( 1573): init constructor 11-30 21:06:37.335 D/CallManager( 1573): registerPhone(GSM Handler (com.qualcomm.qti.internal.telephony.QtiGsmCdmaPhone) {e02d8b4}) 11-30 21:06:37.335 D/CallManager( 1573): registerPhone(GSM Handler (com.qualcomm.qti.internal.telephony.QtiGsmCdmaPhone) {4754cdd}) 11-30 21:06:37.341 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:37.343 I/chatty ( 1573): uid=1001(radio) Binder:1573_1 identical 1 line 11-30 21:06:37.343 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:37.344 D/TelephonyRegistry( 1213): listen oscl: hasNotifySubscriptionInfoChangedOccurred==false no callback 11-30 21:06:37.344 D/CallManager( 1573): registerForMmiComplete 11-30 21:06:37.348 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3654]> RIL_REQUEST_SET_TTY_MODE ttyMode = 0 [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:37.348 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest: SET_TTY_MODE datalen=4 11-30 21:06:37.348 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest,7662 g_is_scan_ing = 0 11-30 21:06:37.348 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3654]< RIL_REQUEST_SET_TTY_MODE [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:37.348 D/ImsPhone( 1573): [0] sendErrorResponse 11-30 21:06:37.349 E/RILJ ( 1573): RadioProxy getService/setResponseFunctions: java.util.NoSuchElementException [SUB1] 11-30 21:06:37.349 E/RILJ ( 1573): getRadioProxy: mRadioProxy == null [SUB1] 11-30 21:06:37.349 D/ImsPhone( 1573): [1] sendErrorResponse 11-30 21:06:37.350 D/TelephonyRegistry( 1213): listen oscl: hasNotifySubscriptionInfoChangedOccurred==false no callback 11-30 21:06:37.350 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getPhoneId] asked for default subId=2147483643 11-30 21:06:37.350 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:37.353 D/SubscriptionManager( 1573): [getSubId]- fail 11-30 21:06:37.355 D/UiccController( 1573): EVENT_RADIO_UNAVAILABLE, dispose card 11-30 21:06:37.355 D/UiccController( 1573): EVENT_RADIO_UNAVAILABLE, dispose card 11-30 21:06:37.355 D/QtiGsmCdmaPhone( 1573): handleMessage: Event: 30 11-30 21:06:37.355 D/QtiGsmCdmaPhone( 1573): handleMessage: Event: 37 11-30 21:06:37.355 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3655]> GET_CURRENT_CALLS [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:37.355 D/ImsManager( 1573): Connector: getImsService 11-30 21:06:37.355 I/ImsManager( 1573): Creating ImsService 11-30 21:06:37.356 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest: GET_CURRENT_CALLS 11-30 21:06:37.356 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest,7662 g_is_scan_ing = 0 11-30 21:06:37.356 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3655]< GET_CURRENT_CALLS {} [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:37.356 W/MmTelFeatureConnection( 1573): create: binder is null! Slot Id: 0 11-30 21:06:37.356 E/ImsManager( 1573): Connector: Retrying getting ImsService... 11-30 21:06:37.356 D/GsmSMSDispatcher( 1573): GsmSMSDispatcher: subId = 2147483643 slotId = 0 11-30 21:06:37.356 D/QtiGsmCdmaPhone( 1573): handleMessage: Event: 8 11-30 21:06:37.356 D/GsmCdmaPhone( 1573): [0] Event EVENT_RADIO_OFF_OR_NOT_AVAILABLE Received 11-30 21:06:37.356 D/QtiGsmCdmaPhone( 1573): handleMessage: Event: 41 11-30 21:06:37.356 D/NetworkService( 1573): network service created 11-30 21:06:37.357 D/SST ( 1573): [0] mDeviceShuttingDown=false, mDesiredPowerState=true, getRadioState=RADIO_UNAVAILABLE, mPowerOffDelayNeed=true, mAlarmSwitch=false, mRadioDisabledByCarrier=false 11-30 21:06:37.357 D/SST ( 1573): [0] pollState: modemTriggered=true 11-30 21:06:37.357 D/SST ( 1573): handleNetworkUnavailable 11-30 21:06:37.357 D/SST ( 1573): [0] Poll ServiceState done: oldSS=[{mVoiceRegState=1(OUT_OF_SERVICE), mDataRegState=1(OUT_OF_SERVICE), mChannelNumber=-1, duplexMode()=0, mCellBandwidths=[], mVoiceRoamingType=home, mDataRoamingType=home, mVoiceOperatorAlphaLong=null, mVoiceOperatorAlphaShort=null, mDataOperatorAlphaLong=null, mDataOperatorAlphaShort=null, isManualNetworkSelection=false(automatic), mRilVoiceRadioTechnology=0(Unknown), mRilDataRadioTechnology=0(Unknown), mCssIndicator=unsupported, mNetworkId=-1, mSystemId=-1, mCdmaRoamingIndicator=-1, mCdmaDefaultRoamingIndicator=-1, mIsEmergencyOnly=false, mIsDataRoamingFromRegistration=false, mIsUsingCarrierAggregation=false, mLteEarfcnRsrpBoost=0, mNetworkRegistrationStates=[]}] newSS=[{mVoiceRegState=1(OUT_OF_SERVICE), mDataRegState=1(OUT_OF_SERVICE), mChannelNumber=-1, duplexMode()=0, mCellBandwidths=[], mVoiceRoamingType=home, mDataRoamingType=home, mVoiceOperatorAlphaLong=null, mVoiceOperatorAlphaShort=null, mDataOperatorAlphaLong=null, mDataOperatorAlphaShort=null, isManualNetworkSelection=false(automatic), mRilVoiceRadioTechnology=0(Unknown), mRilDataRadioTechnology=0(Unknown), mCssIndicator=unsupported, mNetworkId=-1, mSystemId=-1, mCdmaRoamingIndicator=-1, mCdmaDefaultRoamingIndicator=-1, mIsEmergencyOnly=false, mIsDataRoamingFromRegistration=false, mIsUsingCarrierAggregation=false, mLteEarfcnRsrpBoost=0, mNetworkRegistrationStates=[]}] oldMaxDataCalls=1 mNewMaxDataCalls=1 oldReasonDataDenied=-1 mNewReasonDataDenied=-1 11-30 21:06:37.357 D/SST ( 1573): [0] pollStateDone: hasRegistered=false hasDeregistered=false hasDataAttached=false hasDataDetached=false hasDataRegStateChanged=false hasRilVoiceRadioTechnologyChanged= false hasRilDataRadioTechnologyChanged=false hasChanged=false hasVoiceRoamingOn=false hasVoiceRoamingOff=false hasDataRoamingOn=false hasDataRoamingOff=false hasLocationChanged=false has4gHandoff = false hasMultiApnSupport=false hasLostMultiApnSupport=false hasCssIndicatorChanged=false 11-30 21:06:37.357 D/SST ( 1573): [0] mDeviceShuttingDown=false, mDesiredPowerState=true, getRadioState=RADIO_UNAVAILABLE, mPowerOffDelayNeed=true, mAlarmSwitch=false, mRadioDisabledByCarrier=false 11-30 21:06:37.357 D/SST ( 1573): [0] pollState: modemTriggered=true 11-30 21:06:37.357 D/SST ( 1573): handleNetworkUnavailable 11-30 21:06:37.357 D/SST ( 1573): [0] Poll ServiceState done: oldSS=[{mVoiceRegState=1(OUT_OF_SERVICE), mDataRegState=1(OUT_OF_SERVICE), mChannelNumber=-1, duplexMode()=0, mCellBandwidths=[], mVoiceRoamingType=home, mDataRoamingType=home, mVoiceOperatorAlphaLong=null, mVoiceOperatorAlphaShort=null, mDataOperatorAlphaLong=null, mDataOperatorAlphaShort=null, isManualNetworkSelection=false(automatic), mRilVoiceRadioTechnology=0(Unknown), mRilDataRadioTechnology=0(Unknown), mCssIndicator=unsupported, mNetworkId=-1, mSystemId=-1, mCdmaRoamingIndicator=-1, mCdmaDefaultRoamingIndicator=-1, mIsEmergencyOnly=false, mIsDataRoamingFromRegistration=false, mIsUsingCarrierAggregation=false, mLteEarfcnRsrpBoost=0, mNetworkRegistrationStates=[]}] newSS=[{mVoiceRegState=1(OUT_OF_SERVICE), mDataRegState=1(OUT_OF_SERVICE), mChannelNumber=-1, duplexMode()=0, mCellBandwidths=[], mVoiceRoamingType=home, mDataRoamingType=home, mVoiceOperatorAlphaLong=null, mVoiceOperatorAlphaShort=null, mDataOperatorAlphaLong=null, mDataOperatorAlphaShort=null, isManualNetworkSelection=false(automatic), mRilVoiceRadioTechnology=0(Unknown), mRilDataRadioTechnology=0(Unknown), mCssIndicator=unsupported, mNetworkId=-1, mSystemId=-1, mCdmaRoamingIndicator=-1, mCdmaDefaultRoamingIndicator=-1, mIsEmergencyOnly=false, mIsDataRoamingFromRegistration=false, mIsUsingCarrierAggregation=false, mLteEarfcnRsrpBoost=0, mNetworkRegistrationStates=[]}] oldMaxDataCalls=1 mNewMaxDataCalls=1 oldReasonDataDenied=-1 mNewReasonDataDenied=-1 11-30 21:06:37.357 D/SST ( 1573): [0] pollStateDone: hasRegistered=false hasDeregistered=false hasDataAttached=false hasDataDetached=false hasDataRegStateChanged=false hasRilVoiceRadioTechnologyChanged= false hasRilDataRadioTechnologyChanged=false hasChanged=false hasVoiceRoamingOn=false hasVoiceRoamingOff=false hasDataRoamingOn=false hasDataRoamingOff=false hasLocationChanged=false has4gHandoff = false hasMultiApnSupport=false hasLostMultiApnSupport=false hasCssIndicatorChanged=false 11-30 21:06:37.358 I/CSST ( 1573): PrefNetworkNotification: sendMessage() w/values: ,false,-1,false,false 11-30 21:06:37.358 I/CSST ( 1573): canceling notifications: 1000 11-30 21:06:37.358 D/Phone ( 1573): isWifiCallingEnabled =false 11-30 21:06:37.358 D/CSST ( 1573): isPhoneRegisteredForWifiCalling: false 11-30 21:06:37.358 D/Phone ( 1573): isWifiCallingEnabled =false 11-30 21:06:37.358 I/CSST ( 1573): EmergencyNetworkNotification: sendMessage() w/values: ,false,-1,false,false 11-30 21:06:37.358 I/CSST ( 1573): canceling notifications: 1001 11-30 21:06:37.358 I/CSST ( 1573): PrefNetworkNotification: sendMessage() w/values: ,false,-1,false,false 11-30 21:06:37.358 I/CSST ( 1573): canceling notifications: 1000 11-30 21:06:37.358 D/Phone ( 1573): isWifiCallingEnabled =false 11-30 21:06:37.358 D/CSST ( 1573): isPhoneRegisteredForWifiCalling: false 11-30 21:06:37.358 D/Phone ( 1573): isWifiCallingEnabled =false 11-30 21:06:37.358 I/CSST ( 1573): EmergencyNetworkNotification: sendMessage() w/values: ,false,-1,false,false 11-30 21:06:37.358 I/CSST ( 1573): canceling notifications: 1001 11-30 21:06:37.359 D/DataService( 1573): Data service created 11-30 21:06:37.359 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [0]onRadioOffOrNotAvailable: is off and clean up all connections 11-30 21:06:37.359 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [0]cleanUpAllConnections: tearDown=false reason=radioTurnedOff 11-30 21:06:37.359 D/GsmCdmaPhone( 1573): [0] getDataConnectionState apnType=default ret=DISCONNECTED 11-30 21:06:37.360 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [0]isEmergency: result=false 11-30 21:06:37.360 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:37.360 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:37.360 D/TelephonyRegistry( 1213): onDataConnectionStateChanged(0, 0) 11-30 21:06:37.361 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [0]cleanUpConnection: X tearDown=false reason=radioTurnedOff apnContext={mApnType=default mState=IDLE mWaitingApns={null} mApnSetting={null} mReason=radioTurnedOff mDataEnabled=false mDependencyMet=true} dcac=null 11-30 21:06:37.361 D/GsmCdmaPhone( 1573): [0] getDataConnectionState apnType=mms ret=DISCONNECTED 11-30 21:06:37.361 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [0]isEmergency: result=false 11-30 21:06:37.361 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:37.362 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:37.362 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [0]cleanUpConnection: X tearDown=false reason=radioTurnedOff apnContext={mApnType=mms mState=IDLE mWaitingApns={null} mApnSetting={null} mReason=radioTurnedOff mDataEnabled=false mDependencyMet=true} dcac=null 11-30 21:06:37.362 D/GsmCdmaPhone( 1573): [0] getDataConnectionState apnType=cbs ret=DISCONNECTED 11-30 21:06:37.362 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [0]isEmergency: result=false 11-30 21:06:37.363 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:37.363 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:37.363 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [0]cleanUpConnection: X tearDown=false reason=radioTurnedOff apnContext={mApnType=cbs mState=IDLE mWaitingApns={null} mApnSetting={null} mReason=radioTurnedOff mDataEnabled=false mDependencyMet=true} dcac=null 11-30 21:06:37.363 D/GsmCdmaPhone( 1573): [0] getDataConnectionState apnType=fota ret=DISCONNECTED 11-30 21:06:37.363 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [0]isEmergency: result=false 11-30 21:06:37.364 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:37.364 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:37.364 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [0]cleanUpConnection: X tearDown=false reason=radioTurnedOff apnContext={mApnType=fota mState=IDLE mWaitingApns={null} mApnSetting={null} mReason=radioTurnedOff mDataEnabled=false mDependencyMet=true} dcac=null 11-30 21:06:37.364 D/GsmCdmaPhone( 1573): [0] getDataConnectionState apnType=supl ret=DISCONNECTED 11-30 21:06:37.364 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [0]isEmergency: result=false 11-30 21:06:37.365 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:37.365 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:37.365 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [0]cleanUpConnection: X tearDown=false reason=radioTurnedOff apnContext={mApnType=supl mState=IDLE mWaitingApns={null} mApnSetting={null} mReason=radioTurnedOff mDataEnabled=false mDependencyMet=true} dcac=null 11-30 21:06:37.365 D/GsmCdmaPhone( 1573): [0] getDataConnectionState apnType=emergency ret=DISCONNECTED 11-30 21:06:37.366 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [0]isEmergency: result=false 11-30 21:06:37.366 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:37.367 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:37.367 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [0]cleanUpConnection: X tearDown=false reason=radioTurnedOff apnContext={mApnType=emergency mState=IDLE mWaitingApns={null} mApnSetting={null} mReason=radioTurnedOff mDataEnabled=false mDependencyMet=true} dcac=null 11-30 21:06:37.367 D/GsmCdmaPhone( 1573): [0] getDataConnectionState apnType=dun ret=DISCONNECTED 11-30 21:06:37.367 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [0]isEmergency: result=false 11-30 21:06:37.367 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:37.368 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:37.368 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [0]cleanUpConnection: X tearDown=false reason=radioTurnedOff apnContext={mApnType=dun mState=IDLE mWaitingApns={null} mApnSetting={null} mReason=radioTurnedOff mDataEnabled=false mDependencyMet=true} dcac=null 11-30 21:06:37.368 D/GsmCdmaPhone( 1573): [0] getDataConnectionState apnType=hipri ret=DISCONNECTED 11-30 21:06:37.368 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [0]isEmergency: result=false 11-30 21:06:37.368 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:37.369 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:37.369 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [0]cleanUpConnection: X tearDown=false reason=radioTurnedOff apnContext={mApnType=hipri mState=IDLE mWaitingApns={null} mApnSetting={null} mReason=radioTurnedOff mDataEnabled=false mDependencyMet=true} dcac=null 11-30 21:06:37.369 D/GsmCdmaPhone( 1573): [0] getDataConnectionState apnType=ims ret=DISCONNECTED 11-30 21:06:37.370 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [0]isEmergency: result=false 11-30 21:06:37.370 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:37.371 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:37.371 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [0]cleanUpConnection: X tearDown=false reason=radioTurnedOff apnContext={mApnType=ims mState=IDLE mWaitingApns={null} mApnSetting={null} mReason=radioTurnedOff mDataEnabled=false mDependencyMet=true} dcac=null 11-30 21:06:37.371 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [0]stopNetStatPoll 11-30 21:06:37.371 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:37.371 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [0]cleanUpConnection: mDisconnectPendingCount = 0 11-30 21:06:37.371 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [0]isEmergency: result=false 11-30 21:06:37.372 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:37.372 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:37.372 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [0]isEmergency: result=false 11-30 21:06:37.373 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:37.373 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:37.373 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [0]isEmergency: result=false 11-30 21:06:37.373 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:37.374 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:37.374 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [0]isEmergency: result=false 11-30 21:06:37.374 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:37.375 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:37.375 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [0]isEmergency: result=false 11-30 21:06:37.375 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:37.375 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:37.376 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [0]isEmergency: result=false 11-30 21:06:37.376 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:37.376 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:37.377 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [0]isEmergency: result=false 11-30 21:06:37.377 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:37.377 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:37.378 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [0]isEmergency: result=false 11-30 21:06:37.378 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:37.378 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:37.379 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [0]isEmergency: result=false 11-30 21:06:37.380 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:37.380 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:37.380 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [0]onDataConnectionDetached: stop polling and notify detached 11-30 21:06:37.380 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [0]stopNetStatPoll 11-30 21:06:37.380 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:37.380 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [0]notifyDataConnection: reason=dataDetached 11-30 21:06:37.381 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [0]isEmergency: result=false 11-30 21:06:37.381 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:37.381 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:37.382 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [0]isEmergency: result=false 11-30 21:06:37.382 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:37.382 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:37.382 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [0]isEmergency: result=false 11-30 21:06:37.383 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:37.383 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:37.383 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [0]isEmergency: result=false 11-30 21:06:37.383 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:37.384 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:37.384 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [0]isEmergency: result=false 11-30 21:06:37.384 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:37.385 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:37.385 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [0]isEmergency: result=false 11-30 21:06:37.385 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:37.385 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:37.386 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [0]isEmergency: result=false 11-30 21:06:37.386 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:37.386 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:37.387 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [0]isEmergency: result=false 11-30 21:06:37.387 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:37.387 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:37.388 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [0]isEmergency: result=false 11-30 21:06:37.388 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:37.388 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:37.388 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [0]onDataRoamingOff 11-30 21:06:37.389 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:37.389 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [0]notifyDataConnection: reason=roamingOff 11-30 21:06:37.389 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [0]isEmergency: result=false 11-30 21:06:37.390 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:37.390 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:37.390 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [0]isEmergency: result=false 11-30 21:06:37.390 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:37.391 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:37.391 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [0]isEmergency: result=false 11-30 21:06:37.392 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:37.392 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:37.392 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [0]isEmergency: result=false 11-30 21:06:37.393 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:37.393 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:37.394 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [0]isEmergency: result=false 11-30 21:06:37.394 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:37.394 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:37.395 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [0]isEmergency: result=false 11-30 21:06:37.395 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:37.395 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:37.396 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [0]isEmergency: result=false 11-30 21:06:37.396 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:37.396 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:37.397 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [0]isEmergency: result=false 11-30 21:06:37.397 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:37.398 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:37.398 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [0]isEmergency: result=false 11-30 21:06:37.399 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:37.400 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:37.401 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3656]> RIL_REQUEST_SEND_DEVICE_STATE 1:true [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:37.401 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3656]< RIL_REQUEST_SEND_DEVICE_STATE error 6 [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:37.401 D/RilRequest( 1573): [3656]< RIL_REQUEST_SEND_DEVICE_STATE error: com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: REQUEST_NOT_SUPPORTED ret= 11-30 21:06:37.401 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3657]> RIL_REQUEST_SEND_DEVICE_STATE 2:false [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:37.401 D/RILC ( 974): sendDeviceState: calling screen state 1 11-30 21:06:37.401 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest: SCREEN_STATE datalen=4 11-30 21:06:37.401 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest,7662 g_is_scan_ing = 0 11-30 21:06:37.401 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3658]> RIL_REQUEST_SEND_DEVICE_STATE 0:false [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:37.401 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3659]> RIL_REQUEST_SET_UNSOLICITED_RESPONSE_FILTER -1 [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:37.402 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3657]< RIL_REQUEST_SEND_DEVICE_STATE [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:37.402 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3658]< RIL_REQUEST_SEND_DEVICE_STATE error 6 [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:37.402 D/RilRequest( 1573): [3658]< RIL_REQUEST_SEND_DEVICE_STATE error: com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: REQUEST_NOT_SUPPORTED ret= 11-30 21:06:37.402 E/RILJ ( 1573): setSignalStrengthReportingCriteria ignored. RadioProxy 1.2 is null! [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:37.402 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3659]< RIL_REQUEST_SET_UNSOLICITED_RESPONSE_FILTER error 6 [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:37.402 D/RilRequest( 1573): [3659]< RIL_REQUEST_SET_UNSOLICITED_RESPONSE_FILTER error: com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: REQUEST_NOT_SUPPORTED ret= 11-30 21:06:37.402 E/RILJ ( 1573): setSignalStrengthReportingCriteria ignored. RadioProxy 1.2 is null! [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:37.402 I/chatty ( 1573): uid=1001(radio) com.android.phone identical 1 line 11-30 21:06:37.402 E/RILJ ( 1573): setSignalStrengthReportingCriteria ignored. RadioProxy 1.2 is null! [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:37.402 E/RILJ ( 1573): setLinkCapacityReportingCriteria ignored. RadioProxy 1.2 is null! [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:37.402 I/chatty ( 1573): uid=1001(radio) com.android.phone identical 2 lines 11-30 21:06:37.402 E/RILJ ( 1573): setLinkCapacityReportingCriteria ignored. RadioProxy 1.2 is null! [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:37.402 D/QtiGsmCdmaPhone( 1573): handleMessage: Event: 30 11-30 21:06:37.402 D/QtiGsmCdmaPhone( 1573): handleMessage: Event: 37 11-30 21:06:37.402 D/Phone ( 1573): config LCE service failed: com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE 11-30 21:06:37.403 E/RILJ ( 1573): RadioProxy getService/setResponseFunctions: java.util.NoSuchElementException [SUB1] 11-30 21:06:37.403 E/RILJ ( 1573): getRadioProxy: mRadioProxy == null [SUB1] 11-30 21:06:37.403 D/ImsManager( 1573): Connector: getImsService 11-30 21:06:37.403 I/ImsManager( 1573): Creating ImsService 11-30 21:06:37.403 W/MmTelFeatureConnection( 1573): create: binder is null! Slot Id: 1 11-30 21:06:37.403 E/ImsManager( 1573): Connector: Retrying getting ImsService... 11-30 21:06:37.404 D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC_RIL_OEM_HOOK( 1573): QcrilMsgTunnelService Connected Successfully (onServiceConnected) 11-30 21:06:37.404 D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC_RIL_OEM_HOOK( 1573): Calling onQcRilHookReady callback 11-30 21:06:37.404 D/QtiRilInterface( 1573): Service ready, notifying registrants 11-30 21:06:37.404 D/GsmSMSDispatcher( 1573): GsmSMSDispatcher: subId = 2147483644 slotId = 1 11-30 21:06:37.404 D/QtiGsmCdmaPhone( 1573): handleMessage: Event: 8 11-30 21:06:37.404 D/GsmCdmaPhone( 1573): [1] Event EVENT_RADIO_OFF_OR_NOT_AVAILABLE Received 11-30 21:06:37.404 D/SST ( 1573): [1] mDeviceShuttingDown=false, mDesiredPowerState=true, getRadioState=RADIO_UNAVAILABLE, mPowerOffDelayNeed=true, mAlarmSwitch=false, mRadioDisabledByCarrier=false 11-30 21:06:37.404 D/SST ( 1573): [1] pollState: modemTriggered=true 11-30 21:06:37.404 D/SST ( 1573): handleNetworkUnavailable 11-30 21:06:37.404 D/SST ( 1573): [1] Poll ServiceState done: oldSS=[{mVoiceRegState=1(OUT_OF_SERVICE), mDataRegState=1(OUT_OF_SERVICE), mChannelNumber=-1, duplexMode()=0, mCellBandwidths=[], mVoiceRoamingType=home, mDataRoamingType=home, mVoiceOperatorAlphaLong=null, mVoiceOperatorAlphaShort=null, mDataOperatorAlphaLong=null, mDataOperatorAlphaShort=null, isManualNetworkSelection=false(automatic), mRilVoiceRadioTechnology=0(Unknown), mRilDataRadioTechnology=0(Unknown), mCssIndicator=unsupported, mNetworkId=-1, mSystemId=-1, mCdmaRoamingIndicator=-1, mCdmaDefaultRoamingIndicator=-1, mIsEmergencyOnly=false, mIsDataRoamingFromRegistration=false, mIsUsingCarrierAggregation=false, mLteEarfcnRsrpBoost=0, mNetworkRegistrationStates=[]}] newSS=[{mVoiceRegState=1(OUT_OF_SERVICE), mDataRegState=1(OUT_OF_SERVICE), mChannelNumber=-1, duplexMode()=0, mCellBandwidths=[], mVoiceRoamingType=home, mDataRoamingType=home, mVoiceOperatorAlphaLong=null, mVoiceOperatorAlphaShort=null, mDataOperatorAlphaLong=null, mDataOperatorAlphaShort=null, isManualNetworkSelection=false(automatic), mRilVoiceRadioTechnology=0(Unknown), mRilDataRadioTechnology=0(Unknown), mCssIndicator=unsupported, mNetworkId=-1, mSystemId=-1, mCdmaRoamingIndicator=-1, mCdmaDefaultRoamingIndicator=-1, mIsEmergencyOnly=false, mIsDataRoamingFromRegistration=false, mIsUsingCarrierAggregation=false, mLteEarfcnRsrpBoost=0, mNetworkRegistrationStates=[]}] oldMaxDataCalls=1 mNewMaxDataCalls=1 oldReasonDataDenied=-1 mNewReasonDataDenied=-1 11-30 21:06:37.404 D/SST ( 1573): [1] pollStateDone: hasRegistered=false hasDeregistered=false hasDataAttached=false hasDataDetached=false hasDataRegStateChanged=false hasRilVoiceRadioTechnologyChanged= false hasRilDataRadioTechnologyChanged=false hasChanged=false hasVoiceRoamingOn=false hasVoiceRoamingOff=false hasDataRoamingOn=false hasDataRoamingOff=false hasLocationChanged=false has4gHandoff = false hasMultiApnSupport=false hasLostMultiApnSupport=false hasCssIndicatorChanged=false 11-30 21:06:37.404 D/SST ( 1573): [1] mDeviceShuttingDown=false, mDesiredPowerState=true, getRadioState=RADIO_UNAVAILABLE, mPowerOffDelayNeed=true, mAlarmSwitch=false, mRadioDisabledByCarrier=false 11-30 21:06:37.404 D/SST ( 1573): [1] pollState: modemTriggered=true 11-30 21:06:37.404 D/SST ( 1573): handleNetworkUnavailable 11-30 21:06:37.404 D/SST ( 1573): [1] Poll ServiceState done: oldSS=[{mVoiceRegState=1(OUT_OF_SERVICE), mDataRegState=1(OUT_OF_SERVICE), mChannelNumber=-1, duplexMode()=0, mCellBandwidths=[], mVoiceRoamingType=home, mDataRoamingType=home, mVoiceOperatorAlphaLong=null, mVoiceOperatorAlphaShort=null, mDataOperatorAlphaLong=null, mDataOperatorAlphaShort=null, isManualNetworkSelection=false(automatic), mRilVoiceRadioTechnology=0(Unknown), mRilDataRadioTechnology=0(Unknown), mCssIndicator=unsupported, mNetworkId=-1, mSystemId=-1, mCdmaRoamingIndicator=-1, mCdmaDefaultRoamingIndicator=-1, mIsEmergencyOnly=false, mIsDataRoamingFromRegistration=false, mIsUsingCarrierAggregation=false, mLteEarfcnRsrpBoost=0, mNetworkRegistrationStates=[]}] newSS=[{mVoiceRegState=1(OUT_OF_SERVICE), mDataRegState=1(OUT_OF_SERVICE), mChannelNumber=-1, duplexMode()=0, mCellBandwidths=[], mVoiceRoamingType=home, mDataRoamingType=home, mVoiceOperatorAlphaLong=null, mVoiceOperatorAlphaShort=null, mDataOperatorAlphaLong=null, mDataOperatorAlphaShort=null, isManualNetworkSelection=false(automatic), mRilVoiceRadioTechnology=0(Unknown), mRilDataRadioTechnology=0(Unknown), mCssIndicator=unsupported, mNetworkId=-1, mSystemId=-1, mCdmaRoamingIndicator=-1, mCdmaDefaultRoamingIndicator=-1, mIsEmergencyOnly=false, mIsDataRoamingFromRegistration=false, mIsUsingCarrierAggregation=false, mLteEarfcnRsrpBoost=0, mNetworkRegistrationStates=[]}] oldMaxDataCalls=1 mNewMaxDataCalls=1 oldReasonDataDenied=-1 mNewReasonDataDenied=-1 11-30 21:06:37.404 D/SST ( 1573): [1] pollStateDone: hasRegistered=false hasDeregistered=false hasDataAttached=false hasDataDetached=false hasDataRegStateChanged=false hasRilVoiceRadioTechnologyChanged= false hasRilDataRadioTechnologyChanged=false hasChanged=false hasVoiceRoamingOn=false hasVoiceRoamingOff=false hasDataRoamingOn=false hasDataRoamingOff=false hasLocationChanged=false has4gHandoff = false hasMultiApnSupport=false hasLostMultiApnSupport=false hasCssIndicatorChanged=false 11-30 21:06:37.404 I/CSST ( 1573): PrefNetworkNotification: sendMessage() w/values: ,false,-1,false,false 11-30 21:06:37.404 I/CSST ( 1573): canceling notifications: 1000 11-30 21:06:37.405 D/Phone ( 1573): isWifiCallingEnabled =false 11-30 21:06:37.405 D/CSST ( 1573): isPhoneRegisteredForWifiCalling: false 11-30 21:06:37.405 D/Phone ( 1573): isWifiCallingEnabled =false 11-30 21:06:37.405 I/CSST ( 1573): EmergencyNetworkNotification: sendMessage() w/values: ,false,-1,false,false 11-30 21:06:37.405 I/CSST ( 1573): canceling notifications: 1001 11-30 21:06:37.405 I/CSST ( 1573): PrefNetworkNotification: sendMessage() w/values: ,false,-1,false,false 11-30 21:06:37.405 I/CSST ( 1573): canceling notifications: 1000 11-30 21:06:37.405 D/Phone ( 1573): isWifiCallingEnabled =false 11-30 21:06:37.405 D/CSST ( 1573): isPhoneRegisteredForWifiCalling: false 11-30 21:06:37.405 D/Phone ( 1573): isWifiCallingEnabled =false 11-30 21:06:37.405 I/CSST ( 1573): EmergencyNetworkNotification: sendMessage() w/values: ,false,-1,false,false 11-30 21:06:37.405 I/CSST ( 1573): canceling notifications: 1001 11-30 21:06:37.405 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [1]onRadioOffOrNotAvailable: is off and clean up all connections 11-30 21:06:37.405 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [1]cleanUpAllConnections: tearDown=false reason=radioTurnedOff 11-30 21:06:37.405 D/GsmCdmaPhone( 1573): [1] getDataConnectionState apnType=default ret=DISCONNECTED 11-30 21:06:37.405 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [1]isEmergency: result=false 11-30 21:06:37.406 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483644 11-30 21:06:37.406 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483644 11-30 21:06:37.406 D/TelephonyRegistry( 1213): onDataConnectionStateChanged(0, 0) 11-30 21:06:37.407 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [1]cleanUpConnection: X tearDown=false reason=radioTurnedOff apnContext={mApnType=default mState=IDLE mWaitingApns={null} mApnSetting={null} mReason=radioTurnedOff mDataEnabled=false mDependencyMet=true} dcac=null 11-30 21:06:37.407 D/GsmCdmaPhone( 1573): [1] getDataConnectionState apnType=mms ret=DISCONNECTED 11-30 21:06:37.407 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [1]isEmergency: result=false 11-30 21:06:37.408 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483644 11-30 21:06:37.408 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483644 11-30 21:06:37.409 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [1]cleanUpConnection: X tearDown=false reason=radioTurnedOff apnContext={mApnType=mms mState=IDLE mWaitingApns={null} mApnSetting={null} mReason=radioTurnedOff mDataEnabled=false mDependencyMet=true} dcac=null 11-30 21:06:37.409 D/GsmCdmaPhone( 1573): [1] getDataConnectionState apnType=cbs ret=DISCONNECTED 11-30 21:06:37.409 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [1]isEmergency: result=false 11-30 21:06:37.409 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483644 11-30 21:06:37.410 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483644 11-30 21:06:37.410 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [1]cleanUpConnection: X tearDown=false reason=radioTurnedOff apnContext={mApnType=cbs mState=IDLE mWaitingApns={null} mApnSetting={null} mReason=radioTurnedOff mDataEnabled=false mDependencyMet=true} dcac=null 11-30 21:06:37.410 D/GsmCdmaPhone( 1573): [1] getDataConnectionState apnType=fota ret=DISCONNECTED 11-30 21:06:37.410 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [1]isEmergency: result=false 11-30 21:06:37.411 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483644 11-30 21:06:37.411 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483644 11-30 21:06:37.411 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [1]cleanUpConnection: X tearDown=false reason=radioTurnedOff apnContext={mApnType=fota mState=IDLE mWaitingApns={null} mApnSetting={null} mReason=radioTurnedOff mDataEnabled=false mDependencyMet=true} dcac=null 11-30 21:06:37.411 D/GsmCdmaPhone( 1573): [1] getDataConnectionState apnType=supl ret=DISCONNECTED 11-30 21:06:37.411 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [1]isEmergency: result=false 11-30 21:06:37.412 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483644 11-30 21:06:37.412 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483644 11-30 21:06:37.412 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [1]cleanUpConnection: X tearDown=false reason=radioTurnedOff apnContext={mApnType=supl mState=IDLE mWaitingApns={null} mApnSetting={null} mReason=radioTurnedOff mDataEnabled=false mDependencyMet=true} dcac=null 11-30 21:06:37.412 D/GsmCdmaPhone( 1573): [1] getDataConnectionState apnType=emergency ret=DISCONNECTED 11-30 21:06:37.412 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [1]isEmergency: result=false 11-30 21:06:37.413 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483644 11-30 21:06:37.413 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483644 11-30 21:06:37.413 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [1]cleanUpConnection: X tearDown=false reason=radioTurnedOff apnContext={mApnType=emergency mState=IDLE mWaitingApns={null} mApnSetting={null} mReason=radioTurnedOff mDataEnabled=false mDependencyMet=true} dcac=null 11-30 21:06:37.413 D/GsmCdmaPhone( 1573): [1] getDataConnectionState apnType=dun ret=DISCONNECTED 11-30 21:06:37.414 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [1]isEmergency: result=false 11-30 21:06:37.414 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483644 11-30 21:06:37.414 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483644 11-30 21:06:37.414 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [1]cleanUpConnection: X tearDown=false reason=radioTurnedOff apnContext={mApnType=dun mState=IDLE mWaitingApns={null} mApnSetting={null} mReason=radioTurnedOff mDataEnabled=false mDependencyMet=true} dcac=null 11-30 21:06:37.414 D/GsmCdmaPhone( 1573): [1] getDataConnectionState apnType=hipri ret=DISCONNECTED 11-30 21:06:37.415 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [1]isEmergency: result=false 11-30 21:06:37.415 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483644 11-30 21:06:37.416 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483644 11-30 21:06:37.416 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [1]cleanUpConnection: X tearDown=false reason=radioTurnedOff apnContext={mApnType=hipri mState=IDLE mWaitingApns={null} mApnSetting={null} mReason=radioTurnedOff mDataEnabled=false mDependencyMet=true} dcac=null 11-30 21:06:37.416 D/GsmCdmaPhone( 1573): [1] getDataConnectionState apnType=ims ret=DISCONNECTED 11-30 21:06:37.417 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [1]isEmergency: result=false 11-30 21:06:37.417 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483644 11-30 21:06:37.417 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483644 11-30 21:06:37.421 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:37.426 I/chatty ( 1573): uid=1001(radio) Binder:1573_3 identical 10 lines 11-30 21:06:37.426 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:37.427 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [1]cleanUpConnection: X tearDown=false reason=radioTurnedOff apnContext={mApnType=ims mState=IDLE mWaitingApns={null} mApnSetting={null} mReason=radioTurnedOff mDataEnabled=false mDependencyMet=true} dcac=null 11-30 21:06:37.427 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [1]stopNetStatPoll 11-30 21:06:37.427 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:37.428 I/chatty ( 1573): uid=1001(radio) Binder:1573_3 identical 4 lines 11-30 21:06:37.429 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:37.429 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483644 11-30 21:06:37.429 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [1]cleanUpConnection: mDisconnectPendingCount = 0 11-30 21:06:37.429 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [1]isEmergency: result=false 11-30 21:06:37.430 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483644 11-30 21:06:37.430 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:37.430 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483644 11-30 21:06:37.430 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:37.431 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [1]isEmergency: result=false 11-30 21:06:37.432 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483644 11-30 21:06:37.432 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483644 11-30 21:06:37.433 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:37.433 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [1]isEmergency: result=false 11-30 21:06:37.433 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:37.433 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483644 11-30 21:06:37.434 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483644 11-30 21:06:37.434 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:37.434 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [1]isEmergency: result=false 11-30 21:06:37.434 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483644 11-30 21:06:37.435 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:37.435 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483644 11-30 21:06:37.435 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [1]isEmergency: result=false 11-30 21:06:37.436 