Revision: RM520NGLAAR01A08M4G
I need to request access to the latest firmware, windows drivers, and linux drivers for RM520N-GL.
Thank You
Revision: RM520NGLAAR01A08M4G
I need to request access to the latest firmware, windows drivers, and linux drivers for RM520N-GL.
Thank You
I have sent them to your email,pls check,and I hope you can click the for me,thx
I do have a quick question, you sent me the version V0108_01.203.01.203, but I know that version V0304_01.204.01.204 came out in October, any reason your not suggestion the October version?
I have sent it to your email,pls check,and I hope you can click the for me,thx
Why are the gps AT commands not in the AT command guide pdf?? Is there a separate AT command guide for controlling the gps?
I have sent it to your email,pls check,and I hope you can click the for me,thx