I encountered an issue when I tried to use IRadio 1.1 by replacing libreferance-ril.so. The following error appeared in the logcat: "dlopen /system/lib64/libnetutils.so failed: dlopen failed: library /system/lib64/libnetutils.so needed or dlopened by /vendor/lib64/hw/libreference-ril.so is not accessible for the namespace (default)." After that, when I attempted to replace the libril.so and libreference-ril.so for IRadio 1.6, I couldn’t replace the libril.so file. It kept generating the default libril.so file from the source code of rild. Do you have any idea about how to stop the regeneration of this file?
Do you have the ril for IRadio 1.6, and what is the version?
It is a technical problem to replace the libril.so with the one provided by Quectel.
As I tried, you could compile the rild first and even use the PRODUCT_COPY_FILES to copy the prebuilt rild into the Android image.
Yes, I have the IRadio 1.6 version of libril.so and libreference-ril.so. I tried using the PRODUCT_COPY_FILES inside the device.mk and android.mk (ril/libril) but encountered an error. Is there any other way to copy the libril.so file?, is there any way to change the path of ril?
I can’t unable to locate the inbuilt AOSP libril.so file generation, When I removed the libil source code in my AOSP, I encountered numerous errors in my build so First I will try in Android automotive 11 version PRODUCT_COPY_FILES is working in this version of android, I am using the libreference-ril.so (1.1) for a IRadio 1.1. After this, my ec200u can detect my SIM, and when I make a call to this SIM, it rings. However, I can’t get internet access. I will attach the log below.
At least I think that we can see the mobile in the Android.
It is hard to get the root cause.
Just from the log, I just guess that it miss the APN info. D/DCT-C-0 ( 946): trySetupData: X No APN found retValue=false
If you try to provide the log, it is better to use the logcat -b all.
You already could see the /dev/ttyUSBx and the usb0. For EC200U we do not need the qmi and cdc-wdm driver and there would not generate the /dev/cdc-wdmX. cdc-wdm would work for QMI and MBIM driver.
I already added this but it doesn’t work,I need a support in EC20 GSM i added the.so file and service in a desire location how can i get a latitude and longitude in a logcat? Is there any debug method to find a gsm is working or not
If there is no EC200 module on the evaluation board, and I add the network attributes, will I still be able to see the mobile network option on my evaluation board?