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483644 11-30 21:06:37.436 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483644 11-30 21:06:37.438 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [1]isEmergency: result=false 11-30 21:06:37.438 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483644 11-30 21:06:37.438 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483644 11-30 21:06:37.438 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483644 11-30 21:06:37.439 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [1]isEmergency: result=false 11-30 21:06:37.439 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483644 11-30 21:06:37.439 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483644 11-30 21:06:37.440 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [1]isEmergency: result=false 11-30 21:06:37.441 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483644 11-30 21:06:37.441 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483644 11-30 21:06:37.441 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483644 11-30 21:06:37.441 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483644 11-30 21:06:37.441 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483644 11-30 21:06:37.441 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483644 11-30 21:06:37.442 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483644 11-30 21:06:37.442 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [1]isEmergency: result=false 11-30 21:06:37.442 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483644 11-30 21:06:37.443 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483644 11-30 21:06:37.443 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483644 11-30 21:06:37.443 I/chatty ( 1573): uid=1001(radio) Binder:1573_3 identical 1 line 11-30 21:06:37.443 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483644 11-30 21:06:37.443 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [1]onDataConnectionDetached: stop polling and notify detached 11-30 21:06:37.444 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [1]stopNetStatPoll 11-30 21:06:37.444 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483644 11-30 21:06:37.444 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483644 11-30 21:06:37.444 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [1]notifyDataConnection: reason=dataDetached 11-30 21:06:37.444 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483644 11-30 21:06:37.444 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483644 11-30 21:06:37.445 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [1]isEmergency: result=false 11-30 21:06:37.445 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483644 11-30 21:06:37.445 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483644 11-30 21:06:37.446 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [1]isEmergency: result=false 11-30 21:06:37.446 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483644 11-30 21:06:37.446 I/chatty ( 1573): uid=1001(radio) Binder:1573_3 identical 1 line 11-30 21:06:37.447 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483644 11-30 21:06:37.447 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483644 11-30 21:06:37.447 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483644 11-30 21:06:37.447 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483644 11-30 21:06:37.448 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483644 11-30 21:06:37.448 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483644 11-30 21:06:37.450 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [1]isEmergency: result=false 11-30 21:06:37.450 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483644 11-30 21:06:37.450 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483644 11-30 21:06:37.451 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [1]isEmergency: result=false 11-30 21:06:37.452 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483644 11-30 21:06:37.452 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready 11-30 21:06:37.452 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483644 11-30 21:06:37.453 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready 11-30 21:06:37.454 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [1]isEmergency: result=false 11-30 21:06:37.454 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483644 11-30 21:06:37.454 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready 11-30 21:06:37.455 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483644 11-30 21:06:37.455 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready 11-30 21:06:37.455 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [1]isEmergency: result=false 11-30 21:06:37.456 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready 11-30 21:06:37.456 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483644 11-30 21:06:37.456 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483644 11-30 21:06:37.457 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready 11-30 21:06:37.457 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [1]isEmergency: result=false 11-30 21:06:37.457 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483644 11-30 21:06:37.457 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483644 11-30 21:06:37.459 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready 11-30 21:06:37.461 I/chatty ( 1573): uid=1001(radio) Binder:1573_3 identical 3 lines 11-30 21:06:37.462 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready 11-30 21:06:37.462 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [1]isEmergency: result=false 11-30 21:06:37.462 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483644 11-30 21:06:37.463 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483644 11-30 21:06:37.463 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [1]isEmergency: result=false 11-30 21:06:37.464 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483644 11-30 21:06:37.464 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483644 11-30 21:06:37.464 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [1]onDataRoamingOff 11-30 21:06:37.465 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483644 11-30 21:06:37.465 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [1]notifyDataConnection: reason=roamingOff 11-30 21:06:37.465 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready 11-30 21:06:37.466 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [1]isEmergency: result=false 11-30 21:06:37.466 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483644 11-30 21:06:37.466 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483644 11-30 21:06:37.467 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483644 11-30 21:06:37.468 I/chatty ( 1573): uid=1001(radio) Binder:1573_3 identical 4 lines 11-30 21:06:37.468 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483644 11-30 21:06:37.469 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready 11-30 21:06:37.470 I/chatty ( 1573): uid=1001(radio) Binder:1573_3 identical 1 line 11-30 21:06:37.471 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready 11-30 21:06:37.472 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [1]isEmergency: result=false 11-30 21:06:37.473 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready 11-30 21:06:37.473 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready 11-30 21:06:37.474 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483644 11-30 21:06:37.474 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483644 11-30 21:06:37.474 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready 11-30 21:06:37.475 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [1]isEmergency: result=false 11-30 21:06:37.475 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483644 11-30 21:06:37.475 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready 11-30 21:06:37.476 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483644 11-30 21:06:37.476 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready 11-30 21:06:37.476 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [1]isEmergency: result=false 11-30 21:06:37.477 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483644 11-30 21:06:37.477 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483644 11-30 21:06:37.477 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [1]isEmergency: result=false 11-30 21:06:37.477 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready 11-30 21:06:37.478 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483644 11-30 21:06:37.478 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483644 11-30 21:06:37.478 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [1]isEmergency: result=false 11-30 21:06:37.478 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready 11-30 21:06:37.479 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483644 11-30 21:06:37.479 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483644 11-30 21:06:37.480 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [1]isEmergency: result=false 11-30 21:06:37.480 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483644 11-30 21:06:37.480 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483644 11-30 21:06:37.481 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [1]isEmergency: result=false 11-30 21:06:37.481 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483644 11-30 21:06:37.481 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483644 11-30 21:06:37.482 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready 11-30 21:06:37.482 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [1]isEmergency: result=false 11-30 21:06:37.483 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483644 11-30 21:06:37.483 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483644 11-30 21:06:37.483 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready 11-30 21:06:37.483 D/ImsPhoneCallTracker( 1573): [0] handleMessage what=23 11-30 21:06:37.483 D/ImsPhoneCallTracker( 1573): [0] onDataEnabledChanged: enabled=true, reason=0 11-30 21:06:37.483 D/ImsPhoneCallTracker( 1573): [0] Ignore data enabled - carrier policy indicates that data is not metered for ViLTE calls. 11-30 21:06:37.483 D/ImsManager( 1573): Connector: getImsService 11-30 21:06:37.483 I/ImsManager( 1573): Creating ImsService 11-30 21:06:37.484 W/MmTelFeatureConnection( 1573): create: binder is null! Slot Id: 0 11-30 21:06:37.484 E/ImsManager( 1573): Connector: Retrying getting ImsService... 11-30 21:06:37.484 D/ImsPhone( 1573): [0] handleMessage what=52 11-30 21:06:37.484 D/ImsPhone( 1573): [0] EVENT_DEFAULT_PHONE_DATA_STATE_CHANGED 11-30 21:06:37.484 D/ImsPhone( 1573): [0] updateDataServiceState: defSs = {mVoiceRegState=1(OUT_OF_SERVICE), mDataRegState=1(OUT_OF_SERVICE), mChannelNumber=-1, duplexMode()=0, mCellBandwidths=[], mVoiceRoamingType=home, mDataRoamingType=home, mVoiceOperatorAlphaLong=null, mVoiceOperatorAlphaShort=null, mDataOperatorAlphaLong=null, mDataOperatorAlphaShort=null, isManualNetworkSelection=false(automatic), mRilVoiceRadioTechnology=0(Unknown), mRilDataRadioTechnology=0(Unknown), mCssIndicator=unsupported, mNetworkId=-1, mSystemId=-1, mCdmaRoamingIndicator=-1, mCdmaDefaultRoamingIndicator=-1, mIsEmergencyOnly=false, mIsDataRoamingFromRegistration=false, mIsUsingCarrierAggregation=false, mLteEarfcnRsrpBoost=0, mNetworkRegistrationStates=[]} imsSs = {mVoiceRegState=1(OUT_OF_SERVICE), mDataRegState=1(OUT_OF_SERVICE), mChannelNumber=-1, duplexMode()=0, mCellBandwidths=[], mVoiceRoamingType=home, mDataRoamingType=home, mVoiceOperatorAlphaLong=null, mVoiceOperatorAlphaShort=null, mDataOperatorAlphaLong=null, mDataOperatorAlphaShort=null, isManualNetworkSelection=false(automatic), mRilVoiceRadioTechnology=0(Unknown), mRilDataRadioTechnology=0(Unknown), mCssIndicator=unsupported, mNetworkId=-1, mSystemId=-1, mCdmaRoamingIndicator=-1, mCdmaDefaultRoamingIndicator=-1, mIsEmergencyOnly=false, mIsDataRoamingFromRegistration=false, mIsUsingCarrierAggregation=false, mLteEarfcnRsrpBoost=0, mNetworkRegistrationStates=[]} 11-30 21:06:37.484 D/SST ( 1573): [0] EVENT_IMS_SERVICE_STATE_CHANGED 11-30 21:06:37.484 D/DefaultPhoneNotifier( 1573): nofityServiceState: mRegistry=com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub$Proxy@e928713 ss={mVoiceRegState=1(OUT_OF_SERVICE), mDataRegState=1(OUT_OF_SERVICE), mChannelNumber=-1, duplexMode()=0, mCellBandwidths=[], mVoiceRoamingType=home, mDataRoamingType=home, mVoiceOperatorAlphaLong=null, mVoiceOperatorAlphaShort=null, mDataOperatorAlphaLong=null, mDataOperatorAlphaShort=null, isManualNetworkSelection=false(automatic), mRilVoiceRadioTechnology=0(Unknown), mRilDataRadioTechnology=0(Unknown), mCssIndicator=unsupported, mNetworkId=-1, mSystemId=-1, mCdmaRoamingIndicator=-1, mCdmaDefaultRoamingIndicator=-1, mIsEmergencyOnly=false, mIsDataRoamingFromRegistration=false, mIsUsingCarrierAggregation=false, mLteEarfcnRsrpBoost=0, mNetworkRegistrationStates=[]} sender=Handler (com.qualcomm.qti.internal.telephony.QtiGsmCdmaPhone) {e02d8b4} phondId=0 subId=2147483643 11-30 21:06:37.484 D/LocaleTracker( 1573): Service state OUT_OF_SERVICE. Get cell info now. 11-30 21:06:37.485 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready 11-30 21:06:37.485 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3660]> RIL_REQUEST_GET_CELL_INFO_LIST [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:37.485 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest: GET_CELL_INFO_LIST 11-30 21:06:37.485 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest,7662 g_is_scan_ing = 0 11-30 21:06:37.485 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:37.485 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3660]< RIL_REQUEST_GET_CELL_INFO_LIST error 6 [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:37.485 D/RilRequest( 1573): [3660]< RIL_REQUEST_GET_CELL_INFO_LIST error: com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: REQUEST_NOT_SUPPORTED ret=[] 11-30 21:06:37.485 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready 11-30 21:06:37.486 D/ImsPhoneCallTracker( 1573): [1] handleMessage what=23 11-30 21:06:37.486 D/ImsPhoneCallTracker( 1573): [1] onDataEnabledChanged: enabled=true, reason=0 11-30 21:06:37.486 D/ImsPhoneCallTracker( 1573): [1] Ignore data enabled - carrier policy indicates that data is not metered for ViLTE calls. 11-30 21:06:37.486 D/ImsManager( 1573): Connector: getImsService 11-30 21:06:37.486 I/ImsManager( 1573): Creating ImsService 11-30 21:06:37.486 W/MmTelFeatureConnection( 1573): create: binder is null! Slot Id: 1 11-30 21:06:37.486 E/ImsManager( 1573): Connector: Retrying getting ImsService... 11-30 21:06:37.486 D/ImsPhone( 1573): [1] handleMessage what=52 11-30 21:06:37.486 D/ImsPhone( 1573): [1] EVENT_DEFAULT_PHONE_DATA_STATE_CHANGED 11-30 21:06:37.486 D/ImsPhone( 1573): [1] updateDataServiceState: defSs = {mVoiceRegState=1(OUT_OF_SERVICE), mDataRegState=1(OUT_OF_SERVICE), mChannelNumber=-1, duplexMode()=0, mCellBandwidths=[], mVoiceRoamingType=home, mDataRoamingType=home, mVoiceOperatorAlphaLong=null, mVoiceOperatorAlphaShort=null, mDataOperatorAlphaLong=null, mDataOperatorAlphaShort=null, isManualNetworkSelection=false(automatic), mRilVoiceRadioTechnology=0(Unknown), mRilDataRadioTechnology=0(Unknown), mCssIndicator=unsupported, mNetworkId=-1, mSystemId=-1, mCdmaRoamingIndicator=-1, mCdmaDefaultRoamingIndicator=-1, mIsEmergencyOnly=false, mIsDataRoamingFromRegistration=false, mIsUsingCarrierAggregation=false, mLteEarfcnRsrpBoost=0, mNetworkRegistrationStates=[]} imsSs = {mVoiceRegState=1(OUT_OF_SERVICE), mDataRegState=1(OUT_OF_SERVICE), mChannelNumber=-1, duplexMode()=0, mCellBandwidths=[], mVoiceRoamingType=home, mDataRoamingType=home, mVoiceOperatorAlphaLong=null, mVoiceOperatorAlphaShort=null, mDataOperatorAlphaLong=null, mDataOperatorAlphaShort=null, isManualNetworkSelection=false(automatic), mRilVoiceRadioTechnology=0(Unknown), mRilDataRadioTechnology=0(Unknown), mCssIndicator=unsupported, mNetworkId=-1, mSystemId=-1, mCdmaRoamingIndicator=-1, mCdmaDefaultRoamingIndicator=-1, mIsEmergencyOnly=false, mIsDataRoamingFromRegistration=false, mIsUsingCarrierAggregation=false, mLteEarfcnRsrpBoost=0, mNetworkRegistrationStates=[]} 11-30 21:06:37.486 D/SST ( 1573): [1] EVENT_IMS_SERVICE_STATE_CHANGED 11-30 21:06:37.486 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready 11-30 21:06:37.486 D/DefaultPhoneNotifier( 1573): nofityServiceState: mRegistry=com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub$Proxy@e928713 ss={mVoiceRegState=1(OUT_OF_SERVICE), mDataRegState=1(OUT_OF_SERVICE), mChannelNumber=-1, duplexMode()=0, mCellBandwidths=[], mVoiceRoamingType=home, mDataRoamingType=home, mVoiceOperatorAlphaLong=null, mVoiceOperatorAlphaShort=null, mDataOperatorAlphaLong=null, mDataOperatorAlphaShort=null, isManualNetworkSelection=false(automatic), mRilVoiceRadioTechnology=0(Unknown), mRilDataRadioTechnology=0(Unknown), mCssIndicator=unsupported, mNetworkId=-1, mSystemId=-1, mCdmaRoamingIndicator=-1, mCdmaDefaultRoamingIndicator=-1, mIsEmergencyOnly=false, mIsDataRoamingFromRegistration=false, mIsUsingCarrierAggregation=false, mLteEarfcnRsrpBoost=0, mNetworkRegistrationStates=[]} sender=Handler (com.qualcomm.qti.internal.telephony.QtiGsmCdmaPhone) {4754cdd} phondId=1 subId=2147483644 11-30 21:06:37.486 D/LocaleTracker( 1573): Service state OUT_OF_SERVICE. Get cell info now. 11-30 21:06:37.486 D/SST ( 1573): [1] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented 11-30 21:06:37.486 D/SST ( 1573): [1] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null 11-30 21:06:37.486 D/LocaleTracker( 1573): getCellInfo: cell info=null 11-30 21:06:37.487 D/LocaleTracker( 1573): Can't get cell info. Try again in 2 secs. 11-30 21:06:37.487 D/LocaleTracker( 1573): updateLocale: mcc = null, country = 11-30 21:06:37.487 D/LocaleTracker( 1573): updateLocale: Change the current country to 11-30 21:06:37.487 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:37.487 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready 11-30 21:06:37.487 D/TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]( 1573): onActivePhoneSwitch(false, false) 11-30 21:06:37.487 D/TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]( 1573): onSubIdChange -1->2147483643 11-30 21:06:37.487 D/TelephonyNetworkFactory[1]( 1573): onActivePhoneSwitch(false, false) 11-30 21:06:37.487 D/TelephonyNetworkFactory[1]( 1573): onSubIdChange -1->2147483644 11-30 21:06:37.487 E/QtiUiccCardProvisioner( 1573): Error: Invalid card index EVENT_ICC_CHANGED 11-30 21:06:37.487 D/QtiRadioCapabilityController( 1573): EVENT_RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE, phoneId = 0 11-30 21:06:37.487 D/QtiRadioCapabilityController( 1573): processRadioNotAvailable on phoneId = 0 11-30 21:06:37.487 D/QtiRadioCapabilityController( 1573): EVENT_RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE, phoneId = 1 11-30 21:06:37.487 D/QtiRadioCapabilityController( 1573): processRadioNotAvailable on phoneId = 1 11-30 21:06:37.487 D/TelephonyNetworkFactory[1]( 1573): got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN Unwanted: ] ] with score 0 11-30 21:06:37.487 D/TelephonyNetworkFactory[1]( 1573): got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=6, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Unwanted: Uid: 1000] ] with score 0 11-30 21:06:37.487 D/TelephonyNetworkFactory[1]( 1573): got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=10, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Unwanted: Uid: 1000] ] with score 0 11-30 21:06:37.488 D/TelephonyNetworkFactory[1]( 1573): got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=12, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Unwanted: Uid: 10030] ] with score 0 11-30 21:06:37.488 D/TelephonyNetworkFactory[1]( 1573): got request NetworkRequest [ BACKGROUND_REQUEST id=2, [ Transports: CELLULAR Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN Unwanted: ] ] with score 0 11-30 21:06:37.488 D/TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]( 1573): got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN Unwanted: ] ] with score 0 11-30 21:06:37.488 D/TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]( 1573): got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=6, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Unwanted: Uid: 1000] ] with score 0 11-30 21:06:37.488 D/TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]( 1573): got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=10, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Unwanted: Uid: 1000] ] with score 0 11-30 21:06:37.488 D/TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]( 1573): got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=12, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Unwanted: Uid: 10030] ] with score 0 11-30 21:06:37.488 D/TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]( 1573): got request NetworkRequest [ BACKGROUND_REQUEST id=2, [ Transports: CELLULAR Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN Unwanted: ] ] with score 0 11-30 21:06:37.488 D/DebugService( 1573): DebugService DebugService: 11-30 21:06:37.488 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready 11-30 21:06:37.489 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3661]> RIL_REQUEST_QUERY_TTY_MODE [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:37.489 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready 11-30 21:06:37.489 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest: QUERY_TTY_MODE 11-30 21:06:37.489 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest,7662 g_is_scan_ing = 0 11-30 21:06:37.489 E/RILJ ( 1573): RadioProxy getService/setResponseFunctions: java.util.NoSuchElementException [SUB1] 11-30 21:06:37.489 E/RILJ ( 1573): getRadioProxy: mRadioProxy == null [SUB1] 11-30 21:06:37.490 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3661]< RIL_REQUEST_QUERY_TTY_MODE {0} [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:37.490 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready 11-30 21:06:37.502 I/chatty ( 1573): uid=1001(radio) Binder:1573_1 identical 18 lines 11-30 21:06:37.503 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready 11-30 21:06:37.504 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready 11-30 21:06:37.505 D/TelephonyRegistry( 1213): listen oscl: hasNotifySubscriptionInfoChangedOccurred==false no callback 11-30 21:06:37.505 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready 11-30 21:06:37.518 I/chatty ( 1573): uid=1001(radio) Binder:1573_1 identical 20 lines 11-30 21:06:37.518 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready 11-30 21:06:37.529 D/QtiGsmCdmaPhone( 1573): handleMessage: Event: 30 11-30 21:06:37.530 D/GsmSMSDispatcher( 1573): GsmSMSDispatcher: subId = 2147483643 slotId = 0 11-30 21:06:37.530 D/QtiGsmCdmaPhone( 1573): handleMessage: Event: 30 11-30 21:06:37.530 D/GsmSMSDispatcher( 1573): GsmSMSDispatcher: subId = 2147483644 slotId = 1 11-30 21:06:37.530 D/QtiUiccCardProvisioner( 1573): updateIccAvailability, uicc card null, ignore 0 11-30 21:06:37.530 D/QtiGsmCdmaPhone( 1573): handleMessage: Event: 30 11-30 21:06:37.530 D/GsmSMSDispatcher( 1573): GsmSMSDispatcher: subId = 2147483643 slotId = 0 11-30 21:06:37.530 D/QtiGsmCdmaPhone( 1573): handleMessage: Event: 30 11-30 21:06:37.530 D/GsmSMSDispatcher( 1573): GsmSMSDispatcher: subId = 2147483644 slotId = 1 11-30 21:06:37.530 D/QtiUiccCardProvisioner( 1573): updateIccAvailability, uicc card null, ignore 1 11-30 21:06:37.530 D/GsmCdmaCallTracker( 1573): Event EVENT_POLL_CALLS_RESULT Received 11-30 21:06:37.530 D/GsmCdmaCallTracker( 1573): [0] update phone state, old=IDLE new=IDLE 11-30 21:06:37.530 D/NetworkRegistrationManager( 1573): service connected. 11-30 21:06:37.530 D/NetworkRegistrationManager( 1573): service connected. 11-30 21:06:37.530 D/CellularDataService( 1573): Cellular data service created for slot 0 11-30 21:06:37.530 D/GsmCdmaCallTracker( 1573): Event EVENT_POLL_CALLS_RESULT Received 11-30 21:06:37.530 D/GsmCdmaCallTracker( 1573): [1] update phone state, old=IDLE new=IDLE 11-30 21:06:37.530 D/QtiGsmCdmaPhone( 1573): handleMessage: Event: 46 11-30 21:06:37.530 D/QtiGsmCdmaPhone( 1573): EVENT_OEM_HOOK_SERVICE_READY received 11-30 21:06:37.530 D/QtiGsmCdmaPhone( 1573): handleMessage: Event: 46 11-30 21:06:37.530 D/QtiGsmCdmaPhone( 1573): EVENT_OEM_HOOK_SERVICE_READY received 11-30 21:06:37.530 D/QtiUiccCardProvisioner( 1573): query provision info, card state[0] = CARDSTATE_ABSENT 11-30 21:06:37.530 D/QtiUiccCardProvisioner( 1573): query provision info, card state[1] = CARDSTATE_ABSENT 11-30 21:06:37.530 D/ImsPhone( 1573): [0] handleMessage what=53 11-30 21:06:37.530 D/SST ( 1573): [0] EVENT_GET_CELL_INFO_LIST: error ret null, e=com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: REQUEST_NOT_SUPPORTED 11-30 21:06:37.530 D/SST ( 1573): [0] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null 11-30 21:06:37.530 D/LocaleTracker( 1573): getCellInfo: cell info=null 11-30 21:06:37.530 D/LocaleTracker( 1573): Can't get cell info. Try again in 2 secs. 11-30 21:06:37.530 D/LocaleTracker( 1573): updateLocale: mcc = null, country = 11-30 21:06:37.530 D/LocaleTracker( 1573): updateLocale: Change the current country to 11-30 21:06:37.531 D/CellularDataService( 1573): Cellular data service created for slot 1 11-30 21:06:37.531 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:37.531 D/ImsPhone( 1573): [1] handleMessage what=53 11-30 21:06:37.531 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getPhoneId]- invalid subId return=-1 11-30 21:06:37.531 D/PhoneSwitcher( 1573): handle event - 103 11-30 21:06:37.531 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getPhoneId]- invalid subId return=-1 11-30 21:06:37.531 D/PhoneSwitcher( 1573): evaluating due to netRequest phone[0] 0->2147483643 phone[1] 0->2147483644 11-30 21:06:37.531 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getPhoneId]- invalid subId return=-1 11-30 21:06:37.531 D/PhoneSwitcher( 1573): InformDdsToRil rild= 0, DDS=-1 11-30 21:06:37.531 D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC_RIL_OEM_HOOK( 1573): dds phoneId: -1 reason: 0 11-30 21:06:37.533 D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC_RIL_OEM_HOOK( 1573): sendOemRilRequestRaw returns value = -1 11-30 21:06:37.533 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC_RIL_OEM_HOOK( 1573): QCRIL send dds sub info returned exception: com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE 11-30 21:06:37.533 D/PhoneSwitcher( 1573): InformDdsToRil rild= 1, DDS=-1 11-30 21:06:37.533 D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC_RIL_OEM_HOOK( 1573): dds phoneId: -1 reason: 0 11-30 21:06:37.534 D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC_RIL_OEM_HOOK( 1573): sendOemRilRequestRaw returns value = -1 11-30 21:06:37.534 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC_RIL_OEM_HOOK( 1573): QCRIL send dds sub info returned exception: com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE 11-30 21:06:37.534 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getPhoneId]- invalid subId return=-1 11-30 21:06:37.534 D/PhoneSwitcher( 1573): handle event - 103 11-30 21:06:37.534 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getPhoneId]- invalid subId return=-1 11-30 21:06:37.534 D/PhoneSwitcher( 1573): evaluating due to netRequest 11-30 21:06:37.534 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getPhoneId]- invalid subId return=-1 11-30 21:06:37.534 D/PhoneSwitcher( 1573): InformDdsToRil rild= 0, DDS=-1 11-30 21:06:37.534 D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC_RIL_OEM_HOOK( 1573): dds phoneId: -1 reason: 0 11-30 21:06:37.535 D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC_RIL_OEM_HOOK( 1573): sendOemRilRequestRaw returns value = -1 11-30 21:06:37.535 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC_RIL_OEM_HOOK( 1573): QCRIL send dds sub info returned exception: com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE 11-30 21:06:37.535 D/PhoneSwitcher( 1573): InformDdsToRil rild= 1, DDS=-1 11-30 21:06:37.535 D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC_RIL_OEM_HOOK( 1573): dds phoneId: -1 reason: 0 11-30 21:06:37.537 D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC_RIL_OEM_HOOK( 1573): sendOemRilRequestRaw returns value = -1 11-30 21:06:37.537 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC_RIL_OEM_HOOK( 1573): QCRIL send dds sub info returned exception: com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE 11-30 21:06:37.537 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getPhoneId]- invalid subId return=-1 11-30 21:06:37.537 D/PhoneSwitcher( 1573): handle event - 103 11-30 21:06:37.537 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getPhoneId]- invalid subId return=-1 11-30 21:06:37.537 D/PhoneSwitcher( 1573): evaluating due to netRequest 11-30 21:06:37.537 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getPhoneId]- invalid subId return=-1 11-30 21:06:37.537 D/PhoneSwitcher( 1573): InformDdsToRil rild= 0, DDS=-1 11-30 21:06:37.537 D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC_RIL_OEM_HOOK( 1573): dds phoneId: -1 reason: 0 11-30 21:06:37.538 D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC_RIL_OEM_HOOK( 1573): sendOemRilRequestRaw returns value = -1 11-30 21:06:37.538 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC_RIL_OEM_HOOK( 1573): QCRIL send dds sub info returned exception: com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE 11-30 21:06:37.538 D/PhoneSwitcher( 1573): InformDdsToRil rild= 1, DDS=-1 11-30 21:06:37.538 D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC_RIL_OEM_HOOK( 1573): dds phoneId: -1 reason: 0 11-30 21:06:37.539 D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC_RIL_OEM_HOOK( 1573): sendOemRilRequestRaw returns value = -1 11-30 21:06:37.539 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC_RIL_OEM_HOOK( 1573): QCRIL send dds sub info returned exception: com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE 11-30 21:06:37.539 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getPhoneId]- invalid subId return=-1 11-30 21:06:37.539 D/PhoneSwitcher( 1573): handle event - 103 11-30 21:06:37.539 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getPhoneId]- invalid subId return=-1 11-30 21:06:37.539 D/PhoneSwitcher( 1573): evaluating due to netRequest 11-30 21:06:37.539 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getPhoneId]- invalid subId return=-1 11-30 21:06:37.539 D/PhoneSwitcher( 1573): InformDdsToRil rild= 0, DDS=-1 11-30 21:06:37.539 D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC_RIL_OEM_HOOK( 1573): dds phoneId: -1 reason: 0 11-30 21:06:37.540 D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC_RIL_OEM_HOOK( 1573): sendOemRilRequestRaw returns value = -1 11-30 21:06:37.540 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC_RIL_OEM_HOOK( 1573): QCRIL send dds sub info returned exception: com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE 11-30 21:06:37.540 D/PhoneSwitcher( 1573): InformDdsToRil rild= 1, DDS=-1 11-30 21:06:37.540 D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC_RIL_OEM_HOOK( 1573): dds phoneId: -1 reason: 0 11-30 21:06:37.540 D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC_RIL_OEM_HOOK( 1573): sendOemRilRequestRaw returns value = -1 11-30 21:06:37.541 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC_RIL_OEM_HOOK( 1573): QCRIL send dds sub info returned exception: com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE 11-30 21:06:37.541 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getPhoneId]- invalid subId return=-1 11-30 21:06:37.541 D/PhoneSwitcher( 1573): handle event - 103 11-30 21:06:37.541 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getPhoneId]- invalid subId return=-1 11-30 21:06:37.541 D/PhoneSwitcher( 1573): evaluating due to netRequest 11-30 21:06:37.541 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getPhoneId]- invalid subId return=-1 11-30 21:06:37.541 D/PhoneSwitcher( 1573): InformDdsToRil rild= 0, DDS=-1 11-30 21:06:37.541 D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC_RIL_OEM_HOOK( 1573): dds phoneId: -1 reason: 0 11-30 21:06:37.542 D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC_RIL_OEM_HOOK( 1573): sendOemRilRequestRaw returns value = -1 11-30 21:06:37.542 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC_RIL_OEM_HOOK( 1573): QCRIL send dds sub info returned exception: com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE 11-30 21:06:37.542 D/PhoneSwitcher( 1573): InformDdsToRil rild= 1, DDS=-1 11-30 21:06:37.542 D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC_RIL_OEM_HOOK( 1573): dds phoneId: -1 reason: 0 11-30 21:06:37.543 D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC_RIL_OEM_HOOK( 1573): sendOemRilRequestRaw returns value = -1 11-30 21:06:37.543 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC_RIL_OEM_HOOK( 1573): QCRIL send dds sub info returned exception: com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE 11-30 21:06:37.543 D/TelephonyNetworkFactory[1]( 1573): not acting - isApp=false, isAct=false NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN Unwanted: ] ] 11-30 21:06:37.543 D/TelephonyNetworkFactory[1]( 1573): not acting - isApp=false, isAct=false NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=6, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Unwanted: Uid: 1000] ] 11-30 21:06:37.543 D/TelephonyNetworkFactory[1]( 1573): not acting - isApp=false, isAct=false NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=10, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Unwanted: Uid: 1000] ] 11-30 21:06:37.543 D/TelephonyNetworkFactory[1]( 1573): not acting - isApp=false, isAct=false NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=12, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Unwanted: Uid: 10030] ] 11-30 21:06:37.543 D/TelephonyNetworkFactory[1]( 1573): not acting - isApp=false, isAct=false NetworkRequest [ BACKGROUND_REQUEST id=2, [ Transports: CELLULAR Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN Unwanted: ] ] 11-30 21:06:37.543 D/TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]( 1573): not acting - isApp=false, isAct=false NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN Unwanted: ] ] 11-30 21:06:37.543 D/TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]( 1573): not acting - isApp=false, isAct=false NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=6, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Unwanted: Uid: 1000] ] 11-30 21:06:37.544 D/TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]( 1573): not acting - isApp=false, isAct=false NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=10, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Unwanted: Uid: 1000] ] 11-30 21:06:37.544 D/TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]( 1573): not acting - isApp=false, isAct=false NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=12, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Unwanted: Uid: 10030] ] 11-30 21:06:37.544 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483644 11-30 21:06:37.544 D/TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]( 1573): not acting - isApp=false, isAct=false NetworkRequest [ BACKGROUND_REQUEST id=2, [ Transports: CELLULAR Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN Unwanted: ] ] 11-30 21:06:37.545 E/DcTracker( 1573): Unhandled event={ when=-15ms what=270385 obj=android.os.AsyncResult@79ca775 target=com.qualcomm.qti.internal.telephony.dataconnection.QtiDcTracker } 11-30 21:06:37.545 E/DcTracker( 1573): Unhandled event={ when=-15ms what=270385 obj=android.os.AsyncResult@237230a target=com.qualcomm.qti.internal.telephony.dataconnection.QtiDcTracker } 11-30 21:06:37.546 D/Dcc ( 1573): DccDefaultState: msg.what=EVENT_RIL_CONNECTED mRilVersion=15 11-30 21:06:37.602 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:37.755 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:06:37.755 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:06:37.756 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:06:37.762 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:37.814 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:37.856 D/ImsManager( 1573): Connector: getImsService 11-30 21:06:37.856 I/ImsManager( 1573): Creating ImsService 11-30 21:06:37.857 D/ImsManager( 1573): Status Changed: 0 11-30 21:06:37.857 D/ImsSmsDispacher( 1573): ImsManager: connection unavailable. 11-30 21:06:37.903 D/ImsManager( 1573): Connector: getImsService 11-30 21:06:37.903 I/ImsManager( 1573): Creating ImsService 11-30 21:06:37.904 D/ImsManager( 1573): Status Changed: 0 11-30 21:06:37.904 D/ImsSmsDispacher( 1573): ImsManager: connection unavailable. 11-30 21:06:37.984 D/ImsManager( 1573): Connector: getImsService 11-30 21:06:37.984 D/ImsManager( 1573): Status Changed: 0 11-30 21:06:37.984 D/ImsPhoneCallTracker( 1573): [0] stopListeningForCalls 11-30 21:06:37.985 D/ImsPhoneCallTracker( 1573): [0] Resetting Capabilities... 11-30 21:06:37.987 D/ImsManager( 1573): Connector: getImsService 11-30 21:06:37.987 D/ImsManager( 1573): Status Changed: 0 11-30 21:06:37.987 D/ImsPhoneCallTracker( 1573): [1] stopListeningForCalls 11-30 21:06:37.987 D/ImsPhoneCallTracker( 1573): [1] Resetting Capabilities... 11-30 21:06:38.578 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getPhoneId] asked for default subId=2147483643 11-30 21:06:38.578 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:38.582 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getPhoneId] asked for default subId=2147483643 11-30 21:06:38.582 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:38.594 I/chatty ( 1573): uid=1001(radio) Binder:1573_1 identical 1 line 11-30 21:06:38.597 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:38.602 D/WAP PUSH( 1573): Received broadcast android.intent.action.USER_UNLOCKED 11-30 21:06:38.602 D/WAP PUSH( 1573): Received broadcast android.intent.action.USER_UNLOCKED 11-30 21:06:38.602 D/SmsBroadcastUndelivered( 1573): Received broadcast android.intent.action.USER_UNLOCKED 11-30 21:06:38.603 D/WAP PUSH( 1573): Received broadcast android.intent.action.USER_UNLOCKED 11-30 21:06:38.603 D/WAP PUSH( 1573): Received broadcast android.intent.action.USER_UNLOCKED 11-30 21:06:38.605 D/SmsBroadcastUndelivered( 1573): scanning raw table for undelivered messages 11-30 21:06:38.630 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:38.635 D/SmsBroadcastUndelivered( 1573): finished scanning raw table in 30 ms 11-30 21:06:38.713 D/TelephonyRegistry( 1213): listen oscl: hasNotifySubscriptionInfoChangedOccurred==false no callback 11-30 21:06:38.790 D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC_RIL_OEM_HOOK( 1553): Starting QcrilMsgTunnel Service 11-30 21:06:38.792 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getPhoneId] asked for default subId=2147483643 11-30 21:06:38.793 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:38.793 D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC_RIL_OEM_HOOK( 1553): Attempt to bind service returned with: true 11-30 21:06:38.793 D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC_RIL_OEM_HOOK( 1553): Registering for intent ACTION_UNSOL_RESPONSE_OEM_HOOK_RAW 11-30 21:06:38.803 D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC_RIL_OEM_HOOK( 1553): QcrilMsgTunnelService Connected Successfully (onServiceConnected) 11-30 21:06:38.810 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:38.812 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:38.814 I/chatty ( 1573): uid=1001(radio) Binder:1573_5 identical 1 line 11-30 21:06:38.815 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:38.821 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready 11-30 21:06:38.967 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getPhoneId] asked for default subId=2147483643 11-30 21:06:38.967 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:38.980 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getPhoneId] asked for default subId=2147483643 11-30 21:06:38.980 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:38.981 I/chatty ( 1573): uid=1001(radio) Binder:1573_5 identical 1 line 11-30 21:06:38.982 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:39.135 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getPhoneId]- invalid subId return=-1 11-30 21:06:39.489 D/SST ( 1573): [1] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented 11-30 21:06:39.489 D/SST ( 1573): [1] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null 11-30 21:06:39.489 D/LocaleTracker( 1573): getCellInfo: cell info=null 11-30 21:06:39.489 D/LocaleTracker( 1573): Can't get cell info. Try again in 4 secs. 11-30 21:06:39.489 D/LocaleTracker( 1573): updateLocale: mcc = null, country = 11-30 21:06:39.525 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:39.526 I/chatty ( 1573): uid=1001(radio) Binder:1573_3 identical 2 lines 11-30 21:06:39.527 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:39.531 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3662]> RIL_REQUEST_GET_CELL_INFO_LIST [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:39.531 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest: GET_CELL_INFO_LIST 11-30 21:06:39.531 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest,7662 g_is_scan_ing = 0 11-30 21:06:39.532 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3662]< RIL_REQUEST_GET_CELL_INFO_LIST error 6 [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:39.532 D/RilRequest( 1573): [3662]< RIL_REQUEST_GET_CELL_INFO_LIST error: com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: REQUEST_NOT_SUPPORTED ret=[] 11-30 21:06:39.532 D/SST ( 1573): [0] EVENT_GET_CELL_INFO_LIST: error ret null, e=com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: REQUEST_NOT_SUPPORTED 11-30 21:06:39.532 D/SST ( 1573): [0] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null 11-30 21:06:39.532 D/LocaleTracker( 1573): getCellInfo: cell info=null 11-30 21:06:39.532 D/LocaleTracker( 1573): Can't get cell info. Try again in 4 secs. 11-30 21:06:39.532 D/LocaleTracker( 1573): updateLocale: mcc = null, country = 11-30 21:06:39.540 I/ImsManager( 1536): Creating ImsService 11-30 21:06:39.542 D/ImsManager( 1536): Registration Callback registered. 