Quectel EC25-E latest firmware

Could I also get the latest firmware for EC25E?
I seem to have the following:

I have sent it to your email,pls check

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Thank you Herbert.
I have received the mail.


Hello, could I also have the latest firmware version for the EC25-E? Would it be possible to also have the list of firmware versions with their release notes?

Thanks in advance
Giovanni Usai

I have sent it to your email,pls check

Thank you, would it be possible to have the English version of the release notes?

Hi could i also get the latest FW for the EC25-EU? I need also the tools for updating.
My current FW Version is EC25EUGAR06A05M4G_BETA1108

Thanks in advance.

Can you send me latest firmware of EC25-E with flash tool to my email?

Please provide your detailed firmware version


My current version is EC25EFAR06A11M4G_01.001.01.001. And how to enable serial debug on this card? Same question with ADB

I have sent the latest firmware to your email,pls check

Do you have any guide about how to enable debug uart port and adb on EC25-E Mini PCIe version?

Iā€™m using EC25EFAR08A05M4G_20.001.20.00
but it is not support Korean carrier for VoLTE such like KT,SK,LG
can you share lastest firmware and EC25EFAR08A03M4G_KR_BETA221125 too?
We bought USB type EC25E from Quectel Korea


The output for my firmware is EC25EFAR06A16M4G, iā€™m having problems using esim at commands. Could I have the latest compatible firmware for those commands?

Could you please send me the latest firmware version for the EC25-E?
Would it be possible to also have the list of firmware versions with their release notes?
AT+QGMR response with EC25EFAR06A11M4G_01.001.01.001

Thanks in advance


I have sent the latest firmware to your email,pls check

Thank you very much.

Best regards

Hello all! Please send me new firmware and flashing tools for reprogramming ec25-e. Thanks :pray:

I have sent them to your email,pls check

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Could you please send me the latest firmware version for the EC25?
My output from ŠŠ¢+QGMR is something like that


Thanks in advance

eng. Tihomir Kolev