RM520N-GL latest firmware and drivers for Windows and Linux

Hi @silvia
Driver issue resolved when switching from NDIS to MBIM.

Thanks to still confirm regarding Ethernet PDU support (or planned for future?)


thanks @silvia, can you also provide Qfirehose.ipk package to install on openwrt? thanks

this are the opewnrt specifications:
Target: mediatek
Subtarget: filogic
Package architecture: aarch64_cortex-a53

I’m not part of the support, but I use OpenWRT too and use this source GitHub - nippynetworks/qfirehose: Quectel qfirehose utility to upgrade modems using the firehose protocol, I build it for my OpenWRT device and can flash Quectel firmwares with it just fine.

Dear @silvia,
I own a RM520N-GL, here are the versions:
Dec 13 2022 12:23:36
Authors: Quectel

SubEdition: V01


Could you send me the RM520NGLAAR01A06M4G_01.200.01.200 firmware package or zip as well as the latest update please?

@Nemir thanks for your reply. I visited the link your suggested. Unfortunatelly the page is almost cinese (默认不使能通知功能。如需使能文件方式通知逻辑需要在编译时指定宏), and I don’t know how to compile or cross compile for openwrt. Any tip?

I reply myself since I succesfyully upgraded the modem RM520NGL

  1. Download locally the firmware you get from quectel support and unzip it into Downloads folder.
  2. Open terminal CLI a digit following commands:
ssh root@ # login to router IP address
wget https://downloads.openwrt.org/releases/23.05.5/packages/aarch64_cortex-a53/packages/qfirehose_1.4.9-1_aarch64_cortex-a53.ipk
opkg install qfirehose_1.4.9-1_aarch64_cortex-a53.ipk
scp -r USER@192.168.1.XX:~/Downloads/RM520NGLAAR01A08M4G_01.206.01.206 /tmp/RM520NGLAAR01A08M4G_01.206.01.206
qfirehose -f /tmp/RM520NGLAAR01A08M4G_01.206.01.206

Wait the end of process

Dear @t.hill
Yes, it need Ethernet board. You can check your 5G.M2 evaluation board, did it have the slot to install it.

Dear @sebam
Actually, if install PC directly, it should be provided by the PC OS.
Currently, we support the flow as below:

Dear @Nemir
I have sent to your email, please check.

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Thank you, I got it. Can you also send me the RM520NGLAAR01A06M4G_01.200.01.200 version? So we can rollback and test our upgrade procedure more than one time :wink:

Dear @Nemir
I have sent to your email, please check.