11-30 21:06:39.542 I/ImsManager( 1536): Creating ImsService 11-30 21:06:39.543 D/ImsManager( 1536): Registration Callback registered. 11-30 21:06:39.543 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getPhoneId]- invalid subId return=-1 11-30 21:06:39.546 D/SipService( 1573): SipService: started! 11-30 21:06:39.547 D/SipService( 1573): start: 11-30 21:06:39.745 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready 11-30 21:06:39.745 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getActiveSubInfoForSubscriber]- subId=2147483643 subList=null subInfo=null 11-30 21:06:39.753 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready 11-30 21:06:39.754 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3663]> RIL_REQUEST_GSM_SET_BROADCAST_CONFIG with 1 configs : [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:39.754 D/RILJ ( 1573): SmsBroadcastConfigInfo: Id [4370,4370] Code [0,255] ENABLED [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:39.754 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest: GSM_SET_BROADCAST_SMS_CONFIG datalen=8 11-30 21:06:39.754 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest,7662 g_is_scan_ing = 0 11-30 21:06:39.755 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3663]< RIL_REQUEST_GSM_SET_BROADCAST_CONFIG [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:39.755 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3664]> RIL_REQUEST_GSM_BROADCAST_ACTIVATION activate = true [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:39.755 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest: GSM_SMS_BROADCAST_ACTIVATION datalen=4 11-30 21:06:39.755 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest,7662 g_is_scan_ing = 0 11-30 21:06:39.755 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3664]< RIL_REQUEST_GSM_BROADCAST_ACTIVATION error 6 [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:39.755 D/RilRequest( 1573): [3664]< RIL_REQUEST_GSM_BROADCAST_ACTIVATION error: com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: REQUEST_NOT_SUPPORTED ret= 11-30 21:06:39.756 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready 11-30 21:06:39.757 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3665]> RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_SET_BROADCAST_CONFIG with 1 configs : [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:39.757 D/RILJ ( 1573): {.serviceCategory = 4096, .language = 1, .selected = true} [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:39.757 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest: CDMA_SET_BROADCAST_SMS_CONFIG datalen=8 11-30 21:06:39.757 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest,7662 g_is_scan_ing = 0 11-30 21:06:39.757 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3665]< RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_SET_BROADCAST_CONFIG [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:39.758 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3666]> RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_BROADCAST_ACTIVATION activate = true [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:39.758 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest: CDMA_SMS_BROADCAST_ACTIVATION datalen=4 11-30 21:06:39.758 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest,7662 g_is_scan_ing = 0 11-30 21:06:39.758 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3666]< RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_BROADCAST_ACTIVATION error 6 [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:39.758 D/RilRequest( 1573): [3666]< RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_BROADCAST_ACTIVATION error: com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: REQUEST_NOT_SUPPORTED ret= 11-30 21:06:39.759 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready 11-30 21:06:39.760 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3667]> RIL_REQUEST_GSM_SET_BROADCAST_CONFIG with 2 configs : [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:39.760 D/RILJ ( 1573): SmsBroadcastConfigInfo: Id [4370,4370] Code [0,255] ENABLED [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:39.760 D/RILJ ( 1573): SmsBroadcastConfigInfo: Id [4383,4383] Code [0,255] ENABLED [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:39.760 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest: GSM_SET_BROADCAST_SMS_CONFIG datalen=16 11-30 21:06:39.760 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest,7662 g_is_scan_ing = 0 11-30 21:06:39.760 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3667]< RIL_REQUEST_GSM_SET_BROADCAST_CONFIG [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:39.761 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3668]> RIL_REQUEST_GSM_BROADCAST_ACTIVATION activate = true [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:39.761 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest: GSM_SMS_BROADCAST_ACTIVATION datalen=4 11-30 21:06:39.761 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest,7662 g_is_scan_ing = 0 11-30 21:06:39.761 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3668]< RIL_REQUEST_GSM_BROADCAST_ACTIVATION error 6 [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:39.761 D/RilRequest( 1573): [3668]< RIL_REQUEST_GSM_BROADCAST_ACTIVATION error: com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: REQUEST_NOT_SUPPORTED ret= 11-30 21:06:39.762 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready 11-30 21:06:39.763 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3669]> RIL_REQUEST_GSM_SET_BROADCAST_CONFIG with 3 configs : [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:39.763 D/RILJ ( 1573): SmsBroadcastConfigInfo: Id [4370,4370] Code [0,255] ENABLED [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:39.763 D/RILJ ( 1573): SmsBroadcastConfigInfo: Id [4383,4383] Code [0,255] ENABLED [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:39.763 D/RILJ ( 1573): SmsBroadcastConfigInfo: Id [4371,4372] Code [0,255] ENABLED [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:39.763 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest: GSM_SET_BROADCAST_SMS_CONFIG datalen=24 11-30 21:06:39.763 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest,7662 g_is_scan_ing = 0 11-30 21:06:39.763 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3669]< RIL_REQUEST_GSM_SET_BROADCAST_CONFIG [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:39.763 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3670]> RIL_REQUEST_GSM_BROADCAST_ACTIVATION activate = true [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:39.763 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest: GSM_SMS_BROADCAST_ACTIVATION datalen=4 11-30 21:06:39.763 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest,7662 g_is_scan_ing = 0 11-30 21:06:39.763 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3670]< RIL_REQUEST_GSM_BROADCAST_ACTIVATION error 6 [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:39.763 D/RilRequest( 1573): [3670]< RIL_REQUEST_GSM_BROADCAST_ACTIVATION error: com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: REQUEST_NOT_SUPPORTED ret= 11-30 21:06:39.764 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready 11-30 21:06:39.765 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3671]> RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_SET_BROADCAST_CONFIG with 2 configs : [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:39.765 D/RILJ ( 1573): {.serviceCategory = 4096, .language = 1, .selected = true} [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:39.765 D/RILJ ( 1573): {.serviceCategory = 4097, .language = 1, .selected = true} [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:39.765 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest: CDMA_SET_BROADCAST_SMS_CONFIG datalen=16 11-30 21:06:39.765 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest,7662 g_is_scan_ing = 0 11-30 21:06:39.765 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3671]< RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_SET_BROADCAST_CONFIG [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:39.766 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3672]> RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_BROADCAST_ACTIVATION activate = true [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:39.766 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest: CDMA_SMS_BROADCAST_ACTIVATION datalen=4 11-30 21:06:39.766 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest,7662 g_is_scan_ing = 0 11-30 21:06:39.766 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3672]< RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_BROADCAST_ACTIVATION error 6 [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:39.766 D/RilRequest( 1573): [3672]< RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_BROADCAST_ACTIVATION error: com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: REQUEST_NOT_SUPPORTED ret= 11-30 21:06:39.767 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready 11-30 21:06:39.767 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3673]> RIL_REQUEST_GSM_SET_BROADCAST_CONFIG with 3 configs : [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:39.767 D/RILJ ( 1573): SmsBroadcastConfigInfo: Id [4370,4372] Code [0,255] ENABLED [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:39.767 D/RILJ ( 1573): SmsBroadcastConfigInfo: Id [4383,4383] Code [0,255] ENABLED [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:39.767 D/RILJ ( 1573): SmsBroadcastConfigInfo: Id [4384,4385] Code [0,255] ENABLED [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:39.767 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest: GSM_SET_BROADCAST_SMS_CONFIG datalen=24 11-30 21:06:39.767 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest,7662 g_is_scan_ing = 0 11-30 21:06:39.767 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3673]< RIL_REQUEST_GSM_SET_BROADCAST_CONFIG [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:39.768 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3674]> RIL_REQUEST_GSM_BROADCAST_ACTIVATION activate = true [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:39.768 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest: GSM_SMS_BROADCAST_ACTIVATION datalen=4 11-30 21:06:39.768 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest,7662 g_is_scan_ing = 0 11-30 21:06:39.768 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3674]< RIL_REQUEST_GSM_BROADCAST_ACTIVATION error 6 [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:39.768 D/RilRequest( 1573): [3674]< RIL_REQUEST_GSM_BROADCAST_ACTIVATION error: com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: REQUEST_NOT_SUPPORTED ret= 11-30 21:06:39.769 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready 11-30 21:06:39.769 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3675]> RIL_REQUEST_GSM_SET_BROADCAST_CONFIG with 3 configs : [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:39.769 D/RILJ ( 1573): SmsBroadcastConfigInfo: Id [4370,4372] Code [0,255] ENABLED [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:39.769 D/RILJ ( 1573): SmsBroadcastConfigInfo: Id [4383,4385] Code [0,255] ENABLED [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:39.769 D/RILJ ( 1573): SmsBroadcastConfigInfo: Id [4373,4378] Code [0,255] ENABLED [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:39.769 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest: GSM_SET_BROADCAST_SMS_CONFIG datalen=24 11-30 21:06:39.769 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest,7662 g_is_scan_ing = 0 11-30 21:06:39.769 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3675]< RIL_REQUEST_GSM_SET_BROADCAST_CONFIG [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:39.770 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3676]> RIL_REQUEST_GSM_BROADCAST_ACTIVATION activate = true [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:39.770 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest: GSM_SMS_BROADCAST_ACTIVATION datalen=4 11-30 21:06:39.770 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest,7662 g_is_scan_ing = 0 11-30 21:06:39.770 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3676]< RIL_REQUEST_GSM_BROADCAST_ACTIVATION error 6 [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:39.770 D/RilRequest( 1573): [3676]< RIL_REQUEST_GSM_BROADCAST_ACTIVATION error: com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: REQUEST_NOT_SUPPORTED ret= 11-30 21:06:39.771 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready 11-30 21:06:39.771 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3677]> RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_SET_BROADCAST_CONFIG with 3 configs : [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:39.771 D/RILJ ( 1573): {.serviceCategory = 4096, .language = 1, .selected = true} [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:39.771 D/RILJ ( 1573): {.serviceCategory = 4097, .language = 1, .selected = true} [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:39.771 D/RILJ ( 1573): {.serviceCategory = 4098, .language = 1, .selected = true} [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:39.771 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest: CDMA_SET_BROADCAST_SMS_CONFIG datalen=24 11-30 21:06:39.771 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest,7662 g_is_scan_ing = 0 11-30 21:06:39.771 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3677]< RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_SET_BROADCAST_CONFIG [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:39.772 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3678]> RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_BROADCAST_ACTIVATION activate = true [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:39.772 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest: CDMA_SMS_BROADCAST_ACTIVATION datalen=4 11-30 21:06:39.772 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest,7662 g_is_scan_ing = 0 11-30 21:06:39.772 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3678]< RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_BROADCAST_ACTIVATION error 6 [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:39.772 D/RilRequest( 1573): [3678]< RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_BROADCAST_ACTIVATION error: com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: REQUEST_NOT_SUPPORTED ret= 11-30 21:06:39.773 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready 11-30 21:06:39.773 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3679]> RIL_REQUEST_GSM_SET_BROADCAST_CONFIG with 3 configs : [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:39.773 D/RILJ ( 1573): SmsBroadcastConfigInfo: Id [4370,4378] Code [0,255] ENABLED [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:39.773 D/RILJ ( 1573): SmsBroadcastConfigInfo: Id [4383,4385] Code [0,255] ENABLED [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:39.773 D/RILJ ( 1573): SmsBroadcastConfigInfo: Id [4386,4391] Code [0,255] ENABLED [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:39.774 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest: GSM_SET_BROADCAST_SMS_CONFIG datalen=24 11-30 21:06:39.774 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest,7662 g_is_scan_ing = 0 11-30 21:06:39.774 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3679]< RIL_REQUEST_GSM_SET_BROADCAST_CONFIG [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:39.774 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3680]> RIL_REQUEST_GSM_BROADCAST_ACTIVATION activate = true [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:39.774 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest: GSM_SMS_BROADCAST_ACTIVATION datalen=4 11-30 21:06:39.774 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest,7662 g_is_scan_ing = 0 11-30 21:06:39.774 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3680]< RIL_REQUEST_GSM_BROADCAST_ACTIVATION error 6 [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:39.774 D/RilRequest( 1573): [3680]< RIL_REQUEST_GSM_BROADCAST_ACTIVATION error: com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: REQUEST_NOT_SUPPORTED ret= 11-30 21:06:39.775 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready 11-30 21:06:39.776 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3681]> RIL_REQUEST_GSM_SET_BROADCAST_CONFIG with 3 configs : [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:39.776 D/RILJ ( 1573): SmsBroadcastConfigInfo: Id [4370,4378] Code [0,255] ENABLED [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:39.776 D/RILJ ( 1573): SmsBroadcastConfigInfo: Id [4383,4391] Code [0,255] ENABLED [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:39.776 D/RILJ ( 1573): SmsBroadcastConfigInfo: Id [4379,4379] Code [0,255] ENABLED [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:39.776 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest: GSM_SET_BROADCAST_SMS_CONFIG datalen=24 11-30 21:06:39.776 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest,7662 g_is_scan_ing = 0 11-30 21:06:39.776 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3681]< RIL_REQUEST_GSM_SET_BROADCAST_CONFIG [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:39.776 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3682]> RIL_REQUEST_GSM_BROADCAST_ACTIVATION activate = true [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:39.776 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest: GSM_SMS_BROADCAST_ACTIVATION datalen=4 11-30 21:06:39.776 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest,7662 g_is_scan_ing = 0 11-30 21:06:39.776 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3682]< RIL_REQUEST_GSM_BROADCAST_ACTIVATION error 6 [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:39.776 D/RilRequest( 1573): [3682]< RIL_REQUEST_GSM_BROADCAST_ACTIVATION error: com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: REQUEST_NOT_SUPPORTED ret= 11-30 21:06:39.777 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready 11-30 21:06:39.778 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3683]> RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_SET_BROADCAST_CONFIG with 4 configs : [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:39.778 D/RILJ ( 1573): {.serviceCategory = 4096, .language = 1, .selected = true} [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:39.778 D/RILJ ( 1573): {.serviceCategory = 4097, .language = 1, .selected = true} [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:39.778 D/RILJ ( 1573): {.serviceCategory = 4098, .language = 1, .selected = true} [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:39.778 D/RILJ ( 1573): {.serviceCategory = 4099, .language = 1, .selected = true} [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:39.778 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest: CDMA_SET_BROADCAST_SMS_CONFIG datalen=32 11-30 21:06:39.778 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest,7662 g_is_scan_ing = 0 11-30 21:06:39.778 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3683]< RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_SET_BROADCAST_CONFIG [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:39.778 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3684]> RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_BROADCAST_ACTIVATION activate = true [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:39.778 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest: CDMA_SMS_BROADCAST_ACTIVATION datalen=4 11-30 21:06:39.778 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest,7662 g_is_scan_ing = 0 11-30 21:06:39.779 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3684]< RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_BROADCAST_ACTIVATION error 6 [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:39.779 D/RilRequest( 1573): [3684]< RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_BROADCAST_ACTIVATION error: com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: REQUEST_NOT_SUPPORTED ret= 11-30 21:06:39.779 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready 11-30 21:06:39.780 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3685]> RIL_REQUEST_GSM_SET_BROADCAST_CONFIG with 3 configs : [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:39.780 D/RILJ ( 1573): SmsBroadcastConfigInfo: Id [4370,4379] Code [0,255] ENABLED [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:39.780 D/RILJ ( 1573): SmsBroadcastConfigInfo: Id [4383,4391] Code [0,255] ENABLED [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:39.780 D/RILJ ( 1573): SmsBroadcastConfigInfo: Id [4392,4392] Code [0,255] ENABLED [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:39.780 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest: GSM_SET_BROADCAST_SMS_CONFIG datalen=24 11-30 21:06:39.780 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest,7662 g_is_scan_ing = 0 11-30 21:06:39.780 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3685]< RIL_REQUEST_GSM_SET_BROADCAST_CONFIG [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:39.780 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3686]> RIL_REQUEST_GSM_BROADCAST_ACTIVATION activate = true [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:39.780 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest: GSM_SMS_BROADCAST_ACTIVATION datalen=4 11-30 21:06:39.780 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest,7662 g_is_scan_ing = 0 11-30 21:06:39.781 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3686]< RIL_REQUEST_GSM_BROADCAST_ACTIVATION error 6 [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:39.781 D/RilRequest( 1573): [3686]< RIL_REQUEST_GSM_BROADCAST_ACTIVATION error: com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: REQUEST_NOT_SUPPORTED ret= 11-30 21:06:39.782 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready 11-30 21:06:39.788 I/chatty ( 1573): uid=1001(radio) Binder:1573_3 identical 6 lines 11-30 21:06:39.789 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready 11-30 21:06:39.790 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3687]> RIL_REQUEST_GSM_SET_BROADCAST_CONFIG with 3 configs : [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:39.790 D/RILJ ( 1573): SmsBroadcastConfigInfo: Id [4370,4379] Code [0,255] ENABLED [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:39.790 D/RILJ ( 1573): SmsBroadcastConfigInfo: Id [4383,4392] Code [0,255] ENABLED [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:39.790 D/RILJ ( 1573): SmsBroadcastConfigInfo: Id [4352,4354] Code [0,255] ENABLED [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:39.790 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest: GSM_SET_BROADCAST_SMS_CONFIG datalen=24 11-30 21:06:39.790 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest,7662 g_is_scan_ing = 0 11-30 21:06:39.790 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3687]< RIL_REQUEST_GSM_SET_BROADCAST_CONFIG [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:39.791 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3688]> RIL_REQUEST_GSM_BROADCAST_ACTIVATION activate = true [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:39.791 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest: GSM_SMS_BROADCAST_ACTIVATION datalen=4 11-30 21:06:39.791 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest,7662 g_is_scan_ing = 0 11-30 21:06:39.791 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3688]< RIL_REQUEST_GSM_BROADCAST_ACTIVATION error 6 [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:39.791 D/RilRequest( 1573): [3688]< RIL_REQUEST_GSM_BROADCAST_ACTIVATION error: com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: REQUEST_NOT_SUPPORTED ret= 11-30 21:06:39.792 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready 11-30 21:06:39.793 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3689]> RIL_REQUEST_GSM_SET_BROADCAST_CONFIG with 4 configs : [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:39.793 D/RILJ ( 1573): SmsBroadcastConfigInfo: Id [4352,4354] Code [0,255] ENABLED [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:39.793 D/RILJ ( 1573): SmsBroadcastConfigInfo: Id [4370,4379] Code [0,255] ENABLED [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:39.793 D/RILJ ( 1573): SmsBroadcastConfigInfo: Id [4383,4392] Code [0,255] ENABLED [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:39.793 D/RILJ ( 1573): SmsBroadcastConfigInfo: Id [4356,4356] Code [0,255] ENABLED [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:39.793 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest: GSM_SET_BROADCAST_SMS_CONFIG datalen=32 11-30 21:06:39.793 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest,7662 g_is_scan_ing = 0 11-30 21:06:39.793 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3689]< RIL_REQUEST_GSM_SET_BROADCAST_CONFIG [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:39.794 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3690]> RIL_REQUEST_GSM_BROADCAST_ACTIVATION activate = true [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:39.794 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest: GSM_SMS_BROADCAST_ACTIVATION datalen=4 11-30 21:06:39.794 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest,7662 g_is_scan_ing = 0 11-30 21:06:39.794 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3690]< RIL_REQUEST_GSM_BROADCAST_ACTIVATION error 6 [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:39.794 D/RilRequest( 1573): [3690]< RIL_REQUEST_GSM_BROADCAST_ACTIVATION error: com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: REQUEST_NOT_SUPPORTED ret= 11-30 21:06:39.795 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready 11-30 21:06:40.094 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getPhoneId] asked for default subId=2147483643 11-30 21:06:40.095 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:40.099 I/chatty ( 1573): uid=1001(radio) Binder:1573_3 identical 8 lines 11-30 21:06:40.100 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:40.144 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready 11-30 21:06:40.151 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:40.151 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483644 11-30 21:06:40.219 D/GsmCellBroadcastHandler( 1573): mWakeLock released 11-30 21:06:40.223 D/CellBroadcastHandler( 1573): mWakeLock released 11-30 21:06:40.223 D/CdmaServiceCategoryProgramHandler( 1573): mWakeLock released 11-30 21:06:40.269 D/GsmCellBroadcastHandler( 1573): mWakeLock released 11-30 21:06:40.271 D/CellBroadcastHandler( 1573): mWakeLock released 11-30 21:06:40.274 D/CdmaServiceCategoryProgramHandler( 1573): mWakeLock released 11-30 21:06:40.414 D/CAT ( 1573): com.android.stk.BootCompletedReceiver: [ACTION_BOOT_COMPLETED] 11-30 21:06:40.414 D/CAT ( 1573): com.android.stk.StkAppService: onCreate()+ 11-30 21:06:40.414 D/CAT ( 1573): com.android.stk.StkAppService: simCount: 2 11-30 21:06:40.414 D/CAT ( 1573): com.android.stk.StkAppService: slotId: 0 11-30 21:06:40.414 D/CAT ( 1573): com.android.stk.StkAppService: slotId: 1 11-30 21:06:40.414 D/CAT ( 1573): com.android.stk.StkAppService: onStart sim id: 0, op: 5, ***** 11-30 21:06:40.414 D/CAT ( 1573): com.android.stk.StkAppService: mStkService is: -1 11-30 21:06:40.415 D/CAT ( 1573): StkAppInstaller: [setAppState]+ 11-30 21:06:40.415 D/CAT ( 1573): StkAppInstaller: Need not change app state!! 11-30 21:06:40.415 D/CAT ( 1573): StkAppInstaller: [setAppState]- 11-30 21:06:40.415 D/CAT ( 1573): com.android.stk.StkAppService: onDestroy() 11-30 21:06:40.527 D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC_RIL_OEM_HOOK( 1573): Starting QcrilMsgTunnel Service 11-30 21:06:40.527 D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC_RIL_OEM_HOOK( 1573): Attempt to bind service returned with: true 11-30 21:06:40.528 D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC_RIL_OEM_HOOK( 1573): Registering for intent ACTION_UNSOL_RESPONSE_OEM_HOOK_RAW 11-30 21:06:40.535 D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC_RIL_OEM_HOOK( 1573): QcrilMsgTunnelService Connected Successfully (onServiceConnected) 11-30 21:06:40.535 D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC_RIL_OEM_HOOK( 1573): Calling onQcRilHookReady callback 11-30 21:06:40.537 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:40.540 I/chatty ( 1573): uid=1001(radio) com.android.phone identical 1 line 11-30 21:06:40.542 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:40.543 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483644 11-30 21:06:40.544 I/chatty ( 1573): uid=1001(radio) com.android.phone identical 1 line 11-30 21:06:40.546 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483644 11-30 21:06:40.546 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:40.547 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483644 11-30 21:06:40.756 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:06:40.756 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:06:40.757 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:06:41.076 D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC_RIL_OEM_HOOK( 2758): Starting QcrilMsgTunnel Service 11-30 21:06:41.079 D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC_RIL_OEM_HOOK( 2758): Attempt to bind service returned with: true 11-30 21:06:41.079 D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC_RIL_OEM_HOOK( 2758): Registering for intent ACTION_UNSOL_RESPONSE_OEM_HOOK_RAW 11-30 21:06:41.092 D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC_RIL_OEM_HOOK( 2758): QcrilMsgTunnelService Connected Successfully (onServiceConnected) 11-30 21:06:41.093 D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC_RIL_OEM_HOOK( 2758): Calling onQcRilHookReady callback 11-30 21:06:41.100 D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC_RIL_OEM_HOOK( 2758): sendOemRilRequestRaw returns value = -1 11-30 21:06:41.100 W/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC_RIL_OEM_HOOK( 2758): QCRIL_EVT_HOOK_GET_CONFIG failed w/ com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE 11-30 21:06:41.105 D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC_RIL_OEM_HOOK( 1573): Starting QcrilMsgTunnel Service 11-30 21:06:41.106 D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC_RIL_OEM_HOOK( 1573): Attempt to bind service returned with: true 11-30 21:06:41.107 D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC_RIL_OEM_HOOK( 1573): Registering for intent ACTION_UNSOL_RESPONSE_OEM_HOOK_RAW 11-30 21:06:41.108 D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC_RIL_OEM_HOOK( 1573): QcrilMsgTunnelService Connected Successfully (onServiceConnected) 11-30 21:06:41.108 D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC_RIL_OEM_HOOK( 1573): Calling onQcRilHookReady callback 11-30 21:06:41.119 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:41.124 I/chatty ( 1573): uid=1001(radio) Binder:1573_4 identical 2 lines 11-30 21:06:41.124 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:41.136 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:41.137 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:41.148 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getPhoneId]- invalid subId return=-1 11-30 21:06:43.494 D/SST ( 1573): [1] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented 11-30 21:06:43.494 D/SST ( 1573): [1] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null 11-30 21:06:43.494 D/LocaleTracker( 1573): getCellInfo: cell info=null 11-30 21:06:43.494 D/LocaleTracker( 1573): Can't get cell info. Try again in 8 secs. 11-30 21:06:43.494 D/LocaleTracker( 1573): updateLocale: mcc = null, country = 11-30 21:06:43.538 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3691]> RIL_REQUEST_GET_CELL_INFO_LIST [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:43.538 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest: GET_CELL_INFO_LIST 11-30 21:06:43.539 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest,7662 g_is_scan_ing = 0 11-30 21:06:43.539 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3691]< RIL_REQUEST_GET_CELL_INFO_LIST error 6 [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:43.539 D/RilRequest( 1573): [3691]< RIL_REQUEST_GET_CELL_INFO_LIST error: com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: REQUEST_NOT_SUPPORTED ret=[] 11-30 21:06:43.539 D/SST ( 1573): [0] EVENT_GET_CELL_INFO_LIST: error ret null, e=com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: REQUEST_NOT_SUPPORTED 11-30 21:06:43.540 D/SST ( 1573): [0] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null 11-30 21:06:43.540 D/LocaleTracker( 1573): getCellInfo: cell info=null 11-30 21:06:43.540 D/LocaleTracker( 1573): Can't get cell info. Try again in 8 secs. 11-30 21:06:43.540 D/LocaleTracker( 1573): updateLocale: mcc = null, country = 11-30 21:06:43.757 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:06:43.757 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:06:43.758 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:06:46.758 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:06:46.758 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:06:46.759 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:06:49.212 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3692]> RIL_REQUEST_SET_UNSOLICITED_RESPONSE_FILTER 31 [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:49.213 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3692]< RIL_REQUEST_SET_UNSOLICITED_RESPONSE_FILTER error 6 [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:49.214 D/RilRequest( 1573): [3692]< RIL_REQUEST_SET_UNSOLICITED_RESPONSE_FILTER error: com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: REQUEST_NOT_SUPPORTED ret= 11-30 21:06:49.214 E/RILJ ( 1573): RadioProxy getService/setResponseFunctions: java.util.NoSuchElementException [SUB1] 11-30 21:06:49.214 E/RILJ ( 1573): getRadioProxy: mRadioProxy == null [SUB1] 11-30 21:06:49.360 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [0]screen on 11-30 21:06:49.360 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [0]stopNetStatPoll 11-30 21:06:49.362 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:49.363 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:49.364 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [1]screen on 11-30 21:06:49.364 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [1]stopNetStatPoll 11-30 21:06:49.365 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483644 11-30 21:06:49.366 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483644 11-30 21:06:49.434 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [0]screen off 11-30 21:06:49.434 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [0]stopNetStatPoll 11-30 21:06:49.435 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:49.437 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:06:49.438 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [1]screen off 11-30 21:06:49.438 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [1]stopNetStatPoll 11-30 21:06:49.439 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483644 11-30 21:06:49.440 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483644 11-30 21:06:49.760 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:06:49.760 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:06:49.762 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:06:51.508 D/SST ( 1573): [1] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented 11-30 21:06:51.508 D/SST ( 1573): [1] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null 11-30 21:06:51.508 D/LocaleTracker( 1573): getCellInfo: cell info=null 11-30 21:06:51.510 D/LocaleTracker( 1573): Can't get cell info. Try again in 16 secs. 11-30 21:06:51.510 D/LocaleTracker( 1573): updateLocale: mcc = null, country = 11-30 21:06:51.555 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3693]> RIL_REQUEST_GET_CELL_INFO_LIST [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:51.556 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest: GET_CELL_INFO_LIST 11-30 21:06:51.556 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest,7662 g_is_scan_ing = 0 11-30 21:06:51.558 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3693]< RIL_REQUEST_GET_CELL_INFO_LIST error 6 [SUB0] 11-30 21:06:51.558 D/RilRequest( 1573): [3693]< RIL_REQUEST_GET_CELL_INFO_LIST error: com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: REQUEST_NOT_SUPPORTED ret=[] 11-30 21:06:51.559 D/SST ( 1573): [0] EVENT_GET_CELL_INFO_LIST: error ret null, e=com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: REQUEST_NOT_SUPPORTED 11-30 21:06:51.560 D/SST ( 1573): [0] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null 11-30 21:06:51.560 D/LocaleTracker( 1573): getCellInfo: cell info=null 11-30 21:06:51.561 D/LocaleTracker( 1573): Can't get cell info. Try again in 16 secs. 11-30 21:06:51.561 D/LocaleTracker( 1573): updateLocale: mcc = null, country = 11-30 21:06:52.764 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:06:52.765 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:06:52.766 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:06:53.870 D/TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]( 1573): got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=14, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Unwanted: Uid: 10096] ] with score 20 11-30 21:06:53.871 D/TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]( 1573): not acting - isApp=false, isAct=false NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=14, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Unwanted: Uid: 10096] ] 11-30 21:06:53.871 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getPhoneId]- invalid subId return=-1 11-30 21:06:53.872 D/PhoneSwitcher( 1573): handle event - 103 11-30 21:06:53.872 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getPhoneId]- invalid subId return=-1 11-30 21:06:53.872 D/PhoneSwitcher( 1573): evaluating due to netRequest 11-30 21:06:53.873 