RM502Q-GL Latest firmware

Sorry, R08 to R06 is not allowed, but I can’t find the firmware for R08

Thanks for checking.

We need RM502Q-GL firmware version until 2022. Please send it to the post office segadrozdik@gmail.com

Hello. I need RM502Q-GL of R05,R11,R12 firmware, please sent to email for 935341417@qq.com. Thank you very much.

I have sent it to your email,pls check,and I hope you can click the :yellow_heart: for me, thanks

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I have sent it to your email,pls check,and I hope you can click the :yellow_heart: for me, thanks

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RM502QGLAAR05A03M4G,I need this Firmware,Thank you.I need RM520QGLAA05A03M4G

I can’t find this version in our database

Hi, i need RM502Q-GL For R12A01 version firmware,my email is 935341417@qq.com.Than you.

Hi,Sorry to bother you again.Could you provide me with the firmware named RM502QGLAAR12A01M4G for 502q gl, as well as any older firmware that name’s starts with RM502QGLAAR05?Many Thanks!

I can’t find this version of firmware either


Could you please send me the latest firmware for EC20CEFILGR06A07M1G and EC20CEFAGR06A07M4G?

Thanks a lot.

I have sent them to your email,pls check,and I hope you can click the :yellow_heart: for me, thanks

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We need RM502Q-GL firmware version until 2022. Please send it to the post pstasp@gmail.com

I have sent them to your email,pls check,and I hope you can click the :yellow_heart: for me, thanks

Hi! I own a RM502Q-GL module. It came with firmware RM502QGLAAR05A03M4G_01.002.01.002 and I upgrade it to RM502QGLAAR11A02M4G_01.200.01.200. Is this the latest firmware? If not please sent me the latest one. Thank you. mailto: frozen_blueberries@outlook.com

it is the latest firmware,so,you don’t need to update it