Quectel EC25-E latest firmware

Thank you !
Can you also send me recent EC25 Series eSIM
AT Commands Manual ?

I have sent it to you,pls check,I hope you can click the :yellow_heart: for me,thanks

Hi @herbert.pan-Q,

I have some EC25-EFA (MiniPCIE) running on Raspberry Pi & and LTE Hat. Can I have the latest FW for those devices ? And also the tool that I can use to flash them from the Raspberry Pi ?

Current FW is EC25EFAR06A08M4G_01.007.01.007

Mathieu F.

I have sent the latest firmware and upgrade tool to you,pls check,I hope you can click the :yellow_heart: for me,thanks

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Thanks for your answer. I’ve got another EC25-E devkit on my desk, currently running EC25EFAR08A04M4G_20.001.20.001 version.

Can I update with the same FW you’ve shared (EC25EFAR06A20M4G_20.200.20.200) or should I get another FW version to udpate this board ?

Mathieu F.

I have sent the R08 firmware and upgrade tool to you,pls check,I hope you can click the :yellow_heart: for me,thanks

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Hi, Can I have latest firmware for my EC25-E. Now it’s using EC25EFAR06A11M4G. And I also encounter with “CME ERROR: 3” when try to restart modem using “AT+CFUN=1,1” command.

Hey, could I get the most recent firmware for EC25EUGAR06A04M4G_01.004.01.004?


I have sent the latest firmware to you,pls check,I hope you can click the :yellow_heart: for me,thanks

ERROR 3 is usually caused by communication with the UART, it is recommended that you use USB to try

I have sent the latest firmware to you,pls check,I hope you can click the :yellow_heart: for me,thanks

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Hello support,

Can I get the latest firmware for EC25


Revision: EC25EFAR06A11M4G

I’ll need an instructions/tools to flash it on arm7 Linux (a custom Allwinner board)

Thanks in advance!

Best wishes,

I have sent the latest firmware to you,pls check,I hope you can click the :yellow_heart: for me,thanks

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Thanks for provided firmware files.

Could you please give me an instructions/guide on how the new firmware should be applied?

Best wishes,

I have sent it to you,pls check

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Hi Support,

Can I get the latest firmware for EC25EFA,

Current I have: EC25EFAR06A10M4G

Thank You :slight_smile:
Best Regards from Poland

@herbert.pan-Q thank you so much.

But the package you sent seems to be for Windows while I need to flash the firmware under Linux OS.

Do you have a tool for flashing the firmware under Linux?

Thanks in advance,

Can You send for me the new firmware please? EC25EUGAR06A04M4G installed now

(post deleted by author)

@herbert.pan-Q could you send me the latest firmware for ec-25-e? My current revision: EC25EFAR06A03M4G