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getPhoneId]- invalid subId return=-1 11-30 21:06:53.873 D/PhoneSwitcher( 1573): InformDdsToRil rild= 0, DDS=-1 11-30 21:06:53.873 D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC_RIL_OEM_HOOK( 1573): dds phoneId: -1 reason: 0 11-30 21:06:53.876 D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC_RIL_OEM_HOOK( 1573): sendOemRilRequestRaw returns value = -1 11-30 21:06:53.876 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC_RIL_OEM_HOOK( 1573): QCRIL send dds sub info returned exception: com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE 11-30 21:06:53.876 D/PhoneSwitcher( 1573): InformDdsToRil rild= 1, DDS=-1 11-30 21:06:53.877 D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC_RIL_OEM_HOOK( 1573): dds phoneId: -1 reason: 0 11-30 21:06:53.878 D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC_RIL_OEM_HOOK( 1573): sendOemRilRequestRaw returns value = -1 11-30 21:06:53.878 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC_RIL_OEM_HOOK( 1573): QCRIL send dds sub info returned exception: com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE 11-30 21:06:53.878 D/TelephonyNetworkFactory[1]( 1573): got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=14, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Unwanted: Uid: 10096] ] with score 20 11-30 21:06:53.878 D/TelephonyNetworkFactory[1]( 1573): not acting - isApp=false, isAct=false NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=14, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Unwanted: Uid: 10096] ] 11-30 21:06:54.542 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready 11-30 21:06:55.767 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:06:55.768 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:06:55.769 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:06:58.776 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:06:58.776 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:06:58.778 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:07:01.779 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:07:01.780 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:07:01.782 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:07:04.788 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:07:04.789 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:07:04.790 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:07:07.522 D/SST ( 1573): [1] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented 11-30 21:07:07.523 D/SST ( 1573): [1] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null 11-30 21:07:07.523 D/LocaleTracker( 1573): getCellInfo: cell info=null 11-30 21:07:07.524 D/LocaleTracker( 1573): Can't get cell info. Try again in 32 secs. 11-30 21:07:07.524 D/LocaleTracker( 1573): updateLocale: mcc = null, country = 11-30 21:07:07.584 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3694]> RIL_REQUEST_GET_CELL_INFO_LIST [SUB0] 11-30 21:07:07.586 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest: GET_CELL_INFO_LIST 11-30 21:07:07.586 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest,7662 g_is_scan_ing = 0 11-30 21:07:07.587 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3694]< RIL_REQUEST_GET_CELL_INFO_LIST error 6 [SUB0] 11-30 21:07:07.588 D/RilRequest( 1573): [3694]< RIL_REQUEST_GET_CELL_INFO_LIST error: com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: REQUEST_NOT_SUPPORTED ret=[] 11-30 21:07:07.589 D/SST ( 1573): [0] EVENT_GET_CELL_INFO_LIST: error ret null, e=com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: REQUEST_NOT_SUPPORTED 11-30 21:07:07.589 D/SST ( 1573): [0] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null 11-30 21:07:07.589 D/LocaleTracker( 1573): getCellInfo: cell info=null 11-30 21:07:07.590 D/LocaleTracker( 1573): Can't get cell info. Try again in 32 secs. 11-30 21:07:07.590 D/LocaleTracker( 1573): updateLocale: mcc = null, country = 11-30 21:07:07.792 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:07:07.792 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:07:07.794 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:07:10.800 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:07:10.800 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:07:10.802 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:07:13.804 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:07:13.804 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:07:13.806 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:07:16.813 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:07:16.813 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:07:16.815 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:07:19.816 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:07:19.817 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:07:19.818 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:07:22.825 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:07:22.825 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:07:22.827 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:07:25.828 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:07:25.829 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:07:25.830 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:07:28.837 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:07:28.837 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:07:28.839 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:07:31.841 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:07:31.842 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:07:31.843 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:07:34.845 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:07:34.845 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:07:34.847 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:07:37.849 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:07:37.849 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:07:37.851 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:07:39.562 D/SST ( 1573): [1] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented 11-30 21:07:39.562 D/SST ( 1573): [1] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null 11-30 21:07:39.562 D/LocaleTracker( 1573): getCellInfo: cell info=null 11-30 21:07:39.564 D/LocaleTracker( 1573): Can't get cell info. Try again in 64 secs. 11-30 21:07:39.564 D/LocaleTracker( 1573): updateLocale: mcc = null, country = 11-30 21:07:39.629 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3695]> RIL_REQUEST_GET_CELL_INFO_LIST [SUB0] 11-30 21:07:39.630 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest: GET_CELL_INFO_LIST 11-30 21:07:39.630 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest,7662 g_is_scan_ing = 0 11-30 21:07:39.633 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3695]< RIL_REQUEST_GET_CELL_INFO_LIST error 6 [SUB0] 11-30 21:07:39.633 D/RilRequest( 1573): [3695]< RIL_REQUEST_GET_CELL_INFO_LIST error: com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: REQUEST_NOT_SUPPORTED ret=[] 11-30 21:07:39.634 D/SST ( 1573): [0] EVENT_GET_CELL_INFO_LIST: error ret null, e=com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: REQUEST_NOT_SUPPORTED 11-30 21:07:39.634 D/SST ( 1573): [0] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null 11-30 21:07:39.634 D/LocaleTracker( 1573): getCellInfo: cell info=null 11-30 21:07:39.635 D/LocaleTracker( 1573): Can't get cell info. Try again in 64 secs. 11-30 21:07:39.635 D/LocaleTracker( 1573): updateLocale: mcc = null, country = 11-30 21:07:40.852 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:07:40.853 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:07:40.854 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:07:43.859 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:07:43.859 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:07:43.861 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:07:46.861 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:07:46.861 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:07:46.862 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:07:49.863 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:07:49.863 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:07:49.865 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:07:52.872 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:07:52.872 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:07:52.874 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:07:55.881 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:07:55.882 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:07:55.883 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:07:58.890 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:07:58.890 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:07:58.892 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:08:01.899 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:08:01.899 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:08:01.902 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:08:04.908 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:08:04.909 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:08:04.910 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:08:07.914 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:08:07.914 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:08:07.916 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:08:10.922 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:08:10.922 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:08:10.924 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:08:13.930 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:08:13.930 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:08:13.932 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:08:16.939 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:08:16.939 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:08:16.941 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:08:19.942 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:08:19.943 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:08:19.945 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:08:22.952 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:08:22.952 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:08:22.953 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:08:25.960 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:08:25.961 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:08:25.963 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:08:28.964 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:08:28.964 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:08:28.966 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:08:31.973 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:08:31.973 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:08:31.975 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:08:34.982 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:08:34.982 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:08:34.984 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:08:37.985 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:08:37.986 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:08:37.988 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:08:40.994 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:08:40.994 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:08:40.996 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:08:43.630 D/SST ( 1573): [1] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented 11-30 21:08:43.630 D/SST ( 1573): [1] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null 11-30 21:08:43.630 D/LocaleTracker( 1573): getCellInfo: cell info=null 11-30 21:08:43.632 D/LocaleTracker( 1573): Can't get cell info. Try again in 128 secs. 11-30 21:08:43.632 D/LocaleTracker( 1573): updateLocale: mcc = null, country = 11-30 21:08:43.711 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3696]> RIL_REQUEST_GET_CELL_INFO_LIST [SUB0] 11-30 21:08:43.712 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest: GET_CELL_INFO_LIST 11-30 21:08:43.712 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest,7662 g_is_scan_ing = 0 11-30 21:08:43.713 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3696]< RIL_REQUEST_GET_CELL_INFO_LIST error 6 [SUB0] 11-30 21:08:43.713 D/RilRequest( 1573): [3696]< RIL_REQUEST_GET_CELL_INFO_LIST error: com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: REQUEST_NOT_SUPPORTED ret=[] 11-30 21:08:43.714 D/SST ( 1573): [0] EVENT_GET_CELL_INFO_LIST: error ret null, e=com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: REQUEST_NOT_SUPPORTED 11-30 21:08:43.714 D/SST ( 1573): [0] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null 11-30 21:08:43.714 D/LocaleTracker( 1573): getCellInfo: cell info=null 11-30 21:08:43.715 D/LocaleTracker( 1573): Can't get cell info. Try again in 128 secs. 11-30 21:08:43.715 D/LocaleTracker( 1573): updateLocale: mcc = null, country = 11-30 21:08:43.997 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:08:43.998 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:08:43.999 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:08:47.006 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:08:47.006 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:08:47.008 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:08:50.014 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:08:50.014 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:08:50.016 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:08:53.022 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:08:53.023 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:08:53.024 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:08:56.026 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:08:56.026 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:08:56.028 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:08:59.030 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:08:59.030 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:08:59.032 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:09:02.035 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:09:02.035 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:09:02.037 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:09:05.043 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:09:05.043 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:09:05.045 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:09:08.047 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:09:08.047 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:09:08.049 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:09:11.050 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:09:11.051 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:09:11.053 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:09:14.057 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:09:14.057 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:09:14.059 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:09:17.060 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:09:17.060 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:09:17.062 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:09:20.063 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:09:20.064 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:09:20.065 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:09:23.067 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:09:23.067 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:09:23.069 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:09:26.075 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:09:26.076 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:09:26.077 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:09:29.079 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:09:29.079 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:09:29.082 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:09:32.088 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:09:32.088 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:09:32.090 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:09:35.092 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:09:35.092 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:09:35.094 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:09:38.100 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:09:38.100 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:09:38.102 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:09:41.103 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:09:41.104 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:09:41.106 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:09:44.107 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:09:44.107 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:09:44.109 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:09:47.116 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:09:47.116 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:09:47.118 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:09:50.119 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:09:50.119 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:09:50.121 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:09:53.122 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:09:53.123 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:09:53.124 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:09:56.126 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:09:56.126 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:09:56.128 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:09:59.129 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:09:59.129 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:09:59.131 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:10:02.133 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:10:02.133 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:10:02.135 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:10:05.136 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:10:05.137 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:10:05.138 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:10:08.145 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:10:08.145 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:10:08.147 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:10:11.147 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:10:11.148 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:10:11.149 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:10:14.150 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:10:14.151 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:10:14.153 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:10:17.159 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:10:17.159 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:10:17.162 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:10:20.164 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:10:20.164 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:10:20.166 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:10:23.168 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:10:23.168 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:10:23.170 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:10:26.174 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:10:26.175 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:10:26.176 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:10:29.178 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:10:29.178 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:10:29.180 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:10:32.187 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:10:32.187 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:10:32.189 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:10:35.190 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:10:35.191 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:10:35.193 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:10:38.194 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:10:38.194 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:10:38.195 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:10:41.197 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:10:41.197 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:10:41.199 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:10:44.205 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:10:44.205 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:10:44.206 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:10:47.210 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:10:47.210 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:10:47.212 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:10:50.213 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:10:50.213 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:10:50.215 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:10:51.734 D/SST ( 1573): [1] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented 11-30 21:10:51.734 D/SST ( 1573): [1] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null 11-30 21:10:51.734 D/LocaleTracker( 1573): getCellInfo: cell info=null 11-30 21:10:51.736 D/LocaleTracker( 1573): Can't get cell info. Try again in 256 secs. 11-30 21:10:51.736 D/LocaleTracker( 1573): updateLocale: mcc = null, country = 11-30 21:10:51.739 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3697]> RIL_REQUEST_GET_CELL_INFO_LIST [SUB0] 11-30 21:10:51.740 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest: GET_CELL_INFO_LIST 11-30 21:10:51.740 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest,7662 g_is_scan_ing = 0 11-30 21:10:51.742 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3697]< RIL_REQUEST_GET_CELL_INFO_LIST error 6 [SUB0] 11-30 21:10:51.742 D/RilRequest( 1573): [3697]< RIL_REQUEST_GET_CELL_INFO_LIST error: com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: REQUEST_NOT_SUPPORTED ret=[] 11-30 21:10:51.743 D/SST ( 1573): [0] EVENT_GET_CELL_INFO_LIST: error ret null, e=com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: REQUEST_NOT_SUPPORTED 11-30 21:10:51.743 D/SST ( 1573): [0] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null 11-30 21:10:51.743 D/LocaleTracker( 1573): getCellInfo: cell info=null 11-30 21:10:51.744 D/LocaleTracker( 1573): Can't get cell info. Try again in 256 secs. 11-30 21:10:51.744 D/LocaleTracker( 1573): updateLocale: mcc = null, country = 11-30 21:10:53.222 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:10:53.222 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:10:53.224 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:10:56.226 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:10:56.226 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:10:56.228 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:10:59.228 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:10:59.228 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:10:59.229 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:11:02.236 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:11:02.236 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:11:02.237 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:11:05.243 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:11:05.244 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:11:05.245 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:11:08.247 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:11:08.247 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:11:08.249 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:11:11.251 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:11:11.251 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:11:11.253 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:11:14.255 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:11:14.255 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:11:14.257 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:11:17.258 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:11:17.259 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:11:17.260 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:11:20.262 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:11:20.262 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:11:20.264 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:11:23.266 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:11:23.266 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:11:23.268 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:11:26.270 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:11:26.270 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:11:26.272 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:11:29.273 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:11:29.274 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:11:29.276 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:11:32.276 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:11:32.277 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:11:32.278 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:11:35.285 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:11:35.285 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:11:35.287 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:11:38.293 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:11:38.294 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:11:38.295 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:11:41.299 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:11:41.300 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:11:41.302 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:11:44.303 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:11:44.304 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:11:44.305 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:11:47.312 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:11:47.313 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:11:47.314 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:11:50.316 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:11:50.316 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:11:50.318 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:11:53.324 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:11:53.324 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:11:53.326 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:11:56.330 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:11:56.331 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:11:56.333 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:11:59.334 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:11:59.335 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:11:59.336 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:12:02.343 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:12:02.343 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:12:02.345 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:12:05.352 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:12:05.352 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:12:05.354 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:12:08.360 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:12:08.361 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:12:08.363 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:12:11.365 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:12:11.365 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:12:11.367 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:12:14.368 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:12:14.369 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:12:14.371 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:12:17.377 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:12:17.378 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:12:17.379 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:12:20.381 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:12:20.382 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:12:20.383 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:12:23.390 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:12:23.390 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:12:23.392 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:12:26.393 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:12:26.394 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:12:26.396 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:12:29.397 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:12:29.398 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:12:29.400 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:12:32.406 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:12:32.406 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:12:32.408 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:12:35.414 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:12:35.414 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:12:35.416 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:12:38.419 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:12:38.420 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:12:38.422 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:12:41.423 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:12:41.423 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:12:41.425 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:12:44.432 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:12:44.432 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:12:44.434 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:12:47.435 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:12:47.436 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:12:47.437 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:12:50.438 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:12:50.438 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:12:50.438 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:12:53.439 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:12:53.440 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:12:53.442 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:12:56.444 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:12:56.444 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:12:56.445 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:12:59.452 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:12:59.452 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:12:59.454 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:13:01.143 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3698]> RIL_REQUEST_GET_ACTIVITY_INFO [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:01.144 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest: GET_ACTIVITY_INFO 11-30 21:13:01.144 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [0]screen on 11-30 21:13:01.144 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest,7662 g_is_scan_ing = 0 11-30 21:13:01.144 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [0]stopNetStatPoll 11-30 21:13:01.144 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3698]< RIL_REQUEST_GET_ACTIVITY_INFO ModemActivityInfo{ mTimestamp=398203 mSleepTimeMs=0 mIdleTimeMs=0 mTxTimeMs[]=[-1541107712, 125, -776514560, 127, -1524705948] mRxTimeMs=125 mEnergyUsed=0} [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:01.144 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:13:01.145 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:13:01.146 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [1]screen on 11-30 21:13:01.146 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [1]stopNetStatPoll 11-30 21:13:01.146 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483644 11-30 21:13:01.147 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483644 11-30 21:13:01.212 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3699]> RIL_REQUEST_SEND_DEVICE_STATE 1:false [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:01.213 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3699]< RIL_REQUEST_SEND_DEVICE_STATE error 6 [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:01.213 D/RilRequest( 1573): [3699]< RIL_REQUEST_SEND_DEVICE_STATE error: com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: REQUEST_NOT_SUPPORTED ret= 11-30 21:13:01.214 E/RILJ ( 1573): RadioProxy getService/setResponseFunctions: java.util.NoSuchElementException [SUB1] 11-30 21:13:01.214 E/RILJ ( 1573): getRadioProxy: mRadioProxy == null [SUB1] 11-30 21:13:02.454 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:13:02.454 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:13:02.455 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:13:05.456 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:13:05.456 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:13:05.458 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:13:07.093 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:13:08.293 I/chatty ( 1573): uid=1001(radio) Binder:1573_2 identical 1 line 11-30 21:13:08.296 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:13:08.459 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:13:08.459 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:13:08.460 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:13:11.461 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:13:11.461 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:13:11.464 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:13:14.466 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:13:14.466 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:13:14.469 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:13:17.470 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:13:17.470 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:13:17.473 D/RILC ( 974): USB can't find at device 11-30 21:13:20.475 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:13:20.476 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:13:20.479 D/RILU ( 974): find quectel module /sys/bus/usb/devices/3-1 idVendor=2c7c idProduct=0801 11-30 21:13:20.479 D/RILU ( 974): find_usb_device is 1 11-30 21:13:21.481 D/RILU ( 974): find /sys/bus/usb/devices/3-1:1.2/ttyUSB2 11-30 21:13:21.481 D/RILU ( 974): ttyAT = ttyUSB2 11-30 21:13:21.481 D/RILU ( 974): find /sys/bus/usb/devices/3-1:1.3/ttyUSB3 11-30 21:13:21.481 D/RILU ( 974): ttyPPP = ttyUSB3 11-30 21:13:21.481 D/RILU ( 974): find /sys/bus/usb/devices/3-1:1.0/ttyUSB0 11-30 21:13:21.482 D/RILU ( 974): ttyDM = ttyUSB0 11-30 21:13:21.482 D/RILU ( 974): find /sys/bus/usb/devices/3-1:1.1/ttyUSB1 11-30 21:13:21.482 D/RILU ( 974): ttyGPS = ttyUSB1 11-30 21:13:21.483 D/RILU ( 974): find /sys/bus/usb/devices/3-1:1.4/usbmisc/cdc-wdm0 11-30 21:13:21.483 D/RILU ( 974): qmichannel = cdc-wdm0 11-30 21:13:21.483 D/RILU ( 974): find /sys/bus/usb/devices/3-1:1.4/net/wwan0 11-30 21:13:21.483 D/RILU ( 974): usbnet_adapter = wwan0 11-30 21:13:21.483 D/RILU ( 974): NDIS = wwan0 11-30 21:13:21.484 D/RILU ( 974): netcard driver: qmi_wwan_q, driver version: V1.2.6 11-30 21:13:21.484 D/RILU ( 974): qmiDev = /dev/cdc-wdm0 11-30 21:13:21.484 D/RILC ( 974): quectel at port is /dev/ttyUSB2 11-30 21:13:21.484 D/RILU ( 974): ql_set_autosuspend, enter... 11-30 21:13:21.484 D/RILU ( 974): ro_hardware:qcom 11-30 21:13:21.484 D/RILU ( 974): not meeting the execution conditions, return... 11-30 21:13:21.485 D/RILC ( 974): s_device_path is /dev/ttyUSB2 11-30 21:13:21.486 D/RILC ( 974): open device /dev/ttyUSB2 correctly 11-30 21:13:21.486 E/ATC ( 974): at_open s_tild_reader = 537458111728 11-30 21:13:21.487 D/ATC ( 974): AT> ATE0 11-30 21:13:23.487 D/ATC ( 974): really time out 11-30 21:13:23.488 E/ATC ( 974): warnning - moderm no response, retry ATE0 11-30 21:13:23.488 D/ATC ( 974): AT> ATE0 11-30 21:13:25.489 D/ATC ( 974): really time out 11-30 21:13:25.489 I/RILC ( 974): AT channel timeout; closing 11-30 21:13:25.489 E/ATC ( 974): at_close 11-30 21:13:25.489 D/ATC ( 974): at_close wait s_tid_reader 537458111728 exit 11-30 21:13:27.490 I/chatty ( 974): uid=0(root) /vendor/bin/hw/rild identical 2 lines 11-30 21:13:28.491 D/ATC ( 974): at_close wait s_tid_reader 537458111728 exit 11-30 21:13:29.382 D/ATC ( 974): atchannel: EOF reached 11-30 21:13:29.492 D/ATC ( 974): at_close wait s_tid_reader 0 exit 11-30 21:13:29.492 I/RILC ( 974): [setRadioState]:oldState=1, newState=1 11-30 21:13:29.493 D/RILC ( 974): ql_product_version is (null) 11-30 21:13:30.497 I/RILC ( 974): Re-opening after close 11-30 21:13:30.498 D/RILU ( 974): find_pci_device is 0 11-30 21:13:30.498 D/RILC ( 974): PCI can't find at device 11-30 21:13:30.502 D/RILU ( 974): find quectel module /sys/bus/usb/devices/3-1 idVendor=2c7c idProduct=0801 11-30 21:13:30.502 D/RILU ( 974): find_usb_device is 1 11-30 21:13:31.507 D/RILU ( 974): find /sys/bus/usb/devices/3-1:1.2/ttyUSB2 11-30 21:13:31.508 D/RILU ( 974): ttyAT = ttyUSB2 11-30 21:13:31.508 D/RILU ( 974): find /sys/bus/usb/devices/3-1:1.3/ttyUSB3 11-30 21:13:31.508 D/RILU ( 974): ttyPPP = ttyUSB3 11-30 21:13:31.508 D/RILU ( 974): find /sys/bus/usb/devices/3-1:1.0/ttyUSB0 11-30 21:13:31.508 D/RILU ( 974): ttyDM = ttyUSB0 11-30 21:13:31.508 D/RILU ( 974): find /sys/bus/usb/devices/3-1:1.1/ttyUSB1 11-30 21:13:31.508 D/RILU ( 974): ttyGPS = ttyUSB1 11-30 21:13:31.509 D/RILU ( 974): find /sys/bus/usb/devices/3-1:1.4/usbmisc/cdc-wdm0 11-30 21:13:31.509 D/RILU ( 974): qmichannel = cdc-wdm0 11-30 21:13:31.509 D/RILU ( 974): find /sys/bus/usb/devices/3-1:1.4/net/wwan0 11-30 21:13:31.509 D/RILU ( 974): usbnet_adapter = wwan0 11-30 21:13:31.509 D/RILU ( 974): NDIS = wwan0 11-30 21:13:31.510 D/RILU ( 974): netcard driver: qmi_wwan_q, driver version: V1.2.6 11-30 21:13:31.511 D/RILU ( 974): qmiDev = /dev/cdc-wdm0 11-30 21:13:31.511 D/RILC ( 974): quectel at port is /dev/ttyUSB2 11-30 21:13:31.511 D/RILU ( 974): ql_set_autosuspend, enter... 11-30 21:13:31.511 D/RILU ( 974): ro_hardware:qcom 11-30 21:13:31.511 D/RILU ( 974): not meeting the execution conditions, return... 11-30 21:13:31.511 D/RILC ( 974): s_device_path is /dev/ttyUSB2 11-30 21:13:31.513 D/RILC ( 974): open device /dev/ttyUSB2 correctly 11-30 21:13:31.513 E/ATC ( 974): at_open s_tild_reader = 537458111728 11-30 21:13:31.513 D/ATC ( 974): AT> ATE0 11-30 21:13:31.514 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:31.518 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+CMEE=1 11-30 21:13:31.519 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:31.519 D/ATC ( 974): AT> ATI 11-30 21:13:31.520 D/ATC ( 974): AT< Quectel 11-30 21:13:31.520 D/ATC ( 974): AT< RM520N-GL 11-30 21:13:31.520 D/ATC ( 974): AT< Revision: RM520NGLAAR01A06M4G 11-30 21:13:31.520 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:31.520 D/RILC ( 974): ql_product_version is RM520NGLAAR01A06M4G 11-30 21:13:31.520 D/RILC ( 974): Quectel Product Revision: RM520NGLAAR01A06M4G 11-30 21:13:31.520 D/RILU ( 974): ql_set_autosuspend, enter... 11-30 21:13:31.520 D/RILU ( 974): ro_hardware:qcom 11-30 21:13:31.520 D/RILU ( 974): not meeting the execution conditions, return... 