Upgrade EG915 Firmare Using QFlash windows 10

I want the lastest Firmare of EG915
and I want to support gpsOneXTRA one firmware

Please provide your detailed firmware version


Revision: EG915NEUAPR03A03M16 

I have sent them to you,pls check,and I hope you can click the :yellow_heart: for me,thanks

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I am experiencing a problem with uploading the firmware you sent.

I can only upload a ZIP file, but I encounter a timeout error each time I attempt to upload it:

Here’s the development kit I’m using:

However, I am using the EG915 module. I am unsure which port to use for the firmware update:

  • Should I use the COM port (UART)?
  • Or should I use the USB port? If so, which one?

Here’s a photo of the available ports:

Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.

You can pull the BOOT pin up by forcing download mode

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thanks it’s work with me :slight_smile:

I need the driver for windows 10.
Can you help me?

Please provide your full firmware version