Quectel ec200u-cn SFS App Note

Hi currently working with a project where there is the need of secure file storage system because whenever someone run the command through UART on Quectel ec200u-cn module then module is giving list from user file storage and secure file storage both.
So is there any mechanism using which we can restrict unknown user to access the content of secure file storage?
Because I want to store certificate inside secure file storage which can be used for secure communication using module.
Whatever app note is provided related to file operations for module only provide information regarding how to list the file how to store content into the file but there is provision like how to use the secure file system properly means how to secure the content on secured file from any unauthorized access.
If anybody is having any information regarding this then kindly share it it will be very helpful to me.
Thank you

Hi @Nikunj_Vadher
Such as mail communication, the current module has a dedicated SFS space, but there is no encryption method.