11-30 21:13:31.520 D/RILC ( 974): Unknow Platform 11-30 21:13:31.521 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+CSUB;+CVERSION 11-30 21:13:31.522 D/ATC ( 974): AT< SubEdition: V09 11-30 21:13:31.522 D/ATC ( 974): AT< VERSION: RM520NGLAAR01A06M4G 11-30 21:13:31.522 D/ATC ( 974): AT< Nov 2 2022 01:58:07 11-30 21:13:31.522 D/ATC ( 974): AT< Authors: Quectel 11-30 21:13:31.522 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:31.523 D/ATC ( 974): AT> ATE0 11-30 21:13:31.524 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:31.524 D/ATC ( 974): AT> at+cmee=1 11-30 21:13:31.525 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:31.525 D/ATC ( 974): AT> ATS0=0 11-30 21:13:31.526 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:31.526 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+QURCCFG="URCPORT","usbat" 11-30 21:13:31.527 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:31.527 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT&D2 11-30 21:13:31.529 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:31.529 D/RILC ( 974): 5G Platform 11-30 21:13:31.529 D/ATC ( 974): AT> at+c5greg=2 11-30 21:13:31.530 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:31.530 D/ATC ( 974): AT> at+qnvfr="/nv/item_files/modem/mmode/scan_scope_rule" 11-30 21:13:31.531 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +QNVFR: 00 11-30 21:13:31.531 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:31.531 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+QNWCFG="dis_rplmnat",1 11-30 21:13:31.532 D/ATC ( 974): AT< ERROR 11-30 21:13:31.532 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+QNWPREFCFG="rat_acq_order",NR5G:LTE:WCDMA 11-30 21:13:31.533 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:31.533 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+CMEE=1 11-30 21:13:31.534 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:31.535 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+QCFG="ims",1 11-30 21:13:31.535 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:31.535 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+CREG=2 11-30 21:13:31.536 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:31.536 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+CREG=2 11-30 21:13:31.537 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:31.537 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+CGREG=2 11-30 21:13:31.538 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:31.538 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+CEREG=2 11-30 21:13:31.538 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:31.539 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+C5GREG=2 11-30 21:13:31.539 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:31.539 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+QENDC=1 11-30 21:13:31.541 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:31.542 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT^DSCI=1 11-30 21:13:31.542 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:31.542 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+CFUN? 11-30 21:13:31.546 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +CFUN: 1 11-30 21:13:31.546 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:31.547 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+CPIN? 11-30 21:13:31.563 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +CPIN: READY 11-30 21:13:31.563 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:31.564 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+CFUN? 11-30 21:13:31.566 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +CFUN: 1 11-30 21:13:31.566 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:31.566 I/RILC ( 974): [setRadioState]:oldState=1, newState=2 11-30 21:13:31.566 D/RILC ( 974): radioStateChangedInd: radioState 10 11-30 21:13:31.567 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+CPIN? 11-30 21:13:31.567 D/RILJ ( 1573): [UNSL]< UNSOL_RESPONSE_RADIO_STATE_CHANGED radioStateChanged: RADIO_ON [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:31.568 D/SST ( 1573): [0] mDeviceShuttingDown=false, mDesiredPowerState=true, getRadioState=RADIO_ON, mPowerOffDelayNeed=true, mAlarmSwitch=false, mRadioDisabledByCarrier=false 11-30 21:13:31.569 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +CPIN: READY 11-30 21:13:31.569 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:31.569 I/RILC ( 974): [setRadioState]:oldState=2, newState=4 11-30 21:13:31.569 D/SST ( 1573): [0] pollState: modemTriggered=true 11-30 21:13:31.569 D/RILC ( 974): radioStateChangedInd: radioState 10 11-30 21:13:31.569 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+QNVFR="/nv/item_files/modem/mmode/ue_usage_setting" 11-30 21:13:31.570 D/RILJ ( 1573): [UNSL]< UNSOL_RESPONSE_RADIO_STATE_CHANGED radioStateChanged: RADIO_ON [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:31.572 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3700]> OPERATOR [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:31.572 D/NetworkRegistrationManager( 1573): getNetworkRegistrationState domain 2 11-30 21:13:31.572 D/NetworkRegistrationManager( 1573): getNetworkRegistrationState domain 1 11-30 21:13:31.572 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest: OPERATOR 11-30 21:13:31.573 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest,7662 g_is_scan_ing = 0 11-30 21:13:31.573 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3701]> QUERY_NETWORK_SELECTION_MODE [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:31.573 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +QNVFR: 01 11-30 21:13:31.574 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:31.574 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+QINISTAT 11-30 21:13:31.574 D/UiccController( 1573): Received EVENT_RADIO_AVAILABLE/EVENT_RADIO_ON, calling getIccCardStatus 11-30 21:13:31.574 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3702]> DATA_REGISTRATION_STATE [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:31.575 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +QINISTAT: 1 11-30 21:13:31.575 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:31.575 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+CNMI=2,2 11-30 21:13:31.576 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3703]> GET_SIM_STATUS [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:31.576 D/UiccController( 1573): Received EVENT_RADIO_AVAILABLE/EVENT_RADIO_ON for phoneId 0, calling getIccSlotsStatus 11-30 21:13:31.576 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3704]> VOICE_REGISTRATION_STATE [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:31.577 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:31.577 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+CMGF=0 11-30 21:13:31.579 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:31.579 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+CCWA=1 11-30 21:13:31.580 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:31.580 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+CMOD=0 11-30 21:13:31.580 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:31.580 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+CMUT=0 11-30 21:13:31.582 D/RadioConfig( 1573): [3705]> GET_SLOT_STATUS 11-30 21:13:31.582 D/QtiGsmCdmaPhone( 1573): handleMessage: Event: 1 11-30 21:13:31.583 E/RadioConfig( 1573): processResponse: Unexpected response! serial: 0 error: -190955968 11-30 21:13:31.583 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3706]> BASEBAND_VERSION [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:31.584 E/RadioConfigResponse( 1573): getSimSlotsStatusResponse: Error {.type = SOLICITED, .serial = 0, .error = 0xf49e3e40} 11-30 21:13:31.584 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3707]> RIL_REQUEST_DEVICE_IDENTITY [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:31.585 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3708]> RIL_REQUEST_GET_RADIO_CAPABILITY [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:31.649 D/ATC ( 974): AT< ERROR 11-30 21:13:31.650 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+CSSN=0,1 11-30 21:13:31.651 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:31.654 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+COLP=0 11-30 21:13:31.655 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:31.656 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+CSCS="UCS2" 11-30 21:13:31.657 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:31.657 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+CUSD=1 11-30 21:13:31.658 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:31.659 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+CGEREP=0 11-30 21:13:31.660 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:31.662 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+CGEREP=0 11-30 21:13:31.662 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:31.662 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+CTZU=1 11-30 21:13:31.663 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:31.664 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+CTZR=2 11-30 21:13:31.665 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:31.665 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+COPS=3,0;+COPS?;+COPS=3,1;+COPS?;+COPS=3,2;+COPS? 11-30 21:13:31.666 D/RILJ ( 1573): [UNSL]< UNSOL_RESPONSE_SIM_STATUS_CHANGED [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:31.666 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +COPS: 0 11-30 21:13:31.666 I/chatty ( 974): uid=0(root) /vendor/bin/hw/rild identical 1 line 11-30 21:13:31.666 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +COPS: 0 11-30 21:13:31.666 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:31.667 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest: QUERY_NETWORK_SELECTION_MODE 11-30 21:13:31.667 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest,7662 g_is_scan_ing = 0 11-30 21:13:31.667 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest: DATA_REGISTRATION_STATE 11-30 21:13:31.667 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest,7662 g_is_scan_ing = 0 11-30 21:13:31.667 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest_1_1 6530 11-30 21:13:31.667 D/REGISTRATION_STATE( 974): getDataRegistrationState 301 version = 1 11-30 21:13:31.667 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+COPS=3,2;+COPS? 11-30 21:13:31.667 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3700]< OPERATOR {, , } [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:31.668 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3701]< QUERY_NETWORK_SELECTION_MODE {0} [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:31.668 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +COPS: 0 11-30 21:13:31.668 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:31.669 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+CGREG? 11-30 21:13:31.669 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +CGREG: 2,0 11-30 21:13:31.669 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:31.669 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3709]> RIL_REQUEST_START_LCE reportIntervalMs = 200 pullMode = true [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:31.670 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+CFUN? 11-30 21:13:31.670 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [0]onRadioAvailable 11-30 21:13:31.671 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3710]> RIL_REQUEST_SEND_DEVICE_STATE 1:false [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:31.672 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3711]> RIL_REQUEST_SEND_DEVICE_STATE 2:false [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:31.673 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3712]> RIL_REQUEST_SEND_DEVICE_STATE 0:false [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:31.675 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3713]> RIL_REQUEST_SET_UNSOLICITED_RESPONSE_FILTER 31 [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:31.680 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +CFUN: 1 11-30 21:13:31.680 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:31.681 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+COPS=3,2;+COPS? 11-30 21:13:31.681 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +COPS: 0 11-30 21:13:31.681 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:31.682 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest: GET_SIM_STATUS 11-30 21:13:31.682 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest,7662 g_is_scan_ing = 0 11-30 21:13:31.682 D/SIM ( 974): requestGetIccCardStatus() start 11-30 21:13:31.682 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+CPIN? 11-30 21:13:31.682 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3702]< DATA_REGISTRATION_STATE {.regState = NOT_REG_MT_NOT_SEARCHING_OP, .rat = 0, .reasonDataDenied = 7, .maxDataCalls = 1, .cellIdentity = {.cellInfoType = NONE, .cellIdentityGsm = [], .cellIdentityWcdma = [], .cellIdentityCdma = [], .cellIdentityLte = [], .cellIdentityTdscdma = []}} [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:31.683 D/NetworkRegistrationManager( 1573): onGetNetworkRegistrationStateComplete result 0 state NetworkRegistrationState{transportType=1 domain=PS regState=NOT_REG_NOT_SEARCHING accessNetworkTechnology=UNKNOWN reasonForDenial=7 emergencyEnabled=false supportedServices=null cellIdentity=null voiceSpecificStates=null dataSpecificStates=DataSpecificRegistrationStates { mMaxDataCalls=1}} 11-30 21:13:31.683 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +CPIN: READY 11-30 21:13:31.684 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:31.684 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+QSIMCFG="app_type" 11-30 21:13:31.685 D/ATC ( 974): AT< ERROR 11-30 21:13:31.685 D/SIM ( 974): ql_get_sim_state:159 app_state = 5 11-30 21:13:31.685 D/SIM ( 974): ql_get_sim_state:177 11-30 21:13:31.685 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest: VOICE_REGISTRATION_STATE 11-30 21:13:31.685 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest,7662 g_is_scan_ing = 0 11-30 21:13:31.685 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+COPS=3,2;+COPS? 11-30 21:13:31.686 E/RILJ ( 1573): setSignalStrengthReportingCriteria ignored. RadioProxy 1.2 is null! [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:31.686 D/RILJ ( 1573): IccCardApplicationStatus 0:{APPTYPE_SIM,APPSTATE_READY} [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:31.686 D/RILJ ( 1573): responseIccCardStatus: from HIDL: IccCardState {CARDSTATE_PRESENT,PINSTATE_UNKNOWN,num_apps=1,gsm_id=0{APPTYPE_SIM,APPSTATE_READY},cdma_id=-1,ims_id=-1,physical_slot_id=-1,atr=null,iccid=null} [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:31.686 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +COPS: 0 11-30 21:13:31.686 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3703]< GET_SIM_STATUS IccCardState {CARDSTATE_PRESENT,PINSTATE_UNKNOWN,num_apps=1,gsm_id=0{APPTYPE_SIM,APPSTATE_READY},cdma_id=-1,ims_id=-1,physical_slot_id=-1,atr=null,iccid=null} [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:31.686 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:31.686 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+CREG? 11-30 21:13:31.687 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +CREG: 2,0 11-30 21:13:31.687 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:31.687 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+CFUN? 11-30 21:13:31.688 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +CFUN: 1 11-30 21:13:31.688 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:31.688 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+COPS=3,2;+COPS? 11-30 21:13:31.689 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +COPS: 0 11-30 21:13:31.689 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:31.689 D/SIGNAL_STRENGTH( 974): requestSignalStrength:720 iradio_version = 4 11-30 21:13:31.689 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+QENG="servingcell" 11-30 21:13:31.690 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3704]< VOICE_REGISTRATION_STATE {.regState = NOT_REG_MT_NOT_SEARCHING_OP, .rat = 0, .cssSupported = false, .roamingIndicator = 0, .systemIsInPrl = 0, .defaultRoamingIndicator = 0, .reasonForDenial = 0, .cellIdentity = {.cellInfoType = NONE, .cellIdentityGsm = [], .cellIdentityWcdma = [], .cellIdentityCdma = [], .cellIdentityLte = [], .cellIdentityTdscdma = []}} [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:31.690 D/NetworkRegistrationManager( 1573): onGetNetworkRegistrationStateComplete result 0 state NetworkRegistrationState{transportType=1 domain=CS regState=NOT_REG_NOT_SEARCHING accessNetworkTechnology=UNKNOWN reasonForDenial=0 emergencyEnabled=false supportedServices=null cellIdentity=null voiceSpecificStates=VoiceSpecificRegistrationStates { mCssSupported=false mRoamingIndicator=0 mSystemIsInPrl=0 mDefaultRoamingIndicator=0} dataSpecificStates=null} 11-30 21:13:31.690 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +QENG: "servingcell","LIMSRV","LTE","FDD",460,11,340DC83,226,1650,3,5,5,5923,-95,-9,-64,4,15,150,- 11-30 21:13:31.690 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:31.690 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+COPS=3,0;+COPS?;+COPS=3,1;+COPS? 11-30 21:13:31.691 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +COPS: 0 11-30 21:13:31.691 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +COPS: 0 11-30 21:13:31.691 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:31.691 D/CELL_INFO( 974): parseServingCell_234G:711 LTE RSRP=-95 11-30 21:13:31.691 D/CELL_INFO( 974): getServingCell_5G:755 count = 1 11-30 21:13:31.691 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+CSQ 11-30 21:13:31.692 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +CSQ: 24,99 11-30 21:13:31.692 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:31.692 D/RADIO_1_4( 974): getSignalStrength_1_4:563 LTE RSRP = -95 RSRQ = -9 11-30 21:13:31.692 E/RILC ( 974): currentSignalStrengthInd: invalid response 11-30 21:13:31.692 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+QCFG="speed" 11-30 21:13:31.692 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest: BASEBAND_VERSION 11-30 21:13:31.692 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest,7662 g_is_scan_ing = 0 11-30 21:13:31.693 E/RILJ ( 1573): setSignalStrengthReportingCriteria ignored. RadioProxy 1.2 is null! [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:31.693 D/ATC ( 974): AT< ERROR 11-30 21:13:31.693 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+QNWCFG="lte_pco",2 11-30 21:13:31.694 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +QNWCFG: "lte_pco",1 11-30 21:13:31.694 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:31.694 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+QIMSCFG="ims_status" 11-30 21:13:31.695 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +QIMSCFG: "ims_status",1,1,0,0,0,0 11-30 21:13:31.695 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:31.695 D/SIGNAL_STRENGTH( 974): requestSignalStrength:720 iradio_version = 1 11-30 21:13:31.695 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+CGMR 11-30 21:13:31.696 D/ATC ( 974): AT< RM520NGLAAR01A06M4G 11-30 21:13:31.696 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:31.696 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest: DEVICE_IDENTITY 11-30 21:13:31.696 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest,7662 g_is_scan_ing = 0 11-30 21:13:31.696 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3706]< BASEBAND_VERSION RM520NGLAAR01A06M4G [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:31.696 E/RILC ( 974): requestDeviceIdentity begin. 11-30 21:13:31.696 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+CGSN 11-30 21:13:31.696 E/RILJ ( 1573): setSignalStrengthReportingCriteria ignored. RadioProxy 1.2 is null! [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:31.696 D/ATC ( 974): AT< 868371050163027 11-30 21:13:31.696 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:31.697 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT^MEID 11-30 21:13:31.697 D/ATC ( 974): AT< ERROR 11-30 21:13:31.697 E/RILC ( 974): error for AT^MEID try egmr 11-30 21:13:31.697 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+EGMR=0,8 11-30 21:13:31.700 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +EGMR: "0x0" 11-30 21:13:31.700 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:31.700 D/RILC ( 974): +EGMR: MEID:0x0 11-30 21:13:31.700 E/RILC ( 974): requestDeviceIdentity MEID length=3 < MEID_LEN, ignore invaild MEID! 11-30 21:13:31.700 D/ATC ( 974): AT> at+egmr=0,9 11-30 21:13:31.739 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +EGMR: "40" 11-30 21:13:31.739 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:31.740 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest: GET_RADIO_CAPABILITY 11-30 21:13:31.740 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest,7662 g_is_scan_ing = 0 11-30 21:13:31.740 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+CMGL 11-30 21:13:31.740 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3707]< RIL_REQUEST_DEVICE_IDENTITY {868371050163027, 40, , } [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:31.740 E/RILJ ( 1573): setSignalStrengthReportingCriteria ignored. RadioProxy 1.2 is null! [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:31.741 D/RILJ ( 1573): convertHalRadioCapability: session=0, phase=0, rat=1835006, logicModemUuid=0, status=1 [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:31.742 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3708]< RIL_REQUEST_GET_RADIO_CAPABILITY {mPhoneId = 0 mVersion=1 mSession=0 mPhase=0 mRadioAccessFamily=1835006 mLogicModemId=0 mStatus=1} [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:31.746 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:31.746 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest: START_LCE datalen=8 11-30 21:13:31.746 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest,7662 g_is_scan_ing = 0 11-30 21:13:31.746 D/RILC ( 974): sendDeviceState: calling screen state 1 11-30 21:13:31.746 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest: SCREEN_STATE datalen=4 11-30 21:13:31.746 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest,7662 g_is_scan_ing = 0 11-30 21:13:31.747 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3709]< RIL_REQUEST_START_LCE [255, 0] [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:31.747 E/RILJ ( 1573): setLinkCapacityReportingCriteria ignored. RadioProxy 1.2 is null! [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:31.747 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+QENG="servingcell" 11-30 21:13:31.747 D/RILU ( 974): ql_set_autosuspend, enter... 11-30 21:13:31.747 D/RILU ( 974): ro_hardware:qcom 11-30 21:13:31.747 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3710]< RIL_REQUEST_SEND_DEVICE_STATE error 6 [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:31.747 D/RILU ( 974): not meeting the execution conditions, return... 11-30 21:13:31.747 D/RilRequest( 1573): [3710]< RIL_REQUEST_SEND_DEVICE_STATE error: com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: REQUEST_NOT_SUPPORTED ret= 11-30 21:13:31.747 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3711]< RIL_REQUEST_SEND_DEVICE_STATE [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:31.747 E/RILJ ( 1573): setLinkCapacityReportingCriteria ignored. RadioProxy 1.2 is null! [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:31.747 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3712]< RIL_REQUEST_SEND_DEVICE_STATE error 6 [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:31.748 D/RilRequest( 1573): [3712]< RIL_REQUEST_SEND_DEVICE_STATE error: com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: REQUEST_NOT_SUPPORTED ret= 11-30 21:13:31.748 E/RILJ ( 1573): setLinkCapacityReportingCriteria ignored. RadioProxy 1.2 is null! [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:31.748 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3713]< RIL_REQUEST_SET_UNSOLICITED_RESPONSE_FILTER error 6 [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:31.748 D/RilRequest( 1573): [3713]< RIL_REQUEST_SET_UNSOLICITED_RESPONSE_FILTER error: com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: REQUEST_NOT_SUPPORTED ret= 11-30 21:13:31.748 E/RILJ ( 1573): setLinkCapacityReportingCriteria ignored. RadioProxy 1.2 is null! [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:31.749 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getPhoneId]- invalid subId return=-1 11-30 21:13:31.749 D/PhoneSwitcher( 1573): handle event - 114 11-30 21:13:31.754 D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC_RIL_OEM_HOOK( 1573): sendOemRilRequestRaw returns value = -1 11-30 21:13:31.754 I/QtiRilInterface( 1573): getMaxDataAllowed maxData = 0 exception: com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE 11-30 21:13:31.757 D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC_RIL_OEM_HOOK( 1573): sendOemRilRequestRaw returns value = -1 11-30 21:13:31.757 I/QtiRilInterface( 1573): getLpluslSupportStatus: false exception: com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE 11-30 21:13:31.757 D/QtiDdsSwitchController( 1573): updateLplusLStatus - status: false 11-30 21:13:31.757 D/QtiDdsSwitchController( 1573): Unregister for call state change on phone: 0 11-30 21:13:31.757 D/QtiDdsSwitchController( 1573): Unregister for call state change on phone: 1 11-30 21:13:31.759 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +QENG: "servingcell","LIMSRV","LTE","FDD",460,11,340DC83,226,1650,3,5,5,5923,-95,-9,-66,6,15,150,- 11-30 21:13:31.759 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:31.759 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+COPS=3,0;+COPS?;+COPS=3,1;+COPS? 11-30 21:13:31.759 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3714]> GET_CURRENT_CALLS [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:31.759 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest: GET_CURRENT_CALLS 11-30 21:13:31.759 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest,7662 g_is_scan_ing = 0 11-30 21:13:31.759 D/RILC ( 974): requestGetCurrentCalls start 11-30 21:13:31.759 D/RILC ( 974): getCurrentCalls start 11-30 21:13:31.760 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +COPS: 0 11-30 21:13:31.760 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +COPS: 0 11-30 21:13:31.760 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:31.760 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3715]> RIL_REQUEST_IMS_REGISTRATION_STATE [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:31.760 D/CELL_INFO( 974): parseServingCell_234G:711 LTE RSRP=-95 11-30 21:13:31.760 D/CELL_INFO( 974): getServingCell_5G:755 count = 1 11-30 21:13:31.760 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+CSQ 11-30 21:13:31.760 D/QtiGsmCdmaPhone( 1573): handleMessage: Event: 5 11-30 21:13:31.760 D/GsmCdmaPhone( 1573): [0] Event EVENT_RADIO_ON Received 11-30 21:13:31.761 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3716]> RIL_REQUEST_VOICE_RADIO_TECH [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:31.761 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +CSQ: 24,99 11-30 21:13:31.762 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:31.762 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+CLCC 11-30 21:13:31.763 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3717]> RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_GET_SUBSCRIPTION_SOURCE [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:31.763 D/UiccController( 1573): Received EVENT_ICC_STATUS_CHANGED, calling getIccCardStatus 11-30 21:13:31.764 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3718]> GET_SIM_STATUS [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:31.764 D/SST ( 1573): [0] EVENT_POLL_STATE_NETWORK_SELECTION_MODE 11-30 21:13:31.764 D/SST ( 1573): [0] Could not set ServiceState channel number. CellIdentity null 11-30 21:13:31.764 D/SST ( 1573): [0] handlPollStateResultMessage: GsmSST dataServiceState=1 regState=0 dataRadioTechnology=0 11-30 21:13:31.765 D/UiccController( 1573): Received EVENT_GET_ICC_STATUS_DONE 11-30 21:13:31.765 D/UiccSlot( 1573): Creating 11-30 21:13:31.765 D/UiccSlot( 1573): cardStatus update: IccCardState {CARDSTATE_PRESENT,PINSTATE_UNKNOWN,num_apps=1,gsm_id=0{APPTYPE_SIM,APPSTATE_READY},cdma_id=-1,ims_id=-1,physical_slot_id=-1,atr=null,iccid=null} 11-30 21:13:31.765 E/AnswerToReset( 1573): The input ATR string can not be null 11-30 21:13:31.765 D/UiccSlot( 1573): update: radioState=RADIO_ON mLastRadioState=RADIO_UNAVAILABLE 11-30 21:13:31.765 D/UiccCard( 1573): Creating 11-30 21:13:31.765 D/UiccProfile( 1573): Creating profile 11-30 21:13:31.765 D/UiccProfile( 1573): 1 applications 11-30 21:13:31.765 D/UiccCardApplication( 1573): Creating UiccApp: {APPTYPE_SIM,APPSTATE_READY} 11-30 21:13:31.766 W/CarrierTestOverride( 1573): Can not open /data/user_de/0/com.android.phone/files/carrier_test_conf.xml 11-30 21:13:31.767 W/VoiceMailConstants( 1573): Can't open /system/etc/voicemail-conf.xml 11-30 21:13:31.767 D/SIMRecords( 1573): [SIMRecords] setting0 mMncLength-1 11-30 21:13:31.767 D/SIMRecords( 1573): [SIMRecords] SIMRecords: onRadioOffOrNotAvailable set 'gsm.sim.operator.numeric' to operator=null 11-30 21:13:31.767 D/SIMRecords( 1573): [SIMRecords] update icc_operator_numeric=null 11-30 21:13:31.770 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:31.770 I/RILC ( 974): Calls=0,Valid=0 11-30 21:13:31.770 D/RILC ( 974): getCurrentCalls end 11-30 21:13:31.770 D/RILC ( 974): ql_destroy_ril_call start 11-30 21:13:31.770 D/RILC ( 974): ql_destroy_ril_call end 11-30 21:13:31.770 D/RILC ( 974): requestGetCurrentCalls end 11-30 21:13:31.770 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest: IMS_REGISTRATION_STATE 11-30 21:13:31.770 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest,7662 g_is_scan_ing = 0 11-30 21:13:31.770 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+QCFG="ims" 11-30 21:13:31.770 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3714]< GET_CURRENT_CALLS {} [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:31.771 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +QCFG: "ims",1,0 11-30 21:13:31.771 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:31.771 D/RILC ( 974): ImsRegistrationState = 1,0 11-30 21:13:31.771 D/RILC ( 974): ImsRegistrationState = 1,0 11-30 21:13:31.771 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest: VOICE_RADIO_TECH 11-30 21:13:31.771 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest,7662 g_is_scan_ing = 0 11-30 21:13:31.771 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+COPS=3,2;+COPS? 11-30 21:13:31.772 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3715]< RIL_REQUEST_IMS_REGISTRATION_STATE {1, 0} [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:31.772 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +COPS: 0 11-30 21:13:31.772 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:31.772 D/REGISTRATION_STATE( 974): 0,0,0,0 11-30 21:13:31.772 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+QENG="servingcell" 11-30 21:13:31.773 D/UiccCardApplication( 1573): Notifying 1 registrant: READY 11-30 21:13:31.773 D/SIMRecords( 1573): [SIMRecords] getOperatorNumeric: IMSI == null 11-30 21:13:31.773 D/SIMRecords( 1573): [SIMRecords] SIMRecords X ctor this=SimRecords: mDestroyed=false mContext=com.android.phone.PhoneGlobals@a3090d1 mCi=com.qualcomm.qti.internal.telephony.QtiRIL@913d7a1 mFh=Handler (com.android.internal.telephony.uicc.SIMFileHandler) {5738736} mParentApp=com.android.internal.telephony.uicc.UiccCardApplication@f273637 recordsToLoad=0 adnCache=Handler (com.android.internal.telephony.uicc.AdnRecordCache) {bc107a4} recordsRequested=false lockedRecordsReqReason=0 iccid=null msisdnTag=null voiceMailNum=null voiceMailTag=null voiceMailNum=null newVoiceMailTag=null isVoiceMailFixed=false mImsi=null mncLength=-1 mailboxIndex=0 spn=null mVmConfigcom.android.internal.telephony.uicc.VoiceMailConstants@e5c690d callForwardingEnabled=0 spnState=null mCphsInfo=null mCspPlmnEnabled=true efMWIS=null efCPHS_MWI=null mEfCff=null mEfCfis=null getOperatorNumeric=null 11-30 21:13:31.773 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +QENG: "servingcell","LIMSRV","LTE","FDD",460,11,340DC83,226,1650,3,5,5,5923,-95,-9,-64,4,15,150,- 11-30 21:13:31.773 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:31.773 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest: CDMA_GET_SUBSCRIPTION_SOURCE 11-30 21:13:31.773 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest,7662 g_is_scan_ing = 0 11-30 21:13:31.773 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest: GET_SIM_STATUS 11-30 21:13:31.773 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest,7662 g_is_scan_ing = 0 11-30 21:13:31.773 D/SIM ( 974): requestGetIccCardStatus() start 11-30 21:13:31.773 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+CPIN? 11-30 21:13:31.774 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3716]< RIL_REQUEST_VOICE_RADIO_TECH {0} [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:31.774 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3719]> QUERY_FACILITY_LOCK facility = FD serviceClass = 7 appId = [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:31.774 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3717]< RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_GET_SUBSCRIPTION_SOURCE {0} [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:31.774 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +CPIN: READY 11-30 21:13:31.774 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:31.774 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+QSIMCFG="app_type" 11-30 21:13:31.775 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3720]> QUERY_FACILITY_LOCK facility = SC serviceClass = 7 appId = [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:31.775 D/ATC ( 974): AT< ERROR 11-30 21:13:31.775 D/SIM ( 974): ql_get_sim_state:159 app_state = 5 11-30 21:13:31.775 D/SIM ( 974): ql_get_sim_state:177 11-30 21:13:31.775 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest: QUERY_FACILITY_LOCK datalen=32 11-30 21:13:31.775 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest,7662 g_is_scan_ing = 0 11-30 21:13:31.775 E/RILC ( 974): requestQuestFacility Enter 11-30 21:13:31.775 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+CLCK="FD",2,"",7 11-30 21:13:31.776 D/RILJ ( 1573): IccCardApplicationStatus 0:{APPTYPE_SIM,APPSTATE_READY} [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:31.776 D/RILJ ( 1573): responseIccCardStatus: from HIDL: IccCardState {CARDSTATE_PRESENT,PINSTATE_UNKNOWN,num_apps=1,gsm_id=0{APPTYPE_SIM,APPSTATE_READY},cdma_id=-1,ims_id=-1,physical_slot_id=-1,atr=null,iccid=null} [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:31.776 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3718]< GET_SIM_STATUS IccCardState {CARDSTATE_PRESENT,PINSTATE_UNKNOWN,num_apps=1,gsm_id=0{APPTYPE_SIM,APPSTATE_READY},cdma_id=-1,ims_id=-1,physical_slot_id=-1,atr=null,iccid=null} [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:31.776 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +CLCK: 0 11-30 21:13:31.776 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:31.776 E/RILC ( 974): requestQuestFacility leave 11-30 21:13:31.776 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest: QUERY_FACILITY_LOCK datalen=32 11-30 21:13:31.776 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest,7662 g_is_scan_ing = 0 11-30 21:13:31.776 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3719]< QUERY_FACILITY_LOCK {0} [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:31.776 E/RILC ( 974): requestQuestFacility Enter 11-30 21:13:31.776 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+CLCK="SC",2,"",7 11-30 21:13:31.777 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +CLCK: 0 11-30 21:13:31.777 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:31.777 E/RILC ( 974): requestQuestFacility leave 11-30 21:13:31.777 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3720]< QUERY_FACILITY_LOCK {0} [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:31.780 D/CAT ( 1573): CatService: registerForRecordsLoaded slotid=0 instance:Handler (com.android.internal.telephony.cat.CatService) {768470e} 11-30 21:13:31.781 D/CAT ( 1573): CatService: Running CAT service on Slotid: 0. STK app installed:true 11-30 21:13:31.781 D/UiccProfile( 1573): Before privilege rules: null : CARDSTATE_PRESENT 11-30 21:13:31.782 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3721]> RIL_REQUEST_SIM_OPEN_CHANNEL aid = A00000015144414300 p2 = 0 [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:31.782 D/UiccCardApplication( 1573): Notifying 1 registrant: READY 11-30 21:13:31.782 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest: SIM_OPEN_CHANNEL datalen=8 11-30 21:13:31.782 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest,7662 g_is_scan_ing = 0 11-30 21:13:31.782 D/RILC ( 974): [SIM] skip - openng channel !!! : A00000015144414300 11-30 21:13:31.782 E/RILC ( 974): iccOpenLogicalChannelResponse Invalid response: NULL 11-30 21:13:31.782 D/UiccProfile( 1573): Icc changed. Reregistering. 11-30 21:13:31.782 D/UiccProfile( 1573): setExternalState: set mPhoneId=0 mExternalState=READY 11-30 21:13:31.782 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3721]< RIL_REQUEST_SIM_OPEN_CHANNEL error 17 [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:31.783 D/RilRequest( 1573): [3721]< RIL_REQUEST_SIM_OPEN_CHANNEL error: com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: NO_SUCH_ELEMENT ret= 11-30 21:13:31.784 D/SubscriptionInfoUpdater( 1573): updateInternalIccState to simStatus READY reason null slotId 0 11-30 21:13:31.784 D/UiccProfile( 1573): update icc_operator_numeric= 11-30 21:13:31.784 D/QtiSubscriptionInfoUpdater( 1573): handleMessage: EVENT: 10 11-30 21:13:31.785 D/SubscriptionInfoUpdater( 1573): Broadcasting intent ACTION_SIM_STATE_CHANGED READY reason null for mCardIndex: 0 11-30 21:13:31.786 D/SubscriptionInfoUpdater( 1573): Broadcasting intent ACTION_SIM_CARD_STATE_CHANGED PRESENT for phone: 0 11-30 21:13:31.790 D/UiccController( 1573): Notifying IccChangedRegistrants 11-30 21:13:31.790 D/SST ( 1573): [0] Could not set ServiceState channel number. CellIdentity null 11-30 21:13:31.790 D/SST ( 1573): [0] handlPollVoiceRegResultMessage: regState=0 radioTechnology=0 11-30 21:13:31.793 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready 11-30 21:13:31.793 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:13:31.793 D/SST ( 1573): [0] Poll ServiceState done: oldSS=[{mVoiceRegState=1(OUT_OF_SERVICE), mDataRegState=1(OUT_OF_SERVICE), mChannelNumber=-1, duplexMode()=0, mCellBandwidths=[], mVoiceRoamingType=home, mDataRoamingType=home, mVoiceOperatorAlphaLong=null, mVoiceOperatorAlphaShort=null, mDataOperatorAlphaLong=null, mDataOperatorAlphaShort=null, isManualNetworkSelection=false(automatic), mRilVoiceRadioTechnology=0(Unknown), mRilDataRadioTechnology=0(Unknown), mCssIndicator=unsupported, mNetworkId=-1, mSystemId=-1, mCdmaRoamingIndicator=-1, mCdmaDefaultRoamingIndicator=-1, mIsEmergencyOnly=false, mIsDataRoamingFromRegistration=false, mIsUsingCarrierAggregation=false, mLteEarfcnRsrpBoost=0, mNetworkRegistrationStates=[]}] newSS=[{mVoiceRegState=1(OUT_OF_SERVICE), mDataRegState=1(OUT_OF_SERVICE), mChannelNumber=-1, duplexMode()=0, mCellBandwidths=[], mVoiceRoamingType=home, mDataRoamingType=home, mVoiceOperatorAlphaLong=, mVoiceOperatorAlphaShort=, mDataOperatorAlphaLong=, mDataOperatorAlphaShort=, isManualNetworkSelection=false(automatic), mRilVoiceRadioTechnology=0(Unknown), mRilDataRadioTechnology=0(Unknown), mCssIndicator=unsupported, mNetworkId=-1, mSystemId=-1, mCdmaRoamingIndicator=-1, mCdmaDefaultRoamingIndicator=-1, mIsEmergencyOnly=false, mIsDataRoamingFromRegistration=false, mIsUsingCarrierAggregation=false, mLteEarfcnRsrpBoost=0, mNetworkRegistrationStates=[NetworkRegistrationState{transportType=1 domain=PS regState=NOT_REG_NOT_SEARCHING accessNetworkTechnology=UNKNOWN reasonForDenial=7 emergencyEnabled=false supportedServices=null cellIdentity=null voiceSpecificStates=null dataSpecificStates=DataSpecificRegistrationStates { mMaxDataCalls=1}}, NetworkRegistrationState{transportType=1 domain=CS regState=NOT_REG_NOT_SEARCHING accessNetworkTechnology=UNKNOWN reasonForDenial=0 emergencyEnabled=false supportedServices=null cellIdentity=null voiceSpecificStates=VoiceSpecificRegistrationStates { mCssSupported=false mRoamingIndicator=0 mSystemIsInPrl=0 mDefaultRoamingIndicator=0} dataSpecificStates=null}]}] oldMaxDataCalls=1 mNewMaxDataCalls=1 oldReasonDataDenied=-1 mNewReasonDataDenied=7 11-30 21:13:31.793 D/SST ( 1573): [0] pollStateDone: hasRegistered=false hasDeregistered=false hasDataAttached=false hasDataDetached=false hasDataRegStateChanged=false hasRilVoiceRadioTechnologyChanged= false hasRilDataRadioTechnologyChanged=false hasChanged=true hasVoiceRoamingOn=false hasVoiceRoamingOff=false hasDataRoamingOn=false hasDataRoamingOff=false hasLocationChanged=false has4gHandoff = false hasMultiApnSupport=false hasLostMultiApnSupport=false hasCssIndicatorChanged=false 11-30 21:13:31.793 D/SST ( 1573): [0] updateSpnDisplay: radio is on but out of service, set plmn='没有服务' 11-30 21:13:31.794 D/SST ( 1573): [0] updateSpnDisplay: changed sending intent rule=0 showPlmn='true' plmn='没有服务' showSpn='false' spn='' dataSpn='' subId='2147483643' 11-30 21:13:31.794 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready 11-30 21:13:31.794 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:13:31.796 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [setCarrierText]+ text:没有服务 subId:2147483643 11-30 21:13:31.800 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): notifySubscriptionInfoChanged: 11-30 21:13:31.801 D/TelephonyRegistry( 1213): notifySubscriptionInfoChanged: first invocation mRecords.size=35 11-30 21:13:31.805 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getPhoneId]- no sims, returning default phoneId=0 11-30 21:13:31.805 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready 11-30 21:13:31.805 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:13:31.805 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready 11-30 21:13:31.806 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready 11-30 21:13:31.807 D/SST ( 1573): [0] operatorNumeric is invalid 11-30 21:13:31.807 D/LocaleTracker( 1573): updateOperatorNumericAsync. mcc/mnc= 11-30 21:13:31.807 D/SST ( 1573): handleNetworkUnavailable 11-30 21:13:31.807 D/LocaleTracker( 1573): updateOperatorNumericSync. mcc/mnc= 11-30 21:13:31.807 D/LocaleTracker( 1573): Operator numeric changes to 11-30 21:13:31.807 D/LocaleTracker( 1573): Operator numeric unavailable. Get latest cell info from the modem. 