Quecopen SMS read on EC200UCN

You may want to use UCS2 to send these SMSs if GSM doesn’t work.

ql_sms_send_msg(0, "<urPhoneNum>", "hello,你好~!@#$%^&*()_+<>?:{}|H!!!Ç, ~ å Ã", UCS2);

Sent as 16-bit Unicode characters, I believe.

UCS2 is 16 bit but not quite the same as UTF16.
UTF16 is better, but our module doesn’t seem to support it. UCS2 does the job well anyways.

It looks like a tiny sub-set of 16-bit Unicode.

Should we be able to send text-mode SMSs with AT+CSCS="UCS2" set?

My RM500Q-AE reports “ERROR” from AT+CMGS=<destination> immediately (before the “>” prompt shows), with “UCS2” set, but not with “GSM” or “IRA”.

Or is “UCS2” only for reading incoming SMSs?

Hi @snowgum,
I’m sorry but I don’t know STD firmware really well. UCS2 works well on QuecOpen.
You might want to create a new thread about this so others can help.