Hi. I am currently implementing CoAP communication using BG95-M6.
Referring to the description in the document, it seems that the following is used when sending CoAP.
This example asks to write a string
but I want to send a payload consisting of bynary instead of a string.
or, if I enter a Hex string, can I send this as payload?
“Quectel_BG95&BG77&BG600L_Series_LwM2M_Application_Note_V1.0.pdf” provided by your company is convenient, but the usable LwM2M Objects are limited, and we want to implement LwM2M directly in the CoAP layer to flexibly use [GET, POST, PUT, DELETE], Torken, and CoAP Options using CoAP’s Header.
And we tried to use the “application/vnd.oma.lwm2m+tlv” format to reduce the payload size.
We have implemented it in our server as well, and we only need to implement communication on the device, but we didn’t know that the module can’t send binary packets.
If there is no way, we will use “application/vnd.oma.lwm2m+json” as an alternative.