11-30 21:13:31.808 D/SST ( 1573): [0] Broadcasting ServiceState : {mVoiceRegState=1(OUT_OF_SERVICE), mDataRegState=1(OUT_OF_SERVICE), mChannelNumber=-1, duplexMode()=0, mCellBandwidths=[], mVoiceRoamingType=home, mDataRoamingType=home, mVoiceOperatorAlphaLong=, mVoiceOperatorAlphaShort=, mDataOperatorAlphaLong=, mDataOperatorAlphaShort=, isManualNetworkSelection=false(automatic), mRilVoiceRadioTechnology=0(Unknown), mRilDataRadioTechnology=0(Unknown), mCssIndicator=unsupported, mNetworkId=-1, mSystemId=-1, mCdmaRoamingIndicator=-1, mCdmaDefaultRoamingIndicator=-1, mIsEmergencyOnly=false, mIsDataRoamingFromRegistration=false, mIsUsingCarrierAggregation=false, mLteEarfcnRsrpBoost=0, mNetworkRegistrationStates=[NetworkRegistrationState{transportType=1 domain=PS regState=NOT_REG_NOT_SEARCHING accessNetworkTechnology=UNKNOWN reasonForDenial=7 emergencyEnabled=false supportedServices=null cellIdentity=null voiceSpecificStates=null dataSpecificStates=DataSpecificRegistrationStates { mMaxDataCalls=1}}, NetworkRegistrationState{transportType=1 domain=CS regState=NOT_REG_NOT_SEARCHING accessNetworkTechnology=UNKNOWN reasonForDenial=0 emergencyEnabled=false supportedServices=null cellIdentity=null voiceSpecificStates=VoiceSpecificRegistrationStates { mCssSupported=false mRoamingIndicator=0 mSystemIsInPrl=0 mDefaultRoamingIndicator=0} dataSpecificStates=null}]} 11-30 21:13:31.808 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3722]> RIL_REQUEST_GET_CELL_INFO_LIST [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:31.808 D/DefaultPhoneNotifier( 1573): nofityServiceState: mRegistry=com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub$Proxy@e928713 ss={mVoiceRegState=1(OUT_OF_SERVICE), mDataRegState=1(OUT_OF_SERVICE), mChannelNumber=-1, duplexMode()=0, mCellBandwidths=[], mVoiceRoamingType=home, mDataRoamingType=home, mVoiceOperatorAlphaLong=, mVoiceOperatorAlphaShort=, mDataOperatorAlphaLong=, mDataOperatorAlphaShort=, isManualNetworkSelection=false(automatic), mRilVoiceRadioTechnology=0(Unknown), mRilDataRadioTechnology=0(Unknown), mCssIndicator=unsupported, mNetworkId=-1, mSystemId=-1, mCdmaRoamingIndicator=-1, mCdmaDefaultRoamingIndicator=-1, mIsEmergencyOnly=false, mIsDataRoamingFromRegistration=false, mIsUsingCarrierAggregation=false, mLteEarfcnRsrpBoost=0, mNetworkRegistrationStates=[NetworkRegistrationState{transportType=1 domain=PS regState=NOT_REG_NOT_SEARCHING accessNetworkTechnology=UNKNOWN reasonForDenial=7 emergencyEnabled=false supportedServices=null cellIdentity=null voiceSpecificStates=null dataSpecificStates=DataSpecificRegistrationStates { mMaxDataCalls=1}}, NetworkRegistrationState{transportType=1 domain=CS regState=NOT_REG_NOT_SEARCHING accessNetworkTechnology=UNKNOWN reasonForDenial=0 emergencyEnabled=false supportedServices=null cellIdentity=null voiceSpecificStates=VoiceSpecificRegistrationStates { mCssSupported=false mRoamingIndicator=0 mSystemIsInPrl=0 mDefaultRoamingIndicator=0} dataSpecificStates=null}]} sender=Handler (com.qualcomm.qti.internal.telephony.QtiGsmCdmaPhone) {e02d8b4} phondId=0 subId=2147483643 11-30 21:13:31.808 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready 11-30 21:13:31.809 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest: GET_CELL_INFO_LIST 11-30 21:13:31.809 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest,7662 g_is_scan_ing = 0 11-30 21:13:31.809 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+QENG="servingcell" 11-30 21:13:31.810 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready 11-30 21:13:31.812 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready 11-30 21:13:31.813 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:13:31.818 D/QtiGsmCdmaPhone( 1573): handleMessage: Event: 6 11-30 21:13:31.818 D/GsmCdmaPhone( 1573): [0] Baseband version: RM520NGLAAR01A06M4G 11-30 21:13:31.820 D/QtiGsmCdmaPhone( 1573): handleMessage: Event: 21 11-30 21:13:31.820 D/QtiGsmCdmaPhone( 1573): handleMessage: Event: 35 11-30 21:13:31.820 D/QtiRadioCapabilityController( 1573): radioCapabilityUpdated phoneId[0] rc = {mPhoneId = 0 mVersion=1 mSession=0 mPhase=0 mRadioAccessFamily=1835006 mLogicModemId=0 mStatus=1} 11-30 21:13:31.820 D/GsmCdmaPhone( 1573): EVENT_GET_RADIO_CAPABILITY: phone rc: {mPhoneId = 0 mVersion=1 mSession=0 mPhase=0 mRadioAccessFamily=1835006 mLogicModemId=0 mStatus=1} 11-30 21:13:31.820 D/QtiGsmCdmaPhone( 1573): handleMessage: Event: 37 11-30 21:13:31.822 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:13:31.823 D/GsmCdmaCallTracker( 1573): Event EVENT_POLL_CALLS_RESULT Received 11-30 21:13:31.823 D/GsmCdmaCallTracker( 1573): [0] update phone state, old=IDLE new=IDLE 11-30 21:13:31.823 D/SmsDispatchersController( 1573): IMS registration state: false format: unknown 11-30 21:13:31.823 D/SIMRecords( 1573): [SIMRecords] fetchSimRecords 0 11-30 21:13:31.824 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3723]> GET_IMSI aid = [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:31.824 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3724]> iccIO: SIM_IO command = 0xc0 fileId = 0x2fe2 path = 3F00 p1 = 0 p2 = 0 p3 = data = null aid = [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:31.825 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3725]> iccIO: SIM_IO command = 0xc0 fileId = 0x6f40 path = 3F007F10 p1 = 0 p2 = 0 p3 = data = null aid = [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:31.826 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3726]> iccIO: SIM_IO command = 0xc0 fileId = 0x6fc9 path = 3F007F20 p1 = 0 p2 = 0 p3 = data = null aid = [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:31.826 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +QENG: "servingcell","LIMSRV","LTE","FDD",460,11,340DC83,226,1650,3,5,5,5923,-95,-10,-65,4,13,150,- 11-30 21:13:31.826 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:31.826 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+COPS=3,0;+COPS?;+COPS=3,1;+COPS? 11-30 21:13:31.826 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3727]> iccIO: SIM_IO command = 0xc0 fileId = 0x6fad path = 3F007F20 p1 = 0 p2 = 0 p3 = data = null aid = [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:31.827 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3728]> iccIO: SIM_IO command = 0xc0 fileId = 0x6fca path = 3F007F20 p1 = 0 p2 = 0 p3 = data = null aid = [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:31.827 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +COPS: 0 11-30 21:13:31.827 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +COPS: 0 11-30 21:13:31.827 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:31.827 D/CELL_INFO( 974): parseServingCell_234G:711 LTE RSRP=-95 11-30 21:13:31.827 D/CELL_INFO( 974): getServingCell_5G:755 count = 1 11-30 21:13:31.827 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+CSQ 11-30 21:13:31.827 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3729]> iccIO: SIM_IO command = 0xc0 fileId = 0x6f11 path = 3F007F20 p1 = 0 p2 = 0 p3 = data = null aid = [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:31.828 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3730]> iccIO: SIM_IO command = 0xc0 fileId = 0x6fcb path = 3F007F20 p1 = 0 p2 = 0 p3 = data = null aid = [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:31.829 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +CSQ: 24,99 11-30 21:13:31.829 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:31.829 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest: GET_IMSI datalen=8 11-30 21:13:31.829 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest,7662 g_is_scan_ing = 0 11-30 21:13:31.829 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+CIMI 11-30 21:13:31.830 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3731]> iccIO: SIM_IO command = 0xc0 fileId = 0x6f13 path = 3F007F20 p1 = 0 p2 = 0 p3 = data = null aid = [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:31.830 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3722]< RIL_REQUEST_GET_CELL_INFO_LIST [CellInfoLte:{mRegistered=NO mTimeStampType=unknown mTimeStamp=2147483647ns mCellConnectionStatus=2147483647 CellIdentityLte:{ mCi=54582403 mPci=226 mTac=22819 mEarfcn=1650 mBandwidth=2147483647 mMcc=460 mMnc=11 mAlphaLong= mAlphaShort=} CellSignalStrengthLte: ss=24 rsrp=95 rsrq=10 rssnr=2147483647 cqi=2147483647 ta=2147483647}] [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:31.832 D/ATC ( 974): AT< 460115865366044 11-30 21:13:31.832 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:31.832 D/RILC ( 974): [onRequest_1_1:6669] quectel_cimi = 460115. 11-30 21:13:31.832 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+CGDCONT? 11-30 21:13:31.833 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3723]< GET_IMSI [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:31.834 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3732]> iccIO: SIM_IO command = 0xc0 fileId = 0x6f46 path = 3F007F20 p1 = 0 p2 = 0 p3 = data = null aid = [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:31.836 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3733]> iccIO: SIM_IO command = 0xc0 fileId = 0x6fcd path = 3F007F20 p1 = 0 p2 = 0 p3 = data = null aid = [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:31.836 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3734]> iccIO: SIM_IO command = 0xc0 fileId = 0x6fc5 path = 3F007F20 p1 = 0 p2 = 0 p3 = data = null aid = [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:31.837 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3735]> iccIO: SIM_IO command = 0xc0 fileId = 0x6f38 path = 3F007F20 p1 = 0 p2 = 0 p3 = data = null aid = [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:31.837 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3736]> iccIO: SIM_IO command = 0xc0 fileId = 0x6f16 path = 3F007F20 p1 = 0 p2 = 0 p3 = data = null aid = [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:31.837 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3737]> iccIO: SIM_IO command = 0xc0 fileId = 0x6f15 path = 3F007F20 p1 = 0 p2 = 0 p3 = data = null aid = [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:31.838 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3738]> iccIO: SIM_IO command = 0xc0 fileId = 0x6f3e path = 3F007F20 p1 = 0 p2 = 0 p3 = data = null aid = [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:31.838 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +CGDCONT: 1,"IPV4V6","ctnet","",0,0,0,0,,,,,,,,,"",,,,0 11-30 21:13:31.838 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +CGDCONT: 2,"IPV4V6","IMS","",0,0,0,0,,,,,,,,,"",,,,0 11-30 21:13:31.838 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +CGDCONT: 3,"IPV4V6","ctwap","",0,0,0,0,,,,,,,,,"",,,,0 11-30 21:13:31.838 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +CGDCONT: 4,"IPV4V6","sos","",0,0,0,1,,,,,,,,,"",,,,0 11-30 21:13:31.838 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:31.838 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3739]> iccIO: SIM_IO command = 0xc0 fileId = 0x6f3f path = 3F007F20 p1 = 0 p2 = 0 p3 = data = null aid = [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:31.838 E/SIMFileHandler( 1573): Error: EF Path being returned in null 11-30 21:13:31.839 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3740]> iccIO: SIM_IO command = 0xc0 fileId = 0x6f60 path = null p1 = 0 p2 = 0 p3 = data = null aid = [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:31.838 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest: SIM_IO datalen=56 11-30 21:13:31.839 E/SIMFileHandler( 1573): Error: EF Path being returned in null 11-30 21:13:31.839 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest,7662 g_is_scan_ing = 0 11-30 21:13:31.839 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3741]> iccIO: SIM_IO command = 0xc0 fileId = 0x6f61 path = null p1 = 0 p2 = 0 p3 = data = null aid = [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:31.839 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+CRSM=192,12258,0,0,0,"","3F00" 11-30 21:13:31.839 E/SIMFileHandler( 1573): Error: EF Path being returned in null 11-30 21:13:31.839 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3742]> iccIO: SIM_IO command = 0xc0 fileId = 0x6f62 path = null p1 = 0 p2 = 0 p3 = data = null aid = [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:31.839 E/SIMFileHandler( 1573): Error: EF Path being returned in null 11-30 21:13:31.839 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3743]> iccIO: SIM_IO command = 0xc0 fileId = 0x6fd9 path = null p1 = 0 p2 = 0 p3 = data = null aid = [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:31.840 E/SIMFileHandler( 1573): Error: EF Path being returned in null 11-30 21:13:31.840 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3744]> iccIO: SIM_IO command = 0xc0 fileId = 0x6f7b path = null p1 = 0 p2 = 0 p3 = data = null aid = [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:31.840 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3745]> iccIO: SIM_IO command = 0xc0 fileId = 0x6f3c path = 3F007F10 p1 = 0 p2 = 0 p3 = data = null aid = [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:31.840 D/SIMRecords( 1573): [SIMRecords] fetchSimRecords 22 requested: true 11-30 21:13:31.840 D/QtiGsmCdmaPhone( 1573): handleMessage: Event: 40 11-30 21:13:31.840 D/GsmCdmaPhone( 1573): [0] EVENT_REQUEST_VOICE_RADIO_TECH_DONE: newVoiceTech=0 11-30 21:13:31.840 D/GsmCdmaPhone( 1573): [0] phoneObjectUpdater: newVoiceRadioTech=0 11-30 21:13:31.842 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:13:31.842 D/GsmCdmaPhone( 1573): [0] phoneObjectUpdater: volteReplacementRat=0 11-30 21:13:31.842 E/GsmCdmaPhone( 1573): [0] phoneObjectUpdater: newVoiceRadioTech=0 doesn't match either CDMA or GSM - error! No phone change 11-30 21:13:31.842 D/CdmaSSM ( 1573): CDMA_SUBSCRIPTION_SOURCE event = 2 11-30 21:13:31.842 D/UiccController( 1573): Received EVENT_GET_ICC_STATUS_DONE 11-30 21:13:31.842 D/UiccSlot( 1573): cardStatus update: IccCardState {CARDSTATE_PRESENT,PINSTATE_UNKNOWN,num_apps=1,gsm_id=0{APPTYPE_SIM,APPSTATE_READY},cdma_id=-1,ims_id=-1,physical_slot_id=-1,atr=null,iccid=null} 11-30 21:13:31.842 E/AnswerToReset( 1573): The input ATR string can not be null 11-30 21:13:31.842 D/UiccSlot( 1573): update: radioState=RADIO_ON mLastRadioState=RADIO_ON 11-30 21:13:31.842 D/UiccProfile( 1573): 1 applications 11-30 21:13:31.842 D/UiccCardApplication( 1573): APPTYPE_SIM update. New {APPTYPE_SIM,APPSTATE_READY} 11-30 21:13:31.842 D/UiccProfile( 1573): Before privilege rules: Handler (com.android.internal.telephony.uicc.UiccCarrierPrivilegeRules) {9c2acc5} : CARDSTATE_PRESENT 11-30 21:13:31.842 D/UiccCardApplication( 1573): Notifying 1 registrant: READY 11-30 21:13:31.843 D/UiccProfile( 1573): setExternalState: !override and newstate unchanged from READY 11-30 21:13:31.843 D/UiccController( 1573): Notifying IccChangedRegistrants 11-30 21:13:31.843 D/UiccCardApplication( 1573): Query facility FDN : FDN service available: true enabled: false 11-30 21:13:31.843 D/UiccCardApplication( 1573): Query facility lock : 0 11-30 21:13:31.843 D/UiccCardApplication( 1573): Ignoring: pin1state=PINSTATE_UNKNOWN 11-30 21:13:31.843 D/CAT ( 1573): CatService: handleMessage[8] 11-30 21:13:31.843 D/CAT ( 1573): CatService: MSG_ID_ICC_CHANGED 11-30 21:13:31.843 D/CAT ( 1573): CatService: New Card State = CARDSTATE_PRESENT Old Card State = CARDSTATE_ABSENT 11-30 21:13:31.843 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3746]> RIL_REQUEST_REPORT_STK_SERVICE_IS_RUNNING [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:31.843 D/UiccProfile( 1573): setExternalState: !override and newstate unchanged from READY 11-30 21:13:31.843 D/UiccProfile( 1573): handleMessage: Error in SIM access with exceptioncom.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: NO_SUCH_ELEMENT 11-30 21:13:31.843 D/PhoneSwitcher( 1573): mSimStateIntentReceiver: phoneId = 0 value = READY 11-30 21:13:31.843 D/PhoneSwitcher( 1573): SIM READY for phoneId: 0 11-30 21:13:31.847 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:13:31.851 D/QtiGsmCdmaPhone( 1573): handleMessage: Event: 30 11-30 21:13:31.851 D/GsmCdmaPhone( 1573): [0] New Uicc application found. type = APPTYPE_SIM 11-30 21:13:31.851 D/SIMRecords( 1573): [SIMRecords] getOperatorNumeric: IMSI == null 11-30 21:13:31.851 D/GsmCdmaPhone( 1573): [0] mIccRecords = SimRecords: mDestroyed=false mContext=com.android.phone.PhoneGlobals@a3090d1 mCi=com.qualcomm.qti.internal.telephony.QtiRIL@913d7a1 mFh=Handler (com.android.internal.telephony.uicc.SIMFileHandler) {5738736} mParentApp=com.android.internal.telephony.uicc.UiccCardApplication@f273637 recordsToLoad=22 adnCache=Handler (com.android.internal.telephony.uicc.AdnRecordCache) {bc107a4} recordsRequested=true lockedRecordsReqReason=0 iccid=null msisdnTag=null voiceMailNum=null voiceMailTag=null voiceMailNum=null newVoiceMailTag=null isVoiceMailFixed=false mImsi=null mncLength=-1 mailboxIndex=0 spn=null mVmConfigcom.android.internal.telephony.uicc.VoiceMailConstants@e5c690d callForwardingEnabled=0 spnState=READ_SPN_3GPP mCphsInfo=null mCspPlmnEnabled=true efMWIS=null efCPHS_MWI=null mEfCff=null mEfCfis=null getOperatorNumeric=null 11-30 21:13:31.851 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [0]update sub = 2147483643 11-30 21:13:31.852 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [0]update(): Active DDS, register for all events now! 11-30 21:13:31.852 D/SIMRecords( 1573): [SIMRecords] getOperatorNumeric: IMSI == null 11-30 21:13:31.852 D/GsmCdmaPhone( 1573): [0] updateCurrentCarrierInProvider: mSubId = 2147483643 currentDds = -1 operatorNumeric = null 11-30 21:13:31.852 D/GsmSMSDispatcher( 1573): GsmSMSDispatcher: subId = 2147483643 slotId = 0 11-30 21:13:31.852 D/GsmSMSDispatcher( 1573): New Uicc application found 11-30 21:13:31.853 D/SST ( 1573): [0] New card found 11-30 21:13:31.853 D/UiccCardApplication( 1573): Notifying 1 registrant: READY 11-30 21:13:31.853 D/CarrierIdentifier( 1573): new Icc object 11-30 21:13:31.853 D/CarrierIdentifier( 1573): register operatorBrandOverride 11-30 21:13:31.853 D/QtiGsmCdmaPhone( 1573): handleMessage: Event: 30 11-30 21:13:31.853 D/GsmSMSDispatcher( 1573): GsmSMSDispatcher: subId = 2147483644 slotId = 1 11-30 21:13:31.853 D/QtiUiccCardProvisioner( 1573): updateIccAvailability, card state[0] = CARDSTATE_PRESENT 11-30 21:13:31.855 D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC_RIL_OEM_HOOK( 1573): sendOemRilRequestRaw returns value = -1 11-30 21:13:31.855 I/QtiRilInterface( 1573): get pref, phoneId 0 User pref -1 Current pref -1 exception com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE 11-30 21:13:31.855 D/QtiUiccCardProvisioner( 1573): queryUiccProvisionInfo: useSimIORequest= true 11-30 21:13:31.856 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3747]> iccIO: SIM_IO command = 0xc0 fileId = 0x2fe2 path = 3F00 p1 = 0 p2 = 0 p3 = data = null aid = [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:31.856 D/QtiUiccCardProvisioner( 1573): queryUiccProvisionInfo, iccId[0] = null User pref -1 Current pref -1 11-30 21:13:31.856 D/CAT ( 1573): CatService: handleMessage[8] 11-30 21:13:31.856 D/CAT ( 1573): CatService: MSG_ID_ICC_CHANGED 11-30 21:13:31.856 D/CAT ( 1573): CatService: New Card State = CARDSTATE_PRESENT Old Card State = CARDSTATE_PRESENT 11-30 21:13:31.985 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +CRSM: 144,0,"62178202412183022FE28A01058B032F06038002000A880110" 11-30 21:13:31.985 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:31.986 D/RILC ( 974): [requestSIM_IO]: RIL_SIM_IO_Response Complete sr.sw1=144, sr.sw2=0, sr.simResponse=0000000a2fe2040000000000000000 11-30 21:13:31.986 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest: SIM_IO datalen=56 11-30 21:13:31.986 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest,7662 g_is_scan_ing = 0 11-30 21:13:31.986 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+CRSM=192,28480,0,0,0,"","3F007F10" 11-30 21:13:31.987 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3724]< SIM_IO IccIoResult sw1:0x90 sw2:0x0 Payload: ******* [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:32.034 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +CRSM: 144,0,"621982054221001C0283026F408A01058B036F0605800200388800" 11-30 21:13:32.034 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:32.035 D/RILC ( 974): [requestSIM_IO]: RIL_SIM_IO_Response Complete sr.sw1=144, sr.sw2=0, sr.simResponse=000000386f4004000000000000011c 11-30 21:13:32.035 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest: SIM_IO datalen=56 11-30 21:13:32.035 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest,7662 g_is_scan_ing = 0 11-30 21:13:32.035 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+CRSM=192,28617,0,0,0,"","3F007F20" 11-30 21:13:32.036 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3725]< SIM_IO IccIoResult sw1:0x90 sw2:0x0 Payload: ******* [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:32.050 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +CME ERROR: 100 11-30 21:13:32.050 E/RILC ( 974): requestSIM_IO error 11-30 21:13:32.050 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest: SIM_IO datalen=56 11-30 21:13:32.051 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest,7662 g_is_scan_ing = 0 11-30 21:13:32.051 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+CRSM=192,28589,0,0,0,"","3F007F20" 11-30 21:13:32.052 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3726]< SIM_IO error 2 [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:32.052 D/RilRequest( 1573): [3726]< SIM_IO error: com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: GENERIC_FAILURE ret=IccIoResult sw1:0x0 sw2:0x0 Payload: ******* Error: unknown 11-30 21:13:32.517 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +CME ERROR: 100 11-30 21:13:32.517 E/RILC ( 974): requestSIM_IO error 11-30 21:13:32.518 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest: SIM_IO datalen=56 11-30 21:13:32.518 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest,7662 g_is_scan_ing = 0 11-30 21:13:32.518 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+CRSM=192,28618,0,0,0,"","3F007F20" 11-30 21:13:32.518 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +QNWCFG: "lte_pco",0,"IPV4V6",8021,030000108106DA5598638306DA559D63 11-30 21:13:32.518 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +QNWCFG: "lte_pco",0,"IPV4V6",000D,DA559863 11-30 21:13:32.518 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +QNWCFG: "lte_pco",0,"IPV4V6",000D,DA559D63 11-30 21:13:32.518 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +QNWCFG: "lte_pco",0,"IPV4V6",0003,240E0014600000000000000000000001 11-30 21:13:32.519 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +QNWCFG: "lte_pco",0,"IPV4V6",0003,240E0014E00000000000000000000001 11-30 21:13:32.519 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3727]< SIM_IO error 2 [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:32.519 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +QNWCFG: "lte_pco",0,"IPV4V6",001B,0100000064F011 11-30 21:13:32.519 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +QNWCFG: "lte_pco",0,"IPV4V6",001D,04F42404F424+QNWCFG: "lte_pco",0,"IPV4V6",0023,010006313F0101FF01 11-30 21:13:32.519 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +QNWCFG: "lte_pco",0,"IPV4V6",0024,012042010109070150 11-30 21:13:32.519 D/RilRequest( 1573): [3727]< SIM_IO error: com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: GENERIC_FAILURE ret=IccIoResult sw1:0x0 sw2:0x0 Payload: ******* Error: unknown 11-30 21:13:32.519 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +CREG: 3 11-30 21:13:32.519 D/RILC ( 974): RIL_UNSOL_RESPONSE_VOICE_NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED wait sim ready 11-30 21:13:32.519 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +CEREG: 1,"5923","340DC83",7 11-30 21:13:32.519 D/RILC ( 974): RIL_UNSOL_RESPONSE_VOICE_NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED wait sim ready 11-30 21:13:32.519 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +QENDC: 0,0,0,0,0 11-30 21:13:32.519 D/REGISTRATION_STATE( 974): is_network_state_change 286 11-30 21:13:32.519 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +QENDC: 0,0,0,0,0 11-30 21:13:32.519 D/REGISTRATION_STATE( 974): is_network_state_change 286 11-30 21:13:32.519 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +QIMSSRVSTAT: 0,0,2 11-30 21:13:32.519 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +CTZE: "+32",0,"2023/11/30,21:13:33" 11-30 21:13:32.519 D/RILC ( 974): 2023 11 30 21 13 33 11-30 21:13:32.521 D/RILC ( 974): gmt time: 2023/11/30 11-30 21:13:32.522 D/RILC ( 974): time: 13:13:33 11-30 21:13:32.522 D/RILJ ( 1573): [UNSL]< UNSOL_PCO_DATA PcoData(0, IPV4V6, 32801, contents[16]) [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:32.522 D/RILJ ( 1573): [UNSL]< UNSOL_PCO_DATA PcoData(0, IPV4V6, 13, contents[4]) [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:32.523 D/RILJ ( 1573): [UNSL]< UNSOL_PCO_DATA PcoData(0, IPV4V6, 13, contents[4]) [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:32.523 D/RILJ ( 1573): [UNSL]< UNSOL_PCO_DATA PcoData(0, IPV4V6, 3, contents[16]) [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:32.524 D/RILJ ( 1573): [UNSL]< UNSOL_PCO_DATA PcoData(0, IPV4V6, 3, contents[16]) [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:32.525 D/RILJ ( 1573): [UNSL]< UNSOL_PCO_DATA PcoData(0, IPV4V6, 27, contents[7]) [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:32.526 D/RILJ ( 1573): [UNSL]< UNSOL_PCO_DATA PcoData(0, IPV4V6, 29, contents[15]) [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:32.526 D/RILJ ( 1573): [UNSL]< UNSOL_PCO_DATA PcoData(0, IPV4V6, 36, contents[9]) [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:32.526 D/RILJ ( 1573): [UNSL]< UNSOL_NITZ_TIME_RECEIVED 23/11/30,13:13:33+32,0 [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:32.716 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +CME ERROR: 100 11-30 21:13:32.716 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +QNWCFG: "lte_pco",1,"IPV4V6",8021,030000108106DA5598638306DA559D63 11-30 21:13:32.716 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +QNWCFG: "lte_pco",1,"IPV4V6",000D,DA559863 11-30 21:13:32.717 E/RILC ( 974): requestSIM_IO error 11-30 21:13:32.717 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +QNWCFG: "lte_pco",1,"IPV4V6",000D,DA559D63 11-30 21:13:32.717 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +QNWCFG: "lte_pco",1,"IPV4V6",0003,240E0014600000000000000000000001 11-30 21:13:32.717 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest: SIM_IO datalen=56 11-30 21:13:32.717 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest,7662 g_is_scan_ing = 0 11-30 21:13:32.717 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +QNWCFG: "lte_pco",1,"IPV4V6",0003,240E0014E00000000000000000000001 11-30 21:13:32.717 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+CRSM=192,28433,0,0,0,"","3F007F20" 11-30 21:13:32.717 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +QNWCFG: "lte_pco",1,"IPV4V6",001B,0100000064F011 11-30 21:13:32.717 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +QNWCFG: "lte_pco",1,"IPV4V6",001D,04F42404F424+QNWCFG: "lte_pco",1,"IPV4V6",0023,010006313F0101FF01 11-30 21:13:32.717 D/RILJ ( 1573): [UNSL]< UNSOL_PCO_DATA PcoData(1, IPV4V6, 32801, contents[16]) [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:32.717 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +QNWCFG: "lte_pco",1,"IPV4V6",0024,012042010109070150 11-30 21:13:32.718 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +QNWCFG: "lte_pco",0,"IPV6",8021,03000004 11-30 21:13:32.718 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +QNWCFG: "lte_pco",0,"IPV6",0001,240E0067A005000F00000000000000E0 11-30 21:13:32.718 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3728]< SIM_IO error 2 [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:32.718 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +QNWCFG: "lte_pco",0,"IPV6",0001,240E0067A005000F00000000000000A0 11-30 21:13:32.718 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +QNWCFG: "lte_pco",0,"IPV6",0001,240E0067A004000F0000000000000060 11-30 21:13:32.718 D/RilRequest( 1573): [3728]< SIM_IO error: com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: GENERIC_FAILURE ret=IccIoResult sw1:0x0 sw2:0x0 Payload: ******* Error: unknown 11-30 21:13:32.719 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +QNWCFG: "lte_pco",0,"IPV6",0001,240E0067A005000F000000000000006C 11-30 21:13:32.719 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +QNWCFG: "lte_pco",0,"IPV6",001B,0100000064F011 11-30 21:13:32.719 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +QNWCFG: "lte_pco",0,"IPV6",001D,012710011388+QNWCFG: "lte_pco",0,"IPV6",0023,010006313F0101FF01 11-30 21:13:32.719 D/RILJ ( 1573): [UNSL]< UNSOL_PCO_DATA PcoData(1, IPV4V6, 13, contents[4]) [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:32.719 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +QNWCFG: "lte_pco",0,"IPV6",0024,012042010105070160 11-30 21:13:32.720 D/RILJ ( 1573): [UNSL]< UNSOL_PCO_DATA PcoData(1, IPV4V6, 13, contents[4]) [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:32.720 D/RILJ ( 1573): [UNSL]< UNSOL_PCO_DATA PcoData(1, IPV4V6, 3, contents[16]) [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:32.722 D/RILJ ( 1573): [UNSL]< UNSOL_PCO_DATA PcoData(1, IPV4V6, 3, contents[16]) [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:32.722 D/RILJ ( 1573): [UNSL]< UNSOL_PCO_DATA PcoData(1, IPV4V6, 27, contents[7]) [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:32.723 D/RILJ ( 1573): [UNSL]< UNSOL_PCO_DATA PcoData(1, IPV4V6, 29, contents[15]) [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:32.724 D/RILJ ( 1573): [UNSL]< UNSOL_PCO_DATA PcoData(1, IPV4V6, 36, contents[9]) [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:32.724 D/RILJ ( 1573): [UNSL]< UNSOL_PCO_DATA PcoData(0, IPV6, 32801, contents[4]) [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:32.725 D/RILJ ( 1573): [UNSL]< UNSOL_PCO_DATA PcoData(0, IPV6, 1, contents[16]) [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:32.726 I/chatty ( 1573): uid=1001(radio) HwBinder:1573_1 identical 2 lines 11-30 21:13:32.727 D/RILJ ( 1573): [UNSL]< UNSOL_PCO_DATA PcoData(0, IPV6, 1, contents[16]) [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:32.727 D/RILJ ( 1573): [UNSL]< UNSOL_PCO_DATA PcoData(0, IPV6, 27, contents[7]) [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:32.728 D/RILJ ( 1573): [UNSL]< UNSOL_PCO_DATA PcoData(0, IPV6, 29, contents[15]) [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:32.728 D/RILJ ( 1573): [UNSL]< UNSOL_PCO_DATA PcoData(0, IPV6, 36, contents[9]) [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:32.755 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +CME ERROR: 100 11-30 21:13:32.755 E/RILC ( 974): requestSIM_IO error 11-30 21:13:32.755 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest: SIM_IO datalen=56 11-30 21:13:32.755 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest,7662 g_is_scan_ing = 0 11-30 21:13:32.756 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+CRSM=192,28619,0,0,0,"","3F007F20" 11-30 21:13:32.756 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3729]< SIM_IO error 2 [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:32.756 D/RilRequest( 1573): [3729]< SIM_IO error: com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: GENERIC_FAILURE ret=IccIoResult sw1:0x0 sw2:0x0 Payload: ******* Error: unknown 11-30 21:13:32.770 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +CME ERROR: 100 11-30 21:13:32.770 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +QIND: SMS DONE 11-30 21:13:32.771 E/RILC ( 974): requestSIM_IO error 11-30 21:13:32.771 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+CPIN? 11-30 21:13:32.771 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest: SIM_IO datalen=56 11-30 21:13:32.771 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest,7662 g_is_scan_ing = 0 11-30 21:13:32.772 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +CPIN: READY 11-30 21:13:32.772 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:32.772 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3730]< SIM_IO error 2 [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:32.772 D/RilRequest( 1573): [3730]< SIM_IO error: com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: GENERIC_FAILURE ret=IccIoResult sw1:0x0 sw2:0x0 Payload: ******* Error: unknown 11-30 21:13:32.773 I/RILC ( 974): [setRadioState]:oldState=4, newState=4 11-30 21:13:32.773 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+QINISTAT 11-30 21:13:32.774 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +QINISTAT: 3 11-30 21:13:32.774 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:32.774 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+CRSM=192,28435,0,0,0,"","3F007F20" 11-30 21:13:32.799 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +CME ERROR: 100 11-30 21:13:32.799 E/RILC ( 974): requestSIM_IO error 11-30 21:13:32.799 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest: SIM_IO datalen=56 11-30 21:13:32.799 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest,7662 g_is_scan_ing = 0 11-30 21:13:32.799 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+CRSM=192,28486,0,0,0,"","3F007F20" 11-30 21:13:32.800 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3731]< SIM_IO error 2 [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:32.800 D/RilRequest( 1573): [3731]< SIM_IO error: com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: GENERIC_FAILURE ret=IccIoResult sw1:0x0 sw2:0x0 Payload: ******* Error: unknown 11-30 21:13:32.825 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +CME ERROR: 100 11-30 21:13:32.825 E/RILC ( 974): requestSIM_IO error 11-30 21:13:32.825 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+CNMI=2,2 11-30 21:13:32.826 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest: SIM_IO datalen=56 11-30 21:13:32.826 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest,7662 g_is_scan_ing = 0 11-30 21:13:32.826 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3732]< SIM_IO error 2 [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:32.826 D/RilRequest( 1573): [3732]< SIM_IO error: com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: GENERIC_FAILURE ret=IccIoResult sw1:0x0 sw2:0x0 Payload: ******* Error: unknown 11-30 21:13:32.826 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:32.827 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+CMGF=0 11-30 21:13:32.827 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:32.828 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+CRSM=192,28621,0,0,0,"","3F007F20" 11-30 21:13:32.837 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +CME ERROR: 100 11-30 21:13:32.837 E/RILC ( 974): requestSIM_IO error 11-30 21:13:32.837 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest: SIM_IO datalen=56 11-30 21:13:32.837 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest,7662 g_is_scan_ing = 0 11-30 21:13:32.837 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+CRSM=192,28613,0,0,0,"","3F007F20" 11-30 21:13:32.838 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3733]< SIM_IO error 2 [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:32.838 D/RilRequest( 1573): [3733]< SIM_IO error: com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: GENERIC_FAILURE ret=IccIoResult sw1:0x0 sw2:0x0 Payload: ******* Error: unknown 11-30 21:13:32.875 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +CME ERROR: 100 11-30 21:13:32.875 E/RILC ( 974): requestSIM_IO error 11-30 21:13:32.876 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest: SIM_IO datalen=56 11-30 21:13:32.876 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest,7662 g_is_scan_ing = 0 11-30 21:13:32.876 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+CRSM=192,28472,0,0,0,"","3F007F20" 11-30 21:13:32.876 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3734]< SIM_IO error 2 [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:32.877 D/RilRequest( 1573): [3734]< SIM_IO error: com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: GENERIC_FAILURE ret=IccIoResult sw1:0x0 sw2:0x0 Payload: ******* Error: unknown 11-30 21:13:32.891 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +CME ERROR: 100 11-30 21:13:32.891 E/RILC ( 974): requestSIM_IO error 11-30 21:13:32.891 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest: SIM_IO datalen=56 11-30 21:13:32.892 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest,7662 g_is_scan_ing = 0 11-30 21:13:32.892 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+CRSM=192,28438,0,0,0,"","3F007F20" 11-30 21:13:32.892 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3735]< SIM_IO error 2 [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:32.892 D/RilRequest( 1573): [3735]< SIM_IO error: com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: GENERIC_FAILURE ret=IccIoResult sw1:0x0 sw2:0x0 Payload: ******* Error: unknown 11-30 21:13:32.893 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +QIMSREGSTAT: 1 11-30 21:13:33.003 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +CME ERROR: 100 11-30 21:13:33.004 E/RILC ( 974): requestSIM_IO error 11-30 21:13:33.004 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest: SIM_IO datalen=56 11-30 21:13:33.004 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest,7662 g_is_scan_ing = 0 11-30 21:13:33.004 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+CRSM=192,28437,0,0,0,"","3F007F20" 11-30 21:13:33.005 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3736]< SIM_IO error 2 [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:33.005 D/RilRequest( 1573): [3736]< SIM_IO error: com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: GENERIC_FAILURE ret=IccIoResult sw1:0x0 sw2:0x0 Payload: ******* Error: unknown 11-30 21:13:33.100 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +CME ERROR: 100 11-30 21:13:33.100 E/RILC ( 974): requestSIM_IO error 11-30 21:13:33.100 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest: SIM_IO datalen=56 11-30 21:13:33.100 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest,7662 g_is_scan_ing = 0 11-30 21:13:33.101 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+CRSM=192,28478,0,0,0,"","3F007F20" 11-30 21:13:33.102 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3737]< SIM_IO error 2 [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:33.102 D/RilRequest( 1573): [3737]< SIM_IO error: com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: GENERIC_FAILURE ret=IccIoResult sw1:0x0 sw2:0x0 Payload: ******* Error: unknown 11-30 21:13:33.470 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +CME ERROR: 100 11-30 21:13:33.471 E/RILC ( 974): requestSIM_IO error 11-30 21:13:33.472 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest: SIM_IO datalen=56 11-30 21:13:33.472 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest,7662 g_is_scan_ing = 0 11-30 21:13:33.472 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+CRSM=192,28479,0,0,0,"","3F007F20" 11-30 21:13:33.473 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3738]< SIM_IO error 2 [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:33.473 D/RilRequest( 1573): [3738]< SIM_IO error: com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: GENERIC_FAILURE ret=IccIoResult sw1:0x0 sw2:0x0 Payload: ******* Error: unknown 11-30 21:13:33.540 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +CME ERROR: 100 11-30 21:13:33.541 E/RILC ( 974): requestSIM_IO error 11-30 21:13:33.541 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest: SIM_IO datalen=56 11-30 21:13:33.542 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest,7662 g_is_scan_ing = 0 11-30 21:13:33.542 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+CRSM=192,28512,0,0,0,"","" 11-30 21:13:33.542 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3739]< SIM_IO error 2 [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:33.543 D/ATC ( 974): AT< ERROR 11-30 21:13:33.543 D/RilRequest( 1573): [3739]< SIM_IO error: com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: GENERIC_FAILURE ret=IccIoResult sw1:0x0 sw2:0x0 Payload: ******* Error: unknown 11-30 21:13:33.543 E/RILC ( 974): requestSIM_IO error 11-30 21:13:33.543 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest: SIM_IO datalen=56 11-30 21:13:33.543 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest,7662 g_is_scan_ing = 0 11-30 21:13:33.543 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+CRSM=192,28513,0,0,0,"","" 11-30 21:13:33.544 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3740]< SIM_IO error 2 [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:33.544 D/RilRequest( 1573): [3740]< SIM_IO error: com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: GENERIC_FAILURE ret=IccIoResult sw1:0x0 sw2:0x0 Payload: ******* Error: unknown 11-30 21:13:33.544 D/ATC ( 974): AT< ERROR 11-30 21:13:33.545 E/RILC ( 974): requestSIM_IO error 11-30 21:13:33.545 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest: SIM_IO datalen=56 11-30 21:13:33.545 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest,7662 g_is_scan_ing = 0 11-30 21:13:33.545 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+CRSM=192,28514,0,0,0,"","" 11-30 21:13:33.545 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3741]< SIM_IO error 2 [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:33.546 D/RilRequest( 1573): [3741]< SIM_IO error: com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: GENERIC_FAILURE ret=IccIoResult sw1:0x0 sw2:0x0 Payload: ******* Error: unknown 11-30 21:13:33.550 D/ATC ( 974): AT< ERROR 11-30 21:13:33.550 E/RILC ( 974): requestSIM_IO error 11-30 21:13:33.550 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest: SIM_IO datalen=56 11-30 21:13:33.550 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest,7662 g_is_scan_ing = 0 11-30 21:13:33.550 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+CRSM=192,28633,0,0,0,"","" 11-30 21:13:33.551 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3742]< SIM_IO error 2 [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:33.551 D/RilRequest( 1573): [3742]< SIM_IO error: com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: GENERIC_FAILURE ret=IccIoResult sw1:0x0 sw2:0x0 Payload: ******* Error: unknown 11-30 21:13:33.552 D/ATC ( 974): AT< ERROR 11-30 21:13:33.552 E/RILC ( 974): requestSIM_IO error 11-30 21:13:33.552 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest: SIM_IO datalen=56 11-30 21:13:33.552 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest,7662 g_is_scan_ing = 0 11-30 21:13:33.552 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+CRSM=192,28539,0,0,0,"","" 11-30 21:13:33.552 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3743]< SIM_IO error 2 [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:33.553 D/RilRequest( 1573): [3743]< SIM_IO error: com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: GENERIC_FAILURE ret=IccIoResult sw1:0x0 sw2:0x0 Payload: ******* Error: unknown 11-30 21:13:33.553 D/ATC ( 974): AT< ERROR 11-30 21:13:33.553 E/RILC ( 974): requestSIM_IO error 11-30 21:13:33.553 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest: SIM_IO datalen=56 11-30 21:13:33.553 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest,7662 g_is_scan_ing = 0 11-30 21:13:33.553 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+CRSM=192,28476,0,0,0,"","3F007F10" 11-30 21:13:33.554 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3744]< SIM_IO error 2 [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:33.554 D/RilRequest( 1573): [3744]< SIM_IO error: com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: GENERIC_FAILURE ret=IccIoResult sw1:0x0 sw2:0x0 Payload: ******* Error: unknown 11-30 21:13:33.570 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +CRSM: 144,0,"62198205422100B02883026F3C8A01058B036F060580021B808800" 11-30 21:13:33.570 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:33.571 D/RILC ( 974): [requestSIM_IO]: RIL_SIM_IO_Response Complete sr.sw1=144, sr.sw2=0, sr.simResponse=00001b806f3c0400000000000001b0 11-30 21:13:33.571 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest: REPORT_STK_SERVICE_IS_RUNNING 11-30 21:13:33.571 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest,7662 g_is_scan_ing = 0 11-30 21:13:33.571 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest: SIM_IO datalen=56 11-30 21:13:33.571 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest,7662 g_is_scan_ing = 0 11-30 21:13:33.571 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+CRSM=192,12258,0,0,0,"","3F00" 11-30 21:13:33.571 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3745]< SIM_IO IccIoResult sw1:0x90 sw2:0x0 Payload: ******* [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:33.572 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3746]< RIL_REQUEST_REPORT_STK_SERVICE_IS_RUNNING [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:33.572 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +CRSM: 144,0,"62178202412183022FE28A01058B032F06038002000A880110" 11-30 21:13:33.572 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:33.573 D/RILC ( 974): [requestSIM_IO]: RIL_SIM_IO_Response Complete sr.sw1=144, sr.sw2=0, sr.simResponse=0000000a2fe2040000000000000000 11-30 21:13:33.573 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3747]< SIM_IO IccIoResult sw1:0x90 sw2:0x0 Payload: ******* [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:33.797 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +QIMSREGSTAT: 2 11-30 21:13:33.809 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +QIMSSRVSTAT: 2,0,2 11-30 21:13:36.809 D/SST ( 1573): [0] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null 11-30 21:13:36.809 D/LocaleTracker( 1573): getCellInfo: cell info=null 11-30 21:13:36.810 D/LocaleTracker( 1573): Can't get cell info. Try again in 512 secs. 11-30 21:13:36.810 D/LocaleTracker( 1573): updateLocale: mcc = null, country = 11-30 21:13:36.813 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [0]SubscriptionListener.onSubscriptionInfoChanged 11-30 21:13:36.817 D/SST ( 1573): [1] SubscriptionListener.onSubscriptionInfoChanged 11-30 21:13:36.817 D/GsmCdmaPhone( 1573): [1] updateVoiceMail countVoiceMessages = 0 subId 2147483644 11-30 21:13:36.817 E/Phone ( 1573): setVoiceMessageCount in sharedPreference: invalid subId 2147483644 11-30 21:13:36.818 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483644 11-30 21:13:36.818 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getPhoneId]- invalid subId return=-1 11-30 21:13:36.818 D/PhoneSwitcher( 1573): handle event - 102 11-30 21:13:36.818 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getPhoneId]- invalid subId return=-1 11-30 21:13:36.820 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready 11-30 21:13:36.826 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:13:36.829 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:13:36.831 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready 11-30 21:13:36.831 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getActiveSubInfoForSubscriber]- subId=2147483643 subList=null subInfo=null 11-30 21:13:36.834 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:13:36.845 I/chatty ( 1573): uid=1001(radio) com.android.phone identical 9 lines 11-30 21:13:36.846 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:13:36.866 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready 11-30 21:13:36.866 D/SST ( 1573): [0] SubscriptionListener.onSubscriptionInfoChanged 11-30 21:13:36.866 E/Phone ( 1573): getStoredVoiceMessageCount: invalid subId 2147483643 11-30 21:13:36.866 D/GsmCdmaPhone( 1573): [0] updateVoiceMail countVoiceMessages = 0 subId 2147483643 11-30 21:13:36.867 E/Phone ( 1573): setVoiceMessageCount in sharedPreference: invalid subId 2147483643 11-30 21:13:36.867 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:13:36.867 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [1]SubscriptionListener.onSubscriptionInfoChanged 11-30 21:13:36.869 D/CarrierIdentifier( 1573): SubscriptionListener.onSubscriptionInfoChanged subId: 2147483644 11-30 21:13:36.870 D/CarrierIdentifier( 1573): SubscriptionListener.onSubscriptionInfoChanged subId: 2147483643 11-30 21:13:36.872 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:13:36.872 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready 11-30 21:13:36.873 D/ImsPhone( 1573): [0] handleMessage what=53 11-30 21:13:36.874 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:13:36.874 D/SIMRecords( 1573): [SIMRecords] IMSI: mMncLength=-1 11-30 21:13:36.874 D/SIMRecords( 1573): [SIMRecords] IMSI: 460115[xWZaFQoK-VizAHg4N1LbD7Yc8VA] 11-30 21:13:36.874 D/SIMRecords( 1573): [SIMRecords] onRecordLoaded 21 requested: true 11-30 21:13:36.875 D/UiccProfile( 1573): setExternalState: !override and newstate unchanged from READY 11-30 21:13:36.875 D/QtiGsmCdmaPhone( 1573): handleMessage: Event: 30 11-30 21:13:36.875 D/GsmSMSDispatcher( 1573): GsmSMSDispatcher: subId = 2147483643 slotId = 0 11-30 21:13:36.876 D/QtiGsmCdmaPhone( 1573): handleMessage: Event: 30 11-30 21:13:36.876 D/GsmSMSDispatcher( 1573): GsmSMSDispatcher: subId = 2147483644 slotId = 1 11-30 21:13:36.876 D/QtiUiccCardProvisioner( 1573): updateIccAvailability, card state[0] = CARDSTATE_PRESENT 11-30 21:13:36.876 D/CAT ( 1573): CatService: handleMessage[8] 11-30 21:13:36.876 D/CAT ( 1573): CatService: MSG_ID_ICC_CHANGED 11-30 21:13:36.876 D/CAT ( 1573): CatService: New Card State = CARDSTATE_PRESENT Old Card State = CARDSTATE_PRESENT 11-30 21:13:36.877 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3748]> RIL_REQUEST_SIM_OPEN_CHANNEL aid = A00000015141434C00 p2 = 0 [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:36.877 E/CarrierActionAgent( 1573): [0]Unsupported action: 7 11-30 21:13:36.877 E/CarrierActionAgent( 1573): [1]Unsupported action: 7 11-30 21:13:36.878 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest: SIM_OPEN_CHANNEL datalen=8 11-30 21:13:36.878 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest,7662 g_is_scan_ing = 0 11-30 21:13:36.878 D/RILC ( 974): [SIM] skip - openng channel !!! : A00000015141434C00 11-30 21:13:36.878 E/RILC ( 974): iccOpenLogicalChannelResponse Invalid response: NULL 11-30 21:13:36.878 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3748]< RIL_REQUEST_SIM_OPEN_CHANNEL error 17 [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:36.879 D/RilRequest( 1573): [3748]< RIL_REQUEST_SIM_OPEN_CHANNEL error: com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: NO_SUCH_ELEMENT ret= 11-30 21:13:36.879 D/QtiGsmCdmaPhone( 1573): handleMessage: Event: 29 11-30 21:13:36.879 D/QtiGsmCdmaPhone( 1573): handleMessage: Event: 29 11-30 21:13:36.879 I/GsmCdmaPhone( 1573): [0] processIccRecordEvents: EVENT_CFI 11-30 21:13:36.879 D/QtiGsmCdmaPhone( 1573): ProvisionStatus: -1 phone id:0 11-30 21:13:36.880 D/DefaultPhoneNotifier( 1573): notifyCallForwardingChanged: subId=2147483643, isCFActive=false 11-30 21:13:36.880 D/QtiGsmCdmaPhone( 1573): ProvisionStatus: -1 phone id:0 11-30 21:13:36.882 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:13:36.882 D/SST ( 1573): [0] pollState: modemTriggered=false 11-30 21:13:36.883 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3749]> OPERATOR [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:36.883 D/NetworkRegistrationManager( 1573): getNetworkRegistrationState domain 2 11-30 21:13:36.883 D/NetworkRegistrationManager( 1573): getNetworkRegistrationState domain 1 11-30 21:13:36.883 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest: OPERATOR 11-30 21:13:36.883 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest,7662 g_is_scan_ing = 0 11-30 21:13:36.883 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+COPS=3,0;+COPS?;+COPS=3,1;+COPS?;+COPS=3,2;+COPS? 11-30 21:13:36.883 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3750]> QUERY_NETWORK_SELECTION_MODE [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:36.884 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3751]> DATA_REGISTRATION_STATE [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:36.884 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +COPS: 0,0,"CHN-CT",7 11-30 21:13:36.885 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +COPS: 0,1,"CT",7 11-30 21:13:36.885 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +COPS: 0,2,"46011",7 11-30 21:13:36.885 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:36.885 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest: QUERY_NETWORK_SELECTION_MODE 11-30 21:13:36.885 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest,7662 g_is_scan_ing = 0 11-30 21:13:36.885 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest: DATA_REGISTRATION_STATE 11-30 21:13:36.885 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest,7662 g_is_scan_ing = 0 11-30 21:13:36.885 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest_1_1 6530 11-30 21:13:36.885 D/REGISTRATION_STATE( 974): getDataRegistrationState 301 version = 1 11-30 21:13:36.885 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+COPS=3,2;+COPS? 11-30 21:13:36.885 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3753]> VOICE_REGISTRATION_STATE [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:36.885 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3749]< OPERATOR {CHN-CT, CT, 46011} [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:36.885 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3750]< QUERY_NETWORK_SELECTION_MODE {0} [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:36.886 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3752]> iccIO: SIM_IO command = 0xb0 fileId = 0x2fe2 path = 3F00 p1 = 0 p2 = 0 p3 = data = null aid = [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:36.886 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3754]> iccIO: SIM_IO command = 0xb2 fileId = 0x6f40 path = 3F007F10 p1 = 1 p2 = 4 p3 = data = null aid = [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:36.886 E/SIMFileHandler( 1573): exception caught from EVENT_GET_RECORD_SIZE 11-30 21:13:36.886 E/DCT ( 1573): PCO_DATA for unknown cid: 0, inferring 11-30 21:13:36.886 E/DCT ( 1573): PCO_DATA - couldn't infer cid 11-30 21:13:36.886 E/DCT ( 1573): PCO_DATA for unknown cid: 0, inferring 11-30 21:13:36.886 E/DCT ( 1573): PCO_DATA - couldn't infer cid 11-30 21:13:36.886 E/DCT ( 1573): PCO_DATA for unknown cid: 0, inferring 11-30 21:13:36.886 E/DCT ( 1573): PCO_DATA - couldn't infer cid 11-30 21:13:36.886 E/DCT ( 1573): PCO_DATA for unknown cid: 0, inferring 11-30 21:13:36.886 E/DCT ( 1573): PCO_DATA - couldn't infer cid 11-30 21:13:36.887 E/DCT ( 1573): PCO_DATA for unknown cid: 0, inferring 11-30 21:13:36.887 E/DCT ( 1573): PCO_DATA - couldn't infer cid 11-30 21:13:36.887 E/DCT ( 1573): PCO_DATA for unknown cid: 0, inferring 11-30 21:13:36.887 E/DCT ( 1573): PCO_DATA - couldn't infer cid 11-30 21:13:36.887 E/DCT ( 1573): PCO_DATA for unknown cid: 0, inferring 11-30 21:13:36.887 E/DCT ( 1573): PCO_DATA - couldn't infer cid 11-30 21:13:36.887 E/DCT ( 1573): PCO_DATA for unknown cid: 0, inferring 11-30 21:13:36.887 E/DCT ( 1573): PCO_DATA - couldn't infer cid 11-30 21:13:36.887 E/DCT ( 1573): PCO_DATA for unknown cid: 0, inferring 11-30 21:13:36.887 E/DCT ( 1573): PCO_DATA - couldn't infer cid 11-30 21:13:36.887 E/DCT ( 1573): PCO_DATA for unknown cid: 0, inferring 11-30 21:13:36.887 E/DCT ( 1573): PCO_DATA - couldn't infer cid 11-30 21:13:36.887 E/DCT ( 1573): PCO_DATA for unknown cid: 0, inferring 11-30 21:13:36.887 E/DCT ( 1573): PCO_DATA - couldn't infer cid 11-30 21:13:36.887 E/DCT ( 1573): PCO_DATA for unknown cid: 0, inferring 11-30 21:13:36.887 E/DCT ( 1573): PCO_DATA - couldn't infer cid 11-30 21:13:36.887 E/DCT ( 1573): PCO_DATA for unknown cid: 0, inferring 11-30 21:13:36.887 E/DCT ( 1573): PCO_DATA - couldn't infer cid 11-30 21:13:36.887 E/DCT ( 1573): PCO_DATA for unknown cid: 0, inferring 11-30 21:13:36.887 E/DCT ( 1573): PCO_DATA - couldn't infer cid 11-30 21:13:36.887 E/DCT ( 1573): PCO_DATA for unknown cid: 0, inferring 11-30 21:13:36.887 E/DCT ( 1573): PCO_DATA - couldn't infer cid 11-30 21:13:36.887 E/DCT ( 1573): PCO_DATA for unknown cid: 0, inferring 11-30 21:13:36.887 E/DCT ( 1573): PCO_DATA - couldn't infer cid 11-30 21:13:36.887 D/SST ( 1573): NITZ: 23/11/30,13:13:33+32,0,429581 start=433946 delay=4365 11-30 21:13:36.890 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:13:36.890 D/SST ( 1573): handleTimeZoneFromNitz: nitzSignal=TimeStampedValue{mValue=NitzData{mOriginalString=23/11/30,13:13:33+32,0, mZoneOffset=28800000, mDstOffset=0, mCurrentTimeMillis=1701350013000, mEmulatorHostTimeZone=null}, elapsedRealtime=429581} zoneId=null iso= mGotCountryCode=false mNeedCountryCodeForNitz=true isTimeZoneDetectionEnabled()=true 11-30 21:13:36.891 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +COPS: 0,2,"46011",7 11-30 21:13:36.891 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:36.891 D/SST ( 1573): setAndBroadcastNetworkSetTime: [Setting time to time=1701350017369]:handleTimeFromNitz: nitzSignal=TimeStampedValue{mValue=NitzData{mOriginalString=23/11/30,13:13:33+32,0, mZoneOffset=28800000, mDstOffset=0, mCurrentTimeMillis=1701350013000, mEmulatorHostTimeZone=null}, elapsedRealtime=429581} adjustedCurrentTimeMillis=1701350017369 millisSinceNitzReceived= 4369 gained=478: First update received. 11-30 21:13:36.891 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+CGREG? 11-30 21:13:37.369 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +CGREG: 2,0 11-30 21:13:37.369 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:37.370 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+CFUN? 11-30 21:13:37.370 D/SST ( 1573): NITZ: end=433952 dur=6 11-30 21:13:37.370 E/DCT ( 1573): PCO_DATA for unknown cid: 1, inferring 11-30 21:13:37.371 E/DCT ( 1573): PCO_DATA - couldn't infer cid 11-30 21:13:37.371 E/DCT ( 1573): PCO_DATA for unknown cid: 1, inferring 11-30 21:13:37.371 E/DCT ( 1573): PCO_DATA - couldn't infer cid 11-30 21:13:37.371 E/SIMFileHandler( 1573): exception caught from EVENT_GET_RECORD_SIZE 11-30 21:13:37.371 E/DCT ( 1573): PCO_DATA for unknown cid: 1, inferring 11-30 21:13:37.371 E/DCT ( 1573): PCO_DATA - couldn't infer cid 11-30 21:13:37.371 E/DCT ( 1573): PCO_DATA for unknown cid: 1, inferring 11-30 21:13:37.371 E/DCT ( 1573): PCO_DATA - couldn't infer cid 11-30 21:13:37.371 E/DCT ( 1573): PCO_DATA for unknown cid: 1, inferring 11-30 21:13:37.371 E/DCT ( 1573): PCO_DATA - couldn't infer cid 11-30 21:13:37.371 E/DCT ( 1573): PCO_DATA for unknown cid: 1, inferring 11-30 21:13:37.371 E/DCT ( 1573): PCO_DATA - couldn't infer cid 11-30 21:13:37.371 E/DCT ( 1573): PCO_DATA for unknown cid: 1, inferring 11-30 21:13:37.371 E/DCT ( 1573): PCO_DATA - couldn't infer cid 11-30 21:13:37.371 E/DCT ( 1573): PCO_DATA for unknown cid: 1, inferring 11-30 21:13:37.371 E/DCT ( 1573): PCO_DATA - couldn't infer cid 11-30 21:13:37.371 E/DCT ( 1573): PCO_DATA for unknown cid: 1, inferring 11-30 21:13:37.371 E/DCT ( 1573): PCO_DATA - couldn't infer cid 11-30 21:13:37.371 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +CFUN: 1 11-30 21:13:37.371 E/DCT ( 1573): PCO_DATA for unknown cid: 1, inferring 11-30 21:13:37.371 E/DCT ( 1573): PCO_DATA - couldn't infer cid 11-30 21:13:37.371 E/DCT ( 1573): PCO_DATA for unknown cid: 1, inferring 11-30 21:13:37.371 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:37.371 E/DCT ( 1573): PCO_DATA - couldn't infer cid 11-30 21:13:37.371 E/DCT ( 1573): PCO_DATA for unknown cid: 1, inferring 11-30 21:13:37.371 E/DCT ( 1573): PCO_DATA - couldn't infer cid 11-30 21:13:37.371 E/DCT ( 1573): PCO_DATA for unknown cid: 1, inferring 11-30 21:13:37.371 E/DCT ( 1573): PCO_DATA - couldn't infer cid 11-30 21:13:37.371 E/DCT ( 1573): PCO_DATA for unknown cid: 1, inferring 11-30 21:13:37.371 E/DCT ( 1573): PCO_DATA - couldn't infer cid 11-30 21:13:37.371 E/DCT ( 1573): PCO_DATA for unknown cid: 1, inferring 11-30 21:13:37.371 E/DCT ( 1573): PCO_DATA - couldn't infer cid 11-30 21:13:37.371 E/DCT ( 1573): PCO_DATA for unknown cid: 1, inferring 11-30 21:13:37.371 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+COPS=3,2;+COPS? 11-30 21:13:37.371 E/DCT ( 1573): PCO_DATA - couldn't infer cid 11-30 21:13:37.371 E/DCT ( 1573): PCO_DATA for unknown cid: 0, inferring 11-30 21:13:37.371 E/DCT ( 1573): PCO_DATA - couldn't infer cid 11-30 21:13:37.371 E/DCT ( 1573): PCO_DATA for unknown cid: 0, inferring 11-30 21:13:37.371 E/DCT ( 1573): PCO_DATA - couldn't infer cid 11-30 21:13:37.371 E/DCT ( 1573): PCO_DATA for unknown cid: 0, inferring 11-30 21:13:37.371 E/DCT ( 1573): PCO_DATA - couldn't infer cid 11-30 21:13:37.371 E/DCT ( 1573): PCO_DATA for unknown cid: 0, inferring 11-30 21:13:37.371 E/DCT ( 1573): PCO_DATA - couldn't infer cid 11-30 21:13:37.371 E/DCT ( 1573): PCO_DATA for unknown cid: 0, inferring 11-30 21:13:37.371 E/DCT ( 1573): PCO_DATA - couldn't infer cid 11-30 21:13:37.371 E/DCT ( 1573): PCO_DATA for unknown cid: 0, inferring 11-30 21:13:37.371 E/DCT ( 1573): PCO_DATA - couldn't infer cid 11-30 21:13:37.371 E/DCT ( 1573): PCO_DATA for unknown cid: 0, inferring 11-30 21:13:37.371 E/DCT ( 1573): PCO_DATA - couldn't infer cid 11-30 21:13:37.371 E/DCT ( 1573): PCO_DATA for unknown cid: 0, inferring 11-30 21:13:37.371 E/DCT ( 1573): PCO_DATA - couldn't infer cid 11-30 21:13:37.371 E/DCT ( 1573): PCO_DATA for unknown cid: 0, inferring 11-30 21:13:37.371 E/DCT ( 1573): PCO_DATA - couldn't infer cid 11-30 21:13:37.371 E/DCT ( 1573): PCO_DATA for unknown cid: 0, inferring 11-30 21:13:37.371 E/DCT ( 1573): PCO_DATA - couldn't infer cid 11-30 21:13:37.371 E/DCT ( 1573): PCO_DATA for unknown cid: 0, inferring 11-30 21:13:37.371 E/DCT ( 1573): PCO_DATA - couldn't infer cid 11-30 21:13:37.371 E/DCT ( 1573): PCO_DATA for unknown cid: 0, inferring 11-30 21:13:37.371 E/DCT ( 1573): PCO_DATA - couldn't infer cid 11-30 21:13:37.371 E/DCT ( 1573): PCO_DATA for unknown cid: 0, inferring 11-30 21:13:37.371 E/DCT ( 1573): PCO_DATA - couldn't infer cid 11-30 21:13:37.371 E/DCT ( 1573): PCO_DATA for unknown cid: 0, inferring 11-30 21:13:37.371 E/DCT ( 1573): PCO_DATA - couldn't infer cid 11-30 21:13:37.371 E/DCT ( 1573): PCO_DATA for unknown cid: 0, inferring 11-30 21:13:37.371 E/DCT ( 1573): PCO_DATA - couldn't infer cid 11-30 21:13:37.371 E/DCT ( 1573): PCO_DATA for unknown cid: 0, inferring 11-30 21:13:37.371 E/DCT ( 1573): PCO_DATA - couldn't infer cid 11-30 21:13:37.371 E/SIMFileHandler( 1573): exception caught from EVENT_GET_RECORD_SIZE 11-30 21:13:37.371 E/SIMFileHandler( 1573): exception caught from EVENT_GET_RECORD_SIZE 11-30 21:13:37.372 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +COPS: 0,2,"46011",7 11-30 21:13:37.372 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:37.372 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest: VOICE_REGISTRATION_STATE 11-30 21:13:37.372 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest,7662 g_is_scan_ing = 0 11-30 21:13:37.372 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+COPS=3,2;+COPS? 11-30 21:13:37.373 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3751]< DATA_REGISTRATION_STATE {.regState = NOT_REG_MT_NOT_SEARCHING_OP, .rat = 0, .reasonDataDenied = 7, .maxDataCalls = 1, .cellIdentity = {.cellInfoType = NONE, .cellIdentityGsm = [], .cellIdentityWcdma = [], .cellIdentityCdma = [], .cellIdentityLte = [], .cellIdentityTdscdma = []}} [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:37.373 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +COPS: 0,2,"46011",7 11-30 21:13:37.373 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:37.373 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+CREG? 11-30 21:13:37.374 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3755]> iccIO: SIM_IO command = 0xb0 fileId = 0x2fe2 path = 3F00 p1 = 0 p2 = 0 p3 = data = null aid = [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:37.375 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +CREG: 2,3 11-30 21:13:37.375 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:37.375 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+CFUN? 11-30 21:13:37.375 D/NetworkRegistrationManager( 1573): onGetNetworkRegistrationStateComplete result 0 state NetworkRegistrationState{transportType=1 domain=PS regState=NOT_REG_NOT_SEARCHING accessNetworkTechnology=UNKNOWN reasonForDenial=7 emergencyEnabled=false supportedServices=null cellIdentity=null voiceSpecificStates=null dataSpecificStates=DataSpecificRegistrationStates { mMaxDataCalls=1}} 11-30 21:13:37.380 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:13:37.381 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:13:37.383 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready 11-30 21:13:37.383 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getActiveSubInfoForSubscriber]- subId=2147483643 subList=null subInfo=null 11-30 21:13:37.385 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +CFUN: 1 11-30 21:13:37.385 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:37.385 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+COPS=3,2;+COPS? 11-30 21:13:37.386 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:13:37.386 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +COPS: 0,2,"46011",7 11-30 21:13:37.386 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:37.386 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:13:37.387 D/SIGNAL_STRENGTH( 974): requestSignalStrength:720 iradio_version = 1 11-30 21:13:37.387 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+QENG="servingcell" 11-30 21:13:37.387 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3753]< VOICE_REGISTRATION_STATE {.regState = REG_DENIED, .rat = 0, .cssSupported = false, .roamingIndicator = 0, .systemIsInPrl = 0, .defaultRoamingIndicator = 0, .reasonForDenial = 0, .cellIdentity = {.cellInfoType = NONE, .cellIdentityGsm = [], .cellIdentityWcdma = [], .cellIdentityCdma = [], .cellIdentityLte = [], .cellIdentityTdscdma = []}} [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:37.387 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +QENG: "servingcell","NOCONN","LTE","FDD",460,11,340DC83,226,1650,3,5,5,5923,-95,-9,-66,6,14,-100,- 11-30 21:13:37.387 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:37.387 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+COPS=3,0;+COPS?;+COPS=3,1;+COPS? 11-30 21:13:37.388 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:13:37.388 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:13:37.388 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +COPS: 0,0,"CHN-CT",7 11-30 21:13:37.388 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +COPS: 0,1,"CT",7 11-30 21:13:37.388 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:37.388 D/CELL_INFO( 974): parseServingCell_234G:711 LTE RSRP=-95 11-30 21:13:37.388 D/CELL_INFO( 974): getServingCell_5G:755 count = 1 11-30 21:13:37.388 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+CSQ 11-30 21:13:37.389 D/NetworkRegistrationManager( 1573): onGetNetworkRegistrationStateComplete result 0 state NetworkRegistrationState{transportType=1 domain=CS regState=DENIED accessNetworkTechnology=UNKNOWN reasonForDenial=0 emergencyEnabled=false supportedServices=null cellIdentity=null voiceSpecificStates=VoiceSpecificRegistrationStates { mCssSupported=false mRoamingIndicator=0 mSystemIsInPrl=0 mDefaultRoamingIndicator=0} dataSpecificStates=null} 11-30 21:13:37.389 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +CSQ: 24,99 11-30 21:13:37.389 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:37.389 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest: SIM_IO datalen=56 11-30 21:13:37.389 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest,7662 g_is_scan_ing = 0 11-30 21:13:37.389 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+CRSM=176,12258,0,0,10,"","3F00" 11-30 21:13:37.390 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:13:37.390 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +CRSM: 144,0,"98683002671020997936" 11-30 21:13:37.390 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:37.390 D/RILC ( 974): [requestSIM_IO]: RIL_SIM_IO_Response Complete sr.sw1=144, sr.sw2=0, sr.simResponse=98683002671020997936 11-30 21:13:37.390 D/SIGNAL_STRENGTH( 974): requestSignalStrength:720 iradio_version = 1 11-30 21:13:37.390 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+QENG="servingcell" 11-30 21:13:37.391 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:13:37.391 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +QENG: "servingcell","NOCONN","LTE","FDD",460,11,340DC83,226,1650,3,5,5,5923,-95,-9,-64,4,14,-100,- 11-30 21:13:37.391 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:37.391 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+COPS=3,0;+COPS?;+COPS=3,1;+COPS? 11-30 21:13:37.391 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:13:37.392 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:13:37.392 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +COPS: 0,0,"CHN-CT",7 11-30 21:13:37.392 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +COPS: 0,1,"CT",7 11-30 21:13:37.392 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:37.392 D/CELL_INFO( 974): parseServingCell_234G:711 LTE RSRP=-95 11-30 21:13:37.392 D/CELL_INFO( 974): getServingCell_5G:755 count = 1 11-30 21:13:37.392 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+CSQ 11-30 21:13:37.393 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:13:37.393 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:13:37.393 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +CSQ: 24,99 11-30 21:13:37.393 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:37.393 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:13:37.394 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest: SIM_IO datalen=56 11-30 21:13:37.394 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest,7662 g_is_scan_ing = 0 11-30 21:13:37.394 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+CRSM=178,28480,1,4,28,"","3F007F10" 11-30 21:13:37.394 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3752]< SIM_IO IccIoResult sw1:0x90 sw2:0x0 Payload: ******* [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:37.408 D/CarrierIdentifier( 1573): [matchCarrier - no match] cid: -1 name: null 11-30 21:13:37.411 D/CarrierIdentifier( 1573): [matchCarrier - no match] cid: -1 name: null 11-30 21:13:37.412 D/UiccProfile( 1573): handleMessage: Error in SIM access with exceptioncom.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: NO_SUCH_ELEMENT 11-30 21:13:37.412 D/SST ( 1573): [0] EVENT_POLL_STATE_NETWORK_SELECTION_MODE 11-30 21:13:37.412 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3756]> iccIO: SIM_IO command = 0xc0 fileId = 0x6f17 path = 3F007F20 p1 = 0 p2 = 0 p3 = data = null aid = [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:37.412 D/SIMRecords( 1573): [SIMRecords] onRecordLoaded 21 requested: true 11-30 21:13:37.412 D/SIMRecords( 1573): [SIMRecords] mccmncCode=460115 11-30 21:13:37.412 D/SIMRecords( 1573): [SIMRecords] setting7 mMncLength=2 11-30 21:13:37.412 D/SIMRecords( 1573): [SIMRecords] update mccmnc=46011 11-30 21:13:37.416 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:13:37.444 D/SIMRecords( 1573): [SIMRecords] onRecordLoaded 20 requested: true 11-30 21:13:37.444 D/SIMRecords( 1573): [SIMRecords] EF_MWIS : null 11-30 21:13:37.445 D/SIMRecords( 1573): [SIMRecords] EVENT_GET_MWIS_DONE exception = com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: GENERIC_FAILURE 11-30 21:13:37.445 D/SIMRecords( 1573): [SIMRecords] onRecordLoaded 19 requested: true 11-30 21:13:37.445 D/SIMRecords( 1573): [SIMRecords] EF_CPHS_MWI: null 11-30 21:13:37.445 D/SIMRecords( 1573): [SIMRecords] EVENT_GET_VOICE_MAIL_INDICATOR_CPHS_DONE exception = com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: GENERIC_FAILURE 11-30 21:13:37.445 D/SIMRecords( 1573): [SIMRecords] onRecordLoaded 18 requested: true 11-30 21:13:37.445 D/SIMRecords( 1573): [SIMRecords] onRecordLoaded 17 requested: true 11-30 21:13:37.445 D/SIMRecords( 1573): [SIMRecords] onRecordLoaded 16 requested: true 11-30 21:13:37.445 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3757]> iccIO: SIM_IO command = 0xc0 fileId = 0x6f14 path = 3F007F20 p1 = 0 p2 = 0 p3 = data = null aid = [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:37.446 D/SIMRecords( 1573): [SIMRecords] onRecordLoaded 16 requested: true 11-30 21:13:37.446 D/SIMRecords( 1573): [SIMRecords] onRecordLoaded 15 requested: true 11-30 21:13:37.446 D/SIMRecords( 1573): [SIMRecords] onRecordLoaded 14 requested: true 11-30 21:13:37.446 D/SIMRecords( 1573): [SIMRecords] onRecordLoaded 13 requested: true 11-30 21:13:37.446 D/SIMRecords( 1573): [SIMRecords] onRecordLoaded 12 requested: true 11-30 21:13:37.446 E/SIMRecords( 1573): [SIMRecords] Exception in fetching EF_CSP data com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: GENERIC_FAILURE 11-30 21:13:37.446 D/SIMRecords( 1573): [SIMRecords] onRecordLoaded 11 requested: true 11-30 21:13:37.446 E/SIMRecords( 1573): [SIMRecords] Exception in get GID1 com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: GENERIC_FAILURE 11-30 21:13:37.446 D/SIMRecords( 1573): [SIMRecords] onRecordLoaded 10 requested: true 11-30 21:13:37.446 E/SIMRecords( 1573): [SIMRecords] Exception in get GID2 com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: GENERIC_FAILURE 11-30 21:13:37.446 D/SIMRecords( 1573): [SIMRecords] onRecordLoaded 9 requested: true 11-30 21:13:37.446 E/SIMRecords( 1573): [SIMRecords] Failed getting User PLMN with Access Tech Records: com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: GENERIC_FAILURE 11-30 21:13:37.446 D/SIMRecords( 1573): [SIMRecords] onRecordLoaded 8 requested: true 11-30 21:13:37.446 E/SIMRecords( 1573): [SIMRecords] Failed getting Operator PLMN with Access Tech Records: com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: GENERIC_FAILURE 11-30 21:13:37.446 D/SIMRecords( 1573): [SIMRecords] onRecordLoaded 7 requested: true 11-30 21:13:37.446 E/SIMRecords( 1573): [SIMRecords] Failed getting Home PLMN with Access Tech Records: com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: GENERIC_FAILURE 11-30 21:13:37.446 D/SIMRecords( 1573): [SIMRecords] onRecordLoaded 6 requested: true 11-30 21:13:37.446 E/SIMRecords( 1573): [SIMRecords] Failed getting Equivalent Home PLMNs: com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: GENERIC_FAILURE 11-30 21:13:37.446 D/SIMRecords( 1573): [SIMRecords] onRecordLoaded 5 requested: true 11-30 21:13:37.446 E/SIMRecords( 1573): [SIMRecords] Failed getting Forbidden PLMNs: com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: GENERIC_FAILURE 11-30 21:13:37.446 D/SIMRecords( 1573): [SIMRecords] onRecordLoaded 4 requested: true 11-30 21:13:37.446 D/SIMRecords( 1573): [SIMRecords] EVENT_GET_SMS_RECORD_SIZE_DONE Size 176 total 7040 record 40 11-30 21:13:37.446 D/SST ( 1573): [0] Could not set ServiceState channel number. CellIdentity null 11-30 21:13:37.446 D/SST ( 1573): [0] handlPollStateResultMessage: GsmSST dataServiceState=1 regState=0 dataRadioTechnology=0 11-30 21:13:37.446 D/SST ( 1573): [0] Could not set ServiceState channel number. CellIdentity null 11-30 21:13:37.446 D/SST ( 1573): [0] handlPollVoiceRegResultMessage: regState=3 radioTechnology=0 11-30 21:13:37.448 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [0]hasMatchedTetherApnSetting: APNs=[] 11-30 21:13:37.449 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:13:37.449 D/SST ( 1573): [0] Poll ServiceState done: oldSS=[{mVoiceRegState=1(OUT_OF_SERVICE), mDataRegState=1(OUT_OF_SERVICE), mChannelNumber=-1, duplexMode()=0, mCellBandwidths=[], mVoiceRoamingType=home, mDataRoamingType=home, mVoiceOperatorAlphaLong=, mVoiceOperatorAlphaShort=, mDataOperatorAlphaLong=, mDataOperatorAlphaShort=, isManualNetworkSelection=false(automatic), mRilVoiceRadioTechnology=0(Unknown), mRilDataRadioTechnology=0(Unknown), mCssIndicator=unsupported, mNetworkId=-1, mSystemId=-1, mCdmaRoamingIndicator=-1, mCdmaDefaultRoamingIndicator=-1, mIsEmergencyOnly=false, mIsDataRoamingFromRegistration=false, mIsUsingCarrierAggregation=false, mLteEarfcnRsrpBoost=0, mNetworkRegistrationStates=[NetworkRegistrationState{transportType=1 domain=PS regState=NOT_REG_NOT_SEARCHING accessNetworkTechnology=UNKNOWN reasonForDenial=7 emergencyEnabled=false supportedServices=null cellIdentity=null voiceSpecificStates=null dataSpecificStates=DataSpecificRegistrationStates { mMaxDataCalls=1}}, NetworkRegistrationState{transportType=1 domain=CS regState=NOT_REG_NOT_SEARCHING accessNetworkTechnology=UNKNOWN reasonForDenial=0 emergencyEnabled=false supportedServices=null cellIdentity=null voiceSpecificStates=VoiceSpecificRegistrationStates { mCssSupported=false mRoamingIndicator=0 mSystemIsInPrl=0 mDefaultRoamingIndicator=0} dataSpecificStates=null}]}] newSS=[{mVoiceRegState=1(OUT_OF_SERVICE), mDataRegState=1(OUT_OF_SERVICE), mChannelNumber=-1, duplexMode()=0, mCellBandwidths=[], mVoiceRoamingType=home, mDataRoamingType=home, mVoiceOperatorAlphaLong=CHN-CT, mVoiceOperatorAlphaShort=CT, mDataOperatorAlphaLong=CHN-CT, mDataOperatorAlphaShort=CT, isManualNetworkSelection=false(automatic), mRilVoiceRadioTechnology=0(Unknown), mRilDataRadioTechnology=0(Unknown), mCssIndicator=unsupported, mNetworkId=-1, mSystemId=-1, mCdmaRoamingIndicator=-1, mCdmaDefaultRoamingIndicator=-1, mIsEmergencyOnly=false, mIsDataRoamingFromRegistration=false, mIsUsingCarrierAggregation=false, mLteEarfcnRsrpBoost=0, mNetworkRegistrationStates=[NetworkRegistrationState{transportType=1 domain=PS regState=NOT_REG_NOT_SEARCHING accessNetworkTechnology=UNKNOWN reasonForDenial=7 emergencyEnabled=false supportedServices=null cellIdentity=null voiceSpecificStates=null dataSpecificStates=DataSpecificRegistrationStates { mMaxDataCalls=1}}, NetworkRegistrationState{transportType=1 domain=CS regState=DENIED accessNetworkTechnology=UNKNOWN reasonForDenial=0 emergencyEnabled=false supportedServices=null cellIdentity=null voiceSpecificStates=VoiceSpecificRegistrationStates { mCssSupported=false mRoamingIndicator=0 mSystemIsInPrl=0 mDefaultRoamingIndicator=0} dataSpecificStates=null}]}] oldMaxDataCalls=1 mNewMaxDataCalls=1 oldReasonDataDenied=7 mNewReasonDataDenied=7 11-30 21:13:37.449 D/SST ( 1573): [0] pollStateDone: hasRegistered=false hasDeregistered=false hasDataAttached=false hasDataDetached=false hasDataRegStateChanged=false hasRilVoiceRadioTechnologyChanged= false hasRilDataRadioTechnologyChanged=false hasChanged=true hasVoiceRoamingOn=false hasVoiceRoamingOff=false hasDataRoamingOn=false hasDataRoamingOff=false hasLocationChanged=false has4gHandoff = false hasMultiApnSupport=false hasLostMultiApnSupport=false hasCssIndicatorChanged=false 11-30 21:13:37.449 D/SIMRecords( 1573): [SIMRecords] getServiceProviderName: no brandOverride, providerName=null 11-30 21:13:37.450 D/SST ( 1573): [0] updateSpnDisplay: radio is on but out of service, set plmn='没有服务' 11-30 21:13:37.450 D/SIMRecords( 1573): [SIMRecords] getServiceProviderName: no brandOverride, providerName=null 11-30 21:13:37.455 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:13:37.455 D/SST ( 1573): [0] updateSpnDisplay: changed sending intent rule=2 showPlmn='true' plmn='没有服务' showSpn='false' spn='null' dataSpn='null' subId='2147483643' 11-30 21:13:37.507 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [setCarrierText]+ text:没有服务 subId:2147483643 11-30 21:13:37.515 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready 11-30 21:13:37.516 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:13:37.517 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): notifySubscriptionInfoChanged: 11-30 21:13:37.520 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready 11-30 21:13:37.520 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready 11-30 21:13:37.520 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready 11-30 21:13:37.522 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getPhoneId]- no sims, returning default phoneId=0 11-30 21:13:37.530 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:13:37.532 D/LocaleTracker( 1573): updateOperatorNumericSync. mcc/mnc=46011 11-30 21:13:37.532 D/LocaleTracker( 1573): Operator numeric changes to 46011 11-30 21:13:37.532 D/LocaleTracker( 1573): updateLocale: mcc = 460, country = cn 11-30 21:13:37.532 D/LocaleTracker( 1573): updateLocale: Change the current country to cn 11-30 21:13:37.534 D/SST ( 1573): [0] countryIsoChanged: no previous country ISO code 11-30 21:13:37.534 D/SST ( 1573): [0] Before handleNetworkCountryCodeKnown: countryChanged=true iccCardExist=true countryIsoChanged=true operatorNumeric=46011 prevOperatorNumeric= countryIsoCode=cn prevCountryIsoCode= ltod=11-30 21:13:37.534 11-30 21:13:37.539 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:13:37.540 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:13:37.545 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:13:37.555 D/SST ( 1573): updateTimeZoneByNetworkCountryCode: no good zone for iso=cn lookupResult=CountryResult{zoneId='Asia/Shanghai', allZonesHaveSameOffset=false, whenMillis=1701350017539} 11-30 21:13:37.555 D/SST ( 1573): handleNetworkCountryCodeSet: isTimeZoneSettingInitialized=true mLatestNitzSignal=TimeStampedValue{mValue=NitzData{mOriginalString=23/11/30,13:13:33+32,0, mZoneOffset=28800000, mDstOffset=0, mCurrentTimeMillis=1701350013000, mEmulatorHostTimeZone=null}, elapsedRealtime=429581} isoCountryCode=cn 11-30 21:13:37.555 D/SST ( 1573): handleNetworkCountryCodeSet: using guessZoneIdByNitzCountry(nitzData, isoCountryCode), nitzData=NitzData{mOriginalString=23/11/30,13:13:33+32,0, mZoneOffset=28800000, mDstOffset=0, mCurrentTimeMillis=1701350013000, mEmulatorHostTimeZone=null} isoCountryCode=cn lookupResult=Result{zoneId='Asia/Shanghai', isOnlyMatch=true} 11-30 21:13:37.556 D/SST ( 1573): handleNetworkCountryCodeSet: zoneId != null, zoneId=Asia/Shanghai 11-30 21:13:37.556 D/SST ( 1573): setAndBroadcastNetworkSetTimeZone: zoneId=Asia/Shanghai 11-30 21:13:37.557 D/SST ( 1573): setAndBroadcastNetworkSetTimeZone: called setDeviceTimeZone() zoneId=Asia/Shanghai 11-30 21:13:37.558 D/SST ( 1573): [0] Broadcasting ServiceState : {mVoiceRegState=1(OUT_OF_SERVICE), mDataRegState=1(OUT_OF_SERVICE), mChannelNumber=-1, duplexMode()=0, mCellBandwidths=[], mVoiceRoamingType=home, mDataRoamingType=home, mVoiceOperatorAlphaLong=CHN-CT, mVoiceOperatorAlphaShort=CT, mDataOperatorAlphaLong=CHN-CT, mDataOperatorAlphaShort=CT, isManualNetworkSelection=false(automatic), mRilVoiceRadioTechnology=0(Unknown), mRilDataRadioTechnology=0(Unknown), mCssIndicator=unsupported, mNetworkId=-1, mSystemId=-1, mCdmaRoamingIndicator=-1, mCdmaDefaultRoamingIndicator=-1, mIsEmergencyOnly=false, mIsDataRoamingFromRegistration=false, mIsUsingCarrierAggregation=false, mLteEarfcnRsrpBoost=0, mNetworkRegistrationStates=[NetworkRegistrationState{transportType=1 domain=PS regState=NOT_REG_NOT_SEARCHING accessNetworkTechnology=UNKNOWN reasonForDenial=7 emergencyEnabled=false supportedServices=null cellIdentity=null voiceSpecificStates=null dataSpecificStates=DataSpecificRegistrationStates { mMaxDataCalls=1}}, NetworkRegistrationState{transportType=1 domain=CS regState=DENIED accessNetworkTechnology=UNKNOWN reasonForDenial=0 emergencyEnabled=false supportedServices=null cellIdentity=null voiceSpecificStates=VoiceSpecificRegistrationStates { mCssSupported=false mRoamingIndicator=0 mSystemIsInPrl=0 mDefaultRoamingIndicator=0} dataSpecificStates=null}]} 11-30 21:13:37.558 D/DefaultPhoneNotifier( 1573): nofityServiceState: mRegistry=com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub$Proxy@e928713 ss={mVoiceRegState=1(OUT_OF_SERVICE), mDataRegState=1(OUT_OF_SERVICE), mChannelNumber=-1, duplexMode()=0, mCellBandwidths=[], mVoiceRoamingType=home, mDataRoamingType=home, mVoiceOperatorAlphaLong=CHN-CT, mVoiceOperatorAlphaShort=CT, mDataOperatorAlphaLong=CHN-CT, mDataOperatorAlphaShort=CT, isManualNetworkSelection=false(automatic), mRilVoiceRadioTechnology=0(Unknown), mRilDataRadioTechnology=0(Unknown), mCssIndicator=unsupported, mNetworkId=-1, mSystemId=-1, mCdmaRoamingIndicator=-1, mCdmaDefaultRoamingIndicator=-1, mIsEmergencyOnly=false, mIsDataRoamingFromRegistration=false, mIsUsingCarrierAggregation=false, mLteEarfcnRsrpBoost=0, mNetworkRegistrationStates=[NetworkRegistrationState{transportType=1 domain=PS regState=NOT_REG_NOT_SEARCHING accessNetworkTechnology=UNKNOWN reasonForDenial=7 emergencyEnabled=false supportedServices=null cellIdentity=null voiceSpecificStates=null dataSpecificStates=DataSpecificRegistrationStates { mMaxDataCalls=1}}, NetworkRegistrationState{transportType=1 domain=CS regState=DENIED accessNetworkTechnology=UNKNOWN reasonForDenial=0 emergencyEnabled=false supportedServices=null cellIdentity=null voiceSpecificStates=VoiceSpecificRegistrationStates { mCssSupported=false mRoamingIndicator=0 mSystemIsInPrl=0 mDefaultRoamingIndicator=0} dataSpecificStates=null}]} sender=Handler (com.qualcomm.qti.internal.telephony.QtiGsmCdmaPhone) {e02d8b4} phondId=0 subId=2147483643 11-30 21:13:37.560 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:13:37.563 I/chatty ( 1573): uid=1001(radio) com.android.phone identical 1 line 11-30 21:13:37.564 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:13:37.564 D/UiccPkcs15( 1573): Creating UiccPkcs15 11-30 21:13:37.564 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3758]> RIL_REQUEST_SIM_OPEN_CHANNEL aid = A000000063504B43532D3135 p2 = 4 [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:37.564 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready 11-30 21:13:37.565 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getActiveSubscriptionInfoForSimSlotIndex]+ subList=null 11-30 21:13:37.572 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [0]SubscriptionListener.onSubscriptionInfoChanged 11-30 21:13:37.573 D/SST ( 1573): [0] SubscriptionListener.onSubscriptionInfoChanged 11-30 21:13:37.574 E/Phone ( 1573): getStoredVoiceMessageCount: invalid subId 2147483643 11-30 21:13:37.574 D/GsmCdmaPhone( 1573): [0] updateVoiceMail countVoiceMessages = 0 subId 2147483643 11-30 21:13:37.574 E/Phone ( 1573): setVoiceMessageCount in sharedPreference: invalid subId 2147483643 11-30 21:13:37.574 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:13:37.574 D/SST ( 1573): [1] SubscriptionListener.onSubscriptionInfoChanged 11-30 21:13:37.574 D/QtiDCT ( 1573): [1]SubscriptionListener.onSubscriptionInfoChanged 11-30 21:13:37.575 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getPhoneId]- invalid subId return=-1 11-30 21:13:37.575 D/PhoneSwitcher( 1573): handle event - 102 11-30 21:13:37.575 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getPhoneId]- invalid subId return=-1 11-30 21:13:37.577 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:13:37.578 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:13:37.579 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready 11-30 21:13:37.579 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getActiveSubInfoForSubscriber]- subId=2147483643 subList=null subInfo=null 11-30 21:13:37.582 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:13:37.585 I/chatty ( 1573): uid=1001(radio) com.android.phone identical 9 lines 11-30 21:13:37.586 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:13:37.600 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready 11-30 21:13:37.600 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready 11-30 21:13:37.602 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:13:37.602 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready 11-30 21:13:37.602 D/ImsPhone( 1573): [0] handleMessage what=53 11-30 21:13:37.603 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:13:37.603 D/SIMRecords( 1573): [SIMRecords] iccid: 89860320760102999763 11-30 21:13:37.603 D/SIMRecords( 1573): [SIMRecords] onRecordLoaded 3 requested: true 11-30 21:13:37.604 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:13:37.605 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:13:37.605 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready 11-30 21:13:37.605 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getActiveSubInfoForSubscriber]- subId=2147483643 subList=null subInfo=null 11-30 21:13:37.606 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:13:37.609 I/chatty ( 1573): uid=1001(radio) com.android.phone identical 9 lines 11-30 21:13:37.610 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:13:37.634 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready 11-30 21:13:37.635 D/SubscriptionController( 1573): [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready 11-30 21:13:37.915 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +CRSM: 144,0,"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF" 11-30 21:13:37.916 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:37.916 D/RILC ( 974): [requestSIM_IO]: RIL_SIM_IO_Response Complete sr.sw1=144, sr.sw2=0, sr.simResponse=FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF 11-30 21:13:37.916 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest: SIM_IO datalen=56 11-30 21:13:37.917 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest,7662 g_is_scan_ing = 0 11-30 21:13:37.917 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+CRSM=176,12258,0,0,10,"","3F00" 11-30 21:13:37.917 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3754]< SIM_IO IccIoResult sw1:0x90 sw2:0x0 Payload: ******* [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:37.918 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +CRSM: 144,0,"98683002671020997936" 11-30 21:13:37.918 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:37.918 D/RILC ( 974): [requestSIM_IO]: RIL_SIM_IO_Response Complete sr.sw1=144, sr.sw2=0, sr.simResponse=98683002671020997936 11-30 21:13:37.918 D/SIGNAL_STRENGTH( 974): requestSignalStrength:720 iradio_version = 1 11-30 21:13:37.918 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+QENG="servingcell" 11-30 21:13:37.919 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +QENG: "servingcell","NOCONN","LTE","FDD",460,11,340DC83,226,1650,3,5,5,5923,-95,-9,-65,4,15,-90,- 11-30 21:13:37.920 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:37.920 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+COPS=3,0;+COPS?;+COPS=3,1;+COPS? 11-30 21:13:37.920 D/SIMRecords( 1573): [SIMRecords] MSISDN: 11-30 21:13:37.920 D/SIMRecords( 1573): [SIMRecords] onRecordLoaded 2 requested: true 11-30 21:13:37.921 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +COPS: 0,0,"CHN-CT",7 11-30 21:13:37.921 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +COPS: 0,1,"CT",7 11-30 21:13:37.921 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:37.921 D/CELL_INFO( 974): parseServingCell_234G:711 LTE RSRP=-95 11-30 21:13:37.921 D/CELL_INFO( 974): getServingCell_5G:755 count = 1 11-30 21:13:37.921 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+CSQ 11-30 21:13:37.922 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +CSQ: 24,99 11-30 21:13:37.922 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:37.923 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest: SIM_IO datalen=56 11-30 21:13:37.923 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest,7662 g_is_scan_ing = 0 11-30 21:13:37.923 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+CRSM=192,28439,0,0,0,"","3F007F20" 11-30 21:13:37.924 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3755]< SIM_IO IccIoResult sw1:0x90 sw2:0x0 Payload: ******* [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:37.927 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:13:37.928 I/QtiUiccCardProvisioner( 1573): SIM_IO add subInfo record, iccId[0] = 89860320760102999763 11-30 21:13:37.928 D/QtiUiccCardProvisioner( 1573): isAllCardProvisionInfoReceived, prov pref[0] = -1 11-30 21:13:37.928 D/QtiSubscriptionInfoUpdater( 1573): handleMessage: EVENT: 100 11-30 21:13:37.929 D/QtiSubscriptionInfoUpdater( 1573): slotId = 0, iccId = 89860320760102999763 needEnableRoamingSettings = false 11-30 21:13:37.929 D/QtiSubscriptionInfoUpdater( 1573): Iccid 89860320760102999763is CT card 11-30 21:13:37.953 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +CME ERROR: 100 11-30 21:13:37.953 E/RILC ( 974): requestSIM_IO error 11-30 21:13:37.954 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest: SIM_IO datalen=56 11-30 21:13:37.954 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest,7662 g_is_scan_ing = 0 11-30 21:13:37.954 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+CRSM=192,28436,0,0,0,"","3F007F20" 11-30 21:13:37.954 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3756]< SIM_IO error 2 [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:37.954 D/RilRequest( 1573): [3756]< SIM_IO error: com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: GENERIC_FAILURE ret=IccIoResult sw1:0x0 sw2:0x0 Payload: ******* Error: unknown 11-30 21:13:37.955 E/SIMFileHandler( 1573): exception caught from EVENT_GET_RECORD_SIZE 11-30 21:13:37.955 D/SIMRecords( 1573): [SIMRecords] Invalid or missing EF[MAILBOX] 11-30 21:13:37.955 D/SIMRecords( 1573): [SIMRecords] onRecordLoaded 1 requested: true 11-30 21:13:37.964 D/QtiSubscriptionInfoUpdater( 1573): setRoamingSettings state = 2 11-30 21:13:37.965 D/SubscriptionInfoUpdater( 1573): Wait for SIM2 IccId 11-30 21:13:38.412 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +CME ERROR: 100 11-30 21:13:38.413 E/RILC ( 974): requestSIM_IO error 11-30 21:13:38.413 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest: SIM_OPEN_CHANNEL datalen=8 11-30 21:13:38.413 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest,7662 g_is_scan_ing = 0 11-30 21:13:38.413 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+CCHO="A000000063504B43532D3135" 11-30 21:13:38.414 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3757]< SIM_IO error 2 [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:38.414 D/RilRequest( 1573): [3757]< SIM_IO error: com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: GENERIC_FAILURE ret=IccIoResult sw1:0x0 sw2:0x0 Payload: ******* Error: unknown 11-30 21:13:38.417 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3759]> iccIO: SIM_IO command = 0xc0 fileId = 0x6f18 path = 3F007F20 p1 = 0 p2 = 0 p3 = data = null aid = [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:38.417 D/SIMRecords( 1573): [SIMRecords] onRecordLoaded 1 requested: true 11-30 21:13:38.501 D/ATC ( 974): AT< ERROR 11-30 21:13:38.501 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest: SIM_IO datalen=56 11-30 21:13:38.501 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest,7662 g_is_scan_ing = 0 11-30 21:13:38.502 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+CRSM=192,28440,0,0,0,"","3F007F20" 11-30 21:13:38.502 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3758]< RIL_REQUEST_SIM_OPEN_CHANNEL error 2 [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:38.503 D/RilRequest( 1573): [3758]< RIL_REQUEST_SIM_OPEN_CHANNEL error: com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: GENERIC_FAILURE ret= 11-30 21:13:38.504 D/UiccProfile( 1573): handleMessage: Error in SIM access with exceptioncom.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: GENERIC_FAILURE 11-30 21:13:38.504 D/UiccPkcs15( 1573): handleMessage: 201 11-30 21:13:38.504 D/UiccPkcs15( 1573): error: com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: GENERIC_FAILURE 11-30 21:13:38.504 D/UiccPkcs15( 1573): handleMessage: 1 11-30 21:13:38.504 D/UiccPkcs15( 1573): select pkcs15 failed: com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: GENERIC_FAILURE 11-30 21:13:38.509 D/UiccProfile( 1573): setExternalState: !override and newstate unchanged from READY 11-30 21:13:39.058 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +CME ERROR: 100 11-30 21:13:39.059 E/RILC ( 974): requestSIM_IO error 11-30 21:13:39.061 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3759]< SIM_IO error 2 [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:39.061 D/RilRequest( 1573): [3759]< SIM_IO error: com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: GENERIC_FAILURE ret=IccIoResult sw1:0x0 sw2:0x0 Payload: ******* Error: unknown 11-30 21:13:39.062 D/SIMRecords( 1573): [SIMRecords] No SPN loaded in either CHPS or 3GPP 11-30 21:13:39.062 D/SIMRecords( 1573): [SIMRecords] onRecordLoaded 0 requested: true 11-30 21:13:39.062 D/SIMRecords( 1573): [SIMRecords] record load complete 11-30 21:13:39.062 D/SIMRecords( 1573): [SIMRecords] Not using EF LI/EF PL 11-30 21:13:39.062 D/SIMRecords( 1573): [SIMRecords] EF_CFIS and EF_CFF not valid. callForwardingEnabled=-1 11-30 21:13:39.063 D/SIMRecords( 1573): [SIMRecords] onAllRecordsLoaded set 'gsm.sim.operator.numeric' to operator='46011' 11-30 21:13:39.068 D/SIMRecords( 1573): [SIMRecords] onAllRecordsLoaded set mcc imsi 11-30 21:13:39.072 D/CAT ( 1573): CatService: handleMessage[20] 11-30 21:13:39.073 D/UiccProfile( 1573): setExternalState: operator=46011 mPhoneId=0 11-30 21:13:39.077 D/UiccProfile( 1573): setExternalState: set mPhoneId=0 mExternalState=LOADED 11-30 21:13:39.079 D/SubscriptionInfoUpdater( 1573): updateInternalIccState to simStatus LOADED reason null slotId 0 11-30 21:13:39.080 D/QtiSubscriptionInfoUpdater( 1573): handleMessage: EVENT: 3 11-30 21:13:39.080 D/QtiGsmCdmaPhone( 1573): handleMessage: Event: 3 11-30 21:13:39.080 D/SubscriptionInfoUpdater( 1573): handleSimLoaded: slotId: 0 11-30 21:13:39.080 D/QtiGsmCdmaPhone( 1573): notify call forward indication, phone id:0 11-30 21:13:39.080 D/QtiGsmCdmaPhone( 1573): ProvisionStatus: -1 phone id:0 11-30 21:13:39.080 D/SubscriptionInfoUpdater( 1573): Wait for SIM2 IccId 11-30 21:13:39.081 D/DefaultPhoneNotifier( 1573): notifyCallForwardingChanged: subId=2147483643, isCFActive=false 11-30 21:13:39.081 D/QtiGsmCdmaPhone( 1573): ProvisionStatus: -1 phone id:0 11-30 21:13:39.082 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:13:39.083 D/GsmCdmaPhone( 1573): [0] updateCurrentCarrierInProvider: mSubId = 2147483643 currentDds = -1 operatorNumeric = 46011 11-30 21:13:39.083 D/SST ( 1573): [0] EVENT_SIM_RECORDS_LOADED: what=16 11-30 21:13:39.083 D/SST ( 1573): [0] getOtasp: otasp not needed for GSM 11-30 21:13:39.083 D/SST ( 1573): [0] updateOtaspState: call notifyOtaspChanged old otaspMode=0 new otaspMode=3 11-30 21:13:39.084 D/SIMRecords( 1573): [SIMRecords] getServiceProviderName: no brandOverride, providerName=null 11-30 21:13:39.084 D/SST ( 1573): [0] updateSpnDisplay: radio is on but out of service, set plmn='没有服务' 11-30 21:13:39.084 D/SIMRecords( 1573): [SIMRecords] getServiceProviderName: no brandOverride, providerName=null 11-30 21:13:39.092 D/CarrierIdentifier( 1573): [matchCarrier - no match] cid: -1 name: null 11-30 21:13:39.926 D/RILJ ( 1573): [UNSL]< UNSOL_RESPONSE_NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:39.928 D/NetworkRegistrationManager( 1573): onNetworkStateChanged 11-30 21:13:39.929 D/SST ( 1573): [0] pollState: modemTriggered=true 11-30 21:13:39.932 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3760]> OPERATOR [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:39.932 D/NetworkRegistrationManager( 1573): getNetworkRegistrationState domain 2 11-30 21:13:39.932 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest: OPERATOR 11-30 21:13:39.932 D/NetworkRegistrationManager( 1573): getNetworkRegistrationState domain 1 11-30 21:13:39.932 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest,7662 g_is_scan_ing = 0 11-30 21:13:39.932 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+COPS=3,0;+COPS?;+COPS=3,1;+COPS?;+COPS=3,2;+COPS? 11-30 21:13:39.933 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3761]> QUERY_NETWORK_SELECTION_MODE [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:39.933 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3762]> DATA_REGISTRATION_STATE [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:39.934 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3763]> VOICE_REGISTRATION_STATE [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:39.936 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +COPS: 0,0,"CHN-CT",7 11-30 21:13:39.936 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +COPS: 0,1,"CT",7 11-30 21:13:39.936 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +COPS: 0,2,"46011",7 11-30 21:13:39.936 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:39.936 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest: QUERY_NETWORK_SELECTION_MODE 11-30 21:13:39.937 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest,7662 g_is_scan_ing = 0 11-30 21:13:39.937 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest: DATA_REGISTRATION_STATE 11-30 21:13:39.937 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest,7662 g_is_scan_ing = 0 11-30 21:13:39.937 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest_1_1 6530 11-30 21:13:39.937 D/REGISTRATION_STATE( 974): getDataRegistrationState 301 version = 1 11-30 21:13:39.937 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+COPS=3,2;+COPS? 11-30 21:13:39.937 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3760]< OPERATOR {CHN-CT, CT, 46011} [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:39.937 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3761]< QUERY_NETWORK_SELECTION_MODE {0} [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:39.937 D/SST ( 1573): [0] EVENT_POLL_STATE_NETWORK_SELECTION_MODE 11-30 21:13:39.938 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +COPS: 0,2,"46011",7 11-30 21:13:39.938 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:39.938 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+CGREG? 11-30 21:13:39.939 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +CGREG: 2,0 11-30 21:13:39.939 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:39.939 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+CFUN? 11-30 21:13:39.940 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +CFUN: 1 11-30 21:13:39.940 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:39.940 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+COPS=3,2;+COPS? 11-30 21:13:39.941 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +COPS: 0,2,"46011",7 11-30 21:13:39.941 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:39.941 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest: VOICE_REGISTRATION_STATE 11-30 21:13:39.941 D/RILC ( 974): onRequest,7662 g_is_scan_ing = 0 11-30 21:13:39.941 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+COPS=3,2;+COPS? 11-30 21:13:39.942 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3762]< DATA_REGISTRATION_STATE {.regState = NOT_REG_MT_NOT_SEARCHING_OP, .rat = 0, .reasonDataDenied = 7, .maxDataCalls = 1, .cellIdentity = {.cellInfoType = NONE, .cellIdentityGsm = [], .cellIdentityWcdma = [], .cellIdentityCdma = [], .cellIdentityLte = [], .cellIdentityTdscdma = []}} [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:39.942 D/NetworkRegistrationManager( 1573): onGetNetworkRegistrationStateComplete result 0 state NetworkRegistrationState{transportType=1 domain=PS regState=NOT_REG_NOT_SEARCHING accessNetworkTechnology=UNKNOWN reasonForDenial=7 emergencyEnabled=false supportedServices=null cellIdentity=null voiceSpecificStates=null dataSpecificStates=DataSpecificRegistrationStates { mMaxDataCalls=1}} 11-30 21:13:39.942 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +COPS: 0,2,"46011",7 11-30 21:13:39.942 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:39.942 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+CREG? 11-30 21:13:39.942 D/SST ( 1573): [0] Could not set ServiceState channel number. CellIdentity null 11-30 21:13:39.942 D/SST ( 1573): [0] handlPollStateResultMessage: GsmSST dataServiceState=1 regState=0 dataRadioTechnology=0 11-30 21:13:39.943 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +CREG: 2,3 11-30 21:13:39.943 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:39.943 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+CFUN? 11-30 21:13:39.944 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +CFUN: 1 11-30 21:13:39.944 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:39.944 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+COPS=3,2;+COPS? 11-30 21:13:39.945 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +COPS: 0,2,"46011",7 11-30 21:13:39.945 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:39.945 D/SIGNAL_STRENGTH( 974): requestSignalStrength:720 iradio_version = 1 11-30 21:13:39.945 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+QENG="servingcell" 11-30 21:13:39.945 D/RILJ ( 1573): [3763]< VOICE_REGISTRATION_STATE {.regState = REG_DENIED, .rat = 0, .cssSupported = false, .roamingIndicator = 0, .systemIsInPrl = 0, .defaultRoamingIndicator = 0, .reasonForDenial = 0, .cellIdentity = {.cellInfoType = NONE, .cellIdentityGsm = [], .cellIdentityWcdma = [], .cellIdentityCdma = [], .cellIdentityLte = [], .cellIdentityTdscdma = []}} [SUB0] 11-30 21:13:39.946 D/NetworkRegistrationManager( 1573): onGetNetworkRegistrationStateComplete result 0 state NetworkRegistrationState{transportType=1 domain=CS regState=DENIED accessNetworkTechnology=UNKNOWN reasonForDenial=0 emergencyEnabled=false supportedServices=null cellIdentity=null voiceSpecificStates=VoiceSpecificRegistrationStates { mCssSupported=false mRoamingIndicator=0 mSystemIsInPrl=0 mDefaultRoamingIndicator=0} dataSpecificStates=null} 11-30 21:13:39.946 D/SST ( 1573): [0] Could not set ServiceState channel number. CellIdentity null 11-30 21:13:39.946 D/SST ( 1573): [0] handlPollVoiceRegResultMessage: regState=3 radioTechnology=0 11-30 21:13:39.946 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +QENG: "servingcell","NOCONN","LTE","FDD",460,11,340DC83,226,1650,3,5,5,5923,-96,-9,-65,5,0,-,- 11-30 21:13:39.946 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:39.947 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:13:39.948 D/SST ( 1573): [0] Poll ServiceState done: oldSS=[{mVoiceRegState=1(OUT_OF_SERVICE), mDataRegState=1(OUT_OF_SERVICE), mChannelNumber=-1, duplexMode()=0, mCellBandwidths=[], mVoiceRoamingType=home, mDataRoamingType=home, mVoiceOperatorAlphaLong=CHN-CT, mVoiceOperatorAlphaShort=CT, mDataOperatorAlphaLong=CHN-CT, mDataOperatorAlphaShort=CT, isManualNetworkSelection=false(automatic), mRilVoiceRadioTechnology=0(Unknown), mRilDataRadioTechnology=0(Unknown), mCssIndicator=unsupported, mNetworkId=-1, mSystemId=-1, mCdmaRoamingIndicator=-1, mCdmaDefaultRoamingIndicator=-1, mIsEmergencyOnly=false, mIsDataRoamingFromRegistration=false, mIsUsingCarrierAggregation=false, mLteEarfcnRsrpBoost=0, mNetworkRegistrationStates=[NetworkRegistrationState{transportType=1 domain=PS regState=NOT_REG_NOT_SEARCHING accessNetworkTechnology=UNKNOWN reasonForDenial=7 emergencyEnabled=false supportedServices=null cellIdentity=null voiceSpecificStates=null dataSpecificStates=DataSpecificRegistrationStates { mMaxDataCalls=1}}, NetworkRegistrationState{transportType=1 domain=CS regState=DENIED accessNetworkTechnology=UNKNOWN reasonForDenial=0 emergencyEnabled=false supportedServices=null cellIdentity=null voiceSpecificStates=VoiceSpecificRegistrationStates { mCssSupported=false mRoamingIndicator=0 mSystemIsInPrl=0 mDefaultRoamingIndicator=0} dataSpecificStates=null}]}] newSS=[{mVoiceRegState=1(OUT_OF_SERVICE), mDataRegState=1(OUT_OF_SERVICE), mChannelNumber=-1, duplexMode()=0, mCellBandwidths=[], mVoiceRoamingType=home, mDataRoamingType=home, mVoiceOperatorAlphaLong=CHN-CT, mVoiceOperatorAlphaShort=CT, mDataOperatorAlphaLong=CHN-CT, mDataOperatorAlphaShort=CT, isManualNetworkSelection=false(automatic), mRilVoiceRadioTechnology=0(Unknown), mRilDataRadioTechnology=0(Unknown), mCssIndicator=unsupported, mNetworkId=-1, mSystemId=-1, mCdmaRoamingIndicator=-1, mCdmaDefaultRoamingIndicator=-1, mIsEmergencyOnly=false, mIsDataRoamingFromRegistration=false, mIsUsingCarrierAggregation=false, mLteEarfcnRsrpBoost=0, mNetworkRegistrationStates=[NetworkRegistrationState{transportType=1 domain=PS regState=NOT_REG_NOT_SEARCHING accessNetworkTechnology=UNKNOWN reasonForDenial=7 emergencyEnabled=false supportedServices=null cellIdentity=null voiceSpecificStates=null dataSpecificStates=DataSpecificRegistrationStates { mMaxDataCalls=1}}, NetworkRegistrationState{transportType=1 domain=CS regState=DENIED accessNetworkTechnology=UNKNOWN reasonForDenial=0 emergencyEnabled=false supportedServices=null cellIdentity=null voiceSpecificStates=VoiceSpecificRegistrationStates { mCssSupported=false mRoamingIndicator=0 mSystemIsInPrl=0 mDefaultRoamingIndicator=0} dataSpecificStates=null}]}] oldMaxDataCalls=1 mNewMaxDataCalls=1 oldReasonDataDenied=7 mNewReasonDataDenied=7 11-30 21:13:39.948 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+COPS=3,0;+COPS?;+COPS=3,1;+COPS? 11-30 21:13:39.948 D/SST ( 1573): [0] pollStateDone: hasRegistered=false hasDeregistered=false hasDataAttached=false hasDataDetached=false hasDataRegStateChanged=false hasRilVoiceRadioTechnologyChanged= false hasRilDataRadioTechnologyChanged=false hasChanged=false hasVoiceRoamingOn=false hasVoiceRoamingOff=false hasDataRoamingOn=false hasDataRoamingOff=false hasLocationChanged=false has4gHandoff = false hasMultiApnSupport=false hasLostMultiApnSupport=false hasCssIndicatorChanged=false 11-30 21:13:39.949 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +COPS: 0,0,"CHN-CT",7 11-30 21:13:39.949 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +COPS: 0,1,"CT",7 11-30 21:13:39.949 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:39.950 D/CELL_INFO( 974): parseServingCell_234G:711 LTE RSRP=-96 11-30 21:13:39.950 D/CELL_INFO( 974): getServingCell_5G:755 count = 1 11-30 21:13:39.950 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+CSQ 11-30 21:13:39.950 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +CSQ: 24,99 11-30 21:13:39.950 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:39.952 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:13:42.148 D/ATC ( 974): AT> at+qcfg="aprstlevel" 11-30 21:13:42.158 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +QCFG: "ApRstLevel",0 11-30 21:13:42.158 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:42.159 D/ATC ( 974): AT> at+qcfg="modemrstlevel",0 11-30 21:13:42.163 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:42.163 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+QSCLK=1 11-30 21:13:42.166 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:44.534 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +QIND: PB DONE 11-30 21:13:44.534 E/RILC ( 974): RDY !!! 11-30 21:13:44.535 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+CPIN? 11-30 21:13:44.537 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +CPIN: READY 11-30 21:13:44.538 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:44.538 I/RILC ( 974): [setRadioState]:oldState=4, newState=4 11-30 21:13:52.247 D/SIGNAL_STRENGTH( 974): requestSignalStrength:720 iradio_version = 1 11-30 21:13:52.248 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+QENG="servingcell" 11-30 21:13:52.252 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +QENG: "servingcell","NOCONN","LTE","FDD",460,11,340DC83,226,1650,3,5,5,5923,-95,-8,-66,10,0,-,32 11-30 21:13:52.252 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:52.252 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+COPS=3,0;+COPS?;+COPS=3,1;+COPS? 11-30 21:13:52.254 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +COPS: 0,0,"CHN-CT",7 11-30 21:13:52.254 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +COPS: 0,1,"CT",7 11-30 21:13:52.254 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:52.255 D/CELL_INFO( 974): parseServingCell_234G:711 LTE RSRP=-95 11-30 21:13:52.255 D/CELL_INFO( 974): getServingCell_5G:755 count = 1 11-30 21:13:52.255 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+CSQ 11-30 21:13:52.256 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +CSQ: 24,99 11-30 21:13:52.256 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:13:52.261 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:14:12.257 D/SIGNAL_STRENGTH( 974): requestSignalStrength:720 iradio_version = 1 11-30 21:14:12.258 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+QENG="servingcell" 11-30 21:14:12.262 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +QENG: "servingcell","NOCONN","LTE","FDD",460,11,340DC83,226,1650,3,5,5,5923,-94,-11,-62,3,0,-,33 11-30 21:14:12.262 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:14:12.263 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+COPS=3,0;+COPS?;+COPS=3,1;+COPS? 11-30 21:14:12.265 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +COPS: 0,0,"CHN-CT",7 11-30 21:14:12.265 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +COPS: 0,1,"CT",7 11-30 21:14:12.265 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:14:12.265 D/CELL_INFO( 974): parseServingCell_234G:711 LTE RSRP=-94 11-30 21:14:12.265 D/CELL_INFO( 974): getServingCell_5G:755 count = 1 11-30 21:14:12.265 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+CSQ 11-30 21:14:12.267 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +CSQ: 24,99 11-30 21:14:12.267 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:14:12.271 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:14:32.276 D/SIGNAL_STRENGTH( 974): requestSignalStrength:720 iradio_version = 1 11-30 21:14:32.276 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+QENG="servingcell" 11-30 21:14:32.281 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +QENG: "servingcell","NOCONN","LTE","FDD",460,11,340DC83,226,1650,3,5,5,5923,-96,-8,-67,10,0,-,31 11-30 21:14:32.281 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:14:32.282 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+COPS=3,0;+COPS?;+COPS=3,1;+COPS? 11-30 21:14:32.284 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +COPS: 0,0,"CHN-CT",7 11-30 21:14:32.284 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +COPS: 0,1,"CT",7 11-30 21:14:32.284 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:14:32.284 D/CELL_INFO( 974): parseServingCell_234G:711 LTE RSRP=-96 11-30 21:14:32.284 D/CELL_INFO( 974): getServingCell_5G:755 count = 1 11-30 21:14:32.284 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+CSQ 11-30 21:14:32.287 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +CSQ: 24,99 11-30 21:14:32.287 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:14:32.292 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:14:52.308 D/SIGNAL_STRENGTH( 974): requestSignalStrength:720 iradio_version = 1 11-30 21:14:52.308 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+QENG="servingcell" 11-30 21:14:52.312 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +QENG: "servingcell","NOCONN","LTE","FDD",460,11,340DC83,226,1650,3,5,5,5923,-95,-9,-64,7,0,-,32 11-30 21:14:52.312 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:14:52.312 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+COPS=3,0;+COPS?;+COPS=3,1;+COPS? 11-30 21:14:52.315 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +COPS: 0,0,"CHN-CT",7 11-30 21:14:52.315 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +COPS: 0,1,"CT",7 11-30 21:14:52.315 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:14:52.315 D/CELL_INFO( 974): parseServingCell_234G:711 LTE RSRP=-95 11-30 21:14:52.315 D/CELL_INFO( 974): getServingCell_5G:755 count = 1 11-30 21:14:52.315 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+CSQ 11-30 21:14:52.317 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +CSQ: 24,99 11-30 21:14:52.317 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:14:52.324 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:15:08.314 D/SST ( 1573): [1] SST.getAllCellInfo(): not implemented 11-30 21:15:08.314 D/SST ( 1573): [1] SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null 11-30 21:15:08.314 D/LocaleTracker( 1573): getCellInfo: cell info=null 11-30 21:15:08.315 D/LocaleTracker( 1573): Can't get cell info. Try again in 512 secs. 11-30 21:15:08.315 D/LocaleTracker( 1573): updateLocale: mcc = null, country = 11-30 21:15:12.325 D/SIGNAL_STRENGTH( 974): requestSignalStrength:720 iradio_version = 1 11-30 21:15:12.325 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+QENG="servingcell" 11-30 21:15:12.330 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +QENG: "servingcell","NOCONN","LTE","FDD",460,11,340DC83,226,1650,3,5,5,5923,-96,-9,-66,6,0,-,31 11-30 21:15:12.330 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:15:12.330 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+COPS=3,0;+COPS?;+COPS=3,1;+COPS? 11-30 21:15:12.334 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +COPS: 0,0,"CHN-CT",7 11-30 21:15:12.335 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +COPS: 0,1,"CT",7 11-30 21:15:12.335 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:15:12.335 D/CELL_INFO( 974): parseServingCell_234G:711 LTE RSRP=-96 11-30 21:15:12.335 D/CELL_INFO( 974): getServingCell_5G:755 count = 1 11-30 21:15:12.335 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+CSQ 11-30 21:15:12.336 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +CSQ: 24,99 11-30 21:15:12.336 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:15:12.340 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643 11-30 21:15:32.349 D/SIGNAL_STRENGTH( 974): requestSignalStrength:720 iradio_version = 1 11-30 21:15:32.349 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+QENG="servingcell" 11-30 21:15:32.353 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +QENG: "servingcell","NOCONN","LTE","FDD",460,11,340DC83,226,1650,3,5,5,5923,-94,-8,-66,12,0,-,33 11-30 21:15:32.353 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:15:32.354 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+COPS=3,0;+COPS?;+COPS=3,1;+COPS? 11-30 21:15:32.357 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +COPS: 0,0,"CHN-CT",7 11-30 21:15:32.357 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +COPS: 0,1,"CT",7 11-30 21:15:32.357 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:15:32.357 D/CELL_INFO( 974): parseServingCell_234G:711 LTE RSRP=-94 11-30 21:15:32.357 D/CELL_INFO( 974): getServingCell_5G:755 count = 1 11-30 21:15:32.357 D/ATC ( 974): AT> AT+CSQ 11-30 21:15:32.359 D/ATC ( 974): AT< +CSQ: 24,99 11-30 21:15:32.359 D/ATC ( 974): AT< OK 11-30 21:15:32.363 D/QtiSubscriptionController( 1573): getPhoneId, received dummy subId 2147483643